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Japhet : Japheth, youngest of Noah’s three sons. The phrase “cultured son of Japheth” distinguishes a Christian from a Hamite (q.v.) or a Semite (q.v.).
... succeeded? I think that nowhere is life less truly enjoyable than in brilliant and arrogant Europe. The naked African seems to me to be happier and more genuinely luxurious than the cultured son of Japhet. 1 It is this very trying hard that spoils the endeavour. What a grotesque conception indeed is this of trying hard to be joyous! Delight, joyousness, ananda either are by nature or they do ...
... M-lal and Company are not running away from the Sm. Tail - they are only running after the paternal tail - as soon as they have stroked it sufficiently, they will return. All the Lais have gone like Japhet in search of their fathers and will return in June... Two others asked for filial leave - one is perhaps still thinking of running after P.T. But we are beginning to kick. One 'leave' has been refused ...
... M-lal and Company are not running away from the Sm. Tail—they are only running after the paternal tail—as soon as they have stroked it sufficiently, they will return. All the Lals have gone like Japhet in search of their fathers and will return in June, except M who comes back, I believe, after 15 days. Two others asked for filial leave—one is perhaps still thinking of running after P. T. But we ...
... me. M-lal and Company are not running away from the Sm. Tail—they are only running after the paternal tail—as soon as they have stroked it sufficiently, they will return. All the Lals have gone like Japhet in search of their fathers and will return in June, except M who comes back, I believe, after 15 days. Two others asked for filial leave—one is perhaps still thinking of running after P.T. But we are ...
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