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Jayaswal : Kashi Prasad (1871-1937), a pioneer in diverse fields of Indology. His main field of activity, however, was research in Indian history & culture. He is author of Hindu Polity, a study of ancient civic assemblies of India. He illumined many dark corners of Indian history. Jayaswāl was a prime mover in starting the Patna Museum & the Bihar Research Society. [Dict. of National Biography, in 4 volumes, ed. S.P. Sen, Institute of Historical Studies, Calcutta, 1972-74]
... the Brihat-Samhitā "locates them in the northern or north-western division of India along with the Ārjunāyanas". 4 Jayaswal 5 writes: "The find-spot of Yaudhēya coins suggests that an unnamed state beyond the Beas reached by Alexander was theirs." Altekar 6 agrees with Jayaswal: "The great republic beyond the Beas, of which Alexander's army heard alarming reports in 326 B.C., was most probably... of vocables excludes the Gadaharas. What about the expression Śaka - Murunda ? It is understood as meaning either "Śakas and Murundas" or -with "Murunda'' serving as a title - "Śaka lords". Jayaswal 1 proposed to include in it not only the Śakas of Western India but also the smaller Śaka chieftains who were the Gadaharas and the two other Scythian tribes in the Punjāb along with them. His ...
... The facts about these bodies—I have selected only those that are significant for my purpose—are taken from the luminous and scrupulously documented contribution of Mr. Jayaswal to the subject. ...
... 1922, I Jagan Nath, In The Journal of the Bihar Research Society, XXXI Jairazbhoy, R. A., Foreign Influence in Ancient India (Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1963) Jayaswal, K. P., Hindu Polity, I In The Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society (Patna), XVII Jones, Sir William, In Asiatic Researches, IV Journal Asiatique, Le ...
... Cambridge University Press. Hastings. ]., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, (13 Vols.), New York. Hiriyanna, M., Outlines of Indian Philosophy, George Alien & Unwin, London. Jayaswal, K.R, Hindu Polity, Calcutta, 1924. Kunhan Raja, C., The Vedas, A Cultural Study, Andhra University, 1957. Mira, Veda Education in Ancient India, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi, 1964. ...
... 1989 Integral Vision (Annual) Sri Aurobindo Society, Colombo WORKS OF OTHER AUTHORS Arjava (Chadwick, J.A.) Dalal, A.S. Dowsett, Norman C. Dowsett, N.C. and Jayaswal Gokak, V.K. Gupta, Nolini Kanta Heehs, Peter Huta (Hindocha) Jauhar, S.N. Joshi, Kireet and Artaud, Yvonne Mukherjee, Jugal Nandakumar, Prema Nirodbaran Nishikanto ...
... Press, Evanston, 1970. Inati, S.C., A study oflbn sin's Mysticism, Keganpaul International, London, 1996. lyengar, M. Srinivasa, Tamil Studies, The Guardian Press, Madras, 1914. Jayaswal, K.R, Hindu Polity, Calcutta, 1924. Jnanananda Bharati (ed.), The Essence of Yoga Vasista, Samata Books, Madras, 1986. Jullian Ries, " Immortality" in the Encyclopedia of Religion, ...
... Rangaswami, 380, 525 Iyengar, S. Srinivasa, 340fn, 527 Jadhav, Khasirao, 47,63,216,202,260,394, 507 Jadhav, Madhavrao, 47, 216 Jauhar, Surendranath, 750, 760,764 Jayaswal, K. P., 508 Jinnah,M.A.,529,702,710 Joan of Arc 55,191 Johnson, Lionel, 99 Jones, Sir William, 13 Joyce, James, 535 Julius Caesar, 140 ...
... about the glory that was Ind? In the third of the four chapters on Indian Polity, Sri Aurobindo goes into somewhat greater detail - drawing freely upon the researches of scholars like K.P. Jayaswal - about the organisation of government in ancient India, a system that was efficient as well as elastic, and secured authority for the State as well as freedom for the communities constituting the ...
... Indians, on the contrary, by whom husbandmen are 1.Mookerji, The Gupta Empire, p. 89. 2. Ibid. 3.Sachau, Albērūnī's India, II, p. 7. 4.Ed. R. Sankyayana, appended to Jayaswal's Imperial History of India, p. 48, verses 649 ff. 5.Book II, 36. The Classical Accounts..., p. 233. Page 217 regarded as a class that is sacred and inviolable, the ...
... Cotton , stating that he started on it at 8 pm on 19th January and read up to page 138 "in one breath" when he had to stop at 2 am, and that he had never found so absorbing a book since he read Jayaswal's Hindu Polity in a single sitting in 1943. He sent it for printing straightaway, sending some more reference books to Amal and offering to make provision for some appendices. Here is Amal's amusing ...
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