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Jehovah : corrupt form of “Yahweh”, the God of Old Testament.

52 result/s found for Jehovah

... title 'father': 'Father of jealousies', 'cruel Father of men'. Further, as is well known, 'Urizen is Blake's version of the Jehovah of the Old Testament, the creator of this world, a mistaken demon not to be worshipped... At times, indeed, he sets Jesus up in contrast to Jehovah." 296 Would we then not be wise to suspect an interpretation which openly makes Christ the secondary Godhead? The answer... thunderous sounds as never Were sounded from a mortal cloud, nor on Mount Sinai old,... And they elected Seven, call'd the Seven Eyes of God, Lucifer, Moloch, Elohim, Shaddai, Pahad, Jehovah, Jesus. They nam'd the eighth: he came not, he hid in Albion's Forests. But first they said: (& their Words stood in Chariots in array Curbing their Tygers with golden bits ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... naturally enough, it's this evolutionary power that made them taste the fruit of knowledge." Which infuriated Jehovah. "Because it enabled man to become godlike by the power of an evolution of consciousness. That's why he drove them away from Paradise." "Was man then banished by Jehovah or by his own consciousness?" asked a perplexed Satprem. "Beg pardon! Theon always maintained that the 'Serpent'... 'Serpent' wasn't at all Satan, but the symbol of evolution—Theon was wholly pro-evolution —evolution in a spiral; and the earthly Paradise, on the contrary, was under the domination of Jehovah, the great Asura who claimed to be unique —who wanted to be the only God. For Theon, there is no one and only God, there is the Unthinkable. It's not a 'God'." Then Mother said in a slow thoughtful voice ...

... did he pick that up? I don't know. It's in The Revolt of the Angels. He says that Satan is the true God and Jehovah, the 'one and only God,' is the monster. And when the angels wanted Satan to become the only God, he perceived that he was immediately taking on all the failings of Jehovah! So he refused. He said, 'No-no, thank you very much!' It's an admirable story. And in exactly the same vein as... caught the idea . . . intuitively." She referred again to Sri Aurobindo. "'Very good,' he would have said while reading The Revolt of the Angels. 'True, which of the two should we believe?' "Jehovah or the rebellious Angel who wanted Page 181 to take his place? Then, as an associated recollection crossed her mind, Mother said, "Do you remember I once told you I had clothed ...

... lists all that the human mind exceeds and in the course of listing them he writes: Jehovah — with his thunder and the choir Of shouting Angels and the empyreal throne — I pass them unalarmed... Hearing these verses, Blake turned pale and asked his friend: "Does Mr. W. think he can surpass Jehovah?" Then an acute colic set in, which went on increasing and almost threatened to kill Blake ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... got a bowel complaint that nearly killed him, when he read Wordsworth's lines on passing Jehovah unalarmed and on realising that nothing   can breed such fear and awe As fall upon us often when we look  Into our minds, into the mind of man.   "Does Mr. Wordsworth think he can surpass Jehovah?" Blake asked in horror. On the other hand, when the Immortality Ode was read out to him ...


... a thrashing must be intended. Anything like that here? NB: There you are then, Sir! You admit that Mother did look a little longer than usual — that's a point gained! Sri Aurobindo: Just Jehovah, man! What of that? Can't Mother look longer without being 'furious'? NB: Is it about that girl I wrote to you of long ago and got a smack? Sri Aurobindo: Consider yourself smacked this time... (9)"Glorious! You must begin glittering at once..." 52 (10)"Gracious heavens! you are really a poet." 53 (11)"Lord God in omnibus!" 34 (12)"By Jove, yes!" 55 (13)"Great Jehovah!" 56 (14)"Wa Allah! It seems to me at the moment one of the finest poems you have yet written. Praise be!" 57 (15)"By George! But that's a drastic remedy..." 58 (16)"Jehoshaphat ...

... thunder had no edge, it was full of sweetness. Then followed a series of such members of the nether family of terms as "damn", "hell", "deuce", etc., along with their higher counterparts "Eternal", "Jehovah", "Shobhan Allah", "Good Heavens", "Good   Page 114 Lord", and so on. From these ejaculations you can ascertain the nature, the intensity, and the extent of the good relation... She didn't; she only looked at you a little longer than usual.         Question: Ah! there you are then! Mother did look longer — that's a point gained!         Sri Aurobindo: Just Jehovah, man! What of that? Can't Mother look longer without being furious?         Question: There must have been something. I can take any amount of thrashing with grace, even with good grace, as ...


... Evil, it was the evolutionary force, the force, the power of evolution, and of course it was the power of evolution that had made them taste of the fruit of knowledge. And so, according to him, Jehovah was the chief of the Asuras, the supreme Asura, the egoistic god who wanted to Page 92 dominate everything and have everything under his control. And once he had taken the position of supreme... sense of good and evil. But, of course, that spoiled everything and he could not stay there. He was driven out by his own consciousness. He could no longer stay there. But were they driven out by Jehovah or by their own consciousness? It is just two different ways of saying the same thing. According to me, all these old Scriptures and these old traditions have different levels of meaning ( Mother ...


... when it feels inclined to and doesn't when it isn't. July 3, 1937 I am sure you won't find much inconsequence here, and you will be charmed by the subtle beauty of the poem... Great Jehovah! ... except, perhaps, at places it may be too "toffee" for you! The toffee is there! S complains of a lot of weakness, buzzing in the ear, no appetite, sound in the abdomen... I am afraid... Brahman in everybody and everywhere or what? It is not spiritual realisation, I suppose, I mean realisation of Self? You see I am a nincompoop in this business. Please perorate a little. Eternal Jehovah! You don't even know what Brahman is! You will next be asking me what Yoga is or what life is or what body is or what mind is or what sadhana is! No, sir, I am not proposing to teach an infant class ...

... thunder had no edge, it was full of sweetness. Then followed a series of such members of the nether family of terms as "damn", "hell", "deuce", etc., along with their higher counterparts "Eternal", "Jehovah", "Shobhan Allah", "Good Heavens", "Good Lord", and so on. So you can ascertain from these ejaculations the depth, the intensity, and. the extent of the good relation between us. Not only doghead,... SRI AUROBINDO: She didn't; she only looked at you a little longer than usual. QUESTION: Ah! there you are then! Mother did look longer—that's a point gained! SRI AUROBINDO : Just Jehovah, man! What of that ? Can't Mother look longer without being furious? Page 114 QUESTION: There must have been something. I can take any amount of thrashing with grace, even with good ...


... individuality, he is force, he is capacity; he is the second power of God, wrath, strength, grandeur, rushing impetuosity, overbearing courage, the avalanche, the thunderbolt; he is Balaram, he is Jehovah, he is Rudra. As such we may admire and study him. But the vibhuti, though he takes self-gratification and enjoyment on his way, never comes for self-gratification and enjoyment. He comes for ...


... Brahman in everybody and everywhere or what? It is not spiritual realisation, I suppose, I mean realisation of Self? You see I am a nincompoop in this business. Please perorate a little. Eternal Jehovah! you don't even know what Brahman is! You Page 667 will next be asking me what Yoga is or what life is or what body is or what mind is or what sadhana is! No, sir, I am not proposing to ...


... Englishmen fell upon Shaw much more indignantly than they had done when he had flouted their conventional religious notions about God. They exclaimed: "This fellow was bad enough when he criticised Jehovah and his thunder Page 380 and brimstone, but Blake and others had done similar things and in any case we can't exactly say that God is an Englishman. Nobody has uttered a cross word ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... and, aloft ascending, breathe in worlds To which the heaven of heavens is but a veil. All strength - all terror, single or in bands, That ever was put forth in personal form - Jehovah - with his thunder and his choir Of shouting Angels, and the empyreal thrones - I pass them unalarmed. Not chaos, not The darkest pit of lowest Erebus, Nor aught of blinder vacancy ...


... there was no fear for the ultimate triumph of the faithful. It is described in the Christian Bible how the cult of the true faith was almost extinguished by persecution and all Israel turned from Jehovah to foreign idols, and even the chief prophet of the faith thought himself alone and hid his head. God called to him to go forth and strive with the priests of Baal. "Always," He said, "in the nation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... same thing (I now know that Anatole France had never read Theon's story, but I can't imagine where he picked this up). It's in The Revolt of the Angels . He says that Satan is the true God and that Jehovah, the "only God," is the monster. And when the angels wanted Satan to become the one and only God, Satan realized he was immediately taking on all Jehovah's failings! So he refused: "Oh, no—thank you ...


... the power of evolution—the force, the power of evolution. And it was natural that this power of evolution would make them taste the fruit of knowledge. Page 62 Now, according to Theon, Jehovah was the chief of the Asuras , 6 the supreme Asura, the egoistic God who wanted to dominate everything and keep everything under his control. And of course this act made him furious, for it enabled ...


... became conscious of himself. Naturally, this ruined everything and he couldn't stay: it was his own consciousness that drove him out of Paradise—he could no longer stay. Then was man banished by Jehovah or by his own consciousness? These are just two ways of seeing the same thing! In my view, all these old Scriptures and ancient traditions have a graduated content ( gesture showing different ...


... doubt about the Divine mingled with the Christian-antichristian conception of an arbitrary God who acts in the world according to his caprice and must be therefore either Page 360 Jehovah or a monster. There is the difficulty of seeing the Divine in the human and the human in the Divine. There is the difficulty that the Divine has not answered to your call. Old reiterances, all these ...

... I'll have to run with smelling salts from one lady to another! Sri Aurobindo: Father is too domestic and Semitic - Abba Father! I feel as if I had suddenly become a twin-brother of the Lord Jehovah. Besides, there are suggestions of a paternal smile and a hand uplifted to smite which do not suit me. Let the ladies "father" me if smelling salts are the only alternative, but let it not be ...

... 'almost'. 49 (31)NB: R's pleurisy is much better. The remaining few signs are of no importance, only he must not expose himself to cold, neither smoke much nor take wine. Sri Aurobindo: Jehovah! You are recommending him a little smoke and wine? What next? All right - except for the last ominous touch. 50 (32)NB: People are longing to see the first batch of the supramental species from ...

... Hebrew, Aramaic or—? Swahili. African language, sir, somewhere in West Africa There you are then, Sir! You admit that Mother did look a little longer than usual—that's a point gained! Just Jehovah, man! What of that? Can't Mother look longer without being furious? But quarrel over over that... [Sri Aurobindo underlined the phrase.] Another ellipse? or a collapse? It sounds like ...

... shall have to run from one lady to another with smelling salt! SRI AUROBINDO: Father is too domestic and Semitic—Abba Father! I feel as if I had suddenly become a twin brother of the Lord Jehovah. Besides there are suggestions of a paternal smile and a hand uplifted to smite which do not suit me. Let the ladies "father" me if smelling salts are the only alternative, but let it not be generalised ...


... and everywhere or what? It is not spiritual realisation, I suppose, I mean realisation of Self ? You see I am a nincompoop in this business. Please perorate a little. [Sri Aurobindo:] Eternal Jehovah! You don't even know what Brahman is! You will next be asking me what Yoga is or what life is or what body is or what mind is or what sadhana is! No, sir, I am not proposing to teach an infant class ...


... Divine chastises also in the same way. The Asura or the anti-divine he does not kill with one blow nor even with many blows of his thunderbolt or burn away with his red wrath. The image of Zeus or Jehovah is a human figuration: it depicts the human way of dealing with one's enemies. The Divine deals with the undivine in the divine way, Page 76 for the undivine too is not something outside ...

... of an Everlasting Nay – refer to this fact of a descending consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic māyā , spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness ...

... Divine chastises also in the same way. The Asura or the anti-divine he does not kill with one blow nor even with many blows of his thunderbolt or burn away with his red wrath. The image of Zeus or Jehovah is a human figuration: it depicts the human way of dealing with one's enemies. The Divine deals with the undivine in the divine way, for the undivine too is not something outside the Divine. The Asura ...

... some-what differently: the gods are made more human, too human, j as has often been observed. Zeus and Juno (Hera) are infinitely more human than Isis and Osiris or Moloch and Baal or even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not the sunshine, the radiance and smile of Apollo (Apollo Belvedere) or Hermes. The Greeks might ...

... moulded flame without one flaw. Even Homer has his proverbial "nods", Shakespeare the "unblot-ted" roughnesses bewailed by Ben Jonson, and Milton the wooden sublimities he puts into the mouth of his Jehovah -yes, even Milton the arch-artist, for unfortunately his sense of art often proved stronger than his sense of inspiration and he was satisfied if his blank verse rolled majestic word and rhythm without ...


... called, he justified them; so justified, he glorified them (Romans 8, 29)." Here "many brethren" are clearly compatible with "the first-born".   It is true that in the matter of dedication Jehovah did not exempt the firstborn child who had no brother or sister and also that the word "firstborn" can connote a birth's taking place for the first time in a person's house, yet by involving a numerical ...

... opened through fire by the Powers of the Light, to lead it towards the new Civilization – that of the Spirit!’ Which strangely contradicts the motto of the book, taken from the Bible and referring to Jehovah: ‘He shall rule the Nations with a rod of iron.’ Says Richard: ‘They talk of the war aims of all the belligerents. But they speak not of those which alone count – for it is they alone which will be ...

... to put new wine in old bottles, to call old things by new names, to disregard associations etc. If I say I believe in a personal God, a lot of fools will suppose I mean someone like the Lord God Jehovah on His throne, and if I say I don't believe, others will suppose that I believe in abstraction — a sort of 'Space, Time and Deity' kind of thing. This is merely by way of illustration of the function ...


... specimen, we do not reach the end of the road. There has been throughout philosophical history the spectre of the problem of Evil in the world. It has led the human mind to spawn Hormuzd and Ahriman, Jehovah and Satan and, in less starkly ethical and more comprehensive terms, Brahman and Maya. The ingenious Indian mind got round the glaring antithesis further by declaring that Maya is really a non-existence ...


... Indra, Page 602 but the Lilamaya with Indra, Varuna, Aryaman & Surya united in him. Bhaga was perceived to enter into the presence. Rudra has preceded & will be taken up as soon as the Jehovah form is assimilated. 17 August 1914 Aishwarya— The Kriti is at last succeeding in a greater group of details. Aishwar[y]a has been fulfilled in 1) The defeat of the Germans & their recoil ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... punishment that Page 388 would be abhorred as atrocities in an all-powerful human ruler and could not be other than monstrous in a moral Divine Ruler. A personal God so acting would be a Jehovah-Moloch, a merciless and unrighteous demander of righteousness and mercy. On the other hand an inconscient Force mechanically executing an eternal ethical rule without an author or mover would be a ...


... and lines which its Manu has fixed for it. If there comes an embodied Manu, a living Moses or Mahomed, he is only the prophet or spokesman of the Divinity who is veiled in the fire and the cloud, Jehovah on Sinai, Allah speaking through his angels. Mahomed, as we know, only developed the existing social, religious and administrative customs of the Arab people into a new system dictated to him often ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Révolte des Anges 'Yes, it is true, which of the two should we believe? 1 ( Mother laughs ). Page 293 × Jehovah, or the rebellious Angel who wanted to take his place. ...


... Perhaps if people here had realized the supermind. But are they so exceptional as to expect exceptional treatment? ... As Sri Aurobindo says, people see God as a magnified man: he is the Demiurge, Jehovah—what I call the 'Lord of Falsehood.' Arbitrariness. But the Divine is not like that! People say, 'I gave everything, I sacrificed everything. In exchange, I expect exceptional conditions—everything ...


... nothing to do with Satan, it was the symbol of evolution (Theon was entirely pro-evolution), the spiral path of evolution, and that the earthly paradise, on the contrary, was under the domination of Jehovah, the great Asura who claimed to be unique, who wanted to be the only God. For Theon, there is no such thing as a one and only God: there is the Unthinkable. It's not a "God." But to me this seems ...


... another matter. September 4, 1935 R's pleurisy is much better. The remaining signs are of no importance, only he must not expose himself to cold, neither smoke much nor take wine. Jehovah! You are recommending him a little smoke and wine? What next? All right except for the last ominous touch. September 5, 1935 You remember once you made a prophecy that Y would turn out ...

... uncle has developed a carbuncle! And X expects me to cure it! A case for you, sir. After P! [Regarding a poem of J's:] The confusions of muddy eddies of life are at an end? Wish they were! Jehovah! How far down is your plume? Do you see the great Tail yet? Tail is there—but no use without We head. March 16, 1937 Why did you say "I was"? Have you stopped writing the Mahabharat ...

... Italy, 89, 244 JANAKA,396 Japan, 70, 160,209 Jayachand,9O Jeanne d'Arc, 90 Jeans, Sir James, 317-18, 332-3 -Physics & Philosophy, 317n Jehovah, 220 Johnson, Samuel, 212 Junkerism, 88, 89 Juno, 220 KABALA, 151, 214 Kahler, Erich, 358-9 -Man the Measure, 358 Kali, 327 Kalidasa ...

... is "Brahman consciousness"? It is not spiritual realisation, I suppose, I mean realisation of Self? You see I am a nincompoop in this business. Please perorate a little. Sri Aurobindo: Eternal Jehovah! You don't even know Page 335 what Brahman is? You will next be asking me what Yoga is or what life is or what body is or what mind is or what sadhana is! No, sir, I am not proposing ...

... your refusal, I'll have to run with smelling salts from one lady to another! Father is too domestic and Semitic—Abba 44 Father! I feel as if I had suddenly become a twin-brother of the Lord Jehovah. Besides, there are suggestions of a paternal smile and a hand uplifted to smite which do not suit me. Let the ladies "father" me if smelling salts are the only alternative, but let it not be ...

... of an Everlasting Nay—refer to this fact of a descending consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic mayd, spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness ...

... Nay—refer to this fact of a descending consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic Maya, spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification Page 45 of the lower Overmind. Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness ...

... Indus Valley, 133 Ingres, 429 Inquisitors, the, 99 Iphigenia, 246 Iran, 46 Isaie, 394 JACOB, 397 Jagai-Madhai, 65, 73 Janaka,21 Japan, 421 Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198 Jehovah, 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 K ...

... leaving behind the outward theme, we are in contact with the inner soul and we come across something altogether different which is vast and intensely near and intimate to our own heart. Thus, Jehovah thundering out of Sion, throned Between the Cherubim is kindred to our own Vedic Dawn or the head of the sacrificial fire. Page 44 However foreign and unfamiliar the words ...

... be a shrew to the exclusion of anything else. The veil is a certain memory or habit of being a shrew ... so, there are all the “laws” of the said charming mammal, laws as eternal and solemn as Jehovah himself or Mr Newton. True Matter is something else. It is without a veil and special spectacles. When we reach there, at that pure level — cleansed from the habit of being a certain man — there ...

... Sometimes we wonder if Sri Aurobindo and Mother were not discovering a new divine! A divine who laughs, who dares to laugh for once, after centuries of crucifixions and Sinais under the thunder of Jehovah and ascetics in their solemn cosmic trance. A hell of a change, or in any case a sacred one. Perhaps cosmic consciousness in Matter? And endowed with humor moreover. I saw that what helps and what ...


... what is described, without superfluous epithets, without imagery, without any least rhetorical turn in it. E.g. Cowper's Toll for the brave— The brave! that are no more— is bare. Byron's Jehovah's vessels hold The godless Heathen's wine; does not quite succeed because of a rhetorical tinge that he has not been able to keep out of the expression. When Baxter (I think it was Baxter) writes ...

... is described, without superfluous epithets, without images, without any least rhetorical turn in it. E.g. Cowper's Toll for the brave, The brave who are no more— is bare. Byron's Jehovah's vessels hold The godless heathen's wine; does not quite succeed because of a rhetorical tinge that he has not been able to keep out of the expression. When Baxter (I think it was Baxter) writes ...