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Jericho : a city of Palestine, in the Jordan valley 5 miles north of the Dead Sea. Destroyed & rebuilt several times in its history, its archaeological site dates back to c. 9000 BC. In Old Testament (Joshua:6), the armed men, when they heard the sound of the trumpets blown by the seven priests who followed them, they “shouted with a great shout” in obedience to the command of Joshua; & it so happened that the walls of Jericho “fell down flat”.
... at times a complicated affair. The strata have to be clean-cut and exclude the possibility of a mix-up. Instances are there of radical reversals of archaeological reading. The case of "the walls of Jericho" in relation to the period of the Israelite conquest of Canaan comes from the books of Kathleen Kenyon as a great lesson in complete chronological somersault. 2 A Chronological Caution... Passing Although not directly relevant to our discussion, a certain point 1.Sircar, "The Kushānas", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 144 and fn. 2. 2.See especially Digging Up Jericho (Ernest Benn Ltd., London, 1957), pp. 44-46, 261-62, 271. Page 453 is worth making in relation to the Great Kushānas because rarely do historians take note of it when adjusting their ...
... went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho, and the Lord showed him the whole land: Gilead as far as Dan, 2 all Naphtali, the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Western Sea, 3 the Negeb, and the Plain that is, the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees as far as Zoar. 4 The Lord said to him, "This is the land of which ...
... list of conquests is Lachish whose date is debatable (either the end of the 13th or in early 12th century). Sethna points out that the fall of Jericho has to precede that of Debir and Bethel, i.e. before 1350 B.C. and that Kenyon's comments in Digging up Jericho permit such an earlier date. Further, he shows that the El-Amarna Letters support the Bible's picture of "the lands of Seir (Edom)" as not... Kenyon's excavations. Around the time Albright proposes for the Exodus, both cities of Bethel and Hazor actually fell (c. 1350-1325 B.C.). Even if we accept Kenyon's date c. 1325 B.C. for the fall of Jericho, it rules out Albright's dating of the Exodus to 1294 B.C., whereas it is closer to the Israelites entering Palestine in 1401 B.C. (40 years of wandering after the Exodus). Another city, Debir, shows ...
... really was,—if we took it for our pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night; if we worshipped it as the morning-star of our liberty; if we thought of old myths, of the trumpets that shook down Jericho or the brazen serpent that healed the plague, and nourished fond and secret hopes that the Congress would prove all this and more than this;—surely our infatuation is to be passed by gently as inevitable... ingrained habit; and the tendency to grosser errors has grown not only into a habit, but into a policy. In its broader aspects the failure of the Congress is still clearer. The walls of the Anglo-Indian Jericho stand yet without a breach, and the dark spectre of Penury draws her robe over the land in greater volume and with an ampler sweep. Page 15 ...
... P., The Kautilīya Arthaśāstra: A Study (The University of Bombay, 1965), Parts II & III Kathāsaritsāgara Kaye, P. V., In The Indian Antiquary, 50 Digging up Jericho (Ernest Benn, Ltd., London, 1957) Konow, Sten, In Acta Orientale Lal, B. B., Ancient India, Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, nos. 10 & 11,... 48 Jambudvīpa, 57, 58 Janamajaya, 543 Jātakas, 255, 309 Javan, 258 Javandniyā', 253 Jayasena, 25 Jayaswal.K. P., 425 Jaxartes, 459 Jayadāman, 468, 472 Jericho, iv, v, 453 Jerome Biblical Commentary, 259 Jhelum (Hydaspes), 100 Jivita-gupta, 486-88 Jogalthembi hoard, 469 Johares, 94, 95 Jolly, J., 563, 570, 577 Jones, Sir William ...
... bureaucracy might not benefit by an iniquitous tax. The rulers of India know well that if passive resistance is permitted, the artificial fabric of bureaucratic despotism will fall down like the walls of Jericho before mere sound, with the mere breath of a people's revolution. To save the situation, they resorted to the usual device of stifling the voice of the people into silence. On a frivolous pretext they ...
... "You have answered right; do this, and you will live." 29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" 30 Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side ...
... since the Indian National Congress had commenced its activities with a blazing fanfare of trumpets and deafening bugle-sounds, but where was the Promised Land? The walls of the Anglo-Indian Jericho stand yet without a breach, and the dark spectre of Penury draws her robe over the land in greater volume and with an ampler sweep. 30 What had gone wrong, then? Almost everything! The indictment ...
... Espinosa, with the consent of the elders and of all this holy congregation, in the presence of the holy books: by the 613 percepts which are written therein, with the anathema wherewith Joshua cursed Jericho, with the curse which Elisha laid upon the children, and with all the curses which are written within the law. “Cursed be he by day and cursed by night. Cursed be he in sleeping and cursed be he ...
... cover, so also shall they fail to understand the action of the Yogin, for he is different within from what he is outside. The strength of noise and activity is, doubtless, great,—did not the walls of Jericho fall by the force of noise? But infinite is the strength of the stillness and the silence, in which great forces prepare for action. Page 59 ...
... would have power or a direct existence. This is the point where death lies. This is where evolution could suddenly divide in two — are we dreaming? Then let us dream indeed — as with the walls of Jericho or of China, or before and after the great geological foldings, between the sum total of the old instrumental cycles (the old evolution), from the flagellate to the crab to man, and a new evolution ...
... begin again, here or elsewhere, evolution's eternal quest for love in freedom and joy? But when there will be no more life and death, a formidable wall will fall from our consciousness — as in Jericho — and with it, the most ancient anguish of the earth. 11 Mother's Departure Why did she leave? Why? I have been stumbling against that pain for so many years. 70.294 ...
... ingrained habit; and the tendency to grosser errors has grown not only into a habit, but into a policy. In its broader aspects the failure of the Congress is still clearer. The walls of the Anglo-Indian Jericho stand yet without a breach, and the dark spectre of Penury draws her robe over the land in greater volume and with an ampler sweep." This analysis was made more than a hundred years ago, not today ...
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