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Jonaraja : (c.1389-1459), poet, scholar, historian, astronomer, & physician of Kashmir who, asked by the ruler composed Rājataraṅginī, an account of twenty-three kings of Kashmir in Sanskrit verse. It followed the Rājataraṅginī of Kalhaṇa.

1 result/s found for Jonaraja

... Bhavabhuti, a high and consummate beauty in the perfection of Kalidasa. This drama, this poetry, the prose romances crowded with descriptive detail, monographs like Bana's biography of Harsha or Jonaraja's history of Cashmere, the collections of religious or romantic or realistic tales, the Jatakas, the Kathasaritsagara with its opulence and inexhaustible abundance of narrative in verse, the Panchatantra ...