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Jupiter Jove : Roman God identified with Greek Zeus. In Shelley’s lyrical drama Prometheus Unbound, he represents the tyranny of kings & evil institutions.

81 result/s found for Jupiter Jove

... Saturn (representing the rule of cosmic order), and his fall in turn at the hands of Apollo (Jove), the Power of Light and Beauty. Here is cosmic story told by the thoughtful Titan Oceanus, to his brother, the fallen Saturn: We fall by course of Nature's law, not force Or thunder, or of Jove. Great Saturn, then Hast sifted well the atom — universe... And first, as thou wast... "the Nations far and wide" and imposing "the rule of peace on vanquished foes"; figuring Dido as one of the most living warm-blooded women in poetry; rising in thought sublimity and elevating Jupiter from a mere tribal God bound up with the sanctity and destiny of Rome to a monotheistic divinity governing the whole world; sometimes touching in rare admirable passages lofty sentiments; even giving... its fuller poetic expression in Prometheus Unbound. If this is a veritable cosmic lyric, Savitri is a cosmic epic. Prometheus, the man undergoing "pain, pain ever, for ever" for having defied Jupiter, grows wiser through suffering, gains knowledge of the visible as well as of the "ideal" invisible world. But deliverance would not come until he was united with his love, Asia the child ...

... combination of Sun and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Sun and Jupiter being more powerful will counteract the evil influence of the others. There will be a dash for peace. SRI AUROBINDO: Peace? Peace has been dashed all right, in Norwegian waters by the Allies and in the Baltic by Germany. Saturn and Mars are said to have dashed, aren't they? They seem to be more powerful than Sun and Jupiter. PURANI: They ...

... Changing horizons of the Contemporary youth The Contemporary Youth looks with fresh eyes at the Expanding Universe. He dreams of the Voyage to Jupiter and Saturn. He has seen, as never before, the Earth from the Moon. He is a natural lover of Internationalism. The idea of the Planetary Civilization is growing deep in him. The World... this requires New Education. Page 17 The Contemporary Youth looks with fresh eyes at the Expanding Universe. Page 18 He dreams of the Voyage to Jupiter and Saturn. Page 19 He has seen, as never before, the Earth from the Moon. He is a natural lover of Internationalism The idea of the Planetary Civilization is growing deep in him. ...

... semi-precious stones. According to her, Topaz corresponds to Jupiter, the God of benevolence. It is topmost and has tremendous power over other planets. In 1965 the Mother asked me to wear Topaz, because she explained that the mounts of Jupiter on both my hands are very good and that I derive energy from Sri Aurobindo's Jupiter which is extremely powerful. For Amethyst she has revealed that it ...

... DR. MANILAL: Could you not smash our heads, Sir, as the blacksmith smashed Jupiter's head in the Greek story? SRI AUROBINDO: What is that story? I don't know of any blacksmith doing that. DR. MANILAL: That is what is given in children's books, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: That may be for children. What I know is that Jupiter had a severe pain in his head. Suddenly his head burst open and Minerva came ...

...     In the luminous net of the stars He is caught. Page 201 In the strength of a man, in the beauty of woman,     In the laugh of a boy, in the blush of a girl; The hand that sent Jupiter spinning through heaven,     Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl. These are His works and His veils and His shadows;     But where is He then? by what name is He known? Is He Brahma or Vishnu ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... laurel crown that shall shield his head from the lightnings. But who is the hostile deity against whom the muttered mantras of the Brahmins were invoked to shield the head of our Surendra Caesar? Sir Jupiter Fuller is gone and no other Thunderer takes his place. We repeat, the whole affair was silly in the extreme and we hope it will not be repeated. Mr. A. K. Ghose has gone to Jamalpur. That is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... and passion must free." Mid-August. The heavens penetrate Earth's atmosphere in spectacular fiery showers of falling meteors —the Perseids — which appear from the constellation Perseus. Like Jupiter penetrating Danaë's brazen tower in a shower of gold, for the birth of Perseus. The slayer of Medusa. The deliverer of Andromeda. Page 36 Calcutta. Twenty-four... the blowing of a conch. Its deep resonance filled the morning air, announcing a new birth. To Swarnalata and Krishna Dhan Ghose was born their third son. It was a Thursday. The day named after Jupiter or Thor, the wielder of the thunderbolt. Chance? Coincidence? or planned? I'll opt for the last, because had not the well-born come to "awake heaven's lightning from its slumber's lair"? ...

... own sphere round the central, fixed, but revolving earth. But a better term is the Indian word graha, those that have a hold on the earth. There are seven old planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and two others in process of creation, Rahou & Ketou. In addition there are two dead planets corresponding to Uranus & Herschel and two others not yet discovered. These are called ... appropriate. Mars is Mangal, the auspicious, euphemistically so termed because of his great malignancy; Mercury is Budha, the clever, intellectual god, son of the Moon and Tara wife of Brihaspati; Jupiter is Brihaspati, Prime Minister of Indra, spiritual and political adviser of the Gods; Venus is Sukra, who occupies the same position to the Titans; Saturn is the malevolent Shani, child of the Sun. ...

... all the same. And then, how is it that we are told that human beings could not live on other planets, not even on Jupiter or Venus? (Pavitra) The elements are the same, the chemical elements, for instance, are the same. But those which have been formed, at present—for example in Jupiter there would be an atmosphere of ammonia and carbonic gas... Yes. So the formation is not the same after all... and the psychic being, which is the result of the direct intervention of the Supreme, has been created here exactly for the necessities of this symbolic action. Are there really any beings on Jupiter or Mars? For me, if you ask me, there are beings everywhere. Everywhere. One doesn't see them, that's all. But they are everywhere. But certainly I don't think they are like what we see in the... So one can't say with certainty, "It is like this or like that." One can say, "I saw this," that's all. But one can't recount stories like those in the papers about what is happening on the moon or Jupiter or Venus. One can have an experience and know certain things but usually they are things of a more psychological nature. However, if it is in order to know whether there are some Page 163 ...

... attainable? Physically at least, the heart of the poetry-lover is now not cut off from its goal. But the spheres that have called it are, of course, symbolic, and when the poetry-lover rockets to Venus or Jupiter, he will not outgrow   The desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow, The devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow.   That "something afar" ...

... important date because Mars and Saturn are coming very close together on that day. Already they are pretty close. Astrologers fear some catastrophic destruction on that occasion, a great upheaval. But Jupiter and Venus are coming together on the 21st counteract Mars and Saturn. NIRODBARAN: How can they counteract after the upheaval has taken place. SRI AUROBINDO: After the upheaval, there will be ...

... and the Scorpion; three earthy, the Twins, the Crab and the Girl; three aerial, the Ram, the Balance and the Archer. The only ethereal sign is the Ram, and it is ethereal only when either the Sun or Jupiter occupy it. Each alternate sign beginning from the Ram is moving; each Page 759 alternate sign beginning from the Bull is fixed. The names of the signs have nothing to do with their ...

... will be sent to French Guiana before anything happens. (Laughter. Looking at Purani) By the way Hitler has said that he will enter Paris on the 15th. He may have meant the army. NIRODBARAN: By Jove, how remarkably precise! SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he is getting remarkable guidance from his Asura. Sometimes the Asuras have an extraordinary foresight that comes true with perfect precision both on ...

... the one "who is born king of the Jews". The visit of the Magi may not be history, but, as Kepler calculated in 1603, there was indeed an abnormal phenomenon in the night-sky in 7 B.C. The planets Jupiter and Saturn were in "conjunction" -that is, appeared very close to each other - in the constellation Pisces in a markedly visible manner in the sky of the Mediterranean area three times in that year:... in the ancient world, the School of Astrology at Sipper in Babylonia, found a confirmation of Kepler in a note about the position of the planets in the constellation of Pisces, carefully marking in Jupiter and Saturn over a period of five months in what would be reckoned as 7 B.C. in our calendar. 4 As Jesus is said to have been already born before the Magi saw the impressive astral phenomenon, his ...

... the open heavens of endless expansion. To him the earth is a planet seen from far and from above. In his ideal vision of himself, he is a voyager of Space and Time, and a neighbors of the Moon and Jupiter. Modern youth is an internationalist and a lover of Science. To his inborn sense of idealism, the divisions of the world, political blocks of humanity, discriminations of religion, race and ...

... Page 407 ILA, 189 Ilion, 399 India, 32, 106, 143, 196, 269, 289-90, 338, 357, 361 Indra, 275, 371 Italy, 196 JACOB, 121 Japan, 54, 78, 196 Job, 305 Jupiter, 328 KALI, 80, 249, 297 Kalidasa, 278, 390-1 – Hero and the Nymph, 390 – Vikramorvasie, 39 1n Krishna, 134, 183, 206-7, 350 228, 297, LAKSHMI, 249 Lear, 391 Leo X ...

... what a certain Diocles said one day on seeing Epicurus in a temple: 'What a feast, what a spectacle for me to see Epicurus in a temple! All my doubts vainsh, piety takes its place again. I never saw Jupiter's greatness so well as now when I behold Epicurus kneeling down!"¹ ¹ "Ils ne peuvent plus nous dire qu'il n'y a que de petits esprits qui aient de la piété: car on leur en fait voir de la... temple: 'Quelle fête,' s'écriait-il, 'quelle spectacle pour moi, de voir Epicure dans un temple! Tous mes soupçons s'évanouissent: la piété reprend sa place; et je ne vis jamais mieux la grandeur de Jupiter que depuis que je vois Epicure à genoux!' " a – Bayle: Nouvelle de la République des Lettres. Page 108 What characterises Pascal is the way in which he has bent his brain – not rejected ...

... I Ind 92 India 76, 78, 89, 91, 98, 104 Indra 31 Ionian 52 J Japan 92 Jeanne d'Arc 48 Jules Romains 39 Jules Supervielle 55 Juno 34 Jupiter 32 Jouve 76, 77 K Kali 78 Kalidasa 17, 18, 27, 32 Kanhu 83 Kanwa 8 King Lear 20 King Zeus 34 Krishna 31, 78 Kronos 4 Kumbhodara 17 ...

... veneration. A deep light of knowledge and wisdom shone in his eyes. The wide calm of the Spirit appeared to have converted the whole personality into a radiant Presence, not that of a thunder-wielding Jove but of one who shone with the light of Consciousness. "It was neither my old Professor whom I admired from a distance, nor the seer from whose teachings I had profited at several periods of my ...

... will; and here (Mother refers to the Ashram) it does not indicate the truth. Here, it has no importance.   (Observing the Mother's Palm) For You, Mother, this bump is so prominently marked (Jupiter at the base of the forefinger); it is the spiritual centre. And look how the heart-line enters the spiritual domain.   Yes, because the heart-line is under the spiritual influence.   ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... 21 FEBRUARY 1940 SATYENDRA: Today is another great day according to astrology. Nothing happened on the 13th. DR. MANILAL: Why is today a great day? PURANI: You don't know? Jupiter and Venus have come very close together and that portends great events. DR. MANILAL: They are always close. SATYENDRA: No, this is the first time they are so near each other. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... which means God's love for man. And the soul meant for perdition and about to be seized and carried away by Satan finds itself suddenly free and lifted up and borne by Heaven's messengers. Human Jove is divine love itself in earthly form and figure and whatever its apparent aberrations it is in soul and substance that thing. Satan is hoisted with his own petard. That is God's irony. But Goethe's ...

... little,—the only grace that Heaven allows to doomed institutions and forfeited powers. Like Kansa of old, it seeks to confirm its failing grip on the world by murderous guile and violence or like the Jupiter of Prometheus Unbound gropes for safety through vain diplomacies and the martyrdom of the champions of suffering humanity. Poor in invention except in the cunning variation of savage tortures or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Inquisitors, the, 99 Iphigenia, 246 Iran, 46 Isaie, 394 JACOB, 397 Jagai-Madhai, 65, 73 Janaka,21 Japan, 421 Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198 Jehovah, 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 ...

... yagarbha, out of which the new physical creation will emerge — something in the manner of the legendary Greek goddess Minerva, whole and entire, complete in arms and panoply out of the head of Father Jupiter. Page 31 ...

... ha, out of which the new physical creation will emerge – something in the manner of the legendary Greek goddess Minerva, whole and entire, complete in arms and panoply, out of the head of Father Jupiter. Page 328 ...

... which I had never prayed. So what she had taught me was there in my subconscious. So, I thought, let me pray a little before going. I sat down, Buddha-like, for prayer or for meditation; but, by Jove! As soon as I sat down, God alone knows what I felt. I saw that this part of my head, no exaggeration at all, this part of my head was hanging here (Laughter) and this part [indicating his body]... (Laughter) There was Nolini-da and some others also, and perhaps Amrita-da also. She took her seat, looked at me, and I did pranam at Her feet, offered Her the rose; She blessed me. Then, by Jove, She started looking at me and kept looking at me, it felt as if for eternity, smiling and smiling endlessly, as if She would simply drown me in Her smile; and the others were looking curiously. (Laughter) ...

... earth also. The gods in heaven are high and far away, but these unobtrusive deities are near to our hearth and home. The Greeks referred to the Olympian gods, of high caste and rank as it were,—like Jupiter and Apollo—and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and land, its rivers and trees and fields—the nymph, the satyr, and Pan and dryad and naiad. What are the powers ...

... Virgil, Milton and Shakespeare all piled upon and fused into each other." 183 Tomorrow is 4th April! 184 We are commemorating it thus: 1) Nishikanta sends a big poem—splendid, exquisite. By Jove, what allow and what a poem! Do read it at once, Sir, and let the correspondence go to H—for one day! Correspondence can't be sent to H, either way, unless the light goes out—and then where will... "Shall I write again?" to which R said, "No, I have no time." So he has come to the non-miracle doctor! But why no time, please? Can't say—it is true he has been vet), much occupied recently. By Jove, what a fright you gave me, Sir, about Mulshankar! He told me that this business [headache, constipation, etc.] has been his companion for about 14 years. It's neither worse now nor less severe. All... P.'s trachoma case, if he is free now? I would rather not for the moment. R has Ambu on his hands, two heavy baggages still in the town and other lighter items. April 21, 1936 By Jove, that handwriting of yours is a brilliantly unique specimen! So I have to send back the note-book! Well, but what's the cure? That impossible mantra [10.4.36] which you gave me, I am trying by fits ...

... earth also. The gods in heaven are high and far away, but these unobtrusive deities are near to our hearth and home. The Greeks referred to the Olympian gods, of high caste and rank as it were, – like Jupiter and Apollo – ¹ "The Ambrosia of Dionysus and Semele" in New Poems 1962 (Cassel-London). Page 180 and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and ...

... Milton, relating that he was not unheard of and unadored in ancient Greece and that "in Ausonian land/Men called him Mulciber", writes: and how he fell From Heaven they fabled, thrown by angry Jove Sheer o'er the crystal battlements: from morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, A summer's day, and with the setting sun Dropt from the zenith, like a falling star, On... Proserpin, so now the list of comparisons, beginning with Oread, Dryad, Diana's attendant and Pales and Pomona, ends with a comparison to Ceres in her prime, Yet virgin of Proserpina from Jove. 12 Nor does the clear association of Ceres and of her still unborn daughter with Eve the future "Mother of all Mankind", as she is called in Book XI, 13 stop with the mere comparison. The ...

... ' in 1928, and brought it down as you believe it, it is a question of faith. But this effort is scarcely consistent with the concept of Avatara. It may be stealing the thunders of Jove; but it is not the descent of Jove himself. But I am afraid I have no right to discuss this matter.   Whether he reached a stage of Siddhi or Vasudev-hood, whether he became a transmitting agency of God or was ...

... AUROBINDO: If it is necessary for her to know, she can know by concentration. The physical brain is an instrument of the true individuality. Even the Yogis are not concerned with what is happening on Jupiter or Venus. BECHARLAL: Does an Avatar know everything? SRI AUROBINDO: What everything? It is the same question. Did Rama know it was not a real deer? BECHARLAL: They say that he knew it was ...

... posited first clear and nett. The question next arises how the two are one and identical; this demands some clarification. For, is it meant that they are one and the same in the sense that Zeus and Jupiter are the same or that water and H 2 O are the same? Apart from any barren theorising, is it not a universal and eternal and invariable experience that to attain to the Divine one must leave behind the ...

... posited first clear and nett. The question next arises how the two are one and identical; this demands some clarification. For, is it meant that they are one and the same in the sense that Zeus and Jupiter are the same or that water and H2O are the same? Apart from any barren theorising, is it not a universal and eternal and invariable experience that to attain to the Divine one must leave behind the ...

... grey beech..." What the deuce? Why a beech and not an oak or pine-tree? Or do you mean beach? Guru, I bade the mind keep quiet and allow intuition to flow in and by golly, it has! what? By Jove, yes! April 8, 1938 I cherished a wish to flourish as a story-writer long before the English and Bengali Muse sat on me. Now English poetry has caught me and Bengali poetry has gone to ...

... to the minute." Lagna [ascendant] in karkata [cancer]; lagnapati [lord of the ascendant], the Moon, is in the sixth ( = enemy) [Mangal = Mars; Brihaspati = Jupiter; Ravi = Sun; Sukra = Venus; Budh = Mercury; Sani = Saturn; Chandra = Moon] Page 100 Many of us have heard of world-renowned astrologers and their striking prophecies. Cheiro ...

... close to your cullings is that cry, "O soul, my soul, we have created Heaven... And made of the body a capitol of bliss". (The word "capitol" meant originally the temple of Page 136 Jupiter in Rome, Here it seems to connote a supreme divine habitation.) From this passage and from all else I can reach out to the centre of your Aurobindonian life: that centre is the "crimson-throbbing glow" ...

... 28, 42, 44-5, 180 Iqbal, 62n Isaiah, 118 Italy, 253 JAPAN, 228, 253 Jeanne d'Arc, 192 Jerusalem, 115, 122-3 Joyce, 88 Jouve,216-17 Judas, 120 Jung, III Juno, 182 Jupiter, 108, 180 KALI, 24n., 218 Kalidasa, 39, 85, 98, 176, 181 -Shakuntala, 162 Kant, 246 Kanwa, 162 lOIn., 162, 170, Kasyapa, 133 Keats, 68, 78n., 98 -"Ode on the Poets", 78n ...

... of those who know" (to quote a phrase from Dante) and, we may add, the Master of all who love literature. Philosopher and stylist at every instant, Sri Aurobindo ¹. Printed at the Jupiter Press Private Ltd., Madras-18. ². P. 312. Page 167 comes out in the Dictionary not only as a boon to disciples bent on Yoga but also as "boon nature" to students ...

... are long, as here: He, in delight Both of her beauty and submissive charms, Smiled with superior love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles when he impregns the clouds That shed May showers. Here the reference is to Greek mythology and the analogy between Jupiter and Adam is a happy one. Again, from Sri Aurobindo as a contrast referring to the same theme of love: As if a whole... refers to classical themes, as here: To Palès, or Pomona, thus adorned, Likest she seemed — Pomona when she fled Vertumnus — or to Ceres in her prime Yet virgin of Prosperina from Jove. This reference to Greek mythology and its deities in relation to Eve at once gives another colour and heightens her personality and she sheds some of that ethical sheath in which Milton had ...

... of energies from the atom and grappling with the biological cell to release from it secrets of immortality; and we begin to wonder whether while striving to put our foot on the Moon and to fly to Jupiter, we are not being called upon to return to ourselves, -- to something within our inmost being to find answers to the questions, which must be answered. The quest to find these answers has no more remained ...

... of energies from the atom and grappling with the biological cell to release from it secrets of immortality; and we begin to wonder whether while striving to put our foot on the Moon and to fly to Jupiter, we are not being called upon to return to ourselves, — to something within our inmost being to find answers to the questions, which must be answered. The quest to find these answers has no more remained ...

... deities. Brahma is the Creator, one of the Three who form the great Puranic Trinity; Brihaspati is a figure of no great importance, spiritual teacher of the gods, and incidentally guardian of the planet Jupiter; Brahmanaspati, the middle term which once linked the two, has disappeared. To restore the physiognomy of the Vedic deity we have to reunite what has been disjoined and correct the values of the two ...

... handwriting is improving. (Laughter) I told you, whenever I saw somebody going away, I used to feel a little bit of a flutter here [ pointing to his heart]; so I wrote: By Jove, your Force is growing strong! See the number of departees! His reply: They are not departees yet. 'X' [has] gone on a spree - says he will, one day, come back. 'Y' sent ...

... Op Topac. The Operation started with full steam from 1989 onwards. Around this time, Pakistan military strategists had also prepared the blueprint of two more operations: Op Mushtary (Jupiter) and Plan X. Maj Gen Afsiir Karim (Retd), a much-decorated Indian solider who is also a member of the National Security Council Advisory Board, wrote in IDR that Op Mushtary would commence ...

... Sri Aurobindo has told us that He had thrown away many hundreds of poems into the capacious arms of the wastepaper basket before He flourished into a poet. We others 58 "The hand that sent Jupiter spinning through heaven, Spent all its cunning to fashion a curl" - from the poem "Who" by Sri Aurobindo. Page 33 have no patience. We have no utsaha. 59 We want to be something ...

... Lord God! again despair!" 51 (9)"Glorious! You must begin glittering at once..." 52 (10)"Gracious heavens! you are really a poet." 53 (11)"Lord God in omnibus!" 34 (12)"By Jove, yes!" 55 (13)"Great Jehovah!" 56 (14)"Wa Allah! It seems to me at the moment one of the finest poems you have yet written. Praise be!" 57 (15)"By George! But that's a drastic remedy ...

... Auro, of his sweet temper and brilliant genius, of the fond love that their father bore him. But along with all this lavish praise he would always refer to his brother's stubborn nature - "But, by Jove! He was as obstinate as a mule!" Now we are all familiar with the old portrait of Sri Aurobindo as a boy of eleven. His brilliant intelligence and sweet temper are apparent enough thetein, but there ...

... charged with philosophical or spiritual import. There is, on the whole, an unflagging mastery both of language and rhythm. Western and Indian mythology agreeably mingle in a poem like Who in which Jupiter figures in one stanza and Brahma in the next, and the rhythm has an anapaestic swing as in:         We will tell the whole world of His ways and His cunning: Page 40 ...

... the outer means—it is the difference between Yogic and ordinary action. Just today I signed my bond of Karmayoga, and today comes the test in which I've failed! and I am almost tempted to say, By Jove, this is "Karmayoga"! If this is Karmayoga, why not do it through literature where one doesn't face such troubles? D and others will surely have transformation of nature without having to fight ...

... little, as it is intended to refrain the idea of the opening lines. However if necessary as metre, উল্লাসে will do very well. You didn't write anything about Jatin's room business? Forgot, by Jove! July 27, 1936 You say you don't know enough Bengali nor the metre, but all these discussions have revealed that your "don't know" is much more than "we know". Whether you know or don't ...

... "Sitting alone under the shade of the tree Wrapt in a hushed profundity of night..." A tree gives shade in the day—here it is night when all is shade Please change. I was struck by R's sonnet! By Jove, looks like a sheer genii—I mean genius, what? Perhaps both—genii producing genius. [The following question was put by J:] What is the best way to get to the source of epic poetry and have ...

... of God, of a divine friend & Page 13 lover, a recompenser of virtue, a Master of Truth and Knowledge are already present to this early Indian consciousness. The idea of Zeus pater or Jupiter existed in European antiquity but it evoked in the Greeks & Latins no such emotions as break out in the piteva sunave of Madhuchchhandas & are paralleled by the intimacy of his claim, later on, of ...

... s were such that to keep Savitri a total secret was very difficult. In those days Nolini was Sri Aurobindo's postman to the sadhakas or - shall we say? - the messenger Mercury from the Olympian Jupiter of Pondicherry. He used to distribute the Master's daily replies: we would wait eagerly for him around 7 a.m. Seeing the large envelopes, he guessed that some special correspondence was going on between ...

... their flocks) synchronising with Herod's reign and the governorship of "Cyrenius" (the Roman Quirinius under whom the census was held in 6 A.D.) in the reign of Augustus Caesar. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces       4. A halya Kunti Draupadi Tara Mandodari tatha/ Panchakanya smarenityam mahapataka nashaka/ See my "Riddle of the Pancha Kanya" in Mother ...

... will end. Do you see the end? Why should there be an end? I don't know if anyone will make out anything of her poetry, except your Supramental Self. The explanations of the last two poems, by Jove, are explanations indeed! You mean they are more unintelligible than the thing explained? That about Dawn and Evening was difficult to swallow, but the end of the 51 78 seems to me to offer no ...

... as it is from Greek mythology: Titan, Heav'n's first-born, With his enormous brood, and birthright seiz'd By younger Saturn ; he from mightier Jove , His own and Rhea's son, like measure found, So Jove usurping reign'd . . . 198 193.Bk. III, 11.211-212. 194.Bk. XI, 11.220-222. 195.Bk. XII, 11.356-357. 196. Ibid., 1 .412. 197.Bk... sake: "Because... thou hast been found By merit more than birthright Son of God,... Here shalt thou sit incarnate, here shalt reign..." 199 A fusion of the Titan-and-Saturn-and-Jove picture with this God and Christ under a new motive is prompted by what God says almost immediately after. Christ is told: "All power I give thee; reign for ever, and assume Thy merits ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... up a little, Sir, so that we may give you a proper reception, what? That's what the Force seems to be trying to do. Don't forget to make us, at least, feel the Descent. 30 years' sadhana, by Jove!... 30 years too little or too many? What would have satisfied your rational mind—3 years? 3 months? 3 weeks? Considering that by ordinary evolution it could not have been done even at Nature's ...

... things, with one's surroundings, and above all with oneself. A great discovery does not leap completely achieved from the brain of the scientist, as Minerva sprang, all panoplied, from the head of Jupiter; it is the fruit of accumulated preliminary work. Between the days of fecund productivity are inserted days of uncertainty when nothing seems to succeed, and when even matter itself seems hostile; ...

... elaborate means: Ariane, ma soeur, de quel amour blessee, Vous mourutes aux bords ou vous futes laissee? Ariane, my sister, by what Jove's deep hurt Died'st thou upon this shore that all desert? (K.D.S.) Page 39 A little less subdued, he ...

... planets.” Of what kind are these circumstances? For instance Earth has a Moon which is the largest of the moons of all other solar planets, large enough to stabilize Earth’s spin. Earth is protected by Jupiter, which may be called its guardian because, enormous in size, it catches most of the potentially catastrophic debris headed for the Earth. Our solar system is located in the galactic habitable zone ...

... innovation in the ancient world and helped establish the supremacy of Christianity over the many other religions of the Empire. No similar system existed for the pagan or mystery cults; the priests of Jupiter in one city, for example, were entirely independent of those in other cities. During the third century Christianity began to attract members from all classes. Earlier the educated classes of the ...

... he has visioned something; all the same he writes. That you must have in order to understand and judge about the source, touch etc. But one can write without knowing anything. Last night, by Jove, was a trial indeed! After constructing the first 6 lines, I was dozing and dozing, and in full doze, wrote the whole poem. So much was the "trance" that after finishing the poem I couldn't even revise ...

... outstanding features of your Supramental creation; we will only have to shut our eyes and come off with an illumined intuition! The result will be epoch-making discoveries, inventions, etc., etc. By Jove! What a grand period it will be! Good Lord, no! At least not till you live in the gnostic Intuition as your ordinary consciousness. So long as you are only receiving all sorts of things from everywhere ...

... anything. The Americans, it seems, were much impressed. And the one who took the longest time, had a vision, I hear, of the whole of America bowing at your feet! What a wonderful thing it will be, by Jove! That was what he was calling for and he believed he got the answer. So if that vision were to come true, it would be marvellous. Somehow I feel that America would be the first to accept your ...

... thinking would again point out, Sir, that they are respiration rates—normal being 20, 22 or so. Now are they simple and easy or are they not? Can you but say the same thing about your yogic hieroglyphs? By Jove, no! And I give you only one instance in the other book. Let the Sherlockian vein be pardoned. One independent criticism: I don't know how they suspect pneumonia with s. respiration rate of only ...

... the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house! But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets — such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus — to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one ...

... Sir, it is not. What's the normal respiration rate anyhow? 32 below zero or 106˚ above? (N.B. zero not Fahrenheit but Breathen-height.) Can you say the same thing about your yogic hieroglyphs? By Jove, no! There are no hieroglyphs in Yoga except the dream and vision-symbols and nobody is expected to understand these things. But what about E? Extravagant? Eccentric? Epatant? Let the Sherlockian ...

... them both Śrī Rāma too began dropping tears. (40) The two princes ( Śrī Rāma and Laksmana) then embraced Sumantra as well as Guha in the forest, (even) as the Sun and the Moon conjoin with Venus and Jupiter in the heavens. (41) Perceiving the princes, who deserved to ride on lordly elephants (lit., the leaders of herds of elephants), come together in that forest, all those dwellers in forests for their ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... hilarious correspondence, Nirodbaran wrote to Sri Aurobindo: ‘We hear your Supermind is very near – not 50 years I hope! … Don’t forget to make us, at least, feel the Descent. 30 years’ sadhana, by Jove!’ Sri Aurobindo replied: ‘30 years too little or too many? What would have satisfied your rational mind – 3 years? 3 months? 3 weeks? Considering that by ordinary evolution it could not have been done ...

... semi-divine king which Pururavus considered his "part" in life, just as impassive calm & insensibility to human misfortune & grief was one of the necessary "belongings" of the great demigod, the human Jove which Napoleon thought to be his destined role. If that vast, flaming and rushing mass of genius & impetuosity which we call Napoleon was incompatible with stoical calm & insensibility, so was the ardent ...

... little, Sir, so that we may give you a proper reception, what? That's what the Force seems to be trying to do. Don't forget to make us feel at least the Descent. 30 years' sadhana, 17 by Jove! 30 years too little or too many? What would have satisfied your rational mind—3 years? 3 months? 3 weeks? Considering that by ordinary evolution it could not have been done even at Nature's express ...

... Endured no longer; all his inner passion Of tortured pride was opened in his face. And Sita, shaken, cried aloud, "What grief Comes in these eyes? Was not today thine hour When Jupiter, the imperial planet, joins With Pushya, that high constellation? Why Art thou then pale, disturbed? Where is thy pomp, Thy crowning where? No foam-white softness silk With ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... he sets, and wears a sevenfold girdle of burning fire blue as a witch's eye and green as Love's parrot and red as the lips of Cleopatra and indeed of all manner of beautiful colours, and if he is Jupiter or any one of the planets, has the qualities of that planet and has not the qualities of another, but develops his own personality and has no regard for any model or the example of any other planet ...

... but they read Him on the side not of beauty but of force governed by law; the stern and orderly restraint which governs the Universe, was the feature in Nature's economy which ruled their thought. Jupiter was to them the Governor & great Legislator whose decrees were binding on all; the very meaning of the word religion which they have left to the European world was "binding back" and indicated as the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the culmination of the great evolutionary wave? We see it clearly in ourselves: We seem to invent ever more marvelous machines, ceaselessly expand the limits of the human, even progress towards Jupiter and Venus. But that is only a seeming, increasingly deceptive and oppressive, and we do not expand anything: we merely send to the other end of the cosmos a pitiful little being who does not even... erroneously, as the apprentice human looked erroneously at his tools, unable to see how his tying that stone to that club was already tying the invisible train of our thought to the movement of Jupiter and Venus, and how the mental heaven actually teems everywhere here, in all our gestures and superfluous acts, just as our next “heaven” teems under our eyes, concealed only by our false spiritual ...

...      to shine      ज्योतिस्, ज्योतिर्मय, ज्येातिष (-षः, -षं), ज्योतिषिकः, ज्योतिष्कः (-ष्कं), ज्योतिषी, ज्योतिष्मत्, ज्योत्स्ना (-त्न्सी), ज्यौत्स्न (-त्स्नः, त्स्नी) Page 667 ज्यौः      Jupiter. जतु, जतुका, जतुकं      lac. जंतुका, जननी = Smell जापकं      a kind of fragrant wood (cf जायकं above) *जातिः      nutmeg. जहका, जाहकः      a pole-cat. जोंगं, जोंगकं      aloe wood. ...

... "lotus-lettered form” padmākshar [meticulous handwriting]. Truly my script too is improving, fancy that! What is then not possible in Yoga—except perhaps success in it ? Transformation, by Jove! Another fine news. Nishikanta is producing truly lovely songs—all of the right kind (I mean from the musical point of view) of which his songs in laghu gum are a treat (from the composer's... astonishing prophecies. To quote only one, as I am sending up the book to you so that you may read the others: he writes anent King George VI. "In his case it is remarkable that the regal sign of Jupiter increases as the years advance.” And then of the Prince of Wales: "His astrological chart shows perplexing and baffling influences that most unquestionably point to changes that are likely to take ...

... rebuild Jerusalem as a Roman colony, under the name Aelia Capitolina. No Jews were allowed to settle in Aelia...." Albright adds: "On the site of the [long-destroyed Jewish] Temple was a temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, patron of the city; north-west of it was a temple of Venus, later replaced by the Basilica of the Anastasis (Holy Sepulchre). No trace of these two temples have been discovered; they must ...