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Jyotishtoma : Vedic ceremony consisting originally of three, & later of four, five or seven subdivisions; viz. Agni-stoma, Ukthya, Atiratra, or in addition to these, shodashin, Atyagnistoma, Vajapeya & Aptoryama.

1 result/s found for Jyotishtoma

... Means. काम्यानि स्वर्गादीष्टसाधनानि ज्योतिष्टोमादीनि ॥७॥ 7) By actions of desire is understood all ways and means by which we pursue various kinds of happiness from Paradise downward—the Jyotishtoma sacrifice for example. निषिद्धानि नरकाद्यनिष्टसाधनानि ब्रह्महननादीनि ॥८॥ 8) By forbidden actions is meant all ways and means by which we compass all our ills from the torments of Hell downward ...
