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Kakshivan Kakshiwan : Vedic Rishi, son of Dīrghatamas & Ushij (q.v.); connected with the worship of the Ashwins; he also authored several hymns in the Rig-Veda.
... Wisdom". चित्रश्रवस्तम — श्रवः = inspired knowledge, the result of the vijnanamaya process of sruti; coming with कवि & सत्य it cannot mean fame. गोपामृतस्य — Cf राजानो अमृतस्य in a hymn of Kakshivan Dairghatamasa. सचस्व — सच् means 1) to cling. 2) to be strong. ...
... forefathers, and the spirits of these great Ancestors still assist their offspring; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa have become types of Page 29 certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, are waiting ...
... the heading “Hymns to the Ribhus”. There is no separate heading in the manuscript for Suktas 105 – 7, addressed to the Vishwadevas. Sukta 123.1 – 6 . Rishi: Kakshivan Dairgatamasa. Circa 1913. Heading in the manuscript: “Hymn of Kakshivan Dairghatamasa to Dawn— I.1 23”. Sukta 179 . Rishis: Lopamudra, Agastya Maitravaruni and a disciple of Agastya. Circa 1924. A draft of the translation was taken ...
... According to the Veda, the spirits of these great ancestors still assist their offsprings; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa, have become types of certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, had chanted the word, rent ...
... प्रजापतिरस्मि । सुर्यः । सर्वस्य प्रेरखः सविता । न्यृंजे । नितरां प्रसाधयामि । पश्यता मा । हे जना मां सर्वात्मकं पश्यत । यूयमप्येवमेव स्वस्वरूपमनुभवतेत्युक्तं भवति । I became Manu, I am Surya; Kakshivan the Rishi am I of the illumined mind; I [ ] Kutsa son of Arjuni, I am Ushana the seer; Me behold. 2) अहं । वामदेव इन्द्रो वा । आर्याय । मनवे । वावशानाः । शब्दायमानाः । केतं । संकल्पमनुयंति ...
... forefathers, and the spirits of these great Ancestors still assist their offspring; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa have become types of certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, are waiting still and always ...
... gods. (9) The lord of substance would drink, make the offering and stand forward, be ye subject to the laws of truth by the process of [ incomplete ] SUKTA 18 (1) O Master of the Soul, make Kakshivan son of Usijas a sweet soul and a good fighter. (2) May he who is bold and impetuous, who slayeth all unfriendly things, the knower of substance of being, the increaser of fullness cleave to us... to thee by the son of Sharyata in which thou hast rapture. O Indra, when thou hast thy desire [of] the wine we press for thee, then thou ascendest to a glory without enemies in heaven. (13) To Kakshivan pressing the wine and seeking the word thou gavest Vrichaya, the little to the great one, and becamest the mare of the stallion, O strong in power to works. All those deeds of thine must find expression ...
... be full of rapture, he who is masterful over the waters; O Indra & Parvata, do ye become keen in us, and may all the gods in us attain their supreme substance. [10] [RV I.223.1] Hymns of Kakshivan Dairghatamasa Hymn to Usha. I. 123. पृथू रथो दक्षिणाया अयोजि, आ एन देवासो अमृतासो अस्थुः । कृष्णादुदस्थादर्या विहायाः, चिकित्सन्ती मानुषाय क्षयाय ।।१।। Sayana प्रवृद्धायाः स्वव् ...
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