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Kalinga : medieval kingdom (most of present Odishā & part of Madhya Pradesh).
... and Śramanas would not mean that the Greeks might not have been Aśoka's subjects. What we have here is an adapted reproduction of matter pertaining to conditions in far-away Kalinga. We read: "All those who dwell there (in Kalinga), Brāhmanas and Śramanas and others consecrating themselves to Piety..." The Greeks are merely told of happenings elsewhere: they are not themselves asked to revere Brāhmanas... get a further phrase which makes him take away to Magadha, obviously at some time in the past, Jain images from Kalinga, which Khāravela succeeds in recovering. As the Purānas distinctly mention Mahāpadma Nanda of the pre-Mauryan Nanda dynasty of Magadha as a conqueror of Kalinga, Khāravela's Nanda rāja cannot be anybody except Mahāpadma. 1. Ibid., p. 203. fn. 1. 2.Quoted in... the Hāthigumpha inscription suggests an era of theirs, why should we not believe it? The Nanda dynasty is the earliest known conqueror of Kalinga; so it is quite possible that, even if the Nandas themselves did not establish any official era; the people of Kalinga might remember or be made to remember the years of this dynasty either from the time of its inception or from the time of its sovereignty ...
... speak of 'Tri-Kalinga'. 'The name of Tri-Kalinga,' he adds 'is probably old, as Pliny mentions the Macco-Galingae and the Gāngārides-Calingae as separate peoples from the Calingae, while the Mahābhārata names the Kalingas three separate times, and each time in conjunction with different peoples. (H. H. Wilson in Vishnu Purāna, 1st ed., pp. 185 note and 188.).' " "Tri-Kalinga" is only mediaeval... 3. Op. cit., p. 138. 4. Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Bombay, 1947, pp. 91-8. 5. Op. cit., p. 135, fn. contd. from p. 134. Page 165 of the Kalinga people. In the time of Megasthenes the Vangas may have been deemed a part of the Kalingas who, as McCrindle 1 infers from Pliny, were a widely diffused race. Cunningham, as well as McCrindle and ...
... 512 Buhler, G„ 265, 270, 329, 586, 587 Bussagli, 445 Caesar, 174 Calanus, 146 Calingae/Galingae/Kalinga, 117, 163-4, 165, 169, 187; Gangarides-Calingae, 117, 165, 169, 187; Macco-Calingae, 117, 165; Modogalingae, 117, 167; Tri-Kalinga, 165 Calliena/Kalliena, 476, 477 Cambyses, 251, 369, 464, 467 Cantineau, J., 353 Canton, dotted record... Kalbappa Hill (Chandragiri), 219 Kaliyuga, 139-141 Kaliyugarāja-vrittantā, vi (fn) Kalhana: Rājatarahginī, 46-51, 367, 479, 507 Kālidāsa, i, ii, 374, 564, 566-7, 572, 601 Kalinga, Kalingas, 41, 209, 210, 244, 245, 472, 475, 491, 492 Kalki, 142, 143-44, 224 Kālsi, 268 Kāmarūpa (Assam), 213, 485, 487, 490 Kambistholi, 262, 263 Kambojas, 234, 248, 254 ...
... also the case of the Āndhra country. We may be told: "In Rock Edict XIlI the Āndhra nation is distinctly mentioned in the list of subordinate peoples that lived in the dominions of the King . As Kalinga is the sole territorial acquisition mentioned by Aśoka, how did this nation come within his empire? Mahāpadma Nanda did not rule over it. None except Aśoka's grandfather could have annexed it. Would... 000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry and 1,000 elephants." ?So either Aśoka himself annexed the Āndhra country without men- 1.Kharavela's Hathigumpha Inscription also testifies to the possession of Kalinga by "a Nanda king" (ibid., p. 216). 2.Sircar, "The Sātavāhanas and the Chedis", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 194. Page 210 tioning the conquest in his edicts or else ...
... second time. 1950 . — Nobel Prize for Literature. 1955 —Awarded the Silver Pears Trophy for work on behalf of World Peace. 1957 — UNESCO Kalinga Prize. 1950-70 — Struggle for World Peace and Nuclear Disarmament. 1970(Febrary,2) — Death of Bertrand Russell. Suggestions for further reading ...
... mind he is supremely vivid and attractive. Why is Asoka to be called pale in comparison with Charlemagne or, let us say, with Constantine? Is it because he only mentions his sanguinary conquest of Kalinga in order to speak of his remorse and the turning of his spirit, a sentiment which Charlemagne massacring the Saxons in order to make good Christians of them could not in the least have understood, ...
... king in his own right, owing allegiance to nobody, and in his reign Ceylon is said to have acquired a special importance because of the arrival there of the Tooth Relic of Buddha from Dantapura in Kalinga. 4 Here India is shown as honouring Ceylon instead of vice versa. Sirimeghavarma's Ceylon was very far from being under any suzerainty and cannot equate at all with the Simhala of Samudragupta's ...
... motherland. भो भो अवन्त्यो मगधाश्च बङ्गा अङ्गाः कलिङ्गाः कुरुसिन्धवश्च। भो दाक्षिणात्याः शृणुतान्घ्रचोला वसन्ति ये पञ्चनदेषु शूराः ॥२३॥ You and you, O peoples of Avanti and Magadha, Vanga, Anga and Kalinga, O Kurus and men of Sind; hear me! O southerners, you of Andhra and the Chola country, you are heroes of the land of the five rivers. ये के त्रिमूर्तिं भजथैकमीशं ये चैकमूर्तिं यवना मदीयाः। माताह्वये ...
... historical period of ancient India known as the epic period. Indian princes of later ages were intensively trained in Dhanurveda and were famous for their military valour. King Hemangada of the Kalingas bore scars on his forearm on account of the constant practice of archery. We are told of the hands of some princes whose skin had become very hard by the constant friction of the bow string. A ...
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