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Kamadeva Cama Kandarpa Madan Modon Monmuth : the god of Love; his wife Rati is the goddess of Love. They managed to incite amorous thoughts in Shiva about Pārvati when he was engaged in tapasyā. Shiva reduced him to ashes by a flame from his third eye. Persuaded by the Brahma & Vishnu about Kama’s intention was sinless, he allowed him to be born again as Pradyumna, son of Krishna & Rukminie.
... Critanta, Death, the ender, who was called also Yama (Government) or Dhurma (Law) because from him are all order and stability, whether material or moral. And there were subtler presences; Cama, also named Modon or Monmuth, the God of desire, who rode on the parrot and carried five flowery arrows and a bow-string of linked honey-bees; his wife, Ruthie, the golden-limbed spirit of delight; Saruswatie, the... of the Spirit of Degeneracy, the genius of the Iron age, overpowered by a steadfast conjugal love. Similarly, in this story of Ruaru and Priyumvada the great Spirits who preside over Love and Death, Cama and Yama, are the real actors and give its name to the poem. The second essential feature of the Hindu epic model is one which you have selected for especial condemnation and yet I have chosen to ...
... Baroda and Pondicherry (Circa 1902-1936) Baroda and Pondicherry (Circa 1902-1936) Poems Past and Present Collected Poems Kamadeva Know more > When in the heart of the valleys and hid by the roses The sweet Love lies, Has he wings to rise to his heavens or in the closes Lives and dies? On the peaks of the radiant mountains if we ...
... Maurya, Rana Pratap, Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Napoleon. When he was in England Iyer had become an 'extremist'—especially after the Curzon Willie 1 episode—and in France he came close to Madame Bhaicaji Cama, Shyamji Krishna Verma and Veer Damodar Savarkar, revolutionaries all. In France WS Iyer learnt French and read in the original the War Memoirs of Napoleon. At Pondicherry, based on Napoleon's method... /A<?best. It was here in Vedapuri that WS Iyer, Subramania Bharati 1 On I s ' July 1909, Sir Curzon Willie, an ADC for the Secretary of State for India, was shot dead in London by Madan Lai Dhingra (who was subsequently hanged). Page 214 and Sri Aurobindo produced their best works. Sri Aurobindo? We shall be coming to him. But before that we would like to ...
... none dared disturb him. There was however a sense of urgency and hence Kamadeva was sent by the gods to arouse Shiva's passion for Parvati. But when Shiva opened his third eye Kamadeva was burned to ashes. In the meanwhile, however, the deed was done and Skanda was bom. Later, at the pleading of Kamadeva's wife Rati, her husband was revived. This is an eye that is turned towards action in ...
... will go on converting Hindus while the Hindus shall not convert any Madan. Disciple : There was only recently the boycott of a drama in Andhra because some Hindu in the show was represented as marrying a Muslim lady ! Sri Aurobindo : You can't build unity on such a basis. Perhaps, the only way of making the Madans harmless is to make them lose their fanatic faith in their religion.... they fight it is not so much for Islam as or right and liberty. It was the Madans and the Christians who began the religious wars – i.e., fighting for religion. First the Jews began persecuting and then the Christians when they began to disagree among themselves began to persecute also. Disciple : The Madan religion was born under such circumstances that the followers never forgot the origin... those who take non-vegetarian diet are people devoid of pity. Life is sacred and no one, who has not realized the Spirit in all forms of life, has the right to take meat. My reply was : Many Madans and Christians who take non-vegetarian diet are not devoid of pity. Christ himself was not a vegetarian ; – diet has little to do with pity or cruelty. Secondly, the Jains who are proverbially vegetarians ...
... President, as certain sanguine gentlemen in Bengal seem to have expected. Failing Sir Pherozshah and Mr. Gokhale, who for obvious reasons cannot be put forward so soon after the Benares Presidentship, Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya was evidently the man, and we find accordingly that he has been designated for the succession by the obedient coterie at Bombay. We await with interest the upshot of this very attractive... on the Reforms. The elections for the United Provinces give a fair sample of the results which are sure to obtain all over India. With the exception of two or three gentlemen of the type of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, there is none on the Council to represent the educated wealthy, much Page 352 less the people at large; all the rest are Europeans, Mahomedans and grandees. It is a Council... charge of England. The Lahore Convention The prospects of the Lahore Convention seem to be exceedingly clouded. In the matter of the Presidentship the fiat has gone forth from Bombay that Pandit Madan Mohan shall be President and, unless the dissatisfaction with the Mehta leadership has extended itself to the subservient Congress Committees, it is likely that the Bombay nomination will give the lead ...
... passive resistance. The old party is agreed upon nothing except the sacred right of petitioning. Sir Pherozshah Mehta and the Bombay Moderates would confine our politics within those holy limits. Pundit Madan Mohan and the United Provinces Moderates are willing to add a moderate and inoffensive spice of self-help, Babu Surendranath and the Bengal Moderates will even admit passive resistance within narrow... second condition is equally disregarded. So long as it is sought to suppress the new spirit by autocratic methods or dishonest manoeuvres, there can be no talk of peace or unity. The conduct of Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya and his caucus at Allahabad has been both autocratic and dishonest. The delegates elected at the Railway Theatre were elected according to methods that have always been held valid by ...
... gang. Enquiries made in 1913 showed that there had been no recent unusual activity amongst the suspects here. Their European correspondence is conducted through the French post-office. Madame Cama and V. V. S. Aiyar correspond regularly, and she would have no difficulty in sending him the automatic pistols which she is rumoured to have done on two occasions in the last two years. He is known... stage of the movement he aspires to lead is apparent, but the fact indicates his state of mind and that he dreams of an armed revolution. Copies of the Bande Mataram are regularly sent out by Madame Cama. According to a report received from Paris as recently as August 1913 she sends 50 copies to Pondicherry. V.V.S. Aiyar has naturally taken care to maintain good relations with the... lines occur in plays, I understand that they are very obviously spoken at the Page 72 extremists, who quite acknowledge them. They are still in correspondence with Madame Cama, D.S. Madava Rao, M.P. Tirumala Chari and still receive, to the address of others, The Indian Sociologist and Bande Mataram and a recent post brought them a copy of the July Liberator. ...
... Invitation 201 The Iron Dictators 624 The Island Grave 30 The Island Sun 638 Jivanmukta 551 Journey's End 576 The Just Man 43 Kama 324 Kamadeva 540 Karma 209 Khaled of the Sea 145 The Kingdom Within 599 Krishna 608 Krishna (Cretics) 637 Liberation [1] 604 Liberation [2] 617 Life 541 ...
... Bhagavata Jiveshwara 22.11.59 The Mother [ST] Bhupriya A name for Murakoshi (Paul) 9.7.56 The Mother [ST] Chand (Moon) Chhotanarayan's son The Mother [ST] Cheta (awake) Madan's Baby 9.6.57 The Mother [ST] Chinmayi Chit, the pure spirit consciousness. Chinmayi, one who is full or all made of the pure spirit consciousness. Sri Aurobindo [ST] Chintan (Pensif) ...
... architecture, from the Persian painting etc. The assimilation of the Madan culture also was done in the mind to a great extent and it would have perhaps gone further. But in order that the process may be complete it is necessary that a change in the Madan mentality should come. The conflict is in the outer life and unless the Madans learn tolerance I do not think the assimilation is possible. ... found in the Town and in the Village and it was this organisation that was taken up by the Madans when they came and it is that which the English also have taken up. The idea Page 46 of the King as the absolute monarch was never an Indian idea. It was brought from Central Asia by the Madans. The English in accepting this system have disfigured it considerably. They have found... Muslims showing that fanaticism may disintegrate. Sri Aurobindo : That is not sufficient because it would not change their ,whole outlook. What is wanted is some new religious movement among the Madans which would remodel their religion and change the stamp of their temperament. For instance, Bahaism in Persia which has given quite a different stamp to their temperament. Next day (6th) it was ...
... story! There is no Yogic knowledge there. It was written before I started Yoga. Page 224 The other day Arjava told me that he considered the long speech of the Love-god Kama or Madan about himself in Love and Death one of the peaks in that poem—he as good as compared it to the descent into Hell. 1 Somehow I couldn't at the time wax extremely enthusiastic about it. Except for ...
... democrats. The difference is merely in personal temperament and manner of expression. "The State? I am the State!" cried Louis XIV. "The country? I am the country!" cries Sir Pherozshah Mehta or Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya or Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar, as the case may be. Only, as his personality is more robust, so is Sir Pherozshah's dictatorial arrogance more public, open and contemptuous than that of his ...
... prayer and studied the Hindu scriptures, but they also studied modern science. It took 3 years to raise the money for the CHC. Most of the money came from Indian princes. In April 1911, Annie and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya met and decided to unite their forces and work for a common Hindu University at Varanasi. Annie and fellow trustees of the Central Hindu College also agreed to Government of India's ...
... cannot credit them with honesty of motive and frankness of action. Convention Voyagers We understand that some seven or eight faithful hearts are meditating the journey to Lahore to assist Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya in carrying out Sir Pherozshah's orders. We wish them a good voyage and a speedy repentance. One wonders, by the way, where the delegates of the Convention are going to start up from ...
... assassination of the approver Naren Goswami. Kauai was hanged on 10 November 1908. Hemchandra (1871-1950) was one of the deportees to Andaman. When he was in Paris, through the instrumentality of Madame Cama, he came into contact with the French Socialists and was apprenticed into their secret workings. Page 396 at the house of Gyanendranath Bose, elder brother of Satyen. There he received ...
... not by any settled convictions or intelligent policy. The personalities of Mr. Gokhale and Sir Pherozshah Mehta in Bombay, of Sj. Surendranath Banerji and Sj. Bhupendranath Bose in Bengal, of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya in the United Provinces, of Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar in Madras constitute Moderatism in their respective provinces. What these old and respected leaders decide in their close and secret ...
... the God of Love — Madan or Kama, as Indian mythology names him — when he manifests to help Ruru regain Priyumvada from the underworld? The young mourner doubts if the apparition is not just a dream of his "disastrous soul": But with the thrilled eternal smile that makes The spring, the lover of Rathi golden-limbed Replied to Ruru, "Mortal, I am he, I am that Madan who inform the stars... echo of the subtle freshness residing in all the wonts of love. So much for verbal form, with its supporting rhythm. A versatile aptness of metrical technique is as important a feature in Madan's speech. The end-stopped line, compactly holding a thought or image, is companioned again and again by a leaping enjambment, lines running over and linking up by means of swift speed or strong staccato ...
... of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the serpent Ananta among the Nagas, Agni among the Vasus, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, Kandarpa the love-God among the progenitors, Varuna among the peoples of the sea, Aryaman among the Fathers, Narada among the divine sages, Yama lord of the Law among those who maintain rule and law, among ...
... element in the comfort and efficiency of hospitals in Europe. The State has made some attempt to supply the need of nurses for women in sickness by Page 691 sending four female students to the Cama Hospital in Bombay to learn midwifery and nursing; two of these returned after passing their final examination in 1887-8 and were appointed to the State Hospital and the Jumnabai Hospital. The other ...
... his soul... But Love and Death, as its very name implies, is a testament of the passionate heart and, just as the descent into the Underworld is a masterpiece in its own kind, the speech of Madan, the Indian Eros, attains a supreme level with its psychological penetrativeness. We may glance at a few of the arresting phrases in this 41-line-long "manifesto". "I," says the Love-God, "knit... connotation of "wandering outside" striking through the English sense of excess or immoderation. A word-originality achieved by a small stroke of colloquial, in preference to academic, grammar is in Madan's allusion to the Death-god : ... but behind me, older than me, He comes with night and cold tremendous shade. We have in the second "me" with its cumulative power, an example where ...
... impending departure but had not budged yet. The Indian government had the whole town surrounded by the army. Yoganando-da and Madan-da accidentally got onto the Indian side of the border in their search for flowers. The army snapped them up for questioning. Madan-da answered all their questions politely but Yoganando-da was out of his wits and gave them a taste of his temper. So the army men stripped... gentleman paid him ten rupees for keeping his clothes. Yoganando-da was indignant but he finally took the money and offered it to the Mother. Yoganando-da's daily work was to gather flowers. He and Madan-da would go to collect flowers from outside the town. When the Mother used to come to the Playground, a garland made from those flowers would be put around Her neck. Pondicherry was under French ...
... K.D. Glimpses of the Mother vol.1 (1978), vol.2 (1980) Gokak, V.K. and Reddy, Madhusudan The Flame of Truth (1968) Huta (Hindocha) White Roses (complete ed. 1982) Madan, P.K. Towards Divine Living (1974) Poddar, Vijay On Women (5th imp. 1990) Sahana Some letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1989) Sethna, K.D. Life-Lite ...
... season. The abstention of a disgusted nation has passed sentence of death on this parody of the Indian National Congress. The Convention President's Address The most remarkable feature of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya's address is not what he said, but what he omitted to Page 378 say. If the accounts telegraphed can be trusted, he said nothing about self-government, nothing about Swadeshi ...
... he was not Yeatsian was unfair. Take Sri Aurobindo himself in his early vital-mental work like Love and Death. There is a passage in that blank-verse narrative, the speech of the Love-God Kama or Madan, to which I had somewhat failed to respond, preferring the long haunting passage on Ruru's descent into the Underworld through the rush of the Ganges into ocean-depths. Our friend Arjava (John Chadwick) ...
... differences of opinion, I also had the opportunity to be present. Mr. Tilak, Aswini Babu and myself were the three representatives for our side. The opposite side was represented by Mr. Gokhale and Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya. After a discussion among us five it was settled to add the words "even at some sacrifice". We could never believe that these words, which had been purposely put in, were omitted ina ...
... the Ashram he would call out for Madan-da. He would beckon him with Page 134 outstretched hands: 'Come away, come away. A little more, just a little bit more. Then you will be able to come away to me.' Madan-da would look like someone hypnotised then. But he kept calling the Mother's name even then. And that is how the departed soul's spell on Madan-da was dissolved. On hearing ...
... his students at Rammohan Library in Calcutta. 24 Jan. 1924 Two days after his 27th birthday, Dilip met Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry. 1925 Got an offer from Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya to hold the chair of music at the Banaras Hindu University, and an invitation to become the director of All India Radio. Declined both offers. 1927 Received an invitation ...
... sights "a golden boy half-naked, with bright limbs all beautiful". Isn't he Kama "who makest many worlds one tire"? Kama's answer is one of the supremely great passages in the poem: I am that Madan who inform the stars With lustre and on life's wide canvas fill Pictures of light and shade, of joy and tears, Make ordinary moments wonderful And common speech a charm: knit life... bursts with the "burden of so many sorrows", and he understands "That terrible and wordless sympathy/ Of dead souls for the living"; and moving further on, and his passage not obstructed because of Madan's flower, he approaches the throne of Hades. There are muttered exclamations and explanations; there are giant dogs, four-eyed and mysterious; and there is Yama himself whom Ruru confronts at last ...
... But then he went over to Pakistan and never returned. He passed away there. I learned later, that he did come here from Pakistan and was in a bit of trouble having misplaced his visa or passport. Madan Poddar and friends had to help him out. Dara was one of the earliest legendary figures that I got acquainted with — and what a figure! It was because of his figure that one came to hear of Dara. ...
... not privative. Cf अनर्च from अर्च् etc for reduplication; दिदिविः etc for its intensive force. When the idea of the true Nirukta was lost, the false idea of "bodiless" was conveyed into this name of Kamadeva and the story of the Kumarasambhava brought in to explain so inapt an epithet. Page 536 Translation. That thou, O beloved, O strong Agni, meanest to do good to him that would hurt thee ...
... equality of man and woman, etc. The other day he included Buddhism also, though he seems to know nothing about it. He has about eleven million followers of which two millions are in Europe. If the Madans get a religion of that sort it is much better than what they are having now. The topic was changed by the following question of a Disciple Disciple : You said the other day that Tailanga ...
... free time in India and read Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana Maharshi. Soon he discovered Sri Aurobindo’s The Life Divine. While in Calcutta, he went to the Sri Aurobindo Bhavan and met Rajen-da and Madan-da, who settled later in the Ashram. They encouraged him to seek permission to visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram. So on August 15, 1943 he had his first darshan of Sri Aurobindo and was completely taken in ...
... out in Amritsar and Multan, now in Pakistan, and were going to recur with increasing frequency till the Partition—and after.) Page 165 (A disciple:) Did you read [Pandit Madan Mohan] Malaviya's speech about the Multan riots and also what C. Rajagopalachari has said? (Sri Aurobindo:) I am sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use ignoring ...
... same year.) All the poems were written at least a decade, one of them four and a half decades, before 1946. The first draft of "Hell and Heaven" dates back to around 1902, early drafts of "Kamadeva" and "Life" to around1913. A notebook containing these three early poems was uncovered by Sri Aurobindo's secretary, Nolini Kanta Gupta, in April 1932. He typed out copies and sent them... presented them to Sri Aurobindo for revision. Fourteen years after that they were included in Poems Past and Present . There are one handwritten and two typed manuscripts. Kamadeva . Circa 1913. The earliest surviving drafts of this poem and the next one are found in the notebook that contains "The Meditations of Mandavya" (see above, Part Five), the opening of which ...
... 103 , 127 , 135, 136, 141 exaggerated importance of, 51,52, 71, 79 ,81 of the State, 104 , 177 Mahabharata, 46, 98(fn), 1oo(fn), 238, 240 Mahomed, 190 Mahomedans, see under Muslims Malaviya, Madan Mohan, Pandit, 166 man/mankind, 44.45,65,67,94, 112, 115,118,119,120,125,127,128,129, 134,135, 136 , 196 ,201 ,216,218 his destiny, 136,235,251 in Europe, 78,79 an infant, 193 his intellect, ...
... your Force and protection are with him. Shall I? Yes. S says he feels hungry now, will be absolutely all right in 4 or 5 days. Three cheers!! What about bile? July 17, 1936 Madan Gopal suddenly got high fever... Seems to be malaria which he had before... I might give him an injection tomorrow for quick action. Sanction? If it is the antimalarial injection given to Jyotin ...
... His Discovery of India " and " Glimpses of World History " give his vision of India and the world in modern context. He is a peculiar amalgam of the East and the West. To those like the late Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya or even, perhaps to Rajendra Babu, it would sound strange that an Indian has to ' discover ' India. His acquaintance with and understanding of spirituality Page 40 ...
... pressing) एषणी a probe Emotion. Wish, Desire, Love इ to ask, beg. एतृ asking, requesting इयक्षु longing for, seeking to obtain इक्षृः wish, desire ईः Kamadeva ई to desire, wish .. beg एतृ asking, requesting +इयक्षु longing for, seeking to obtain. Perhaps यक्ष् इच्छ् to wish (only in इष्) इच्छा wish, desire, will ... (इल्) एलविलः (ऐडविडः, -लः) Kuvera ऐलविलः, ऐलः, ऐलेयः Mars Roots in ‘k’ [1] क क class meaning कः Brahman, Vishnu the soul mind body knot, joint Kamadeva कं happiness, joy, pleasure wealth, property कंय्य happy, prosperous sun fire light, splendour king, prince कुमारः bird, peacock, king of birds ... कुर्द or कृद् कुर्द्, कूर्द् to leap, jump, frolic movement, play. कुर्दनं, कूर्दनं leaping, sporting movement, play. कूर्दनी full moon of Chaitra .. festival of Kamadeva. movement, play. कृप् or कुर्प् कुर्परः, कूर्परः elbow, knee substance (projection) कुर्पासः, कूर्पासः bodice कुर्पासकः (कूर्पं`) कुर्म् or कृम् कूर्मः tortoise ...
... Love-God Kama or Madan speaks about himself. In the letter to which it is a reply, some doubt was expressed whether this passage, moving and powerful though it was, could be considered a peak of poetry. The passage runs: But with the thrilled eternal smile that makes The spring, the lover of Rathi golden-limbed Replied to Ruru, "Mortal, I am he; I am that Madan who inform the stars ...
... DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase -I Gurgaon - 122002 , Haryana 118.Luther, Usha 27, Silver Oaks Apartments DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase -I Gurgaon - 122002 (Haryana) 119.Madan,V.D. N-23D, Saket New Delhi 110024 120.Mahajan, Baldev D-72 Defence Colony New Delhi-110017 121.Maheshwari, A.N. Chairman, NCTE I.G. Stadium, LP. Estate ...
... 69. POEMS—PAST AND PRESENT Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1946 Contents: "Musa Spiritus", "Bride of the Fire", "The Blue Bird", "A God's Labour", "Hell and Heaven", "Kamadeva", "Life", "One Day—The Little More".The first four and the last of these poems were written in the late 1930's. SABCL: Collected Poems, Vol. 5 70 . PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS OF THE ...
... Vivekananda Byayam Samiti remained in the same place. We used to go each day to a different club to instruct them. And even though we had no official link with the Vivekananda Byayamagar club run by Madan-babu next to the Berhampur Co-operative Bank, but as our relations with their organisers Page 87 were very good, I used to go and teach them boxing. Obviously all the clubs could ...
... will be one of the Tirthankars ! He is now in hell because he was responsible for so much killing – himsa . Disciple : In Bengal the Madans have made Rama accept Madanism and they have written books to prove it! Disciple : There is a story of two Christian monks which is proved to be the same as that of Buddha and Ananda. Sri Aurobindo ...
... accepted Mahatma's Khilafat agitation. With the mentality of the ordinary Madan it was bound to produce the reaction it has produced : you fed the force, it gathered power and began to make demands which the Hindu mentality had to rise up and reject. That does not require Supermind to find out, it requires common sense, Then, the Madan Reality and the Hindu Reality began to break heads at Calcutta. The ...
... thou truly art he And not a dream of my disastrous soul." But with the thrilled eternal smile that makes The spring, the lover of Rathi golden-limbed Replied to Ruru, "Mortal, I am he; I am that Madan who inform the stars With lustre and on life's wide canvas fill Pictures of light and shade, of joy and tears, Make ordinary moments wonderful And common speech a charm: knit life to life With ...
... Mahatmas: Kuthumi, 169, 173 Maid in the Mill, The, 119, 120,152, 153 Maitra, S. K., 20 Majumdar, R. C., 235 Majumdar, Ramachandra, 366,367 Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 227 Mandukya Upanishad, 169 Manikkavasagar, 497 Manicktolla (Gardens and bomb factory), 201, 288ff, 298fn, 306, 307, 309; mantra, 611,612,628ft, 635 Marlowe ...
... Nationalists should press for adoption of independence, swadeshi, boycott and national education - As expected, they met with opposition from Moderate leaders like Pherozeshah Mehta, Gokhale, Madan Mohan Malaviya and Surendranath, and at one stage the Extremists seem to have staged even a "walk out". A new development was that the Moderates themselves put a little more heat into their speeches ...
... open ground they tried to organise young men there, and to teach them lathi-play, fencing and even riding. Having worked together for six months the three separated. Barin and Abinash shifted to Madan Mitter Lane and Jatin moved to Sitaram Ghose Street. Sri Aurobindo took one month's leave from 22 February 1903. The reason for the leave was to patch up the differences that had arisen between ...
... On some there was the image of Kali and some writing in Bengali. The suspicion was supposed to be created that all these refugees were carrying on correspondence with Shyamji Krishna Varma, Madame Cama and other leaders of the revolutionary movement in Europe and were trying to hatch an Indian conspiracy with their help. Page 149 The investigating magistrate who came to search ...
... like a teardrop on the cheeks of Time. And here lies its brightest jewel, Benares, where Shiva the Godhead reigns as Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe. This land gave us: -Pandit Madan Mohan Malavya (1861-1946).He established the Benares Hindu University (1915). An advocate, a scholar, a journalist, he was also a politician of all-India calibre. - Motilal Nehru (1861-1931) ...
... Dadabhai Naoroji, and, besides, they did not want to take the extreme step of an open cleavage. After some tussle, all the resolutions proposed by the Nationalists were accepted with some minor clippings. Madan Mohan Malaviya, opposing Bepin Pal's eloquent advocacy of the Boycott of all British goods to be adopted on an all-India basis, exhorted the Congress to keep it confined to Bengal only. The spirit of ...
... We come now to "Magā, with its alternative "Maka" or 1. Ibid. 2.E. Blochet, J.R.A.S., 1915. pp. 36-37. 3. Journal Asiatique, 1958, I, p. 52. 4. Journal of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, No. 36, 1943, p. 13. 5.Mookerji, Ancient India, map facing p. 484. 6.Sircar, Select Inscriptions, p. 390, fn. 4. 7."Kusan Chroniten und Hephthalite", Klin ...
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