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Kanailal : Kanailal Dutta (1888-1908), he & Satyen Bose (q.v.), killed Noren Gossain in Alipore (q.v.) Jail on Aug 31, 1908. He was executed on 10 Nov., 1908.
... mallecho' he meant mischief; he was the sort of person who could "adduce economic and political justifications in support of running his companions through treachery". 39 And so, on 31 August, Kanailal Dutt and Satyendra Bose found the chance to kill the wretched Gossain in a narrow alley leading from the jail hospital to jail gate, and thereby to silence him for ever. At once the little freedom... freedom that had been given to the prisoners was now taken away, and once again they were removed to their respective cells. Collected in two installments the accused numbered forty-four. As for Kanailal and Satyendra, although their audacious action predictably attracted summary punishment. They nevertheless won renown, in Sisirkumar Mitra's words, as "two of the greatest martyrs in the cause of... till the last. Wasn't Sri Aurobindo shaken - wasn't he at least disturbed - by the chain of events: the framing of charges, the committal to sessions, the killing of Gossain, the martyrdom of Kanailal and Satyen, the closure of the Bande Mataram'] What was the meaning of it all? Weren't blind or evil forces operating, turning everything awry? But no! Sri Aurobindo's faith stood like a rock ...
... very happy to sacrifice his life for the country. The fire of patriotism burns in his eyes. After Khudiram was hanged, Kanailal Dutt and Satyendranath Bose also sacrificed their lives on the gallows. They too went out with the matri-mantra Vande Mataram on their lips. On seeing Kanailal Dutt’s photograph, the Mother asked Mona: “Was he with Sri Aurobindo?” Hardly had Mona said ‘yes’ that the Mother... It is clearly written on his face that he was with Sri Aurobindo — it is like an aura. His psychic being is burning intensely; it is quite an individualised psychic being. It is said that after Kanailal had been sentenced to death, he started putting on weight. And when the sentries came to fetch him on the last day they found him sound asleep. They had to wake him up. And smiling he went to the... 1933, Pradyut got ready. He washed himself, finished his puja and waited. The sentries were amazed. Then he climbed up the steps on to the gallows all by himself. A large smile lit up his face. Like Kanailal, he too had put on weight. “Are you ready, Pradyut?” questioned the Jail Superintendent, Mr. Burge. “Absolutely!” he replied with a laugh. “I am ready. Now do what you have to do.” His being ...
... approached Mirra to gain her support and her confidence. When young Kanailal Ganguly asked Mirra what his relation with her would be, she said simply: My dear child, it will be a relationship of a child with its mother. It will be a very sweet relation, constant. Both Sri Aurobindo and Mirra took charge of Kanailal, but whenever he approached the Master for help or for counsel or for... interest Mirra took in trees, plants and flowers, and in the rest of the infinite and infinitely variegated forms of life. There was, for example, her interest in cats. When a new visitor, Kanailal Ganguly, then 22, came in July 1923 to see Sri Aurobindo, at the time of his second interview he saw Mirra too: It was the first time that I saw the Mother. She looked at me for a second. She... for the removal of difficulties, the answer came that he would do it "through Mirra". Later, when in one of his moments of perplexity Kanailal approached Mirra and asked about the best way of doing Yoga, she said disarmingly: You have to aspire, you have to reject; but the best is if you can keep me in your heart, if you love me, then you will have to do nothing. I shall do all for you. 16 ...
... confined in contiguous but separate cells. The assailants were Satyen and Kanai. Satyen Bose missed, but Kanailal Dutt's bullet found its mark. It was 31 August 1908. Kanai, waiting in the death cell, gained sixteen pounds. His fearless, serene and smiling face utterly confused the prison officials. Kanailal, just turned twenty, was hanged on 10 November. The Government got such a fright at the huge funeral ...
... fro in the veranda, he appeared to be drawing force and using it according to his divine will.’ 19 It is striking how those who saw Mirra in those years describe her as very beautiful. So Kanailal Ganguly: ‘It was the first time that I saw the Mother. She looked at me for a second. She was very beautiful, looked much younger than her age.’ 20 A.B. Purani writes: ‘This time [in 1921] I saw... form. Without her no organized manifestation would have been possible. She has been doing this kind of sadhana and work from her early childhood.’ 41 Among the aspirants can be mentioned Kanailal Gangulee, who was dumbfounded at seeing two cats on the Mother’s shoulders on the occasion of their first meeting; Dr. Rajangam, struck by the Mother’s beauty; T.V. Kapali Shastri, scholar and tantrik; ...
... me the swing of the metre." ¹ December1939 On 31 August 1908 Narendranath Gossain, who had turned approver, was assassinated in the hospital by Kanailal Dutt. After this incident the prisoners were separated, and on 14 September Kanailal Dutt was hanged in the jail. On 19 October the Alipore case was committed to sessions. In the case there were two groups of accused: in one there were ...
... summary and needs to be added to." He said in a talk that the Synthesis might be published in the form of small booklets. A reply to a letter of Anilbaran Roy dictated. 26 November. A letter from Kanailal Hazara. A reply. 30 November. A letter from Sri Aurobindo's sister-in-law (Mrinalini Devi's sister), written after her bereavement. Krishnashashi, a sadhaka from Chittagong who had become... (9) Satyen, (10) Purani, (11) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (12) Punamchand, (13) Champa Ben (Punamchand's wife), (14) Rajani Kanta Palit, (15) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee, (16) Champaklal, (17) Kanailal Gangulee, (18) Khitish Chandra Dutt, (19) V. Chandra Sekharam, (20) Pujalal, (21) Purushottam Patel, (22) Rati Palit, (23) Rambhai Patel, (24) Nani Bala. ¹ Cf. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself , p ...
... the Cross, Saint 41, 112 Jones, William 497 Joseph Szarka 674 Jotindranath 285 Juliana of Norwich 62 Kafka, Franz 483 Kamalaben Amin 691, 734 Kamaraj Nadar 596, 716 Kanailal Ganguli 218, 224-5, 255 Kapali Sastry, T.V. 1fn, 212, 226, 255ff, 288-9, 297, 341-2, 351-3, 679 Karan Singh, Dr 596, 808 Kennedy, President John F. 488 Kesarimal, Vaidya 649 Kireet... 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati Muni 258 Ganapatram 278 Huta 588 Jay Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya 239 Kanailal 218, 224 Kapali Sastry 256-7, 288-9 Kodandarama 212 Lizelle 49 Maurice 369 Minnie 765 Mishra 575 Mrityunjoy 270, 289, 364 Munshi 537 Narayan Prasad 434 Nirodbaran 273-4, 398-9, 437-8 ...
... Mother in 1916. Later she shifted to the house to the west of the Ashram, now 14, Rue de la Marine. × Kanailal Ganguly settled here in July 1923. See his “As I Remember” in Breath of Grace , pp.33-41. × Pavitra ...
... William, 29ff Drewett, Mrs.,30,31 Dibreuil, Jouveau, 384 Dupleix, SS, 374, 376, 377, 379 Dutt, Charu Chandra, 189ff, 193, 207,208, 285fn, 286, 322 Dutt, Kanailal, 324ff Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, 25,49,50 Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 11, 81fn, 83, 662 Eknath, 9 Eliot, T. S., 209,294, 318,491, 513,535 Englishman, The, I'll ...
... in Alipur Jail in the Maniktala Bomb Case. During trial Sri Aurobindo remained indrawn, unconcerned. August 31 : For turning approver Narendra Goswami was killed in prison by Kanailal Datta. Sri Aurobindo unperturbed in the midst of commotion. Ashramvas (Ashram life) in jail. Reading the Gita and the Upanishad. Practising Yoga. Had decisive spiritual realisations ...
... unparalleled. Although just eighteen years of age, he became a trusted colleague of such notable revolutionaries as Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Ullaskar Dutt, Hemchandra Das, Profulla Chaki, Khudiram Bose, Kanailal Dutt and Satyendranath Bose. Thus was forged the link that shaped Sudhir’s destiny. Profile of Sudhir K. Sarkar on the eve of transportation An occasion arose when Sudhir with six other ...
... Bomb Case. Khudiram (born 1889), one of the two who threw the bomb at Muzaffarpur on 30 April 1908, was hanged on 11 August 1908. So was Satyen (born 1882) on 27 November 1908, after he had helped Kanailal Dutt (born 1888) in the assassination of the approver Naren Goswami. Kauai was hanged on 10 November 1908. Hemchandra (1871-1950) was one of the deportees to Andaman. When he was in Paris, through ...
... nickname Badan, was a singer. He was very fond of Dilipda's music. Chalantikā: a Bengali dictionary compiled in 1936 by Rajsekhar Bose; aka Parasuram (16.3.1880-27.4.1950). Kanailal Ganguly: Came to Sri Aurobindo and Mother in 1923 at the age of 22. Mother, seeing his photograph, seems to have remarked, "A highly psychical personality". He was given the work of a tailor in the ...
... months of the year 1923, five more young aspirants, four from Gujarat and one from Bengal, came to live with Sri Aurobindo: they were A.B. Purani, Champaklal, Punamchand and his wife Champaben, and Kanailal Gangulee. The year 1924 saw the arrival of Punjalal, again from Gujarat. A French army engineer Phillipe Barbier Saint-Hillaire (Pavitra) came and settled down in 1925. And the following year 1926 ...
... caught!” Sri Aurobindo replied in a mild voice: “Yet I will escape.” Naren Goswami turned King’s evidence and implicated Sri Aurobindo as the Supreme Commander of the All India Revolutionary Party. Kanailal Dutt shot and killed Goswami in Jail. The Judge, for want of corroboration, acquitted Sri Aurobindo from complicity in the Alipore Bomb Case. In 1908, the Lt. Governor of Bengal, A. Fraser, informed ...
... one young man who is dead; fully garlanded, he is ready to be taken to the cremation ground for the last rites. The Mother exclaims : ) This one was with Sri Aurobindo! Mona: Yes, Mother, this is Kanailal Dutt; he was with Sri Aurobindo. It is he who, with the help of Satyen Bose, shot the traitor Naren Goswami in Alipore Jail. The Mother: It is clearly written on his face that he was with Sri Aurobindo ...
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