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Kandahar Candahar : capital of unified Afghanistan since 1747; it is also the capital of the province of Kandahar in south-eastern Afghanistan. Its earlier name Quandhāra, derived from Gāndhāra. It is now the most important trading centre of South Afghanistan. Always a strategic site it has a long history of its conquests & finds mention in the Vedas, Ramayana & Mahabharata as Gāndhāra.

11 result/s found for Kandahar Candahar

... war in Kashmir and brought it back into international focus. Another incident, which brought the Kashmir -Afghan connection into focus was the hijacking of an Indian Airlines plane, IC 814, to Kandahar in December 1999. The three terrorists released by the Indian authorities in exchange for the safety of the passengers were all operating in Kashmir. One of them, Masood Azhar, formed the Jaish... battle front in Afghanistan for battle inoculation and also for advanced training in the camps run jointly by Pakistan's ISI and Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda, in the areas of Khost, Jalalabad and Kandahar. The cooperation continued unabated till the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, which once again brought the Afghan connection to the forefront. For 10 days after the attack ...

... means raking up hostility with India and engaging in further adventurism. The dangers A SINKING PAKISTAN WILL INSIST ON SINKING INDIA TOO. ITS ROLE SINCE LAST YEAR IN KARGIL, KANDAHAR AND KASHMIR IS A STARK REMINDER OF THAT. One myth is that Pakistan is making itself bankrupt by bleeding India in Kashmir. Pakistan is perched on the edge of bankruptcy, not because of its surrogate ...

... Asokan inscription in Greek and Aramaic at Kandahar is analysed and the conclusion arrived at that the two inscriptions are not contemporaneous; that the Greek comes much after the Aramaic and, indeed, explicates it: That the "Yavanani" script referred to by Panini is this Aramaic script going back to the pre-9th century B.C. period. The Kandahar II and Laghlman Aramaic inscriptions are then ...

...   I had responded at length to Amal's examination of the Kandahar inscription and it was so heart-warming and simultaneously humbling to receive his hearty appreciation of 28.11.86. It is difficult to envisage someone of his immense scholarship being encouraged by the reactions of an amateur. "Your appreciation of my 'Kandahar' has bucked me up no end," he wrote. In the same letter one notices... discussion could not proceed further after this crucial question. But I am led to inquire of you whether you mean by my "extract" my mind-nourishing essay in two parts: "The Greco-Aramaic Inscription of Kandahar: Some Second Thoughts on Its Interpretation." I shall be glad to know your impression. This area of chronological revision is of central importance.   Thanks for the address of the Interdi ...

... Returning to Pakistan, Ziauddin was then ordered by Sharif to travel to Kandahar to pressure Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar to stop supporting Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan and to work with Washington in extraditing bin Laden to the United States. Upon learning of Ziauddin's trip, Musharraf dispatched Aziz to Kandahar, where he instructed Mullah Omar that he was to disregard Ziauddin and... Afghan defenses against an imminent American attack. 59 But President Musharraf subsequently forced the ISI to do an about-face regarding its role in Afghanistan. In October, Musharraf sent Mahmud to Kandahar in Afghanistan as part of a diplomatic mission to tell Mullah Muhammad Omar to hand bin Laden over to the United States. Instead, Mahmud did the exact opposite, advising Mullah Omar not to hand bin ...

... cities in the Far East were many whose position on the old trade routes shows that they were designed to serve trading purposes; and so some of them are prosperous at the present day, like Herat, 1 Kandahar 2 and Khojend. 3 He opened new sea routes for trade: the voyage of Nearchus connected his new colonial territory in India with Babylon; he himself intended shortly before his death to connect Babylon ...

... nor the cloths Damascus yields, Nor what the seas give up, nor what the fields. He gathers ever with exhaustless hands: His camels heave across the endless sands. Through Balkh when to Caboul or Candahar The wains go groaning or the evening star Watches the pomp of the wide caravan Intend to provinces Arabian, Half is Abdullah the Emir's: and he Gets spices of the south and porphyry: His are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... “Cross and Christians, end to end, I examined. He was not on the cross. I went to the Hindu temple, to the ancient pagoda. In none of them was there any sign. To the uplands of Herat I went, and to Kandahar. I looked. He was not on the heights or in the lowlands. Resolutely, I went to the summit of the mountain of Kaf. There was only the dwelling of the Anqa bird. I went to the Kaaba of Mecca. He was ...

... fact that the Southern and Western peoples went almost solid for Duryodhana in this quarrel—Madra, the Deccan, Avanti, Sindhu Sauvira, Gandhara, in one long line from southern Mysore to northern Candahar; the Aryan colonies in the yet half civilised regions of the Lower valley of the Ganges espoused the same cause. The Eastern nations, heirs of the Ixvaacou imperial idea, went equally solid for Y ...

... with those of five post-Alexandrine Greek monarchs. And there is also the version in Greek along with an unmistakably Aśokan message in Aramaic in the inscription discovered some decades ago in Kandahar. Since the discovery of this bilingual inscription another in Greek alone and two more in only Aramaic with Aśokan references have come to light. Can we dislodge these records from the middle of ...

... was the emperor who proclaimed, "All men are my children." The boundaries of the Maurya empire stretched from the river Brahmaputra to the east to the Arabian Sea to the west, and included Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Kashmir, as well as some portions of Nepal. Just as his forefathers, through their colonies, had spread India's arts and epics and creeds in the Archipelago (the Aegean Page 40 ...