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Karṇa Curna : first son of Kūnti he was an ansha of Surya born before her marriage with Pāndu from her karṇa (ear) with impregnable armour & divine ear-rings attached to his body. Afraid of censure & disgrace Kūnti abandoned the child on the banks of the Yamuna. The charioteer of Dhṛitarāṣṭra found & brought him up as his own son. Thanks to Parashurāma, Karṇa grew into a supreme archer & was befriended by Duryodhana. An unwavering alms-giver, Karṇa tore out his armour & ear-rings asked by Indra who came in the form a Brahmin, & Indra endowed him an unerring missile. Karṇa intended to use it to kill Arjūna, Indra’s ansha, but was forced by Duryodhana to use it to kill Ghatotkacha.
... other" ear, the inner ear which listens to inspired knowledge. × Sayana takes the two words jarataḥ karṇa as if they were one indicating the name of the Rishi "Jaratkarna". × Sayana renders jarūtha "a ...
... different from this status of inner liberation. 1 Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha, III .52.59. 2 Ibid., III .118.19, III.9.7, III.16.22, III.88.13, VII.1.8. 3 "sacakṣuracakṣuriva sakarṇo' karṇa iva savāgavāgiva saprāṇo'prāṇa iva" (cited in Jivanmukti-Viveka by Vidyaranya Muni). 4 Dattatreya, Jivanmukti Gītā, 8. 6 Ibid., III .88. 11-13. Page 100 ...
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