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Kari : father of the saint Nammalwar (q.v.), a tributary of Madurai’s Pāndyan kings.

5 result/s found for Kari

... Saint") among the Vaishnavas and the greatest of their saints and poets, was born in a small town called Kuruhur, in the southernmost region of the Tamil country—Tiru-nelveli (Tinnevelly). His father, Kari, was a petty prince who paid tribute to the Pandyan King of Madura. We have no means of ascertaining the date of the Alwar's birth, as the traditional account is untrustworthy and full of inconsistencies ...


... use boiling over human ingratitude—it is too immense a thing to deserve a single boil. You know Vidyasagar's saying, " ā mar upar t ā nr eta r ā g keno? ā mi ta t ā nr kona-o upak ā ra kari ni!!" ["Why does he abuse me? I never did him a good turn!"] Of course all humanity is not like that—luckily, but it is a familiar tract in human nature and a large part of the average human act like ...

... Saint") among the Vaishnavas and the greatest of their saints and poets, was born in a small town called Kuruhur, in the southernmost region of the Tamil country — Tiru-nel-veli (Tinnevelly). His father, Kari, was a petty prince who paid tribute to the Pandyan King of Madura. We have no means of ascertaining the date of the Al-war's birth, as the traditional account is untrustworthy and full of inconsistencies ...


... whole world of meaning and mystery is packed in the sixteen-syllabled announcement: Satyavan will in one year from today abandon his body, his life here expended, samvatsarena ksīnāyurdehanyāsam karisyati. The sentence is pronounced in the active voice and has the ring of authenticity of a marvellous power that judges and governs our life's many-wending ways, assuring that Satyavan has to die... actual death of Satyavan in the Shalwa wilderness Page 119 is the grim prophecy of death made by Narad in Aswapati's palace at Madra. The phrase samvatsarena ksīnāyurdehanyāsam karisyati at the end of the year, life over, he will abandon his body has the rhythm movement of a wider world, coming from across the intuitive silences, which lends to the utterance itself a truth-force... rapidity towards the unrevealed purpose and end. Again, most unexpectedly, Narad comes and makes an announcement of Satyavan's death exactly one year since then: samvatsarena ksīnāyurdehanyāsam karisyati. A luminous imponderable has appeared on the scene and Narad, perhaps "concealing the truth with truth", declares of it in a very definite way. He does not cast the horoscopes of the two young ...

... jiva remains hooked to the ego and does not exercise his will to rise above the ego, then the resultant condition is what Sri Krishna describes when he says, "prakrtim yānti bhūtāni, nigrahah kim karisyatī”, all creatures follow the drive of Prakriti, of what avail is the restraint? 54 It is true that the power of universal Prakriti is so irresistible that the movement of restraint that emerges ...