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Kashi : an ancient region of India comprising what is now Vārānasi one of the most important hubs of Shaivism. (Isn’t it named after Rishi Kashyapa? See Kashmir)
... change of consciousness.) He told this to his guru and the guru silently accepted and blessed him — just with a smile. Jogdananda went on a pilgrimage with his guru’s consent. He travelled through Kashi, Haridwar, Hrishikesh, etc. Throughout he was dogged by an oft-recurring dream in which he was holding an infant in his arms. Long ago his guru had told him to get married, but he did not. Was this ...
... straight to heaven. Surprisingly, Varanasi does not mark one of Ganga's great confluences, but is named after two small rivers that join here, the Varuna and Asi. The oldest habitation site of India — Kashi, lies north of the Varuna. Crossing the vast Gangetic plain, the Ganga flows past Patna, the famous Pataliputra mentioned in the history books across India. She flows past Mokamah, ...
... तस्य भवन्ति मुक्ताः। देव्यास्तु पुण्येन पदार्पणेन सर्वार्यभूमिर्जगतोऽपि काशी ॥९७॥ As those who dwell in Shiva’s sacred city of Kashi are liberated by the auspicious touch of the Lord, so all this Aryan country where the Goddess has set her purifying feet shall be the Kashi of the world. प्रीतिर्दया धैर्यमदम्यशौर्यं श्रद्धा तितिक्षा विविधाश्च विद्याः। अनन्तरूपे त्वमसि प्रसीद चिरं वसार्ये हृदि भारतानाम् ...
... any need to see your boss. Good-bye!' And saying this the salesman collected his big and took to his heels! * Praveen's mother had passed away and a distinguished Brahmin from Kashi was brought for the last rites. The pundit saw Praveen's big house. Very impressive indeed. Then the connection with Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He had found a very wealthy client indeed! In order... English so much, so much.... so much really.... that you felt........he knew nothing!' Page 35 Dada said this in such an amusing way that no one resist laughing. This pundit from Kashi has reminded me of another amusing story. There was another club not far from our own Berhampur club. There are always a couple of braggarts a such club-boys. One day this club organised a show. ...
... yesterday's Hindu the review of an annual of English literature. It is a symposium of many writers of the British Empire. From India four names have been chosen—one Kashi Prasad Ghose, Toru Dutt, Sarojini Naidu and yourself . Do you know this Kashi Prasad Ghose? SRI AUROBINDO: No. Who is he? NIRODBARAN: Only poets have been included, and the Indian selection has been made by an Indian professor. ...
... context necessary for a truer wholesome religious life. The Brahminical rituals and their strict observations must have moulded his outlook, coming as these did from the seats of learning at Paithan and Kashi. Apart from adherence to routinised customs and practices, it was also the age when the intellectual spirituality was primarily dominated by the Adwaita Philosophy of Shankara; indeed, we may well take ...
... Veddnta, up to Shankara and his Pupils, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi, 1981. Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach (2nd edition). Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K., 1979. Kashi, Light ofKriya Yoga, Yoganiketan, Portland Maine, 2002. Kedamath, Vivek ane Sadhana, Edited by Kishorlal Mashruwala and Ramanlal Modi, Navjiwan Prakashan, Ahmedabad, 1956. Krishna Roy ...
... Sariputta, Maha-Moggallana, Maha- Kachchana, Maha-Kotthita, Maha-Kappina, Maha-Chunda, Anuruddha, Revata, Upali, Ananda, and Rahula. These are described as travelling together through the country of Kashi. Another passage in Vinaya mentions the Theras, the brothers Isidasa, and Isibhatta, Nilavasi, Gopaka, Bhagu, and Phalika-Sandana. The pupils of these Theras are also mentioned. The Buddhist system ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 Who Seeks Holy Places? WHO seeks holy places Gaya and Ganga and Prabhas and Kashi and Kanchi and all, If I can tell to the end the countless count of the name of Kali? What need has one of rituals, if all the three holy hours one utters the name of Kali? The rituals pursue him in ...
... and sticks to you again ! Sri Aurobindo : Some people are said to feel pure and light after atonement. But generally they are ready to make another fresh start ! All these ideas about death in Kashi and removal of sins are simply heresy and deceits of the vital world. 2-7-1926 Disciple : You said the other day that birth, growth, decay and death – that is the law of life, – but it ...
... footballers’ exemplary conduct. At the beginning Arun used to play at the goal. Arun’s game was flawless and he was a most dependable player. As backs we had Hriday and Sudhir from Chittagong. Later Kashi Das too joined. Bir Singh, Abhay Singh, Dayakar, Kunjbehari and Robi Gupta used to play in the midfield. As forwards we had Sunil-da, Amiyo, Kanak, Jayant, Manju and Ranju Gupta. Sunil-da often led ...
... heavenly feet to tread, Free and holy, bold and wise, Shall lift up her face before the world and she whom men thought dead, Into strength immortal rise. Not in icy lone Gungotry nor by Kashi's holy fanes, Mother, hast thou power to save Only, nor dost thou grow old near Sagar, nor our vileness stains, Ganges, thy celestial wave. Dukkhineswar, Dukkhineswar, wonderful predestined ...
... preeminence and the Kurus were a great practical, warlike, ritualistic, juristic race of the Roman type, with little of the speculative temper or moral enthusiasm of the eastern Coshalas, Videhas, Kashis, Chedis. The West of India has always been noted for its practical, soldierly, commercial bent of mind in comparison with the imaginative and idealistic Eastern races and the scholastic, logical and ...
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