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Kaushitaki : Kauṣītakī an Upanishad of the Rig-Veda.
... of the Vedas had a separate Brāhmana. Brāhmanas were instructed simultaneously with the different recensions of the Vedas. The Aitareya Brāhmana belongs to the Shākala Shākhā of Rigveda, while Kaushitaki (Shānkhāyana) Brāhmana is connected with Bashkala Shākhā of Rigveda. Shatapatha Brāhmana is connected with Shukia Yajurveda, while Taittiriya Brāhmana and Kathaka Brāhmana are connected with Krishna... The main subject dealt with the Āranyakas is the esoteric meaning of sacrifices, their rituals as also the inner meaning of the conduct related to the system of varn ā shrama. Aitareya and Kaushitaki Āranyakas are related to Rigveda, Taittiriya and Sānkhayāyana Āranyakas are related to Krishna Yajurveda, while Page 93 Brihadāranyaka is related to Shukia Yajurveda. Talavakara Āranyaka... account, there are at least 250 Upanishads. Page 94 The important Upanishads and their connections with the Vedas may briefly be stated in the following table: Aitareya, Māndukya and Kaushitaki are related to Rigveda; Taittiriya, Katha, and Shwetāshvatara are connected with Krishna Yajurveda; Brihadāranyaka and Isha are related to Shukia Yajurveda; Kena and Chhāndogya are ...
... character to produce any impression of bewilderment. But in those great & profound Upanishads built on a larger plan, which form the bulk of the early Vedanta, the Chandogya, the Brihad Aranyaka, the Kaushitaki, the Taittiriya, even the Aitareya, this unintelligible residuum becomes the major portion, sometimes almost the great mass of the writing. Often we feel ourselves to be in a mighty tropical jungle ...
... 1971, Pondicherry, Vol. 12, pp.226-7. 59 There are more than two hundred Upanishads, but most important of them are twelve in number. They are: Brihadaranyaka, Chhandogya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Kena, Katha, Isha, Mundaka, Prashna, Mandukya, and Shwetashwatara. 60 Bhagavad Gita, II. 54,72. Page 71 61 Ibid. n.62,63. 62 Ibid. n.47. 63 Ibid. VH.4,5; XV.16,17 ...
... aspiration to know the Brahman and it continues through the hearing of the Upanishads, reflection on the Upanishads and dwelling on the Upanishads. Important Upanishads are: Aitareya, Mandukya and Kaushitaki, which are related to Rig Veda; Taittiriya, Kama and Shweteshwatara which are related to Krishna Yajurveda; Brihadaranyaka and Isha, which are related to Shukla Yajurveda; Kena and Chhandogya, which ...
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