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Kemp : F.E. Kemp, deputy superintendent of police, Barisal, under whose command the police cudgelled & lāthi-charged the procession of delegates to the Provincial Conference of the Congress on April 14, 1906.
... attacking France. According to European astrology Hitler's stars are with him till Dec. 1938. Page .66 Sri Aurobindo : Why! Hitler himself has said in his "Mein Kemp" that Germany is not safe without the destruction of France. And France says the same thing about Germany. They have chosen this time, perhaps, because they think that France has been weakened by the ...
... term "transcendental" for them, and called his own Philosophy "Critical Transcendentalism." 14 Kantian subjectivism has important 14 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, tr. Norman Kemp Smith, London,1929, "Preface" (both editions), pp.7-32. Page 244 consequences for art since, though Kant stationed himself firmly on the irreducible finitude of human cognition ...
... 6.Ibid. 7. Vide Russell, R. (2002), op. cit, p 567. 8. Ibid., pp. 567-578. 9. Vide Kant, I. (1973), Critique of Pure Reason (London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.) Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, pp. 504-505. 10. Vide Russell, B. (2002), op. cit., p. 785. 11. Ibid. 12. Vide Hick, J. (1970), op. cit., p.69. 13.Quoted in Hick, J. (1970), op. cit, pp. 87-88. 14.Quoted ...
... Conference was totally exceptional; and there could be no certainty that the victory, then won for reason and patriotism, would be permanent, for the mendicant spirit fled from the Conference Pandal before Kemp's cudgels and the triumph of the gospel of self-help was accomplished in an atmosphere of such excitement that even the chill blood of a Legislative Councillor was heated into seditious utterance. The ...
... business point Page 176 of view. And he began comforting me very cheerfully with the reflection that everybody must die some day, remarking how conveniently near the cemetary was (Kemps ford Gardens, I must tell you looks out upon Brompton Cemetary and funerals pass down it every day) and hoping that undertakers did not charge very high, as he had nearly come to the end of his last ...
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