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49 result/s found for Kennedy

... Ashramite] this morning, the person who went to America, who knew Kennedy and even spoke to him about the possibility of openly joining with Russia so as to exert pressure on the world and prevent armed disputes (he said, "to settle all border and territorial disputes in a peaceful way," beginning, of course, with China and India). Kennedy had been enthusiastic. Page 12 The Russian ambassador... had telephoned Khrushchev: enthusiastic over the idea (but this Khrushchev seems to be rather a good man). They were supposed to sort it out during a meeting at the U.N. At this point, Kennedy makes off.... [Kennedy was assassinated on 22 November 1963.] But the idea has been taken up again through Khrushchev and he continues to be quite enthusiastic. [Khrushchev will be dismissed nine months ...

... Anyway, there we are, we have only to wait, endure, and broaden more and more. ( silence ) Kennedy won't be able to do it.... According to the American constitution, the vice-president automatically becomes president, the next minute; and this vice-president symbolized the opposition to Kennedy. And within his own party, among the Democrats, there was already a division. Well. So, what... Mother’s Agenda 1963 November 23, 1963 Kennedy has been assassinated, that means the possibility of war. He was one of the instruments for the establishment of peace—it's a setback for the entire political history of the earth. But probably, it means basically that things weren't ready: some parts would have been... been overlooked. But I had been told this a few weeks ago, last month, while I was conducting a general survey. I heard someone who said ("someone" is a manner of speaking, I know who it is): Kennedy won't be able to do it . I thought the instrument was too small, I didn't think of this. Page 389 And then five of our air force chiefs have been killed in a helicopter crash—helicopters never ...


... your faith, your effort, your prayer amidst the refusals. Everything else will come. As for me, I am keeping an eye on Kennedy, as Page 170 I already told you. It is the future of America, when it will be rid of its ghosts and monsters. I would like very much that Kennedy and Zivkova meet and through them, almost without their knowing it, that these two phantom enemies become aware of... make the Russians and the Americans converse through Bulgaria. But where is the man? I think that men hardly listen now to anything except crushing circumstances. I have the impression that Kennedy 30 is more open and would be more accessible, but what are his chances? And it is far. If only I could make him touch Mother, the Force.... You see, all this is full of suspension marks. I look... not before the Earth is cleansed of these rats. Our very first symbol is the so-called "Sri Aurobindo Ashram." Let us not be in doubt: they have killed Mother, just the same as they have killed Kennedy and killed Ludmila — the same force. But at least on one point, the Imposture will be and is being unmasked. Thousands of copies of the Agenda are circulating at least in France, in one country ...

... saw S.G. this morning, the person who went to America, who knew Kennedy and even spoke to him about the possibility of openly joining with Russia so as to exert pressure on the world and prevent armed disputes (he said, "to settle all border and territorial disputes in a peaceful way," beginning, of course, with China and India). Kennedy had been enthusiastic. The Russian ambassador had been summoned... once, and he had telephoned Khrushchev: enthusiastic over the idea (but this Khrushchev seems to be rather a good man). They were supposed to sort it out during a meeting at the U.N. At this point, Kennedy makes off.... 1 But the idea has been taken up again through Khrushchev and he continues to be quite enthusiastic. 2 It seems (I don't know if it's quite true, because it's Z [a Russian disciple]... means of emerging from the present chaos to be born to a new life, more harmonious and truer. Page 31 × Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. × Khrushchev will be dismissed nine months later, on October ...


... imperialistic superpowers would look for ‘approachment’. But the Lord of the Nations would not let himself be dethroned that easily. The Mother called the murder of President Kennedy an occult assassination. ‘The murder of Kennedy has disturbed a lot of things from the standpoint of the general Work … It is a victory of that [black] Force over the Force that tries to follow more harmonious ways.’ 31... Life will become fully alive in us, we will possess eternal life. The Mother was present in the happenings of the world, in the world movement, also at that exceptional moment in history when John Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev and John XXIII instilled new hope into mankind after years of Cold War and the tense opposition of the two big world blocks. It was the end of the colonial era, and the Mother had ...


... Muzaffarpur. On the night of 30 April, Kingsford played bridge at the Club with his wife and a couple of friends, Mrs. and Miss Kennedy. When their carriages left the club, Prafulla and Khudiram were waiting, but they threw their bomb into the wrong carriage. Miss Kennedy died almost on the spot, her mother two days later. 94 The British had by now revised their disdainful attitude to the Bengali ...

... Nothing to say? ( long silence ) There's an American living in Madras, a rather important man, it seems, and an intimate friend of Kennedy, the new President. He has read and reread all of Sri Aurobindo's books and is extremely interested. He wrote to Kennedy that he would like him to come here so he can bring him to the Ashram. This man has posed a very interesting question, drawing an analogy ...


... out to Satprem a stack of letters ) Congo... Fiji... Germany... France... America... It's every day like that. Page 176 I received several letters from America asking me to save Kennedy, 2 and as those letters were opened by the police they must have wondered.... And here they called our A., the American, and questioned him for more than an hour—you know how they do. But why... rules Roman Curia demand your immediate return else your position compromised." × Senator Robert Kennedy, who was shot dead in Los Angeles on June 5. × A Catholic monk who stays in the Ashram. ...


... Keats, John, 30,41,176,177 Kena Upanishad, 337,459, 461ff, and Isha, 461; comparison with Mother's prayer, 462; and stair of consciousness, 462; and The Life Divine, 463 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 722 Khanna, Ravindra, 690 Khaparde, G. S., 227, 269,272, 528 Kimberley, Lord, 37 Kingsford, D. H., 246, 305,307, 313 Kingsley, Charles... 418, 441 Plotinus, 441 Poddar, Arabinda, 26fh Prasad, Narayan, 579 Prince of Edur, The, 119,120, 152,154-55 Prince of Mathura, The, 119 Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365 Prothero, G. W., 33, 37 Psychology of Social Development, The, See The Human Cycle Punjabee, The, 234, 246 Pujalal, 579 Purani ...

... expected President Truman to intervene effectively and save the situation, and indeed that is what he did, and North Korean forces were driven to vacate the aggression. When, years later, President Kennedy was shown by Sudhir Ghose a typed copy of Sri Aurobindo's letter of 28 June 1950 (widely publicised in India in August 1950), the President is reported to have remarked: Surely, there is a typing... not 1950! You mean to say that a man devoted to meditation and contemplation, sitting in one comer of India, said this about the intentions of China as early as 1950? Sudhir Ghose had to tell Kennedy that the date was correct, and it was merely an instance of infallible yogic vision. Just as Sri Aurobindo had Page 488 given a firm advice in 1942 that India should accept Cripps' offer ...


... Catholic Pope Paul VI was elected. He had a difficult task cut out for him in succeeding the beloved John XXIII who had initiated a revolution in the Catholic Church, the aggiornamento. John XXIII, John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, three exceptional characters and leaders, had created one of the high moments of human understanding and goodwill in an exceptionally harrowing century. The Mother had supported... supported them in their contribution to the advent of a New World. ‘The rapprochement between Russia and America is something I have been working on for years,’ 33 she said. She also said that Kennedy was receptive and that she had been counting on him. She called his assassination, in November of the same year, an occult murder executed by ‘the same black forces’ which try to gain a hold on every ...

... × It is the period of the Kennedy-Khrushchev-de Gaulle "combination." Indira Gandhi will come to power about two years later. × President Kennedy will be assassinated almost exactly a month later (on November 22). ...


... Anyway, we'll see what happens. It seems Kennedy is Catholic. That is a serious matter. They say he was the first person the Pope saw after his... what's the word for Popes? Investiture? Page 190 I don't know. When he first appears in public: "Here is the Pope!" Anyhow, after the ceremony of investiture, he saw Mr. Kennedy: the first person. ( silence ) Catholicism ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 November 20, 1965 ( On Mother's table lies an issue of "The Illustrated Weekly" showing a large photo of President Kennedy with folded hands. This is the second anniversary of his death, November 22, 1963. ) Was he a religious man? He was Catholic, I think. Oh, Catholic!... Ah, that's why he died.... You know he was truly... all in favor of that plan; so things "worked out" well and they killed him. The other one in Russia who had responded, Khrushchev, didn't die because he left in time! But I didn't know, I thought Kennedy was Protestant. ( Later, about a disciple who is very talkative but full of ironic wit—Bharatidi. ) ...She kept me almost an hour! She told me, "The next time, I won't chatter." So this time ...


... million Roma we have heard, although doubt has been sown in the minds of many by fanatic Holocaust-deniers.) The March on Selma took place in 1965, two years after the assassination of President John Kennedy and at the time of the Apollo space programme. – At the time of writing the USA has a Black President, Barack Obama. Animal Lovers If the leading role of the USA in the eugenics movement surprises ...

... Nirodbaran Talukdar was also a medical doctor. × When Sudhir Ghosh told the American President John F. Kennedy about Sri Aurobindo and let him read his text on Korea, the president said: ‘Surely there is a typing mistake here.’ Under the document the date is mentioned: 28.6.1950. ‘The date must have been 1960 ...

... with, the body needs something that will allow it to last three hundred years. × An American, a friend of President Kennedy, who had made an analogy between tracking down a deer in the forest and tracking down the Supermind: "How can the Supermind be detected, in the way a huntsman would detect a deer in the forest? By ...


... him, he liked to solve workers' problems). Then there is the continuation of the other one's work: the rapprochement, so to say, with Russia, which is truly interesting. Last, there is the fact that Kennedy is Catholic. And also, that all this is happening just now, I mean when AT LEAST (I don't say at best, I say at least) the foundation of the new world is being prepared.... The foundations are being ...


... are going there. So perhaps we are going to see something interesting. The rapprochement between Russia and America is something I have been working on for years. I thought I had succeeded, when Kennedy was assassinated; and at the time, Khrushchev was well-disposed—both gone! One is assassinated, the other dismissed. Now we'll see. If nothing comes in the way, there may be something interesting ...


... despite the much greater control exercised by exact written and oral records, we Page 144 have seen a tremendous growth in the tradition about figures such as Pope John and John F. Kennedy within ten years after their death, so that one can speak of a difference between these men as they were in history and as they are in the popular evaluation."   According to Brown, 28 "the ...

... empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him" (Monser, 503, 508). Kennedy, James and Newcomb, Jerry (1994), What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson). The basic reason accepted by the Early Christians for the crucifixion was that God loved man so ...


... Chi Minh in the war and the Ngo Dinh Diem government was installed in South Vietnam, the U.S. began to render political support to South Vietnam in place of France. In 1961, U.S. President John F. Kennedy expanded the support into the military area. In early August 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson decided to bomb a strategic military point of North Vietnam immediately after the Maddox, a destroyer ...

... movement, (2) Bharat Mata, the personification of Mother India, (3) B.G. Tilak and (4) and (5) Khudiram Bose and Profulla Chaki, the two young Bengalis who threw the bomb which killed Mrs. and Miss Kennedy at Muzaffarpur in April, 1908. It was remarked that Arabindo Ghose was now in closer touch with V. V. S. Aiyar and his dangerous gang. Enquiries made in 1913 showed that there had been no ...

... Kishoregunj. He reached Kishoregunj on Saturday: there was a meeting and an address. On 30 April a bomb intended for Mr. Kingsford, the District Magistrate of Muzaffarpur was thrown at Mrs. and Miss Kennedy by mistake. Both the ladies died. On 1 May many revolutionaries were arrested. Page 107 ...


... trying to steal in through the meshes of this "catastrophe"? Through the years, I followed the phenomenon step by step and saw this tremendous invasion of Power from 1962 (the year of Cuba and the Kennedy-Khrushchev confrontation), when the meshes of the web gave way for the first time. The great disorganization in the earth body, the accelerated mudbath, the "illness of transformation" and something ...


... boys - Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki - threw a bomb at a closed carriage that was supposed to carry Kingsford, but the bomb actually killed two wholly innocent ladies, Mrs. and Miss Pringle-Kennedy, wife and daughter of a local advocate, as they were going out in the carriage from their Club. On 1 May, as Sri Aurobindo was sitting in the   Page 305 office of the Bande Mataram ...

... than shut out the song of the Sirens from the hearing of the crew of Ulysses."   Swinburne's word stood unchallenged until 1911. In that year A. E. Housman delivered the Inaugural Lecture as Kennedy Professor of Latin at Cambridge. There we have what Henry Jackson described at the time as Housman's "trouncing of Swinburne in respect of a reading of Shelley". With less open ferocity but with d ...


... 16. Op. cit., p. 330, 2. and p. 352, col. 1. 17."The Indus Civilization", A Cultural History of India, edited by A.L. Basham (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975), p. 19. Page 101 Kennedy, 'Trauma and Disease in the Ancient Harappāns", as summed up by Lai in the 1986 publication Frontiers of the Indus Civilization 18 informs us that as a result of his examination of these skeletons ...


... Kaushītakī Brāhmaṇa, 44 Kautilya, 86 Kasyapur, 87 Kechi Beg, 68 Keith. A.B., 11, 26, 35, 55, 103, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 119, 127 Keith, Sir Arthur, 21 Kennedy, K.A.R., 101-2 Kesis, 87 Ketkar, Mrs. S., 92fn. Khafaje, 58, 73 Khan, F., 13 Khatti-Khattiyo = Kshatriya, 89 "Kheta", 89 Khurri-Mitanni, 88 ...


... to retreat. During this time Mother made the following four statements. ) Page 355 Sometimes I have the impression that our leaders do not seem to have backbone to the same extent as Kennedy with his decision about Cuba. This kind of thinking is quite out of place at this moment. One should never criticise someone if one has not proved indisputably that, in the same circumstances, ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... 18, 24, 53-8, 152 information 102, 120-3, 216-7 international zone 17, 20 intuition 87 K Kennedy 12-3 kitchens see food Khrushchev 13 L Lake Estate 7-8, 14, 16, 19, 24 languages ...

... a threat by China to occupy disputed borderland in northern Kashmir and northeastern India) Sometimes I have the impression that our leaders do not seem to have the sort of backbone displayed by Kennedy with his decision about Cuba. Page 272 This kind of comment is quite out of place at the moment. One should never criticise someone unless one has proved beyond dispute that in the same ...


... those countries... Nigeria, I think, and his ambition is to work so that his country will be one of the first ready for the transformation—a great ambition. And I received a cable from him the day Kennedy was shot, praying for my help. It's very touching. But it has triggered all kinds of things—in fact, that's in part why I had that long presence of Sri Aurobindo and that long work. As though it ...


... the countries are astounded that it could happen. And my impression was like this: an invisible action working on people WITHOUT THEIR NOTICING IT—not through the mind. Ostensibly it's because Kennedy told them to cease firing or he would send in troops. It seems more likely that this cease-fire is a Chinese trick, that they've got something up their sleeve. It's quite possible. It may ...


... Subbulakshmi. Rajaji also composed a hymn, 'Here under this Uniting Roof' which was sung in 1966 at the United Nations, again by M. S. Subbulakshmi. He was invited to the White House by President Kennedy; perhaps the only civilian, not in power, ever to be accorded formal state reception. The two discussed various matters and it is said that the great Indian statesman tried to impress the young President ...

... the sepoys and civilians pillaged, Col. Gillespie from Arcot led the 19th Dragoons and the 7th cavalry quite easily since three of the four outer gates of the fort were left unattended. With Col. Kennedy arriving with more reinforcements and the Indian sepoys running out of ammunition, the fort was as easily taken back as had been won by the mutineers. In less than eight hours, the entire drama was ...

... After a ceremony attended by all the main leaders of European States, he was buried in the small cemetery of Bazoches. Later the French realized that they had not been very fair to the man Kennedy called a "statesman of the world", and about whom Francois Valery (the famous poet Paul Valery's son) could say, "Few men have enjoyed so little power and yet exerted so much influence, and one that ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Page 275 and the brutal flogging of a very young boy in the previous year when he was the Chief Presidency Magistrate in Calcutta. "In attempting to kill Mr. Kingsford, Mrs. and Miss Kennedy were murdered by a bomb thrown at their carriage, while they were coming out of their club, by a boy named Khudiram Bose." 150 The opportune moment, eagerly-awaited by the Government, had at last ...

... their eye on him for some time, and on their behalf Biren had now - as he thought - settled old scores; he was himself to be soon arrested, convicted and hanged. Like the bomb-outrage on the Pringle-Kennedy ladies in April 1908, the killing of Shams-ul-Alam also suddenly queered the political pitch in Bengal, and different interests began reacting in predictable ways. On 29 January the Karmayogin, ...

... Kamalaben Amin 691, 734 Kamaraj Nadar 596, 716 Kanailal Ganguli 218, 224-5, 255 Kapali Sastry, T.V. 1fn, 212, 226, 255ff, 288-9, 297, 341-2, 351-3, 679 Karan Singh, Dr 596, 808 Kennedy, President John F. 488 Kesarimal, Vaidya 649 Kireet Joshi 624, 676, 691 Kishor Gandhi 676, 691, 716, 727, 739 Kobayashi, Dr and Mme 175ff, 183, 193-4, 221, 302, 838 Kodandarama ...


... retrospect it is now clear that the "postscript chapter" as well as the letter of 28 June accurately assessed the strategic situation of Tibet as the gateway to India. When, years later, president Kennedy was shown a typed copy of Sri Aurobindo's statement, he is reported to have told Sudhir Ghose: Surely, there is a typing mistake here. The date must have been 1960, not 1950! You mean to ...

... through war and conquest, through meditation or magic, through beauty, religion or science. Though, in truth, we do not know who is most advanced: the Acropolis builder, the Theban magician, the Cape Kennedy astronaut, or the Cistercian monk, for one has rejected life in order to understand it, one has embraced it without understanding it, another has left a trace of beauty, and still another, a white ...


... around 9 P.M., the boys threw bombs on a carriage they presumed to be Kingsford's. But it was not. It is amazing how many of the most brutal of men seem to have a charmed life ... for a time. Mrs. Kennedy and her daughter were going to the Club in their own carriage, and both of them were killed. The next day, 1* May, Khudiram was arrested at a wayside station. Prafulla, resisting the attempt to arrest ...

... was removed from his twin posts of USSR's prime minister and First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party. Mother said it was "a VIOLENT regression." Later she clarified. "But I was counting on Kennedy, not without reason, for he gave his assent to join Russia for establishing peace upon earth. The talks had started and they had seized the opportunity of China's agression against India. The other ...

... belongs to another age: it's something that no longer has the right to exist on the earth. It must go. It's the same thing, moreover, which brought about Kennedy's assassination. And I suppose that's why I had to intervene. Because Kennedy's assassination has upset many things from the point of view of the general work. And it was the same thing, because as soon as I had news of the assassination ...

... 101 Archaeologist Lai's denial that the "massacre" skeletons at Mohenjo-dāro all belong to one and the same latest level of occupation 101 Physical anthropologist Kennedy's information that the skeletons belong to persons who died because of some water-borne diseases and malaria rather than a "massacre" 101-102 No proof of Aryan destruction of the ...

... between the Yes and the No, that is to say, between all that struggles to hasten the coming of new things and all that refuses—refuses with increasing violence. 10 This was 1963, the year of John Kennedy's assassination.... As you aren't conscious of the why, you don't have the key!... Which means that the further you go, the nearer you draw to the Goal, the more... inexplicable it appears to be. 11 ...

... rolled from East to West and everywhere: in the Pacific, France won the dubious honor of becoming the fifth nuclear nation. There was the assassination of Martin Luther King, the assassination of John Kennedy's brother. The invasion of Czechoslovakia, the candidacy of Nixon. Finally, the gold crisis, the "worst one since 1930," the London stockmarket closed.... But this was only a beginning: The reign of ...

... the Inconscient that the evolution must necessarily start and reach its apex in the full emergence of the Supreme Purusha. 6.03.68 * * * I was shocked and distressed to hear about Kennedy's assassination. What things are coming to! It is the wolf Page 60 and the tiger and the serpent in man that have broken loose and are running amuck. No humanity is left in man ...