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Khotan : a town of Sinkiang, China: a centre Buddhism.
... sanctuaries... Buddhism was the prevailing religion of all these localities." All the Central-Asian documents found are supposed to be of post-Christian date, but it is of great interest to note that Khotan, which "seems to be a particularly important centre of Indian colonisation", is said in Tibetan tradition to have had its royal dynasty founded by Kustana, a son of Aśoka, and in other Buddhist traditions... Aśokan history the Nirvāna, according to this date, would fall in the 4th century B.C. and a Japanese scholar quoted by Thomas places it in 386 B.C. Thomas 5 has also set down "the tradition of Khotan as reported in Tibetan books". 6 It places the 50th year (out of 55) in the reign of Aśoka at an interval of 234 years from the Parinirvāna, which means 180 years earlier than Aśoka's accession ...
... Keralaputra/Ketaloputo, 272 Keralas, 530 Kern, 46 Kharavela, 85, 173, 279, 286, 472, 473, 474, 475, 481, 548 Kharaparikas, 424, 427 Kharosthī, 330, 430, 482 Khasas, 162, 530 Khotan, tradition of, 365 Khuddaparinda, 273 Ki-pin, 459, 460, 505 Kidara (Kushāna), 42, 414-7, 424, 428 Kielhorn, 366 Kilakilas, Kilakila Yavanas, 10, 11, 12, 522 Kiratas (Cirrhadae) ...
... close kinship to the sculptural reliefs at Java. And we find that the spirit and tradition which reigns through all changes of style and manner at Ajanta, is present too at Bagh and Sigiriya, in the Khotan frescoes, in the illuminations of Buddhist manuscripts of a much later time and in spite of the change of form and manner is still spiritually the same in the Rajput paintings. This unity and continuity ...
... tempted to recognize in it the Avestan haoma. The second term in the compound, varga, has till now resisted etymological interpretation, but we can compare it with a word in the Saka language of Khotan, aurgā, orgā, "adoration, cult, homage". The haumavarga would then mean "the haoma revering." Frye 278 gives the same reading but adds: "Although the meaning of the name is uncertain, d ...
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