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Krishna Kumar Mitra Krishna Kumar Mitter : (1852-1937), Sri Aurobindo’s Mesho (mother’s sister’s husband). He was the editor of Sanjibani, & a prominent leader in the anti-partition agitation. He played a conspicuous role in developing the volunteer movement & was closely connected with the Anushilan Samiti of Calcutta. Krishna Kumar was one of the nine leaders deported from Bengal in December 1908.
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... Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Page 387 Mitra, are not to be altogether gagged, but their hands are to be bound. "If he diverts his students' minds to political agitation," as Srijut Surendranath has done for decades, "if he encourages them to attend political meetings or personally" conducts them to such meetings,—this is obviously aimed at Srijut Krishna Kumar Mitra and the Anti-Circular ...
... Cultural Writings "Suprabhat" 14-August-1909 The paper Suprabhat , a Bengali monthly edited by Kumari Kumudini Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, enters this month on its third year. The first issue of the new year is before us. We notice a great advance in the interest and variety of the articles, the calibre of the writers and the quality... n parades of the Bomb Case, gives some glimpses Page 566 of the approver Noren Gossain and deals with the personal character of some of the jail officials. Nanak Charit by Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, the first instalment of which is given in this issue, commands interest both by its subject and the name of its writer. The two chapters given are full of interesting details of Nanak's birth ...
... have sent him into exile name definitely any single action which Aswini Kumar Dutta has committed, of which the highest and noblest man might not be proud? Can anyone name a single action of Krishna Kumar Mitra's which would be derogatory to the reputation of the highest in the land? There have indeed been charges,—vague charges, shameless charges,—made. The law under which they have been exiled requires... Ministers and pollute the atmosphere of the House of Commons? Is there a man in his senses who will believe that Aswini Kumar Dutta was the instigator and paymaster of anarchy and bloodshed or that Krishna Kumar Mitra was the instigator and paymaster of anarchy and bloodshed,—men whose names were synonymous with righteousness of action and nobility of purpose and whose whole lives were the embodiment of u... that they think will please the authorities or injure their personal enemies. But if the Government in this country have upon such information believed that the lives of Aswini Kumar Dutta and Krishna Kumar Mitra are a mere mask and not the pure and spotless lives we have known, then we must indeed say, "What an amount of folly and ignorance rules at the present moment in this unhappy country." Well ...
... true in my case at any rate. My father was a tremendous atheist." ¹ There was a vein of lunacy in Rajnarayan's family; one of his sons was mad. Swarnalata and her sister, who was married to Krishna Kumar Mitra, both suffered from hysteria. When Dr. Ghose returned from Britain he joined the civil medical service, beginning work as a Sub-Assistant Surgeon in Calcutta, but the greater period of his ...
... is that he has thought about the problem. And he himself says that experience is necessary. How can you say from his writings whether he has had any experience or not? You know what my uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra said? When The Synthesis of Yoga in the Arya came out, he said that it was all philosophy; there was nothing of Yoga in it. NIRODBARAN: Did he do any Yoga? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he had ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 54 The Karmayogin Sukumar Mitra had gone to Agra to see if he could do something for his father, Krishna Kumar Mitra, held a prisoner in the Agra Fort from December 1908. So he was not at home to welcome his cousin when he was released from Alipore Jail. Upon his return he found his Auro-dada at home in N°6... Majumdar helped with the proof-reading and news reporting, and ... But let us hear from Nolini himself. "On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the Page 501 place was known as the Sanjibani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should ...
... was safe. And I, hearing the news from behind the door, was happy: my labour and effort had been successful. Later, I gave the news to my helpers Nagendra and Surendra." Sukumar's father, Krishna Kumar Mitra was a well-known and respected citizen of Bengal. The newspapers did not lose the opportunity of Arabindo Babu's sudden disappearance to taunt the government. The Bengal Government was red... ARAVINDA GHOSE-MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE "Mr. Arabinda Ghose, who was since his release from 'hajut' [jail] in connection with Alipur Bomb case, residing in the house of his uncle, Babu Krishna Kumar Mitra, is reported to have mysteriously disappeared during last few days. He was last traced to Dakhineshwar 'Kalibari' where Rama Krishna Paramahansa used to live and from there is reported to have ...
... 'Auro-dada' in a Bengali magazine, Galpa Bharati. Sri Aurobindo was very close to her family, and whenever he passed through Calcutta he always dropped in to see his aunt Lilabati, 'Na-mesi,' and Krishna Kumar Mitra, his 'Na-mesi,' at their residence. K. K. Mitra and Lilabati were married at Calcutta in April 1881. A large number of guests attended the marriage party, but the bride's father, Rajnarain Bose... published in the Karmayogin in August 1909 is very interesting. We quote a good part of it, "The paper Suprabhat, a Bengali monthly edited by Kumari Kumudini Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, enters this month on its third year. The first issue of the new year is before us. We notice a great advance in the interest and variety of the articles, the calibre of the writers and the quality ...
... politics to find the Englishman reporting Bengali meetings in the Calcutta squares with a full appreciation of their importance. The meeting Page 490 in College Square at which Srijut Krishna Kumar Mitra presided has been favoured as well as Srijut Bipin Chandra Pal's meeting at Beadon Square. As to the accuracy of the reports we have our doubts, for the Bengali gentleman who reports for our ...
... a comet. July 22 — Tilak is sentenced to six years' transportation to Burma for alleged seditious writings in the Kesari. December 16 - Deportation of Ashwini Kumar Dutt, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Satish Chatterjee, Subodh Mullick, Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, and four others. December 28 — An earthquake followed by a tidal wave in Messina, Sicily, leaves 160,000 victims. ...
... Sj. Hardayal Nag, the leading men of Mymensingh and Chandpur respectively, or declared by the authorities to be of undesirable antecedents, e.g. Lala Lajpat Rai, Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra and all Nationalists and agitators generally, are ipso facto incapable of representing the people under these exquisite reforms. After all this it may seem a waste of time to go into the question ...
... scale for the whole country. He was a competent policy maker with a penetrating vision. 1 Their meeting had taken place in the office room that served as Sanjibani office. As Krishna Kumar Mitra used to work for his paper and receive people there, his wife Lilabati had hung up that motto on the wall. Page 73 But Sri Aurobindo always made light of his own accomplishments ...
... who desire union. We admit that the success of the plan depends on its acceptance by the Bengal Moderates, but we believe it was substantially this idea which the deported Moderate leader Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra was trying to get carried out when he was arrested. We see no reason why Bengal Moderates should object to it. At any rate this is the Nationalist proposal. In addition to these amendments ...
... "that he would not be very much longer in the affairs of the world and engaged in journalistic work." Sri Aurobindo remained in Calcutta just long enough to see the return home of a freed Krishna Kumar Mitra and Shyam Sundar Chakraborty, in February 1910. If we take August 1906 —when he joined the National College and began the Bande Mataram — zs the beginning of his open political career ...
... distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take her constitutional walk. After some time * Krishna Kumar Mitra was Sri Aurobindo's uncle in whose house (the Sanjivani office) he was staying at the time. ** Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter; Krishna Kumar had married Sri Aurobindo's mother's sister. Page 343 people come to see [Sri Aurobindo]... commenting on the Muzzaferpore bomb-outrage, was then a prisoner at Mandalay in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others. Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even Morley... destroy but to re-create. Without suffering there can be no growth. It is not in vain that Aswini Kumar Dutt has been taken from his people. Page 342 It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra* has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and his ways are not the ...
... last week of February, asking him to go to Pondicherry and arrange for Sri Aurobindo's stay there. Page 346 The preparation for Suresh's departure was made by Sukumar Mitra, Krishna Kumar Mitra's son and Sri Aurobindo's cousin. Suresh started by train from Calcutta on the 28th and reached Pondicherry on the 31st March. We quote below a few lines from A.B. Purani's Life of Sri Aurobindo ...
... In times of stress or revolution the replacement is more rapid, that is all. Whatever the importance of particular individuals,—and the importance of men like Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta or Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra is not denied by any man in his senses and was not denied but dwelt upon by the speaker at Jhalakati,—they are not necessary, in the sense that God does not depend upon them for the execution ...
... Life of Sri Aurobindo CHAPTER VII Chandernagore From May 1909 to February 1910 Sri Aurobindo stayed at the house of his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6, College Square, Calcutta. He used to go to the office of the Karmayogin and the Dharma at 4, Shyam Pukur Lane every day at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was winter and Sri Aurobindo came wrapped ...
... They must not forget that nine of their most devoted workers were rotting in British jails under the name of deportation. What was the meaning of conciliation when men like Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Mitra and others were taken away from them and not restored? What kind of conciliation was this which was offered us while this great wrong remained unremedied? Who could trust such a conciliation ...
... you have to run a race you run the race but the result does not depend on the running. You have to rely on the Grace for the result. The same is the case with medicines. One of my cousins (Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter) was on the point of death due to typhoid. Nil Ratan and everybody else gave up hope and said, "The only thing is to pray." They prayed; after the prayer they found that her consciousness ...
... brother also was back from England. But unlike his younger brother, who had booked his passage in a mail steamer, Mano chose a big liner named Patroclus to return to an unknown home. His uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra was at the port to receive him when he landed in Calcutta. He first brought his nephew to his house and later took him to Deoghar. Mano's first impression on his arrival and of his own family ...
... would benefit. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on the person. A response can be had at any stage. People have been cured at critical stages, even on their death-bed. You know my maternal uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter was saved from her death-bed by simple prayer. The doctors had given up all hope after trying all remedies, even snake-poison. She was a typhoid case—the consciousness wouldn't come ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Shyampukur ON coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the place was known as the Sanjivani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should do next; we were still wandering ...
... Reminiscences v Shyampukur On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the place was known as the Sanjivani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should do next; we were still wandering about like floating ...
... danger, it is also the love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909¹ After his acquittal Sri Aurobindo remained with Krishna Kumar Mitra's family. Mitra himself was in jail in Agra. Sri Aurobindo's aunt had become very weak, so the doctor advised her to bathe in the Ganges. Generally somebody accompanied her to the Ganges. The... was writing and said, "Auro, please just come along with me, I am going for my bath in the Ganges." Sri Aurobindo would leave the writing and accompany her. Basanti Chakravarty (daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra) writes: "I never saw [Sri Aurobindo] getting angry. Auroda is sitting and writing. His sandals are lying at a little distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace ...
... pass have an all-wise Providence and the blessings of British rule brought us! However let us all hope it will rain. "Please let me know whether Mejdada has sent any money 1.Krishna Kumar Mitra. He was professor of History at City College, and its superintendent. 2.A resident son-in-law. 3.To his grandmother Kailashbasini and aunt Birajmohini. Page 133 by ...
... stomach complaint. After this first visit Sri Aurobindo generally went to Bengal when he could obtain leave or during the College vacations. In Calcutta he often stayed with his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, an ardent patriot, who was later the editor of the Nationalist weekly Sanjivani. His daughter, Basanti Devi, has recorded her impressions of her cousin: 'Alin) Dada used to arrive with two ...
... after some time to take a stroll every morning and afternoon in the open space in front of his cell. He was also permitted to obtain clothes and books from home and accordingly asked his uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, to send him the Gita and the Upanishads. We come now to the overwhelming spiritual experience Sri Aurobindo had in jail. He spoke of it in his Uttarpara Speech, to which I have referred ...
... ended as the epic.² A Bengali painter, Shashi Kumar Hesh, came to Baroda during this period. He did a portrait of Sri Aurobindo in oils. Sri Aurobindo's cousin Basanti, the daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra, was the first person to receive a letter written by Sri Aurobindo in Bengali. Basanti bitterly regrets the loss of this letter during the Hindu-Muslim riots in Bengal after Pakistan came into... Ashram, 1959), pp. 245-46. Page 48 his aunt at Calcutta. Indeed, whenever Sri Aurobindo passed through Calcutta during this period (before 1906) he used to stay with her and Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6, College Square. Basanti Devi writes: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks. We always thought they would contain costly suits and other luxury items like scents, etc. When... filed. On 14 April 1906 the famous Barisal conference was held. Sri Aurobindo attended. The conference was declared illegal by the government and the participants were ordered to disperse. Krishna Kumar Mitra, Sri Aurobindo's uncle, refused to leave the pandal. There was a procession to protest against the government's action. In the first row were Sri Aurobindo, Bepin Chandra Pal, B.C. Chatterji ...
... Tahal Ram Ganga Ram who visited Calcutta during February-March1905 and inflamed the youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly paper, Sanjivani on 13 July 1905 and an article in Amrita Bazar Patrika on 17 July 1905 by an unknown correspondent 'G' (probably Sri Aurobindo or his brother Barindra Kumar Ghosh) ...
... Sri Aurobindo should pursue his Yoga in a place less exposed to the peril of politics and publicity than Pondicherry; Lord Carmichael, Governor of Bengal, did in fact send out a feeler through Krishna Kumar Mitra in 1915 inquiring whether Sri Aurobindo would like the ban on him to be removed to facilitate his return to India and settling down in a quiet place like Darjeeling. 43 But he knew they were ...
... first spoke to Motilal Roy about it. The idea was that Sri Aurobindo, accompanied by Bejoy Nag, should board the steamer Dupleix on the night of 31 March 1910. Motilal wrote to Sukumar Mitra (Krishna Kumar Mitra's son, and Sri Aurobindo's cousin) and Amar Chatterji of Uttarpara asking them to make the necessary arrangements. Everything had to be done in secret, for there was an oppressive air of suspicion ...
... the guest of Shanker Chetty. Sri Aurobindo's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Krishna Kumar Mitra, and also his grandmother, Mrs. Rajnaniyan Bose, were very anxious about him and wanted to have authentic news of his safe arrival at Pondichcrry. A week after Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta, a man came to see Krishna Kumar Mitra to inform him that Sir Charles Cleaveland, Director General of Criminal Investigation ...
... Earlier, in February-March one Tahal Ram Ganga Ram had visited Calcutta and exhorted college students to organise a boycott of British goods; on 13 July, Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, had made a plea for boycott in his Sanjivani; and on 17 July, a correspondent "G" had strongly advocated boycott in the columns of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Was "G" really Aurobindo ...
... Page 316 After the first few difficult and dreary days, Sri Aurobindo was permitted to obtain his clothes and books from home. He accordingly requested his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, the editor of the Sanjivani', to send him these - notably the Gita and the Upanishads. It was during that terrible interregnum, when he was cooped up in total loneliness and normal human ...
... " "As for prayer," he wrote back; "no hard and fast rule can be Page 158 laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. The eldest daughter of my maternal uncle, Sri Krishna Kumar Mitra (the editor of Sanjivani — not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even an imaginative person) was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as ...
... days after his acquittal from the charges brought against him in the Alipore Bomb Case. It was published in the Bengalee on 18 May 1909. The "defence fund" mentioned was set up by his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra in the name of Sri Aurobindo's sister Sarojini. To the Editor of the Hindu . [1] 7 November 1910. Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta for Pondicherry on 1 April 1910. Shortly thereafter ...
... heated Anti-Partition agitation, it acquired a new force and vitality on account of its close political associations. In this mental climate Krishna Kumar Mitra's96 call for Boycott 96. Krishna Kumar Mitra, Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, was in close touch with Sri Aurobindo, even when the latter was in Baroda, and it is quite possible that he shared many of Sri Aurobindo's political views. ... Barin and Ullaskar had their death sentences commuted into transportation for life. After his release, Sri Aurobindo put up at the office of Sanjivani, the organ edited by his uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, who was at that time in Agra jail. The political atmosphere of the country was bleak and forlorn. Most of the leaders were either in jail or away from India. There was discontent seething ...
... all parts of India go there to worship the symbolic image of Shiva, carrying with them pots of pure Ganges water from long distances to pour upon the Deity. Basanti Devi, daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra and a cousin to Sri Aurobindo, says about him: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and other articles of luxury like scents ...
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