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Kural Kurral : by the Tamil poet-saint Tiruvalluvar, it propounds an Sāṅkhya philosophy in 1,330 poetical aphorisms on three subjects: wealth, pleasure & virtue. It contains the moral ideals & ethical doctrines of the Tamil people.

10 result/s found for Kural Kurral

... the palm-tree shelter him from the heat of the sun? Because his life was precious: this child was one day to become the noble Tiruvalluvar, the famous Tamil poet and author of the sweet verses of the Kural. Thus there are things and beings who must be protected, for they bring messages to the world. Let us be glad to have strong arms so that we can enfold with their strength what is beautiful, good... him with their questions and to catch him out in some mistake. At last they said: "O Pariah, put your poem on this bench, and if it is truly a work of beauty, the bench will hold nothing but the Kural." Tiruvalluvar placed his writings next to them, and the legend says that the bench at once shrank until it was just large enough to hold only the poem. So the proud and jealous poets of Madura tumbled... water of the pool! Yes, the forty-nine envious men fell into the pool amid the lotuses. They came out dripping and ashamed. And from that day, all who speak the Tamil language have a great love for the Kural. Page 239 Children, do you find it sad that the demon of Kaveripakam was slain? And do you think it was a pity that the forty-nine bad poets of Madura fell into the water? In this ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... and Others of a Family Among the Not So Great Dara Cling to the One who clings to nothing; And clinging, cease to cling. Tiruvalluvar KuraL Dara was born into an aristocratic family of Hyderabad (on 24 October 1902). Hyderabad was then a princely state ruled by the Nizam. He was named Aga Sayed Ibrahim. When Aga was born, his ...

... all over the great subcontinent. It is therefore not surprising that several thousand years after the Vedic Age, a saint-poet from the deep South, Tiruvalluvar, would echo all those concepts in his Kural. Full of worldly wisdom, Tirukkural is a comp re hensive manual of ethics, polity and love, expressed in pithy couplets. In it he gives a broad outline of statecraft and covers its essential elements ...

... best of his ability till Dara’s passing away. (Paying for sins committed 300 years ago!) The hurt you cause in the forenoon self-propelled Will overtake you in the afternoon. Tiruvalluvar Kural Prashanto spent his days simply, doing his work, taking walks and telling stories if and when we needled him. Then, one fine day, he just lifted anchor and walked away, again on his wanderings ...

... lost even in a shorter time." His command over the Tamil language progressed so quickly that with Bharati's help he translated into English some pieces from Tamil literature. A few lines from the Kural of Tiruvalluvar; two pieces— Hymn of the Golden Age and Love-Mad —by Nammalwar, a poem by the Chera king and saint Kulasekhara Alwar, and three pieces by Andal. In all his literary works a double ...

... ps too much fluidity and grace to Page 629 render rightly the terse and pregnant force that is supposed, and surely with justice, to be the essential quality of the poetic style of the Kurral: a dialogue in poetic prose, "The Vision", by Harindranath Chattopadhyay, in which we get imagination, beauty and colour of phrase and a moving sentiment,—but not yet, I think, all the originality ...

... of Bhartrihari); etc. From Bengali: Songs of Bidyapati; Bande Mataram (Hymn to the Mother); thirteen chapters from Anandamath (Bankim Chandra Chatterji's novel); etc. From Tamil: opening of The Kural, etc. From Greek and Latin: opening of the Odyssey, etc. Volume 9 — The Future Poetry AND LETTERS ON POETRY, LITERATURE AND ART. Volume 10 — The Secret of the Veda: The Secret ...

... elevation but with an unsurpassable vividness of description and power of vital and convincing phrase. All this poetry, the epic and the romance, the didactic poem, of which Ramdas and the famous Kural of Tiruvalluvar are the chief representatives, and the philosophic and devotional lyrics are not the creation or meant for the appreciation of a cultivated class, but with few exceptions the expression ...

... , who is abandoned by his parents in a grove, but he thrives all the same, being amply nourished by honey-drops from the Ilupay flowers above. It was this same Tiruvalluvar who later composed the Kural, a Tamil classic, and also rid hapless Kaveripakkam of a demon who was the scourge of the countryside. Like Tiruvalluvar, it is man's privilege and the burden of his destiny to be destroyer and preserver ...

... Bhartrihari) ; etc. From Bengali: Songs of Bidyapati; Bande Mataram (Hymn to the Mother); thirteen chapters from Anandamath (Bankim Chandra Chatterji's novel); etc. From Tamil: 'opening of The Kural, etc. From Greek and Latin: opening of the Odyssey, etc. Page 413 Volume 9 The Future Poetry AND LETTERS ON POETRY, LITERATURE AND ART. ...