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Lajpat Rai : Lālā Lajpat Rai (1865-1928), ‘Punjab-Kesari’ or ‘Sher-e-Punjab’, outspoken in his advocacy of anti-British nationalism in the Congress party. He was a lawyer by profession & an Arya Samajist. He became with Tilak & Pal the symbol of the Nationalist Party called therefore the party of Lal-Bal-Pal’. Lajpat Rai was deported to Mandalay (Burma) without trial in May 1907. In November, however, he was allowed to return due to insufficient evidence to hold him for subversion. That year, he refused to be a candidate for the Nationalist Party’s decision to propose him as president of the Surat Congress – a crucial turning-point in the independence movement. In 1914 he went to the USA & returned after the War. He joined the Swaraj Party of C.R. Das & Motilal Nehru & presided over the special session of the Congress held at Calcutta in 1920. “On 5 January 1925,” writes A.B. Purani, “Lālā Lajpat Rai came with Dr. Nihālchand, Krishna Das, & Purushottamdas Tandon, to meet Sri Aurobindo. Lajpat Rai & Sri Aurobindo met privately for about 45 minutes; the rest of the company waited outside. From their faces when they came out, it seemed both of them had agreed on many points.” In 1927, the 4th Reprint of Lajpat Rai’s book, Young India was published at Lahore by Jagan Nath of Servants of the People Society. Lajpat Rai died on 17 November 1928 from injuries sustained during the lāthi charge by police on a procession led by him at Lahore on 20 October in protest against the arrival of the Simon Commission. His murder was avenged by Bhagat Singh & his band of freedom fighters.

90 result/s found for Lajpat Rai

... in the world, and lead humanity to the harmony and perfection of a new, a divine order of existence: this was the message and mission of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Lala Lajpat Rai Lala Lajpat Rai, the lion of the Punjab as he was aptly called, was a fearless fighter in the cause of freedom. It was he, more than anybody else, who kindled the patriotic fire in the hearts of the valiant... inspiring national hymn. It was, indeed, a glorious awakening, a virile self-assertion of a people branded by Macaulay with the stigma of effeminacy and cowardice. "In a few months' time," writes Lala Lajpat Rai in his Young India, "the face and the spirit of Bengal was changed. The press, the pulpit, Page 162 the platform, the writers of prose and poetry, composers of music and playwrights... astounding fact of the situation is that the public life of the country has received an accession of strength of great importance, and for this all India owes a deep debt of gratitude to Bengal." Lala Lajpat Rai expressed the same view when he said: "I think the people of Bengal ought to be congratulated on being leaders of that march (for freedom) in the van of progress.... And if the people of India ...

... Between Mehta at one extreme end and Sri Aurobindo at the other, there were so many gradations of moderatism and extremism, and Surendranath and Lajpat Rai were uncomfortably poised at the centre, Surendranath inclining a little towards the right and Lajpat Rai towards the left. They were all honest patriots enough, but they had their ideological and temperamental differences and limitations. There... to dismiss the Nationalists with a snigger, poohpooh their adolescent extremism, and commiserate with their self-invited troubles which however took the country nowhere. Leaders like Tilak and Lajpat Rai were formidable figures indeed, built on a heroic mould, yet even they weren't always quite a match for the plausible sophistries of the Moderates. Sri Aurobindo was thus needed to match iron by... to Surat. Rash Behari Ghose was elected President of the coming session, and this was facilitated by Lajpat Rai's withdrawal from the contest. Failing Tilak, the Nationalists would have liked Lajpat Rai, just released from prison, to be President. But the die was cast anyhow, and all was set for the great confrontation at Surat. Perhaps Pherozeshah Mehta and his friends counted on the inveterate ...

... supporters. This was the dilemma in which the Loyalists have placed Lala Lajpat Rai. Evidently, he has been persuaded to think that he was being asked to stand against Dr. Rash Behari Ghose and that the proposal of the Nationalists was intended as a personal honour to himself. Needless to say, the Nationalists have not asked Lajpat Rai to stand as a candidate. The step they have taken is simply to ask from... Ghose shown that magnanimity there would have been no necessity for Lajpat Rai to be asked to stand as a candidate; the unanimous will of the country would have called him to the Presidential chair. Our proposal was not meant as an invitation to do honour to a particular individual, nor, great as is our personal regard for Lajpat Rai, was it dictated by personal affection. We look upon him as the embodiment... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Lala Lajpat Rai's Refusal 18-December-1907 The refusal of Lala Lajpat Rai to accept nomination to the Presidentship of the Congress as against Dr. Rash Behari Ghose has given great cause for rejoicing to the Moderates and to Anglo-Indian journals like the Empire . The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... was no salt.' As for smoking, in 1926 Sri Aurobindo gave it up at one effortless stroke. The following year in January 1925, two other political leaders, Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottamdas Tandon came to meet Sri Aurobindo. Lajpat Rai, a stalwart of the Nationalist movement, had a private interview with Sri Aurobindo for 45 minutes. Then they were joined by Tandon and others. The following excerpt... programme. LAJPAT RAI: Are you really trying to carry it out? (turning to Sri Aurobindo) They are trying to capture local bodies. P. T.: I am not in favour of that programme, because it will lead in the end to lust for power and then personal differences and jealousies would also creep in. We cannot, in that case, justify the high hopes which people have about our work. LAJPAT RAI: They expect... expect you to usher in the golden age. SRI AUROBINDO: But why do you give them such high hopes? LAJPAT RAI: In the democratic age you have to. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? LAJPAT RAI: If you want to get into the governing bodies you must make big promises; that is the nature of democracy! SRI AUROBINDO: Then, why democracy at all? The lust for power will always be there. You can't get over it by ...


... express our amazement at the action of the Samaj in accepting the resignation by Lala Lajpat Rai of his offices on the various governing bodies of the Samaj. There are two men who are the glory of the Samaj and by whose adherence and prominence it commands the respect and admiration of all India, Lala Lajpat Rai and Lala Munshiram. By its action with regard to the former, the Samaj will lose heavily... connection with the Punjab Government's ill-advised land legislation. The bubble has been speedily pricked by the simple statement of facts in the Punjabee and by Lajpat Rai's own evidence. That Lajpat Rai was acquainted with Shyamji Krishnavarma when he was in England, was known already; so were many men who worked with him, Sir Henry Cotton among others, when he was only an enthusiastic Home Ruler... to the whole country previous to the first deportations. The anticipation of the agrarian outbreak in the letter expresses Page 413 an apprehension, not a desire, and merely shows that Lajpat Rai was uneasy at the rate at which the discontent was swelling and feared that it might lead to an outbreak prematurely forestalling the use of a peaceful pressure on the Government. It is remarkable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... panacea for Hindu-Muslim unity is the joint To put before you, a letter from Lala Lajpat Rai to Mr. C.R. Das. It was written, I believe, about 12 or 15 years ago and that letter has been produced in a book recently published by one Indra Prakash and that is how this letter has come to light. This is what Lala Lajpat Rai, a very astute politician and a staunch Hindu Mahasabite said. But before I read... to rule Hindustan on democratic lines." Ladies and Gentlemen, when Lala Lajpat Rai said that we cannot rule this country on democratic lines it was all right but when I had the temerity to speak the same truth about 18 months ago there was a shower of attacks and criticism. But Lala Lajpat Rai said 15 years ago that we cannot do so viz., rule Hindustan on democratic lines. What is... is the remedy? The remedy, according to Congress, is to keep us in the minority and under the majority rule. Lala Lajpat Rai proceeds further: "What is then the remedy? I am not afraid of the seven crores of Mussalmans. But I think the seven crores in Hindustan plus the armed hordes of Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia, Mesopotamia an Turkey, will be irresistible". "I do honestly and ...

... period of moral anarchy, reckless iconoclasm and a wanton denial and defiance of the higher values of life, which the nation had so long been cherishing and conserving with a religious zeal. Lala Lajpat Rai gives an amusing, though somewhat sombre picture of the educated Bengalis in his Young India: "He (the Bengali Babu) began to live as the Britisher lives; English life, English manners and customs... which was going to be the chief gift of renaissant India to the world, has been called by Rabindranath Tagore "the inaugurator of the Modem Age in India" and "the path-maker of this century", and by Lajpat Rai "the first nation-builder of Modern India". 80 "Ram Mohan Roy, that great soul and puissant worker", as says Sri Aurobindo, "who laid his hand on Bengal .and shook her - to what mighty issues -... were not in touch with the people.... A national movement, demanding only a few concessions and-not speaking of the liberties of the nation and of its ideals, is never an effective movement..." — Lajpat Rai (Young India). Page 88 V MOTHER INDIA India, my India, where first human eyes awoke to heavenly light, All Asia's holy place of pilgrimage, great ...

... how are you going to meet it with non-violence ? That is all I remember. I do not think he put me any other question. 5-1-1925 Lala Lajpat Rai came with Dr. Nihalchand, Krishna Das, and Purushottamdas Tandon to meet Sri Aurobindo . Lajpat Rai and Sri Aurobindo met privately for about forty-five minutes ; the rest of the company waited outside. From their faces when they came out it... members of party. He turned to Purushottamadas Tandon. Sri Aurobindo : How are things getting on at Allahabad ? P . T . : We are trying to carry out Mahatmaji's programme. Lajpat Rai : Are you really trying to carry it out ? (Turning to Sri Aurobindo ) they are trying to capture local bodies. P . T . : I am not in favour of that programme, because it will lead in... expect you to usher in the golden age. Sri Aurobmdo : But why do you give them such high hopes ? L aipat Rai : In the democratic age you have to. Sri Aurobindo : Why ? Lajpat Rai : If you want to get into the governing bodies you must make big promises; that is the nature of demo­cracy ! Sri Aurobindo : Then, why democracy at all ? The lust for power will always ...

... and discoursed solemnly day after day on large questions of European policy. Like the Levite it turned its face away from the traveller wounded by thieves and passed by. Since the deportation of Lajpat Rai, it has cared less and less to preserve its tone of affected sympathy until on the 15th it appeared as the apologist of despotism and the mouthpiece not of an idea or of a policy, but of the individual... nothing because he could not satisfy the new demand for courageous and disinterested patriotism. Professing to be a Liberal paper, the Statesman has defended the despotic regulation under which Lala Lajpat Rai was deported,—a regulation opposed to all the fundamental principles of Liberalism; it has defended the Coercion Ordinance as a proof of the leniency and liberalism of bureaucratic rule in India... manner, it has still the assurance to pose as the guide, philosopher and friend of the Moderate party and lecture them on the necessity of supporting the Government in its action with regard to Lala Lajpat Rai. Page 419 The arguments with which the Statesman defends the deportation as a supreme act of Liberalism, are of a remarkable kind. First, deportation "is not really so bad as it sounds" ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram Lala Lajpat Rai 11-May-1907 We publish elsewhere the last letter we received from Lala Lajpat Rai previous to his sudden deportation. Great has been the good fortune of the Punjab leader in being selected as the first and noblest victim on the altar of Motherland... indulge a feeling of regret and grief at the sudden parting from a friend. We have not been acquainted with Lajpat Rai for very long, but even these brief months of acquaintance and increasing friendship have been enough to make us feel the charm of his personality. There was always in Lajpat Rai a singular union of tenderness with strength, of quietness with fervour, a ready sympathy and kindly feeling... warm phrases of appreciation he wrote to us. And there is a touch in his subscription to the letter which subsequent events have brought startlingly home to us—"an humble servant of the motherland, Lajpat Rai." Happy is he, for his Mother has accepted his service and given it the highest reward for which a patriot can hope, the privilege of not merely serving but suffering for her. When India raises statues ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... movement was born. Like a tidal wave it gained ground in Bengal and soon it spread outside the province. Bepin Chandra Pal was at the forefront of the movement in Bengal and Balgangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai gave the lead to it in Maharashtra and the Punjab, forming the well-known trinity Lal-Bal-Pal. Indeed a country-wide campaign was launched with the result that the demand for British goods fell off... the choice of the Moderates. The Nationalists had earlier wanted Tilak to be president. However, a split on the issue was avoided. Tilak was present as the leader of the Nationalists, along with Lajpat Rai, G.S. Khaparde and others. Sri Aurobindo avoided the limelight but worked constantly behind the scenes, taking a prominent part in the private discussions. Largely as a result of his influence, it... the good doctor who had ministered to the needy and the poor without thought or care for himself. Late in April, 1907, news reached the Bande Mataram that the Government had decided to deport Lajpat Rai. In taking recourse to deportation, they had invoked an old Ordinance, seldom brought into use, whereby due processes of law could be ignored and any person considered politically dangerous by the ...


... State and a danger only to the morbid and unnatural bureaucratic cancer which prevents its growth. Lajpat Rai, says Mr. Morley, may have devoted his time and means to religious and social reforms, but he could not therefore expect immunity for the actions which render him a danger to the State. Now, Lajpat Rai devoted himself to politics in the very same spirit as he devoted himself to religious and social... of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram A Danger to the State 28-June-1907 Mr. Morley has declared from his high archangel's seat that Lajpat Rai was a danger to the State. We wonder what Mr. Morley means by the State. The biographer of Burke must certainly know enough of political science to be aware that a temporary and forcible subjugation... make for the happiness of man. Australia and Canada cannot approach the United States in vigour, originality and spirit, because their national life is circumscribed and provincial. If, therefore, Lajpat Rai devoted himself to the political regeneration of his country and the attainment of autonomy, he was merely carrying out in practice Mr. Morley's political teachings. Why, then, does the teacher turn ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hindrance to our final triumph. For that which Time and Fate intend, no utterances of individuals however venerable or esteemed, can delay or alter. Apart from Tilak, there were present Lajpat Rai, G.S. Khaparde and other staunch Nationalists, and many of them met first at Subodh Mullick's place to mobilise their forces and finalise their strategy, and Sri Aurobindo took a prominent part... the Mymensingh District. Another day it was the blow struck at the Punjabee, or the threatened action against Lala Hansraj and Sardar Ajit Singh, or the deportation of the Lion of the Punjab, Lajpat Rai. Yet another day it was the onslaught on the universities and other educational institutions. Or it was the arrest and imprisonment of Bhupendranath Datta on the staff of Yugantar. Everyday... man himself - in terms of a human calculus applicable to other men would thus not lead us anywhere. In that age of supermen - for among the Nationalists there were personalities like Tilak, Lajpat Rai, Ajit Singh, Bepin Pal, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Subramania Bharati, Chidambaram Pillai - Sri Aurobindo somehow indisputably steamed foremost, for it was more than human ability that sustained him ...

... Mataram The Sphinx 14-June-1907 Sir Henry Cotton has developed a sudden love for Lala Lajpat Rai. Though he has, like all Anglo-Indians—official or ex-official,—condemned and condemned unheard Ajit Singh, his love for Lajpat Rai knows no abating. He asked Mr. Morley to confirm his statement of the 6th June, that Lajpat Rai's speeches had greatly dominated... was as real as Mr. Morley's reforms so often advertised by himself as well as by the Statesman . Next when Mr. Mackarness asked whether it was intended to formulate a definite legal charge against Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh and also what the length of their banishment and confinement would be, Mr. Morley said Page 504 that he was unable at present to state the intentions of the Government ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... can be admitted. A still more extraordinary piece of information is that Punjab will put up Lala Lajpat Rai against Mr. Tilak! We know, on the contrary, that Punjab is for Mr. Tilak and that Lala Lajpat Rai is the last man to countenance opposition to Mr. Tilak. In itself the candidature of Lala Lajpat Rai would not be unwelcome to the new party. He is one of those men who act, more than they talk, a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... raise its head, every aspiration to breathe, to grow and to live. The question now is, what do we mean to do in reply? There were four subjects before the meeting on Sunday. The deportation of Lajpat Rai came first in importance, because it shows to what extremes the bureaucracy is prepared to go in order to crush Nationalism. Merely to express indignation and sympathy in answer to such a step, is... course we sympathise, but what afterwards? Have we no duty to perform except the expression of these very natural, unavoidable and entirely useless emotions? Yes, we demand that the charges against Lajpat Rai should be formulated and proved. From whom do we make this demand? In the case of the Natu brothers it was just possible that pressure in Parliament might induce the Government in England to undo... panic. Here there is no such possibility. Mr. Morley has publicly identified himself with this act of arbitrary oppression and his mind is too stiff and rigid with age to change. The deportation of Lajpat Rai is therefore an action for which the Liberal Government has become responsible and, as such, is bound to have the support of almost the whole Liberal party, while it will certainly have the support ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Not to the Andamans! 16-May-1907 It is evidently with a sigh of relief that the Indian Mirror learns the news that Lala Lajpat Rai is to be sent not to the Andamans but to Mandalay. It says:—"Soon after his arrest, it was reported widely that Lala Lajpat Rai was going to be taken to the Page 417 Andamans. But instead of being sent to that penal settlement, he has been conveyed... it needs no ghost to tell us that Mandalay is not the Andamans. But are not both places equally suited to the requirements of the Government? It was not the intention of the Government to remove Lajpat Rai to a particular place with a view to subject him to a particular kind of climate. In Mandalay in Upper Burma "where there is a large fort", the Punjab leader will not be allowed to do as he likes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... A Treacherous Stab 14-May-1907 We have seldom read anything more disgraceful, more unpatriotic, more opposed to all ideas of decency than the sneering and ill-natured attack on Lala Lajpat Rai which the Tribune has chosen this particular moment to deliver. It is a time when all over India men of all shades of opinion, except the worshippers of the bureaucracy, are putting aside their... this modest and self-sacrificing patriot in order to express their unanimous fellow-feeling with him in his hour of trial. It is precisely this moment that the Tribune chooses for its stab at Lala Lajpat Rai who is no longer there to speak for himself. If this unseemly conduct is dictated by a desire to dissociate itself from the exiled patriot in order to save its own skin, it can only be characterised... cowardice; if by envy, party spirit and secret jubilation at the removal of a powerful Nationalist, it is indecent and unpatriotic. In ordinary times the Tribune was free to criticise and abuse Lajpat Rai and nobody would have cared, but when a man is suffering for his country, no one pretending to be a patriot has a right to vent on him either a private spleen or a dislike on public grounds. We have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the recent Government measures have made in the conditions of the Swadeshi movement? The first to be considered, because the most dramatic and striking of these measures, is the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai. Has this deportation brought any really new element into the problem? When we began the movement, we were prepared, or at least we professed to be prepared, for the utmost use by the Government... magnetic pervasiveness of which the air of India is more full than that of any other country. The bureaucracy blundered upon an ingenious way of striking us in a very vulnerable point when it hurried Lajpat Rai away to a remote corner of the world among alien men and cut him off from all sight of Indian faces and communion with Indian hearts. But what then? It is but one suffering the more, and the deeper... of the movement, a price too heavy to pay; secondly where the will of a higher Power is active in a great upheaval, no individual is indispensable. The movement will not stop in the Punjab because Lajpat Rai is gone or Ajit Singh is hiding. Eppur si muove , "and still it moves", to its predestined end. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... journalism that was remarkable for one of his retiring and recluse habits." When the British saw the fire of Nationalism taking hold of Punjab they hastened to stamp it out. On 9 May 1907, Lala Lajpat Rai, the Lion of Punjab, was arrested and deported to Mandalay in Burma, along with Ajit Singh. The news reached Calcutta at about midnight. In a couple of hours the Bande Mataram was to go to press... part in it. "Anyone with an open mind," remarked a contemporary reader, "reading even a stray issue of the Bande Mataram was sure to be persuaded to its views and become a Nationalist." Wrote Lajpat Rai to the Bande Mataram on 4 May 1907, just five days before his deportation, "Let me assure you that I spare no opportunity of recommending your excellent paper to my friends as well as those whom... and it is my earnest desire that nothing will happen to mar its usefulness. It is doing a splendid service. May it live long is the earnest prayer. "I am "A humble servant of the motherland Lajpat Rai" Page 347 Bepin Pal said, "Morning after morning not only Calcutta, but the educated community almost in every part of the country, eagerly awaited its vigour ous pronouncements ...

... 1925, Jan. 5 - Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottama Tendon meet Sri Aurobindo. 1925,June 16 - Deshbandu Chittaranjan Das passes away. 1926,Nov. 24 -Sri Aurobindo withdraws completely to concentrate on his work. 1928, Feb. 16 - Rabindranath Tagore meets Sri Aurobindo. 1928,Nov. 17 -Lala Lajpat Rai passes away a few weeks after having... Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, a Maharashtrian yogi, and experiences the Brahman consciousness. Gives many speeches on his way back to Calcutta. 1907-1908 Many Nationalist leaders, such as Lala Lajpat Rai, Tilak, Ashwini Kumar Dutt, etc., are deported under various repressive laws. The Nationalist movement goes underground. 1908, May2 Sri Aurobindo is arrested in the Alipore Bomb Case; ...


... of every movement as being artificial and the work of "professional agitators", and how persistently they refuse to credit the popular leaders, even when they are men of high moral worth like Lala Lajpat Rai, with sincerity. We generally put this down to the perverseness and wilful misrepresentation of a reptile press; the real truth is that they are judging us from their knowledge of their own country... necessity, the tyrant's Page 413 plea, which no one in former days would have held up more eloquently to condemnation and ridicule than Mr. Morley himself. He does not tell us why Lala Lajpat Rai was deported or what were the charges against him; probably he does not himself know, but simply accepted the assurance of the able and experienced Denzil and the level-headed Minto that the step... reform of Mr. Morley's before he sells the country's future and risks his influence with the people for its sake. But on this point Mr. Morley preserves as studious a silence as on the charges against Lajpat Rai. Again, Mr. Morley and Lord Minto have hinted that their measure is an instalment of self-government, yet Mr. Morley emphatically declares that he will never strip the bureaucracy of any means of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 4 FEBRUARY 1939 PURANI: I have here a letter of Lala Lajpat Rai to Birla, written a few days before his death. In it he lays bare his inmost thoughts about life, action, God, etc. He has lost his old standard of values of life and action and finds himself an advocate of the theory of illusionism against which he, a prominent... " SRI AUROBINDO: I see. So if God were omnipotent and all merciful, he would not create this world! But I wonder why people in India at the end of their lives come to the same conclusion as Lajpat Rai. Almost all come to regard life and the world as an illusion. Is it the ancestral Indian blood or is it the atmosphere of the place or something personal, a psychological change? I suppose there... there may be a strain running in the blood. But the Christians also have nearly the same idea when they say "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity and vexation of the spirit. PURANI: Lajpat Rai was a Jain by birth. That might account for his turning away from the world. After this there was some talk about Jainism, Illusionism, liberation, multiplicity of souls and Vedantic unity. ...


... session of the Congress to be held at Nagpur in December 1920. Sri Aurobindo's friend of former days Dr. B.S. Moonje of Nagpur, made a direct approach to the recluse at Pondicherry. Leaders like Lajpat Rai, G.S. Khaparde, Baptista, C.R. Das, Moonje himself and many others felt that the Gandhian emphasis on the Punjab excesses and the Kilafat question was an indefensible narrowing down of the Nationalist... inspiration and momentum, and the absence or presence of any particular leader should make little difference to its deliberation and decisions. At the Calcutta special Congress presided over by Lajpat Rai, the resolution on non-cooperation was passed by the delegates, 1886 voting for it and 884 against. If some of the leaders felt that Nagpur would reverse the Calcutta decision, they were doomed to... not much taller than Gandhiji's.... His voice was low, but quite audible, quick and musical.. .. It seemed as though he could know a man by a sweep of his eyes... 23 On 5 January, Lala Lajpat Rai, Purushottamdas Tandon and some others met Sri Aurobindo. First Lalaji and Sri Aurobindo conversed privately for about forty-five minutes, then they joined the others. The talk turned presently ...

... The first business was the election of the President. The Nationalists had proposed Lala Lajpat Rai, just released from prison, to be the President of the 23 rd Congress. The Moderates opposed this, and chose instead Dr. Rashbehari Ghose, a lawyer from Calcutta. His name was duly proposed, and Lajpat Rai withdrew his. But when Surendranath rose to second the motion, and before he could utter... already many delegates who had come and they kept arriving from all over the country. Among them were Ashwini Kumar Dutt from Bengal, G. S. Khaparde and Dr. Munje from the Central Provinces, Lala Lajpat Rai from Punjab, Chidambaram Pillai from the South 1 —in fact, all the leaders worth their salt. And, of course, Tilak from Maharashtra, who had reached Surat a day earlier, on the 23 rd . The ...

... slay, nor water drown, nor fire burn, nor exile divide from us, nor a prison confine. Lajpat Rai is nothing, Tilak is nothing, Bipin Pal is nothing! these are but instruments in the mighty Hand that is shaping our destinies and if these go, do you think that God cannot find others to do His will? Lala Lajpat Rai has gone from us, but doubt not that men stronger and greater than he will take his place ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram Lala Lajpat Rai Deported 10-May-1907 The sympathetic administration of Mr. Morley has for the present attained its records;—but for the present only. Lala Lajpat Rai has been deported out of British India. The fact is its own comment. The telegram goes on to say that indignation meetings ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Lala Lajpat Rai does not produce a permanent change in its tone. On the other hand, very effective measures have been taken against the Platform. The wholesale arrests in Rawalpindi, the monstrous charges brought against Lala Hansraj and others for no worse offence than being present at a public meeting which happened to be followed in point of time by a riot, the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram The East Bengal Disturbances 25-May-1907 We have said that the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai brings no new element into the situation beyond hastening the processes of Nationalism and bringing us from a less to a more acute stage of our progress to independence. The second disturbing element... and the conflagration that followed meant the collapse of a policy. The hooligan disturbances in East Bengal bring therefore no new elements into the situation, but, like the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai, merely make it more acute and hasten the processes of Nationalism. They create no new conditions, but they have caused certain truths to be newly appreciated. The first is that the Pax Britannica ...

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... trade. We waive the question whether Lajpat Rai was or was not really guilty from the standpoint of the bureaucracy, Page 437 whether he was or he was not actively working against the continuance of British rule, as he certainly was actively working against the continuance of irresponsible bureaucratic despotism. But as to the personal character of Lajpat Rai, his personal uprightness, honesty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... ordinary men to take this view. PURANI: Lajpat Rai seems in his letter to doubt even the existence of God. SRI AUROBINDO: That does not matter. It only means he wants to understand the way of God's working and the nature of this world. There is a line in Dante which says that even eternal hell is a creation of the Divine Love. I wonder what Lajpat Rai would say to that. And what does Dante mean ...


... endowed it with strength and stability. It took a political form in the beginning of the 20th century, between 1905 and 1910. In this political phase, led by Sri Aurobindo, Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal, the movement took a new orientation. In contrast to the first phase of the Congress movement led by Dadabhai Naoroji and his colleagues, the Swadeshi Movement, as it was then... even men like Mr. Mohammed Ali had declared that under no circumstances was it permissible for any Mohammedan, whatever his country might be, to stand against any other Mohammedan." Similarly, Lala Lajpat Rai came to the conclusion that this behaviour pattern had its primary source in the Quran and the Hadis. Lalaji wrote as follows in a confidential letter to Deshbandhu C.R. Das: "I have devoted most ...

... such a world full of misery, suffering, poverty? 3. There is no use praying to God because prayers are only for consoling ourselves. 4. I act simply because I can't help doing actions. Lajpat Rai now seems to accept the "illusion" theory as the explanation while he combated it for the whole of his life. He was a prominent leader of the Arya-Samaj, and a monotheist. Disciple : What... personal action may have significance. Personal actions have an importance in the evolution of the individual. But it is difficult to persuade the ordinary men to take this view. Disciple : Lajpat Rai, who has been known as an Arya Samajist and therefore a theist, seems to doubt even the existence of God in this letter. Sri Aurobindo : That does not matter. It only means he wants to ...

... 1907 Bande Mataram Government by Panic 13-May-1907 One does not know precisely how to take the extraordinary accounts of the charges against Lala Lajpat Rai and the panic among Europeans which have been reaching us from the North. We used to think the English deficient in imagination, but the vivid and fluorescent powers of fancy which this panic has... brains. We are told that the Europeans were so panic-stricken, many of them passed the night on the railway platform, ready for flight. The Civil and Military Gazette also solemnly affirms that Lajpat Rai was an arch-rebel with a hundred thousand men under his orders and hints pretty plainly that the prompt action of Sir Denzil Ibbetson saved the British from a rebellion. And these are the men who ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... oratory or compelling logic of a Bipin Chandra, the fine and vigorous lucidity and competent organisation of a Tilak, the attractive charm, self-sacrifice, moral force and steady quiet work of a Lajpat Rai. The Government will brush them aside and take their place. We cannot deny that the methods of the Government far excel our poor efforts. Our methods are long, wordy, weary, and when all is said... official severity, they have convinced the country that the Pax Britannica is an illusion and no peace worth having which is not maintained by our own strength and manhood. By the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai they have destroyed the belief in British justice. By their Resolution for the prohibition of meetings they have convinced everyone that we possess the right of free speech Page 402 not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The protests of Moderate politicians against the deportations and their urgent pleas for the release of the prisoners in Mandalay are brushed aside with contempt, yet the very next news is that Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh are released and on their way homeward. Simla, vowing it will ne'er consent, has consented. On the other hand Liakat Hussain is pursued with relentless severity, a politically-minded... supervision among the masses themselves. Their fourth point of support is in the Loyalist-cum-Moderate party in the Congress. It is to keep the way open for a reconciliation with that party that Lajpat Rai has been released, the Gagging Act kept in abeyance outside Bakarganj and overtures made in the demi-official Press, notably in such foul-mouthed revilers of all educated India as the C. M. Gazette ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... involving the least waste of energy now and in future. But such a course was out of the question unless all could agree upon it, and this was not found possible. Especially when Mr. Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai, fresh from his exile, were in favour of attending the Surat session, there could be no further question of our course. It has been decided, then, to attend the Surat Congress in what force we can... impossible into the possible? It is to sweep away difficulties and to strike the word impossible out of the Indian's dictionary that our party has arisen. The leaders of the Deccan call us; Lala Lajpat Rai, a name now made sacred to us all, is waiting to see the first fruit of his sufferings in the increase of patriots wedded to the principles for professing and practising which he has suffered, and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... movements in history, has life and vitality in it and its root deep in the very nature of things and events. It is not artificially got up, no movement of the kind can be; it has not been engineered by a Lajpat Rai or an Ajit Singh: it does not proceed from mere discontent or "disloyalty": it is no aberration or monstrosity. It has the uniformity, the identity of manifestations in widely-separated regions, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Allahabad have by this time swelled that cry. The principle that underlay our attempt to get Lajpat elected to the Presidential chair has not been appreciated by the Punjabee , the Hindu and even Lala Lajpat Rai himself. Capital is being made of this fact and unworthy motives attributed to the Nationalists. Our enemies have got a splendid opportunity to discredit the Nationalist movement by saying that even ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... exaggerated this and other matters, therefore Indians are unfit to be entrusted with the administration of their own affairs. Yet in the same article the Statesman justifies the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai, even if he were innocent , because the occurrences in the Punjab were considered by the Government so serious that his removal was a necessity. Here is a consistent Friend of India! But if Mr. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... For Mr. N. N. Ghose has also been industriously discovering things, not only in natural history but in political science. The other day he discovered the surprising fact that Mr. Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai do not belong to the new school of politics—a discovery which will certainly edify and astonish both the hearers of Lala Lajpat Rai's speeches and the readers of the Kesari . He has discovered too ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The Effect of Petitionary Politics 29-May-1907 We are glad to notice a ring of boldness and sincerity in all the writings of the Indu Prakash relating to the deportation of Lajpat Rai. We hope this tone will be an enduring change for the better. Mr. Gokhale's resort to the Anglo-Indian Press in preference to the Indian, on which its observations are very pertinent, is an example ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... to be invalid unless sanctioned by custom.) Patel's bill was condemned by the orthodox and considered inadequate by reformers. But certain eminent Indians, among them Rabindranath Tagore and Lala Lajpat Rai, believed that it was a step in the right direction. Sri Aurobindo was asked his opinion of the bill by Lotewalla, Managing Director of Hindustan. His reply, undated, but apparently written in ...


... famous English daily, the Bande Mataram; Sri Aurobindo joined it and soon took up its editorship, side by side with his behind-the-scenes activities with, among others, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai. Day after day till May, 1908, Sri Aurobindo used the pages of the Bande Mataram to breathe inspiration, force and clarity of purpose into the nascent Nationalist movement; his first pr ...


... Brahmananda of Chandod, 5 ''I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha." 6 "Old man, old woman, the two together." 7 The following comments on Lajpat Rai are based on A. B. Purani's record of this talk. 8 World-repulsion arising from the Guna (quality) of Tamas (ignorance and inertia) in one's nature: the two other Gunas are Rajas (dynamism) and ...


... freedom or even of becoming a nation. In the view of the Moderate Party, the philosophy of Indian nationalism as advocated by nationalist leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bepin Chandra Pal, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sri Aurobindo and others was untenable and was even an avoidable menace. There was a view among journalists such as that of Mr. N.N. Ghose of the Indian Nation that because there is diversity ...

... Aurobindo led a large contingent of Nationalists from Bengal. Tilak was present along with other stalwarts from Maharashtra like Dr. Munje and G.S. Khaparde. The Nationalists also welcomed back Lala Lajpat Rai and Sardar Ajit Singh who came from the Punjab and had both been recently released from detention. The Moderates were equally well represented. The rival parties were accommodated in separate camps; ...


... sideline the Extremist was increasingly getting desperate. And the stage was set in Surat, the venue of the Congress in December 1907, for a showdown. VOC wired to Tilak and Aurobindo proposing Lala Lajpat Rai for the presidentship of the Congress. In the event, Rash Behari Ghosh, the Calcutta moderate was set to take the presidential chair. All the while Tilak had tried to avoid the inevitable split. ...

... to provide a 'safety-valve' to the anticipated or actual discontentment of the Indian intelligentsia and to form a quasi-constitutional party similar to Her Majesty's Opposition in England. Lala Lajpat Rai maintained that it was organised to serve as a 'safety-valve' for the growing unrest in the country and to strengthen the British Empire. However, very soon the Indian National Congress was taken ...

... the Freedom Movement The Home Rule Movement In 1910 Sri Aurobindo retired from active politics and came to Pondicherry. Earlier, both Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai were interned in jail. Bipin Chandra Pal had gone to England. Thus the Nationalist Congress was bereft of its leading personalities. There was a lull in the political activity. No doubt the Congress ...

... Ashram block). 1923 June 5 Meeting with C. R. Das. 1924 January The Century of Life published. Group meditation discontinued. 1925 Meeting with Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottam Das Tandon. 1926 November 24 The Day of Siddhi (Victory Day): the descent of Krishna, the Overmind Godhead, into the physical. The evening talks and all other ...


... world has no knowledge. Many prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among the well – known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore and Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay ...

... present Ashram block). 1923 — June 5 Meeting with C. R. Das. 1924 — January The Century of Life published. Group meditation discontinued. 1925 — Meeting with Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottam Das Tandon. 1926 — November 24 The Day of Siddhi (Victory Day): the descent of Krishna, the Overmind Godhead, into the physical. The evening talks and all other direct ...

... was finally told by the Master: "Yours is still a mental seeking: for my Yoga something more is needed." 20 VIII With the coming of 1925, there were two important visitors, Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottamdas Tandon, and they discussed the political situation in India with Sri Aurobindo in private. 21 On 4 January Mirra suffered a knee-joint inflammation which caused more than ...


... 193-4, 221, 302, 838 Kodandarama Rao 212 Kothari, D.S. 715, 731 Krishnalal Bhatt 617 Krishnaprem, Sri (Ronald Nixon) 15fn, 259 Kumud Patel 817, 820 Lacombe, Olivier 810 Lajpat Rai 226 Lalita (Daulat Pandey) 328-9, 690 Laljibhai Hindocha 684 Page 902 Lenin, Vladimir 142, 198 Leonardo da Vinci 304 Lizelle Raymond 321, 419 Lord of Falsehood, The (The Lord ...


... VIII We have seen in chapter 22 how, ever since Sri Aurobindo's departure from Calcutta in 1910, attempts were made from time to time to bring him back to active political life. Lajpat Rai, Baptista, Moonje, C.R. Das were among the nationalist leaders who tried, at one time or another, to persuade Sri Aurobindo to Page 727 return to India from his self-imposed exile ...

... advent is not lit up by the rays of the morning sun; rather he enters with hidden steps by a terrible path concealed in darkness. This advent is novel, awe-inspiring, yet extraordinary." 1 Lala Lajpat Rai said of Sri Aurobindo: "... A quiet, unostentatious young Hindu, who was till then obscure, holding his soul in patience and waiting for oportunities to send currents of the greatest strength into ...

... Congress, presided over by Dadabhai Naoroji, declares Swaraj as its goal. 1907 -Powerful earthquakes in Jamaica and Turkestan. —A. Lumiere invents colour photography. May 9 — Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh are deported. August 16 - Sri Aurobindo is arrested on a charge of sedition for articles published in the Bande Mataram ; released on bail; after his acquittal in September, ...

... DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [3] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta to Sitanath Adhikari, Pabna; Ananda Sen, Jalpaiguri; Jatindra Sen care Citizen, Allahabad; Lajpat Rai, Lahore; Bharati, 15 Broadway, Madras; Dr Moonje, Nagpur:] CELEBRATE PAL DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [4] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta, to Chidambaram ...


... 156(fn), 165 , 169 , 173 , 195 Koran, 170, 190 Korea, 253 Krishna Vasudeva , 46, 50 , 51, 100(fn), 106 , 125 , 205 , 206, 238, 240 Kshatriya , 20, 29 , 44, 46 , 55 , 120,121 , 167 L Lajpat Rai, Lala, 17 language, 75, 129 see also Aryan language . Dravidian languages. Sanskrit Latin, 109 law, its true function , 45 see al so dharma and Shastra Lenin, 192 literature, 73, 80 love ...


... any risk and meet any expense of our blood and our labour for the great end. To husband our men or our resources and try to buy liberty in the cheapest market, would be a false and foolish economy. Lajpat Rai has been swallowed up in the maelstrom and hundreds more Page 471 will follow him, but their disappearance will make no difference either to the strength of the movement or its velocity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Aristides the Just plus Louis XIV of France plus the Archangel Gabriel, the tiger qualities of an imperial race suddenly awoke in the breast of Sir Howard Vincent and roared out, "Why not shoot Lajpat Rai?" In that single trenchant sentence the warlike Knight gave a sudden illuminating expression to the heart's desire of all Anglo-India and two-thirds of England. It was not decorous, it was not politic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... freedom that a highly respectable accused at Rawalpindi is taking his trial on Page 662 a sick-bed? Is it in the exercise of their rights as free citizens of the British Empire that Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh have been deported without even the mention of the charge against them? This freedom is perhaps responsible for the banishment of an Arya Samajist from his country though the trying ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... mofussil leaders like Sj. Anath Bandhu Guha or Sj. Hardayal Nag, the leading men of Mymensingh and Chandpur respectively, or declared by the authorities to be of undesirable antecedents, e.g. Lala Lajpat Rai, Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra and all Nationalists and agitators generally, are ipso facto incapable of representing the people under these exquisite reforms. After all this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... District official? Or those, to take other examples, who wrote with brilliant success to Anglo-Indian papers to get Mr. Tilak prosecuted at the time of the Poona murders? Or those who pointed out Lala Lajpat Rai to the bureaucracy as the man to strike at when the Punjab was in a ferment over the Colonisation Bill? But, by the Bengalee 's reasoning, men may be the moral descendants of Mir Jafar and Jagat ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... spirit or foster self-respect in the people, is now suspect to the rulers and will be stopped wherever possible, impeded where direct prohibition cannot be exercised. The famine relief work of Lala Lajpat Rai is being interfered with as seditious, and the religious preaching of the Madras Brahmin has been vetoed Page 992 because it calls on the people to revive the spiritual glories of ancient ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Shall India Be Free? National Development and Foreign Rule Shall India Be Free? Shall India Be Free? Unity and British Rule Lala Lajpat Rai Deported Mr. Morley's Pronouncement Newmania Cool Courage and Not Blood-and-Thunder Speeches The Sobhabazar ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... proved and with its fizzling out the last political storm round Sri Aurobindo died down. For years the Congress kept wooing the self-exiled lion to return to his ldngdom. Chittaranjan Das and Lala Lajpat Rai delivered in person their earnest appeals. All to no avail, for though Sri Aurobindo still remained leonine a Call more pressing than that of any Congress or national spokesman had come and he ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... means. They may also meet the Moderates halfway by raising further funds as their share of the Congress expenditure. If Mr. Tilak is not elected, it does not matter to us, in the absence of Lala Lajpat Rai, whether Dr. Rash Behari Ghose or any other figurehead graces the Presidential seat, and this need not be a cause of further quarrel. On the basis of Dr. Ghose's election and the status quo in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... strength on political emulation with the Mahomedans, it will be impossible for the Nationalist party to join in a movement which would otherwise have their full sympathy and eager support. Lala Lajpat Rai struck a higher note, that of Hindu nationalism as a necessary preliminary to a greater Indian Nationality. We distrust this ideal. Not that we are blind to facts,—not that Page 303 we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of every movement as being artificial and the work of 'professional agitators', and how persistently they refuse to credit the popular leaders, even when they are men of high moral worth like Lala Lajpat Rai, with sincerity. We generally put this down to the perverseness and wilful misrepresentation of a reptile press; the real truth is that they are judging us from their knowledge of their own country ...

... movement was not restricted to Bengal. The Page 53 whole of India was thrown into the cauldron; in Maharashtra, Bal Gangadhar Tilak took direct part, in Punjab it was Lala Lajpat Rai and in South India it was Subramaniam Bharati. Slogans of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, and National Education, emerged during the anti-partition campaign. Tilak carried on a vigorous propaganda ...

... demands were: pray, petition and protest; even for its shamefully modest demands, flattery to gain the goodwill of the British In the second phase, led by Sri Aurobindo, Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal, the Movement took a new orientation. The Swadeshi Movement as it was called attempted to base its political creation on the Indian spirit and not upon imitative European ...

... world has no knowledge. Many prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at ...

... pushed Sri Aurobindo from comparative obscurity to national eminence. He was now recognised as one of the four outstanding leaders of the "extremist" or Nationalist party, the other three being Tilak, Lajpat Rai and Bepin Chandra Pal. The split at the Surat Congress (December 1907) was followed by Sri Aurobindo's first Yogic realisation at Baroda, and his "Midlothian" campaign from Bombay to Calcutta. His ...

... From Bengal, which produced so many idealists, came: —Bipin Chandra Pal (1858-1932), the great orator and journalist who worked with Sri Aurobindo. Along with Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Pal formed the famous trinity of Indian politics, Lal-Bal-Pal. Uttar Pradesh (the erstwhile United Provinces), where the daughters "of the Himalayas come dancing down and first touch ...

... Religions with a view to carrying out Okakura's plan of Asian Federation. Sri Aurobindo's support to Deshabandhu's Swaraj Party programme. 1925 January: Lala Lajpat Rai and Sri Purushottamdas Tandon came with definite proposals and sought Sri Aurobindo's advice. Sri Aurobindo's assurance of the coming of India's freedom. 1926 ...

... December 1906  At the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress, Sri Aurobindo played a prominent part, along with noted fellow Nationalists like Bal Gangadhar (Lokamanya) Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai.   July-September 1907  Arrested in July but released on bail, Sri Aurobindo stood trial in September with regard to certain articles that had appeared in Bande Mataram, but the ...


... outside world has no knowledge. Many prominent as well as less known persons sought and obtained interviews with him during these years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at P ...

... nevertheless won renown, in Sisirkumar Mitra's words, as "two of the greatest martyrs in the cause of India's liberty, compared by a British paper with Harmodius and Aristogeiton of Greek fame"; and Lajpat Rai wrote in his Autobiography that "a day will come when people will take wreaths of homage to their statues". Sri Aurobindo was superficially a part of all this ghastly drama, yet not of it; ...

... from Bulletin (August 1970), pp. 144-8. In the January 1967 issue of Mother India. however, the views are given on p. 7 as "A message from the Past to the Future: What Sri Aurobindo said to Lala Lajpat Rai in early 1915". This was immediately after the Madras Congress of December 1914.   Page 406 IV The tasks connected with the Arya - maintaining the subscribers' list, ...

... revolutionary drive and its action." There were many leaders of all-India calibre —world-class, I ought to say—during the Swadeshi days, such as the Mahratta Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the Punjabis Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh and the Tamilian Chidambaram Pillai. Bengal had a galaxy of them. But that Sri Aurobindo was the driving force behind the movement remains an undisputable fact. His "habit in action ...

... meetings with Sri Aurobindo were kept a dead secret, he met him but two more times. KY. Rangaswami Iyengar was a man with nationalist sympathies and was well acquainted with Tilak, Khaparde, Lala Lajpat Rai, and others. A word here on V. Ramaswamy may not be without interest. In a letter of 1934 (24 October), in which Sri Aurobindo dwelt on the subject of inner vision, and the faculty of seeing ...

... hands of the 'Moderates' they dared not resile from the position taken up at the Calcutta meeting. Advanced opinion in Maharashtra and the Punjab, represented by Balwant Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai, pressed home this advantage, and the Benares Congress endorsed the resolution under pressure of that militant group of Indian politicians. All the possibilities of situation were discussed at this ...

... . Mr. Tilak was disqualified because he has been to jail and has no tact, Babu Bipin Chandra Pal because he is Babu Bipin Chandra Pal; I am unable to discover the precise reason alleged in Lala Lajpat Rai's case, but I believe it was because he was not Mr. Alfred Nundy. After the other members had left, Sir Pherozshah and Mr. Watcha constituted themselves into a public meeting, reconstituted the Standing... body, hustled him out of the room, propelled him downstairs and then returned to their seats fatigued but with a Page 191 consciousness of duty done. After this the proscription of Lala Lajpat was proposed and carried nem. con . Babu Bipin Chandra Pal was the last name suggested and carried uproariously, the members voting twice in their enthusiasm. The reasons alleged for these proscriptions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... an idea of illusion? Disciple : Perhaps that was the idea. Sri Aurobindo : Then their aim is the same as ours, only the method is different. Disciple : That does not solve Lajpat Rai's idea of illusion of all action. Sri Aurobindo : No, the idea may have been in his blood or perhaps atmosphere of the Indian place. When I was reading Max Mullars' translation of the Vedanta ...

... from the idea of world-illusion? PURANI: That's right. SRI AUROBINDO: Then the aim is the same as ours in some respects: only the method is different. PURANI: But how does that explain Lajpat Rai's sense of illusion? SRI AUROBINDO: No, it doesn't. His sense of illusion may have been seen from something in his blood or perhaps from the atmosphere of the place. At London, when I was reading ...


... Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The True Meaning of the Risley Circular 28-May-1907 We have seen that the effect of Lala Lajpat Rai's deportation is solely to bring the struggle between the bureaucracy and the people to a head and the leaders as well as the rank and file into the range of fire. We have also come to the conclusion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... attitude which might leave the way open to reconciliation; and this attitude they maintained at all the subsequent Conferences where they were either represented or dominant. We do not agree with Lala Lajpat Rai's suggestion that the Congress should always remain in the hands of the Moderates; a popular body must remain Page 200 either in the hands of the party which numerically predominates or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Vedantism, 232, 238ff; on Loyalists, Moderates, Nationalists, 232; on the bureaucracy, 232; on Anglo-Indians' pharisaical cant, 233; on the boy heroes, 234; on the Risley Circular, 236, 248, 249; on Lajpat Rai's deportation, 237; on Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 364; on Morley's biparita buddhi, 241; prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244; Indian Patriot on, 244; Mahratta on, 244;... Pujalal, 579 Purani, A. B., 21, 34, 276, 411, 459, 536ff, 694 Purani, Chhotalal B., 276, 536, 537 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 187, 511 Rehman, Mujibur, 282fn, 713 Rai, Lajpat, 201, 227, 234, 235, 237, 262, 264, 267, 270ff, 324, 406fn, 528, 529, 534,727 Rajagopalachari, C., 231, 531, 533,706,707 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 16,19, 25, 48, 60, 188, 192, 193 ...