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Le Cygne : French sonnet by Mallarmé.
... found speech in several fine poems, and once he uttered it with a masterly poetic art in a sonnet which he wrote in 1885 — a confession of failure which is one of his greatest poetic successes: Le Cygne (The Swan). It has a basis of personal poetic history, but it widens out into a soul-truth valid for Man in general. I have analysed this Sonnet in a book I have written on Mal -larme. So I shall... l'oiseau qui le nie, Mais non l'horreur du sol ou la plumage est pris. Fantome qu'a ce lieu son pur eclat assigne, Il s'immobilise au songe froid de mepris Que vet parmi l'exil inutile le Cygne. 2 The virginal, the vivid, the beautiful today — Does it come to tear with a stroke of drunken wing This hard forgotten lake which, under the hoar-frost, is haunted By ...
... him for not accomplishing the bounden duty of a poet. Nevertheless, the poet is haunted by the Azure - Je suis hanté. L'Azur! L'Azur! L'Azur! L'Azur! The same mood forms the significance of Le Cygne ( le vierge, le vivace et le bel aujourd'hui) which Sri Aurobindo appreciated as "one of the finest sonnets 1 have ever read". The Swan imprisoned in the frozen lake is none other than the poet... n-wheel significance, demonstrate the technique that makes the reader feel the subject-matter through a mere symbol. The technique is prominent in marking the sound-system (as in the case of Le Cygne) where "a tingling, chilling, piercing impression is created, and the various phases and nuances of the poem's mood are driven together and its manifold of pang and poise and profundity is c ...
... audience. Symbolism, whose dedicated mouthpiece was Mallarme, is itself inclusive of several modes of poetic utterance. Superb symbolist verse of the esoteric coterie is the opening of Mallarme's Le Cygne (The Swan): Le vierge, le vivace et le bel aujourd'hui Va-t-il nous dechirer avec un coup d'aile ivre Page 293 Ce lac dur oublie que hante sous le givre Le t ...
... likely to suffer least by being translated into English". This is hardly surprising, for writing poetry and teaching English to French pupilswere Mallarmé's parallel careers in life. The sonnet Le Cygne (The Swan) figures prominently in both halves of Sethna's book. The 'swan' - the hamsa - What is it ? It signifies the poet who has failed in his vocation, and also the human soul that has ...
... infligé à l'oiseau qui le nie, Mais non l'horreur du sol où le plumage est pris. Fantôme qu'à ce lieu son pur éclat assigne, Il s'immobilise au songe froid de mépris Que vêt parmi l'exil inutile le Cygne. I tried to break this nut of Mallarmé's ... but, pardi, it was a hard nut. Really what a tortuous trend and how he has turned the images! "The transparent glacier of flights haunting the ...
... pictures. If any poetic phrase in world-literature comes up to the blend of literary surprise and satisfaction we have here, it is the fourth line of the first stanza in Mallarmé's sonnet Le Cygne (The Swan) : Le vierge, le vivace et le bel aujourd'hui Va-t-il nous déchirer avec un coup d'aile ivre Ce lac dur oublié que hante sous le givre Le transparent glacier des vols ...
... mass of the failures of the soul that refused to fly upward and escape. I tried hard to understand the construction, can't say I have it! You haven't. What do you think of this sonnet [Le cygne]? One of the finest sonnets I have ever read. Magnificent line, by the way, "le transparent glacier des viols qui n'ont pas fui!" This idea of the denied flights (imprisoned powers) of the ...
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