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Lee-Warner : Sir William (1846-1914): joined ICS 1869: acting Director of Public Instruction, Bombay, 1885: Political Agent in Kolhapur, 1886: Secretary of the Political, Judicial, & Educational Departments of Bombay, 1887-93: Additional Member Gov.-General’s Legislative Council: Chief Commissioner of Coorg & Resident of Mysore Feb-Sep 1895: Secretary in Political Dept. at India Office, 1895-1902; Member of the Council of India, 1902-12; wrote The Protected Princes of India, & The Marquis Dalhousie, 1904. [Buckland]

1 result/s found for Lee-Warner

... prevent it from sending up pupils as candidates for matriculation examination." Students in high schools are therefore to be debarred from all political education and brought up on an exclusive diet of Lee-Warner and Empire Day. Attending political meetings, outside school hours, mind you, and, it may be, with the full consent of the guardians, is to be reckoned as misconduct coming within the scope of school ...

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