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Lemaire : Jean (b.1856), French politician, the Governor of Pondicherry (1904), a member (for Pondicherry) of Lower Chamber of France (1906).
... "On the other hand, if you vote for Lemaire, it means the same thing at a later date. For he was the first to broach the question in the public press in France, he has advised the suppression of the vote in French India, he has English connections and is an Anglophil.... Let these facts be widely known in Chandernagore both about Bluysen and Lemaire, let it be known that Richard is a Hindu in... 'votes' for Lemaire and all the rest for Bluysen. The same result in Madanapalli which is strong for Pierre, except in one college where Sada (President of the Cercle Sportif) Page 415 interpreter and did not allow any humbug; knowing whom they had to deal with, they did not dare to falsify the results. There Bluysen got only 33 votes against 200 and more for Lemaire. In most places... speaking, of their being elected this time. Laporte is not strong enough to change the situation single-handed. Richard has come too late; otherwise so great is the disgust of the people with Bluysen and Lemaire, Gaebele and Pierre that I think we could have managed an electoral revolution. Still, it is necessary, if it can at all be done, to stir things a little at the present moment and form a nucleus of ...
... should be known in Ch, if it is not known already. For you must remember that Lemaire has made no such declaration and is not bound at all by any past professions, but has rather been an advocate of the cession. [12] 17 April, 1914 Dear M. The political situation here is as follows. In appearance Bluysen and Lemaire face each other on the old lines and the Page 197 real fight is... possibilities of fraud & violence. Lemaire has for him most of the Christians & Renonçants (except the young men who are for Richard) and Pierre. But the Pierre party is entirely divided. Kotia refuses to declare himself, most of the others are Bluysenites, the Comité Radical has thrice met without Pierre being able to overcome the opposition against him. Lemaire had two chances, one that if the people... likely to win an easy victory. Laporte had some chance of strong backing at the beginning but his own indolence & mistakes have destroyed it. He is now waiting on God and Lemaire into whose shoes he dreams of stepping,—for Lemaire has promised him that if he gets no favourable answer from France he will desist in Laporte's favour and Laporte being a man of faith is sitting quiet in that glorious expectation ...
... minister and managed to persuade him to recall the governor. Which was done. The minister offered Lemaire the post of governor of New Caledonia. But Lemaire had taken a fancy to India. The Indians too had come to like him. As soon as the elections for the deputy was announced the 'Hindu' party chose Lemaire as their candidate. The polling was to take place on 6 May 1906. It was duly held. This time people... 1907 to 1928. Lemaire, however, complained bitterly against Levecque, accusing him of adopting tactics in favour of Bluysen. In fact, the Page 403 minister for Colonies had to send some urgent telegrams to the governor for obtaining the final results. In the end, it was on 4 May 1910 that Governor Levecque announced the poll results: Bluysen = 20,580 votes, Lemaire = 17,453. In the... that he was more an obstruction than a help for the colony's progress. Godin and Lemaire were always at cross-purposes. In the end the people of Pondicherry got rid of Godin on 3 January 1909. Etienne Flandin, till recently the attorney-general, became the new senator. Moreover he seemed to get on well with Jean Lemaire. Between them, and urged by the then mayor H. Gaebele, they managed to get some ...
... the French Chamber. [12] 17 April 1914. This letter was written shortly after the results of the election were announced. According to the Journal Officiel , Bluysen received 33,154 votes, Lemaire 5624, La Porte 368 and Richard 231. [13] 5 May 1914. [14] June 1914. The "New Idea" was officially sanctioned by the government of French Page 578 India in June 1914. [15] ...
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