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Leto : loved by Zeus, whose queen Hera sent Python (see Pythoness) to persecute her during her pregnancy. Leto wandered about the earth until Zeus fastened the island of Delos to the bottom of the sea for her; there she gave birth to Apollo & Artemis.

5 result/s found for Leto

... in might, for though he limped, his thin legs Were nimble enough. But huge bright-helmeted Ares And Apollo with hair unshorn went down to the Trojans, Along with arrow-showering Artemis, Leto, The river-god Xanthus, and Aphrodite, adorer Of smiles. So long as the gods were not there, the Achaeans Won glorious victory, since now Achilles, who had Page 48 For... Moldering: crumbling to dust; decaying. Page 49 Hera was Phoebus' sister, the archer Artemis, Goddess of golden shafts and the echoing shouts Of the chase, while coming forth against Leto was powerful Luck-bringing Hermes, and there opposing Hephaestus Came the god of the great deep-swirling river, Called Xanthus by the immortals, Scamander by men. So gods advanced ...


... at Delphi Delos: A small island in the center of the Cyclades in the southern Aegean; it was regarded as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis (twin children of Zeus from Leto or Latona) and was the seat of an oracle of Apollo. Delphi: A rugged spot on the slopes of Mount Parnassus in central Greece, the site of the most important temple of Apollo, where the Pythia... Laomedon and all his sons except Priam. Laomedon's grave lay over the Scaean Gate of Troy, the northwestern gate which, when opened, signified war. Page 119 Latona: Latin equivalent of Leto, daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoeba. She had a union with Zeus, but when she was due to give birth, no land would receive her for fear of the wrath of Hera until she reached the island of Delos ...


... sons with his silver bow and Artemis showering arrows killed the daughters. Both gods were enraged at Niobe. Time and again she placed herself on a par with their own mother, Leto in her immortal beauty — how she insulted Leto: All you have borne is two, but I have borne so many!' So, two as they were, they slaughtered all her children. Nine days they lay in their blood, no one to bury them — Cronus' ...


... Her wisdom which earned her the epithet pronoia (the foreseeing) made her the counselor goddess and the goddess of the assembly. Even more worshiped than Athena was Apollo, son of Zeus by Leto, goddess of the night. Apollo was the solar god without being the sun himself, which was represented by a special divinity, Helios. Apollo had assumed high moral qualities. He was honoured as patron ...


... beauty of her era, but already the wife of Menelaus. This story is the mythical explanation behind the siege of Troy. Lesbos: island and city off the coast of Asia Minor south of Troy. Leto: Greek goddess, mother of Apollo and Artemis by Zeus. Libation: the pouring out of a liquid as an offering to the gods. Lyre: a stringed instrument of the harp class used ...
