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Lodge, Sir Oliver : Sir Oliver Joseph (1851-1940), English physicist. After 1910 he became prominent in psychic research, believing strongly in the possibility of communicating with the dead. He was involved in a serious endeavour to reconcile science & religion.
... Leopardi 309 Lewis, C.S. 174,326,337 Life Divine, The 5,30,32-37, 111, 112,126, 210,282,293,294,298,323,329,347,359, 400,411,416,417,440,446,459 Lodge, Sir Oliver 436 Longinus 316 Lord, George de R 395-396,398 Love and Death 40, 52, 201, 318, 340, 342, 386,421-423,458 Lowes.J.L. 315 Machen ...
... which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or "law" unhabitual and therefore apparently impossible. I do not see how cosmic rays can explain the origination of matter; it is like Sir Oliver Lodge's explanation of life on earth that it comes from another planet; it only pushes the problem one step farther back—for how do the cosmic rays come into existence? But it is a fact that Agni is ...
... between our minds and the World-Soul is infinite, and that somewhere in that ascent a point is reached where our conception of time loses its accustomed meaning... 138 and Sir Oliver Lodge also speaks to the same effect: .. .there must be grades of existence higher as well as lower than man; and it is reasonable to suppose that such grades of existence extend ...
... (The Hogarth Press, London, 1954). A Hope for Poetry (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1934). The Poet's Way to Knowledge (Cambridge University Press, London, 1957). Lodge, Sri Oliver. My Philosophy (Ernest Benn, London, 1933). Longinus. On the Sublime, translated by A. O. Prickard (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1930). Macdonnel, A.A. A Vedic Reader... Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Pathmandir, Calcutta, 1954). Chaudhuri, Haridas, 8c Frederic Spiegelberg (Eds.) The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (George Allen 8c Unwin, London, 1960). Cox, Sir George W. The Mythology of the Aryan Nations (Kegan Paul, London, 1903). Croce, Benedetto. Aesthetic: As Science of Expression and General Linguistic. Translated by Douglas Ainslie (Macmillan... (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1957). Winternitz, M. A History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, Translated from the German by Mrs. S. Ketkar (University of Calcutta, 1927). Woodroffe, Sir John. Is India Civilized ? (Ganesh 8c Co., Madras, 1918). The World as Power (Ganesh 8c Co., Madras, 1956). Woolf, Virginia. The Common Reader, First Series (The Hogarth Press ...
... what you want by using the same evidence. They can't understand that the laws governing the planes behind the physical plane may be quite different from those that obtain here. For instance, Oliver Lodge is a great scientist and he asserts that the voice which came to him was that of Raymond, his son, who had died in the war. He says that it is proved beyond doubt because it spoke in the way... good description of him. Disciple : It seems that the Independents and the Swarajists may join in the obstruction against Government. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. There seems to be a chance. Oliver's salt-tax speech has something to do with it. 11-3-1924 Disciple : Did you read Mad Ali's statement about the Khilafat ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, I saw it, but I did not go through... proposed seems absurd. One can follow up this kind of proposal by saying, "All the members must produce a certificate that they have cooked their own food, cleaned their own latrine " etc. Disciple . Sir Sankaran Nair has lost his case against O'Dwyer. Sri Aurobindo : It was a foregone conclusion. 17-6-1924 Disciple : Tagore's internationalism seems to have received a rude shock ...
... which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or "law" unhabitual and therefore apparently impossible. I do not see how cosmic rays can explain the origination of Matter; it is like Sir Oliver Lodge's explanation of life on earth that it comes from another planet; it only pushes the problem one step farther back—for how do the cosmic rays come into existence? But it is a fact that Agni is... observing and analysing and drawing conclusions. It is the intellectual plane. The scientific mind refuses to leave anything unclassed. Has it not classified the Divine also? How does Sir James Jeans or any other scientist know that it was by a "mere accident" that life came into existence or that there is no life anywhere else in the universe or that life elsewhere must either be exactly ...
... introduced the essay, biography, autobiography and the novel into Telugu literature. His Satyavathi Charitam was the first social novel in Telugu. He wrote Rajasekhara Charitamu, inspired by Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefied. To him literature was an instrument to fight social evils. He was a poet of considerable renown. He was also one of the members of the first Indian National... defecating where royalty once lived. The sub-inspectors made way for the mahal to be rendered a high-security prison for LTTE cadre. Another day, another rebellion. On 15 August 1995, 43 LTTE cadres lodged in Tipu Mahal escaped after digging a 153-foot tunnel through the moat. Shamefaced, the TN police have since barred access to the mahal. As a muted commemoration of the historic rising begins, the... new regulations over the sporting of caste marks on foreheads, Page 16 earrings and facial hair. This Code of Military Regulations was given approbation on 13 March 1806 by Sir John Cradock, commander-in-chief of the Madras Army. Lending political and historical weight to the cause of the rebels was the presence of a huge contingent of Tipu Sultan's family - twelve ...
... had time to read your 'worthier pen' detection, but I still favour Emilia Lanier. No need to 'prove' she was dark, if she was Italian, that is dark by English standards - dark hair and that 'brown' olive skin. Just as to say 'Indian' would by English standards (especially in the 16th century) be to say 'dark' even though your marriage-advertisements ask for 'fair' brides, meaning Aryan light-brown rather... here. Besides, Rowse believes that Emilia's affair with Shakespeare was over before she entered Forman's parlour in 1597: how then can she be connected with Mrs. Mountjoy with whom Shakespeare had lodged some time between 1602 and 1604? Finally there is the argument which Rowse considers very impressive. Emilia was a bit of a poet and once wrote, as though echoing Shakespeare's famous "All the world's... Indologists a dance. I believe I have managed to get all your hieroglyphs correct except one word which too I would have deciphered if I had still had with me the copy of Blake's complete works which Sir Geoffrey Keynes had presented to me after reading the first draft of my book. Unfortunately, the paper on which Blake was printed contained some acidic material and the whole book turned dark brown and ...
... serious research has sprung up since the middle of the nineteenth century. This has been given the name of "Psychical Research"; and in its earlier phase even reputed orthodox scientists like Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. Wallace and Dr. Crookes got associated with it, giving to this new research much credence and respectability. Many bulky volumes embodying the findings of these "psychical" researchers ...
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