... existence at all; it gets rid of the essential unity as a mere illusion of continuity created by the uninterrupted succession of sensations, in the figure of the flame & the wick. It drives by logical process towards a Nullity, although not all its schools are bold enough to arrive at that void & yawning haven. For the rest, its final conclusion is illogical, for though it claims to be the pure concept... , since the soul escaping from the illusion, escapes from it merely & does not destroy it, it has to be admitted that the substratum of multiplicity exists eternally. Here again we are led by logical process to a result which is illogical; we have, in the end, a Maya that at once exists and does not exist. This difficulty is at once put aside as beyond enquiry; the contradiction exists, inexplicable ...
... consciousness transmuted from intelligence to gnosis, imagination would be replaced by truth-inspiration, mental judgment would give place to a self-luminous discerning. The slow and stumbling logical process from reasoning to conclusion would be pushed out by a swift intuitive proceeding; the conclusion or fact would be seen at once in its own right, by its own self-sufficient witness, and all the ...
... Phenomenon of Man (Collins, London, 1960), p. 294. 18.Ibid., p. 291. Page 204 mental laws of evolution." And, if "the experimental laws of evolution" were involved, the logical process had nothing to do with the Christian religion. This religion provided no reason for Omega - and if Teilhard could not have reasoned out Omega he would never have accepted it. Secondly ...
... pragmatic reason is bent upon life; the will in it is predominantly a will to creation and formation in terms of life—it drives straight towards concrete results. Whatever knowledge it gains by its logical process, based upon the activity of the sense-mind,, it hastens to utilize for an improvement of the conditions of life. It is sceptical about the validity, even the reality, of a knowledge that cannot ...
... In any case we have this now patent order in the profuse complexities of the natural harmony of living things,—one plasmic seed, one developing ground-plan, an opulent number of varieties whose logical process would be by an ascending order which passes up through fine but still very distinct gradations from the crude to the complex, from the less organised to the more organised, from the inferior to ...
... to "cellar-thane"; "electricity" convert into "fire-ghost'; "criticism" be purified into "deemsterhood". "Syllogism" also is taken up for transformation. You know what a syllogism is. It is a logical process consisting of three steps — the first is called the Major Premise, the second the Minor Premise and the third the Conclusion. Example: Page 107 A peacock has two legs. A poet ...
... calls "hypothetico-deductive". A scientist builds a hypothesis (often resting on a "hunch"), then makes deductions from it and submits the end-product of the long logical process to an experimental test. Experiments decide the ultimate validity of the hypothesis: the hypothesis itself subsists in a domain which experiments do not ...
... imbedded in the creation and all-pervading, exercising his influence through the pressure of Universal Law, perhaps in a concentrated form, still working gradually, step by step, as though through a logical process, for the maintenance of the natural order and harmony, lokasamgraha. God can be more than that, individualised in a special, even a human sense. His individual being can and does hold within ...
... to create more than a state of understanding - that is, a state of being, an experience of the soul. Hence, in poetry which is after all an art and concerned with soul-states rather than with logical processes, rhythm is more than anything the essence of inspiration and, to an expert ear, the surest mark of dif- Page 127 ference between the various planes from which inspiration makes... and becoming one with it. A couple of turns of speech confirm this perception: 'like a blue abyss' somehow strikes one as an indirect way of suggesting the Spirit, while 'by the grace' is almost a logical explanatory construction and is deficient in sheer real-sense, if I may so call the right kind of feeling we must get of the content or theme-stuff of mystical poetry. 'Pain-broken' has also a similar... arranges his words in a certain way in preference to another, although both the ways may convey the same mental meaning and even when the rejected pattern expresses more precisely the thought from a logical standpoint. The poet permits himself liberties with the ordinary construction of the language and observes metrical form because of the sound-suggestion exceeding in a magic manner the sense-suggestion ...
... mental life in terms of what is thrust into or lurks in the subconscious. Psychoanalysis even goes further and traces all the higher mental manifestations to the mind's interest in one's physio-logical processes. I believe that it overshoots the mark a great deal and, in its preoccupation with the underworld of the subconscious, misses the in-world of the subliminal and the over-world of the superconscious ...
... reason can accept or may at least be brought one day to accept as sovereign and to see in it its own supreme light, its own infinite source. For that reveals itself surely in the end as the logical ultimate process, the inevitable development and consummation of all for which man is individually and socially striving. A satisfying evolution of the nascent spirituality still raw and inchoate in the race... less slowly, with long difficulty Page 189 and much loss and delay to develop among themselves what their incursion has temporarily destroyed or impaired. In the end humanity gains by the process; a greater mass of the nations is brought in, a larger and more living force of progress is applied, a starting-point is reached from which it can move to richer and more varied gains. But a certain ...
... to psycho- logical experiences, processes such as introspection, self-analysis and knowledge of various states of being, and of nature. For the self of man is first revealed to him in his ordinary natural, i, e. his psychological make up. In Europe as time went on, philosophical inquiry drifted away from this practical search for the self, i. e. from the field of direct psycho- logical experiences... came to. be formulated in the various systems of Indian yogas. Yoga, in fact, can be defined as the science of inner culture. Yoga is, of course, not an automatic process; it requires the conscious participation by the individual in the, process of his self- evolution. In other words. Yoga is nothing else but Page 107 consciously practised practical psychology. It is true that there are... is a finer and subtler state of Matter or of Life or of Mind. George Russel (A. E.) in his book " The Candle of Vision " reports certain dream experiences of his own and asks the question about the process of their preservation in memory. There seem to be insuperable difficulties in accepting only the materialistic basis of this faculty. Another difficulty in adopting a strictly scientific method ...
... [is] severely conscientious in its logical processes and rigorously experimental; [Vedantism] has mastered physical and psychical laws which Science [is] now beginning to handle. But the parallelism is no more than a parallelism, [there is] no real point of contact; for the Hindu or Southern Asiatic mind Page 345 differs fundamentally in its processes from either [the] Teutonic or the... arise. But even when the question of utility is set aside, the intelligibility of the process is not established. The Unqualified willing to regard Himself as qualified is, you say, His Maya. But what is the nature of the process, intellectual or volitional, and how can an intellectual or volitional process be consistently attributed to the Absolute?—on this head at least one expects intellectual... packed tons of speculation into an inch of space, give only the fundamental illuminations on which their philosophy depends. The Exegeses ( Karikas ) of Gaudapada and others are often a connected and logical array of concise and pregnant thoughts each carrying its burden of endless suggestion, each starting its own reverberating echo of wider and wider thought; but they are not comprehensive treatises ...
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