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Lord Lansdowne : Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice (1845-1927): Under Secretary for War 1872-4, for India 1880: Viceroy & Gov.-General of India 1888-94: reconstituted the Legislative Councils, giving its Indian members the right only to wax eloquent financial legislation: instituted an Act to protect only English girls: revised the Factory Act to benefit only the Europeans: sanctioned more powers to the Police to harass native people & princes: opened an Imperial Library & Record Office: suspended of the Presidential Army system: closed Govt. mints to native princes for free coinage of silver: punished the Prince of Manipur on pretext of having conspired to murder British officers there: extended railways & irrigation works to benefit faster movement & convenience of his officials, armies, & police: invented “spheres of influence” on the frontiers by coercing the Emir of Afghānistān to accept a boundary advantageous to the British: on return to England made Secretary of War 1895-1900 & Foreign Secretary from 1900 [Buckland deloused].

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... and let the rest of the world know as little about their real Indian policy as possible, and even to deceive it whenever opportunity offers. How humane it sounded, how extremely Christian, when Lord Lansdowne declared in the House of Lords with that supreme unction of which Englishmen alone are capable, that one of the motives of the war with the Boers was the righting of the grievous wrongs to which... humiliating conditions now than they ever did under the Government of Paul Kruger. And one need not feel surprised if one hears an Englishman, even at the present day, repeating the pronouncement of Lord Lansdowne in all solemnity in order to prove England's constant anxiety and watchfulness on behalf of her Indian subjects. There can hardly be any doubt that the Press has been shamelessly encouraged ...

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