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Lotus-Eaters : a poem by Tennyson that first came out in 1832.

16 result/s found for Lotus-Eaters

... . In that sense communism is only a fascismo of small people fighting against a fascismo of big people. A society is not normally made up of proletarians only: it does not consist merely of lotus-eaters nor does it consist of hewers of wood and drawers of water (peasants and labourers) alone. Even a proletariate society will slowly and inevitably gravitate towards a stratification of its own. In ...


... found himself in inhospitable lands with barbarous people and strange creatures. At other times he was well received in unknown places and was offered gifts. The wandering took Odysseus to the Lotus-eaters, to the country of Page 23 Cyclope, to the Island of Aeolus, to the island of Circe, to the Sirens island, and thereafter passed through the channel between Scylla and Charybdis. The ...

... could it be that the name means one who drives a wheel, like Shakatayana,the driver of sakata, the bullock­cart? Or is it something similar to Kamalayana, one who tends or enjoys a kamala, the lotus, lotus-eater? The Chakra or wheel here might be the potter's wheel, or it might as well be the spinner's wheel or Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies a Charkha, just as we ...

... it be that the name means one who drives a wheel, like Shakatayana,the driver of śakaṭa , the bullock cart? Or is it something similar to Kamalayana, one who tends or enjoys a kamala, the lotus, lotus-eater? The Chakra or wheel here might be the potter's wheel, or it might as well be the spinner's wheel or Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies a Charkha, just as ...

... these works. It was for a long time supposed by many that Sri Aurobindo's Ashram is a place where people live in an ivory tower, practise some kind of Yoga in splendid isolation, enjoying a lotus-eater's idle existence. If there was spiritual experience or enlightenment it was perhaps imaginary and had very little use for the ordinary mortal. How far these notions were from the truth may be seen... to the artist random shapes, uncontrolled by any higher vision. The true subjectivity trains the artist to dive deep into his inner being and touch the true soul, "the Madhvadam Purusham " — " the eater of the honey of delight of existence ". It makes the artist look upward towards higher levels of Intuition, Inspiration and Revelation from which all great art has come down to man. The need of the ...

... that Krishna Page 40 Is weaning you from this our world of Karma, You indulge your fancies. For no God-note ever Calls one away from the world of fact to loll As a lotus-eater in a hanging garden, Nor sanity desires to drift away From its cherished moorings toward a meaningless Life of the parasite — the mendicant's. Come, come, my lad! You are a green ...


... home; like calves with their mothers they met with each other as companions. Page 371 उप स्त्रक्वेषु बप्सतः कृण्वते धरुणं दिवि । इन्द्रे अग्ना नमः स्वः ॥१५॥ 15) In the jaws of the eater they made their foundation in heaven, their prostrations of surrender to Indra and the Fire made the Sun-world. अधुक्षत् पिप्युषीमिषमूर्जं सप्तपदीमरिः । सूर्यस्य सप्त रश्मिभिः ॥१६॥ 16) The... e pervading well whose wheel is on high and its opening below. अभ्यारमिदद्रयो निषिक्तं पुष्करे मधु । अवतस्य विसर्जने ॥११॥ 11) Close by are the stones and the honey-wine is poured in the lotus in the discharging of the well. गाव उपावतावतं मही यज्ञस्य रप्सुदा । उभा कर्णा हिरण्यया ॥१२॥ 12) O Ray-Cows, come to the well; here is the great wine-jar of the sacrifice, here are both the ...

... in her, a wrong movement. This movement drew adverse forces. The cat, being extremely open to its owner and thus easily affected by that desire, found itself exposed to the attack. With the cat-eaters around, it fell a victim and thus Page 161 sidetracked what might have harmed the owner in some subtle occult way affecting her body. (In those days the inner movements... rearing peacocks is indeed a revelation! But perhaps from the occult viewpoint this is in the fitness of things. The peacock is the national bird of India just as her national flower is the lotus and Sri Aurobindo laid the true foundation of Indian Nationalism, and his date of birth — August 15 coincides with the date of India's Independence. Again, in Sri Aurobindo's own symbology, the peacock ...

... intoxicant or narcotic. Sri Aurobindo ate the whole lump brought to him—with no perceptible harmful effect. I am reminded of a story by de Quincy, the author of the famous Confessions of an Opium-eater. He tells of a Malay who suddenly appeared at his quarters. As an act of hospitality de Quincy put before the Oriental a quantity of opium. The visitor ate up at one stroke the entire big piece and... sitting by him and gently Page 83 caressing his body with his hand. Amrita recollected a special odour coming from Sri Aurobindo's body. In later years the Mother has mentioned a faint lotus-like scent emanating from it. More serious lessons too were taught. Once Amrita was watching a spider's web in which some insects had been caught. He started amusing himself by throwing some ants ...

... queen!' Hearing this (benediction), and circumambulating the sage (as a mark of respect) and taking leave of him, and then returning home, the queen brought forth a son who had lotus- like eyes and shone like Brahmā (the lotus-born). (21-23) The boy was born along with that very poison that had actually been administered to the queen by her fellow-consort with the intention of destroying the foetus;... was Raghu, after whom his descendants were known as Raghavas (the scions of Raghu). (28) Raghu's glorious son for his part came to be known on earth by the names of Pravrddha, Purusādaka (lit., a man-eater or ogre), Kalmasapada and Saudasa. (29) It has been heard by us that Kalmasapada's son was Sahkhana, who, (even) on attaining remarkable valour (on the field of battle) perished, army and all (in an... fire (in brilliance), seated close by. (26) He saw the mighty-armed Śrī Rāma, the protector of the earth extending up to the ocean, who had shoulders resembling a lion's and eyes resembling a pair of lotuses and was given to the practice of virtue, seated like the eternal Brahmā (the creator) on a levelled and squared piece of ground strewn with blades of (the sacred) Kuśa grass, along with Sītā and Laksmana ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... intoxicant or narcotic. Sri Aurobindo ate the whole lump brought to him - with no perceptible harmful effect. I am reminded of a story by de Quincy, the author of the famous Confessions of an Opium-eater . He tells of a Malay who suddenly appeared at his quarters. As an act of hospitality de Quincy put before the Oriental a quantity of opium. The visitor ate up at one stroke the entire big piece and... with Sri Aurobindo sitting by him and gently caressing his body with his hand. Amrita recollected a special odour coming from Sri Aurobindo's body. In later years the Mother has mentioned a faint lotus-like scent emanating from it. A recollection by Amrita at a somewhat subsequent but pre-yogic period figured a young girl who lived in a neighbouring house. Youthful Amrita grew fond of her and talked ...

... never believed in hard and fast taboos. His tolerance and charity would have been incredible had it not been a fact of everyday experience. In the Ashram he tolerated a number of disgruntled fire- eaters who called themselves his disciples and went on giving a long rope even to some insolent rebels who, from calling him names and misrepresenting his catholic views, told deliberate lies — just to do... are external makes no difference to its character. But of course as we have not been shouting these things, it is natural, I suppose, for others to think that I am living in an august, glamorous, lotus-eating dreamland where no hard facts of life or nature present themselves. But what an illusion all the same!" "But is it altogether an illusion. Guru?" I pursued unconsoled. "You yourself have ...

... below. The superconscient, Page 207 not the subconscient, is the true foundation of things. The significance of the lotus is not to be found by analyzing the secrets of the mud from which it grows here; its secret is to be found in the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms for ever in the Light above. We appear to progress from below upward, from past to future, from night to conscious... toward war, from his underground activity in Bengal to his retreat in Pondicherry in 1910, revolves around the question of methods : how to strike most effectively at this "Slayer of creatures," "the Eater," as the Vedic rishis called it. And from the independence of India, Sri Aurobindo went on to the independence of the world. Indeed, as he advanced in his yoga, he became increasingly aware, through... Thus, he became secretary of the "Indian Majlis," an association of Indian students at Cambridge, delivered revolutionary speeches, cast off his English first name, and joined a secret society called "Lotus and Dagger" (!) (Though, in this case, romanticism could lead one straight to the gallows.) Ultimately, he attracted the attention of the authorities, and his name was put on Whitehall's blacklist. ...

... enemies"), reminding us of the name often applied to Samudragupta by his successors: "Sarvara-jochchhetta" ("Mower of all kings"). "Amitrachades" could be, as B. M. Barua 5 opines, "Amritakhada 7 ' ("Eater of ambrosia"), a designation most apt for the Allāhābād Pillar Inscription's "god dwelling on the earth" and achintya purusha in human form. The Greek view, therefore, of the son of Sandrocottus... turns of history and complexes of events. Thus we read 1 apropos of "the portion of the Lord Visnu, which was born in Vasudeva's family and named Krsna": "As long as he touched the earth with his lotus-feet, so long the Kali age could not encompass the earth." This means not that Krishna had to die in 3102 B.C. exactly after 864,000 years of the Dvāparayuga but that the Kaliyuga had to wait for ...

... antaratman?" Vishuddha answered, "Indescribable sweetness. Do you know how the Kathopanishad describes the jiva?" I said, "No." Vishuddha said, "Kathopanishad describes it as madhwadah, eater of honey. The tongue of the mystic fire tastes that sweetness, but by what language can words describe it?" I remained quiet. As he was leaving me at my hostel, Vishuddha said, "Yoga is so... personality which antaratman is capable of putting forward at the heights of its growth and manifestation. Your own predominant swabhava and swadharma ceases to be one-sided, and, like a fully blossomed lotus, you arrive at perfections of the brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and shudra. The limits of initial swadharma are broken and you begin to race on a chariot not of one wheel but increasingly and ultimately ...

... elicited from the name of Sandrocottus's son, which we have already mentioned: Amitrachates or Amitrochades. We may remember Barua's reading 1 of the Sanskrit equivalent for the latter: "Amrita-khāda" ("Eater of ambrosia"). With the Allāhābād Pillar inscription's presentation of Samudragupta, the son of Chandragupta I, as a god in human form this reading accords very well, as does also our own suggestion... ("Mower of all kings") applied to Samudragupta by his sucessors in four inscriptions. Two other proposals have been made for both the names:"Amitraghata" ("Slayer of enemies") and "Amitrakhāda" ("Eater of enemies"). These too suit Samudragupta down to the ground. We may go even a step further and ask whether "Amitrachates" may really be not a title but the actual name of the son of Sandrocottus. The... very outset. The peaked Kushāna cap was never put upon the head of the Gupta emperor. Ardoksho on the reverse was Hinduised usually by transforming her into the goddess Lakshmī and seating her on a lotus. Lakshmī, 1. "The Coinage", A New History..., pp. 302-03. Page 439 that was thus introduced on the reverse, was destined to figure on the gold coinage for more than a millennium; ...