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Lycurgus : reformer of Sparta’s constitution, govt., & social system, to establish a machine of war which would preclude trouble from the helots & other slaves.

3 result/s found for Lycurgus

... historic individuals who first harmonised and perfected its traditionary ideals and routine of life and expressed the consciousness of the race in their political or ethico-legal systems. Such were Lycurgus, Confucius, Menes, Manu. For in those days individual greatness and perfection commanded a sacred reverence from the individual consciousness, because in each man it was to this greatness and perfection ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... cannot argue a higher stage of essential consciousness. Is a modern scientist more evolved in consciousness than Aristotle or Leonardo da Vinci? Is Stalin on a higher plane of being than Draco or Lycurgus or our own Buddhist Asoka whom H. G. Wells, himself a scientific mind, calls the most enlightened ruler the world has seen? Not the outer mould but the inner reality determines progress. Monarchy ...


... at all or only exceptionally and to a hardly noticeable extent the legislator. It is worth noting, indeed, that this customary law was often attributed to an original legislator, a Manu, Moses, Lycurgus; but the historic truth of any such tradition has been discredited by modern inquiry and perhaps rightly, if we consider only the actual ascertainable facts and the ordinary process of the human mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle