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Machiavelli : Nicolo (1469-1527), Italian writer, statesman, Florentine patriot, political theorist, author of Il principe (see Prince, the) which advocates unscrupulous statecraft, hence ‘Machiavel’ is used for one who practises duplicity in statecraft.

3 result/s found for Machiavelli

... the spiritual and mental history of a nation. Such a period of partial self-revelation we find in the flowering of Italian literature; in the Divine Comedy, the Decameron, the works of Petrarch, Machiavelli, Cellini, Castiglione, mediaeval Italy lives before our eyes for all time; but the rest of Italian prose and poetry is mere literature and nothing more. Again when we have seen the romantic spirit ...


... Roslin) II Reform of the Law Although Catherine did not hesitate to follow self-interest in foreign relations, she took an idealistic view of her domestic problems. She turned from Machiavelli¹ to Montesquieu². When she thought of Courland and Poland she pictured herself as a general on horseback; when she thought of Russia she pictured herself as the Little Mother, Matushka. She and ...


... Possibly, the idea is to force the exasperation to a head and crush it when it breaks into overt action,—the old policy of the English in Ireland. But we would remind these blundering Anglo-Saxon Machiavellis that India is not Ireland; it is easier to unchain the tempest than to decree to it what course it shall take and what it shall spare or what destroy. ...

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