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Mackenzie, Alexander : (1842-1902): ICS 1862: appointed to Bengal Secretariat: wrote history of Govt.’s relations with tribes on N.E. frontier of Bengal: Financial Secretary, Govt. of Bengal 1877: Member Bengal Legislative Council 1877 & 1879: Home Secretary, Govt. of India 1882: Chief Commissioner of C.P. 1887, & Burma 1890: Member of Supreme Council 1895: Lt.-Gov. Bengal Dec.1895-Apr.98: released minimum possible funds for relief during famine of 1896-7 & for plague in Bengal: unstinting provisions for British businesses: imposed laws of sanitation in Calcutta harmful to natives: after retirement Chairman of India Development Co. [Buckland]
... the Government of India accept his proposal and thus relieve the revenues of Bengal of an unnecessary superfluity. The policy of the Government seems to have undergone a sea-change. Even Sir Alexander Mackenzie protested against the Government of India appropriating the surpluses. Referring to the Quinquennial Contract he said, "The provincial sheep is thrown on its back and shorn of its wool, and then ...
... for its introduction or, if introduced,—as, no doubt, Lord Morley will have some slight respect even yet for his own reputation,—for its retention in the future. What is to prevent a future Alexander Mackenzie in the Viceregal seat from so altering any measure that may be given as to render it nugatory and what is to prevent a future Curzon in the India Office from confirming this step rearwards? So ...
... Longinus. On the Sublime, translated by A. O. Prickard (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1930). Macdonnel, A.A. A Vedic Reader for Students (Oxford University Press, London, 1917). Mackenzie, J.S. Cosmic Problems : An Essay on Speculative Philosophy (Macmillan, London, 1931). Matthiessen, F.O. American Renaissance : Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and ... Voices of the Stones (Macmilian, London, 1925). The House of the Titans (Macmillan, London, 1934). Aiyangar, Narayan. Essays on Indo-Aryan Mythology (Bangalore, 1898). Alexander,S. Space, Time and Deity, Vols. I &I1 (Macmillan, London, 1927). Alvarez,A. The Shaping Spirit : Studies in Modern English and American Poets (Chatto & Windus, London, 1958). ... Press, Oxford, 1912). Knight, G. Wilson. The Crown of Life : Essays in Interpretation of Shakespeare's Final Plays (Methuen, London, 1958). Laureate of Peace : on the Genius of Alexander Pope (Roudedge, London, 1954). Kurtz, Benjamin P. The Pursuit of Death (Oxford University Press, London, 1933). Lai, P. & K. Raghavendra RAO. Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry ...
... plunder.' "It has always been our boast how greatly we have raised the revenue above that which the native rulers were able to extort," said John Shore in 1837. "Since the world began," wrote Holt Mackenzie in 1833, "there is probably no example of a Government carrying the principle Page 286 of absolutism so completely through the civil administration of the country [India], if that... were granted the right of unrestricted entry. And, as they have done everywhere else in the world with local populations, in India too they poured forth "venomous abuses against the Hindus." Rev. Alexander Duff said contemptuously: "Of all the systems of false religion ever fabricated by the perverse ingenuity of fallen man, Hinduism is surely the most stupendous." Or did he mean Christianity? Was he ...
... 130. A Modern Prelude, p. 297. 131. See Johnson, The Imprisoned Splendour,p. 17 4. 132. God,pp.22,85. 133. Mackenzie, Cosmic Problems, p. 113. 134. God, p. 44. 135. See Mackenzie, Cosmic Problems, p. 113. 136. See Stace, Time and Eternity, p. 75. 137. Space, Time and Deity, Vol. II, p. 345. 138... Untermeyer, Modern American Poetry, p. 336. 51. The Hudson Review, Autumn 1957, p. 377. 52. The contrast between Hamlet, father and son, has been brilliantly brought out by Peter Alexander in his Northcliffe Lectures on this subject. 53. C. Day Lewis, The Aeneid of Virgil, p. 137 54. The English Epic, p. 83. 55. TheSewaneeReview,Summer 1954,pp. 426-7 ...
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