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Madhavrao Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav : Madhavrao Bhagawantrao Jādhav (b.1873), Sri Aurobindo’s most intimate friend at Baroda. He & his elder brother, Khāserao, agreed with his political ideas & projects &both helped him whenever possible in his political work. Another close friend & collaborator was K.G. Deshpande. Madhavrao, who was Adjutant of the Gaekwād’s Bodyguard, admitted Jatin Banerji into his squadron. Some years later, Tilak & Sri Aurobindo sent Madhavrao to India House where arrangements were made for his training on the Continent in military science & manufacture of ordnance. Later, under a recommendation from the Russian Legation (in which Tilak had some contacts) he was permitted to carry on further studies in the Swiss army. During one of its manoeuvres he saw British officers invited as observers & thought it best to hasten back to Baroda. In 1908, Madhavrao opened a fund for Sri Aurobindo’s defence in the Alipore Bomb Trial. In 1913, the Gaekwad appointed him a captain in the 2nd Regiment of his State Infantry.

29 result/s found for Madhavrao Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav

... Maharaja of Baroda by Mr. Khaserao Jadhav in England. Not true. Sri Aurobindo became acquainted with Khaserao two or three years after his arrival in Baroda, through Khaserao's brother, Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav. [It was] 1 James Cotton, brother of Sir Henry (who was a friend of Dṛ K.D. Ghose) who introduced Sri Aurobindo to the Gaekwar. Cotton became secretary of the South Kensington Liberal ...

... this bungalow. Page 51 The youngest Jadhav brother, Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav, was in the Baroda army. He was trained at a military school in England. "He was the same age as Aurobindo," wrote D. K. Roy in his book, "and they were great friends. Aurobindo was of a grave temperament; but when he and Madhavrao talked together, his gravity would vanish completely. From both would flow... on with his description. "Madhavrao mostly spoke in Marathi, and Sri Aurobindo generally Page 52 replied in English. Nine tenths of the time it was Madhavrao who talked, Aurobindo talked only one tenth of the time." However, the Bengali teacher observed that his pupil was more fluent in Marathi than in Bengali. The Bengali 'novelist' — as Madhavrao called him —was quite surprised... his taste and he spent most evenings with them whenever free from his studies or other works. We can now have a pleasant nodding acquaintance with one of them, Lt. Madhavrao Jadhav. He was a very close friend of A. G. 's. Madhavrao would often drop in of an evening for a chat. A. G. himself was not talkative, but he was a very good listener. And, oh, how he would laugh I The Jadhavs were ...

... Deshpande, with whom he discussed the problems of Philosophy, Spiritual life and the reconstruction of India. The most intimate friend at Baroda was Khaserao's brother, Page 38 Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav who was associated with him in his political ideas and projects and helped him whenever possible in his political work. He lived with M. in his house most of the time he was at Baroda. There ...

... the Colaba station and boarded a train of B. B. C. I. R. line (Bombay-Baroda Central India Railways). The train left the station at 10 P.M. and reached Baroda very early in the morning. Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav was waiting on the platform to receive them. He took them to his brother Khaserao's house. This palatial, double-storeyed building was red —like Théon's at Tlemcen! —and situated on the main ...

... some examples from his personal observation. "And then there is what happened about Madhavrao's son." Could have been the Anandrao whom we have already met. "He was dying; doctors gave up hope. Madhavrao wired to them to stop medicines and to pray to God. They did it and the son was cured. I know this as a fact. Madhavrao himself showed me the telegram." But more frequently he would cite the case... doctors of Calcutta." But other systems of medicines than allopathy were known in India. "Once I had a nasty abscess on the knee in Baroda," said Sri Aurobindo. "All treatment failed. Then Madhavrao Jadhav called in a Mahomedan who pricked the Page 167 knee at a particular point and brought out a big drop of black blood and the abscess was cured soon afterwards I Sri Aurobindo ...

... breech-loading gun that Madhavrao had given him. But when he returned home, his Didi could not stomach the sight of all those killed or half-killed wild fowl. She refused to taste the 'tastily cooked' meat. When the Puja vacations came, all of them went to urn's portrait Sri Aurobindo Page 243 Deoghar. Barin had taken with him Madhavrao's gifts, the rifle and b... Page 239 and by I met the Jadhav brothers in the dining room. 'Well, young man!' and with such other European greetings, Khaserao heartily patted me on the back and welcomed me. Madhavrao, a lieutenant in the army, was dark; with his calm grace and quick smile, he became my friend at first sight." A new life of leisure began for Barin. This is how he describes the house. "A ...

... Baroda till the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately & may also reach on the 1ṣṭ of July. If you like, you might go there a little before & put up with Deshpande. I have asked Madhavrao to get my new house furnished, but I don't know what he is doing in that direction. Banerji is, I believe, in Calcutta. He came up to see me at Deoghur for a day. Yours sincerely Aurobind Ghose ...

... Baroda was Lieutenant Madhavrao Jadhav, who was associated with him in his political ideas and helped him in later years, whenever possible, in his political work. Among his other friends were Khasirao Jadhav and Keshavrao G. Deshpande, the latter of whom Sri Aurobindo had known at Cambridge. In the early years at Baroda, Sri Aurobindo often stayed either with Khasirao or his brother Madhavrao, but ...

... People say you had three very intimate friends. One of them is dead, one still alive. We don't know about the remaining one. SRI AUROBINDO: One was Deshpande who was very intimate: he is dead. Madhavrao was another: he is also dead. Who was the third? PURANI: Kasherao? SRI AUROBINDO: Kasherao was not so intimate. NIRODBARAN: Dutt speaks of going back once more and then coming to stay here ...

... at Baroda at that time. They wired to me about her hopeless condition. And then there is what happened to Madhavrao's son. He was dying; the doctors had given up hope. Madhavrao wired to them to stop medicines all and pray to God. They did it and the son was cured. I know this as a fact. Madhavrao himself showed me the telegram. PURANI: In your first quotation on Dawn in The Life Divine Anilbaran ...

... a Trojan. He scratched me, he bit one of my coadjutors, in both cases drawing blood, he whipped furiously the horse of the assistant cavalier, and when Madhavrao came to his assistance, he rewarded the benevolent intention by whipping at Madhavrao's camel! It was not till we reached the village, after a six-miles conflict, and got him out of the carriage that he submitted to the operation. The wonder... the Post-Office. My health has not been very good recently; that is to say, although I have no recognised doctor's illness, I have developed a new disease of my own, or rather a variation of Madhavrao's special brand of nervous debility. I shall patent mine as A.G's private and particular. Its chief symptom is a ghastly inability to do any serious work; two hours' work induces a feverish exhaustion ...

... a Trojan. He scratched me, he bit one of my coadjutors, in both cases drawing blood, he whipped furiously the horse of the assistant cavalier, and when Madhavrao came to his assistance, he rewarded the benevolent intention by whipping at Madhavrao's camel ! It was not till we reached the village, after a six-mile conflict, and got him out of the carriage that he submitted to the operation. The wonder... return of post'____ "My health has not been very good recently; that is to say, although I have no recognised doctor's illness, I have developed a new disease of my own, or rather a variation of Madhavrao's special brand of nervous debility. I shall patent mine as A. G.' s private and particular. Its chief symptom is a ghastly inability to do any serious work; two hours' work induces a feverish exhaustion ...

... others. Deshpande was one. When I went to Baroda from England I found out what the Congress was like at that time and I formed a strong contempt for it. Then I came into touch with Deshpande, Tilak, Madhavrao and others. Deshpande requested me to write something in the Indu Prakash. There I severely criticised the Congress for its moderate policy. The articles were so fiery that M. G. Ranade, the great... many memoranda for the Maharaja but along the lines he gave me. As I said, I was not interested in administrative work and soon I got the Maharaja to transfer me to the College. Along with Tilak, Madhavrao, Deshpande and Joshi, who became a Moderate later, I was planning to work on more extremist lines than the Congress. We brought Jatin Banerji from Bengal and got him admitted into the Baroda army ...

... coterie at Deoghar and proved to be an eager disciple at Baroda. He soon became friendly with Lt. Madhavrao, Khaserao Jadav's brother, who was in the Baroda Army, and took lessons from him in the use of fire-arms etc. Later, Madhavrao was sent to Europe for further military training. Sri Aurobindo helped Madhavrao meet the expenses from his own resources. Among Barin's varied interests was spiritualism... to us many years later: When I came to Baroda from England I found out what the Congress was like at that time and I formed a strong contempt for it. Then I came into touch with Deshpande, Tilak, Madhavrao and others. Deshpande requested me to write something in the Indu Prakash. There I strongly criticised the Congress for its moderate policy. The articles were so fiery that M.G. Ranade, the great ...

... Mandir, in 1905 I reckon. R. N. Patkar disclosed the following fact. "In the beginning of 1905 Sri Aurobindo, Deshpande and Jadhav were meeting in the evenings." We suppose it really was Khaserao, as Madhavrao had been sent to England in 1905. "One evening," Patkar called up into his narrative a scene from those bygone days, "I saw Barindra going with the planchette into the room where all the three used ...

... two are my brothers and the half is Tilak." Manmohan and I used to quarrel pretty often but I got on very well with my eldest brother. Once Manmohan said to me, "I hear you have been living with Madhavrao Jadhav year after year." "Why not?" I said. "How could you do that?" he asked, "I could not live for six months without quarrelling with him." We all forgot ourselves rolling with laughter and ...

... writing. This means that his yoga sadhana was going on at the time. Madhavrao, brother of Khaserao, was sent to Europe to get military training, learn to prepare bombs, get arms, etc. Sri Aurobindo refers to this in a letter of 3 October 1905 to Mrinalini : Page 84 "I have to keep money to send to Madhavrao. He is sent to England on a special mission. I have spent a lot in the... purpose; (4) spiritual life; (5) family life. During this period Sri Aurobindo often stayed with Khaserao Jadhav in his house at Dandia Bazar. In his absence he stayed with Khaserao's brother Madhavrao Jadhav. Several other houses also were occupied at different times in Baroda. ² In the beginning Sri Aurobindo's services were lent to the college from other departments for French lessons for... in the National movement. When I came to Baroda from England I found out what the Congress was at that time and formed contempt for it. Then I came in touch with Deshpande, Tilak, Madhavrao, and others. Deshpande requested me to write something, in the Induprakash . There I strongly criticised the Congress for its moderate policy. The articles were so slashing that M .G. Ranade, the ...

... PURANI: Exactly. Nana Sahib also spoke against non-violence the other day while presiding over a conference of young men at Baroda. Do you know him? SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, yes, I know him very well. He, Madhavrao and I were the first revolutionary group and wanted to drive out the English. PURANI: It's good he protested against demilitarisation. SRI AUROBINDO: Has Gandhi succeeded in disarming the Frontier ...

... colleague in the Baroda State Service, his younger brother Li Madhavrao Jadav of the Baroda State Army, and Phadke, a young Maratha Brahmin of genial temperament and a man of letters. In fact, for some years Sri Aurobindo lived in Khaserao's house at Baroda, a beautiful two-storeyed building situated on the main road of the town; Madhavrao too was close to Sri Aurobindo and helped him in his political ...

... homoeopathy. The Mother came and took some part in it. After she had gone, the talk on medicine continued. SRI AUROBINDO: Once in Baroda I had a nasty abscess on the knee. Alltreatment failed. Then Madhavrao Jadhav called in a Mohammedan who pricked the knee at a particular point and brought out a big drop of black blood and the abscess was cured soon afterwards! He must have known the spot to prick. ...

... Jatin Banerji (1877-1930) had turned up one day in 1898 at the door of A. Ghose. He wanted to get military training in order to prepare himself for the revolutionary work. With the help of Madhavrao and Khaserao Jadhav, Sri Aurobindo got him admitted to the Baroda army as a trooper in the cavalry regiment. Under the British, Bengalis were forbidden to be Page 310 ...

... before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the 1 st of July. If you like, you might go there a little before and put up with Deshpande. I have asked Madhavrao to get my new house furnished but I don't know what he is doing in that direction. Yours sincerely, Aurobindo Ghose" The Kumaon hills cradle Nainital. It is a picturesque spot with ...

... future. "When I came to Baroda from England," Sri Aurobindo related, "I found what the Congress was like at that time and I formed a strong contempt for it. Then I came in touch with Deshpande, Tilak, Madhavrao and others [revolutionaries]. Deshpande requested me to write something in the Indu Prakash." We fleetingly came across Deshpande in Cambridge. Along with Sri Aurobindo, he was a member of ...

... he was the embodied Divine, I tried to appraise his actions by my intellect. That he was always a Yogi, a seeker, I never doubted. Towards the end of his Baroda days, he initiated Deshapande and Madhavrao 223 in the Onkar Mantra, 224 and they practised it assiduously. What he did, or tried to do, all 223Both were close friends of Sri Aurobindo in Baroda, their friendship dating ...

... fought — I will say it to his credit — like a Trojan. He scratched me, he bit one of my coadjutors, in both cases drawing blood, he whipped furiously the horse of the assistant cavalier, and when Madhavrao came to his assitance, he rewarded the benevolent intention by whipping at Madhav-rao's camel! It was not till we reached the village, after a six-miles conflict, and got him out of the carriage that ...

... political and revolutionary action. He had one foot in Baroda, one in Calcutta, but certainly his mind was with his associates in Bengal. In another of his letters to his wife, there is a reference to Madhavrao (a nephew of Khasirao Jadhav) being sent to Europe presumably to get military training, secure arms and learn about the making of explosives. Some time later, another also - Hemachandra Kanungo - ...

... Ramaswami (Va. Ra.), 380,405, 525,536 Iyengar, K. V. Rangaswami, 380, 525 Iyengar, S. Srinivasa, 340fn, 527 Jadhav, Khasirao, 47,63,216,202,260,394, 507 Jadhav, Madhavrao, 47, 216 Jauhar, Surendranath, 750, 760,764 Jayaswal, K. P., 508 Jinnah,M.A.,529,702,710 Joan of Arc 55,191 Johnson, Lionel, 99 Jones, Sir William ...

... at Cambridge at that time were rather costly. And the Master was also careless; so long as he got money he simply left me with the horse and I was not particular. I tried again at Baroda with Madhavrao – but was not successful. It was a disappointment to my father because he had arranged everything for me through Sir Henry Cotton. He had arranged to get me placed in the district of Arrah which ...

... damned the poky, ramshackle domicile as being worse than a rich man's stable. Among Sri Aurobindo's friends at Baroda, mention may be made of Khasirao Jadav, Khasirao's younger brother, Lt. Madhavrao Jadav, who was very intimate with Sri Aurobindo and helped him in many ways in his political work, and Phadke, a young, orthodox Maratha Brahmin, who was a man of letters and had translated a few... before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the first of July. If you like, you might go there a little before and put up with Despande. I have asked Madhavrao to get my new house furnished but I don't know what he is doing in that direction. Banerji is, I believe, in Calcutta. He came up to see me at Deoghar for a day. Yours sincerely, Aurobindo ...