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Taittiriya Upanishad [4]
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Maharloka Mahas : world of Truth discovered, according to the Taittiriya Upanishad, by Rishi Mahachamasya as the fourth Vyāhṛtis; world of Vastness; world of large consciousness; the world of the Superconscient Truth of things.

115 result/s found for Maharloka Mahas

... three Vyahritis is the fourth, Mahas, where the soul is one with God, yet separate, free, yet consciously plays with bondage,—Mahas, the link between the Parardha and Aparardha, pouring the glory of the higher hemisphere into the lower,—Mahas which we enjoy and possess in the golden ages of our humanity, love and seek for in the iron. For to Mahas we rise, through Mahas we aspire to the perfect oneness... seven distinct worlds with their denizens and seven kinds of bodies. These seven states are Annam, Prana, Manas, Vijnanam, Ananda, Chit and Sat; these seven worlds are Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka; these seven conditions of the Atman are the Visva Atma, Prana Atma, Buddha Atma, Mahan Atma,Mahajana Atma, Chaitanya Atma and Satya Atma; these seven bodies are... aesthetic pleasure and intellectual joy are of a mighty intensity, grief and pain are not felt except as another kind of pleasure and rapture, mental enjoyment is perfect and prolonged. Above there is Mahas or Suryaloka where vijnanam is at its height, intuitive ideal perception, inspiration & revelation are the normal processes of knowledge and the joys of ideal and direct knowledge unmixed with falsehood ...

... hemisphere & the lower is Maharloka, the seat of ideal knowledge & pure Truth, which links the free spirits to the bound, the gods who deliver to the gods who are in chains, the wide & immutable realms to these petty provinces where all shifts, all passes, all changes. We see therefore that Mahas is still vijnanam and we can no longer hesitate to identify our subjective principle of mahas, source of truth &... the material world), Bhuvarloka (Prana-Manas, the lower subjective world), Swarloka (Manas- Buddhi, the higher subjective world). These are the tribhuvana of Hinduism. (3) Corresponding to Mahas is Maharloka or Mahi Dyaus, the great heavens (pure Buddhi or Vijnana, the ideal world). The Pranava in its three essentialities rules over the three supreme worlds, the Satyaloka (divine being), Tapoloka... another fixed term of Vedic psychology & must mean another plane of consciousness. We have found the meaning of Mahas by consulting Purana & Vedanta as well as the Veda itself. Have we any similar light on the significance of Tuvi? Yes. The Puranas describe to us three worlds above Maharloka,—called, respectively, in the Puranic system, Jana, Tapas and Satya. By a comparison with Vedantic psychology ...

... creation. Manifestation means the expression of the higher worlds, the supreme triple principles of Sat-Chit-Ananda in the lower triple principle of mind, life, body through the intermediary Supermind. Mahas-Supermind is the manifestation, the beginning of the creation and realisatton comes when the higher trinity is realised here below and embodied in the lower trinity. That is the significance of 7. There... half there is the mind, the vital and the body, – manas, prana and anna. Three above, three below, in between there is another joining the two, another principle or world, it is the Supermind, Mahas. The three higher worlds are invisible, beyond the normal consciousness; they become visible mind concrete when they pass through the Page 34 intermediary Supermind and become the ...

... । The most loved or the most loving of the Purushas. Aditi different from Earth. गव्यूतिमुक्षतं घृतेन VII.63 . समानं चक्रं साधारणः मानुषाणाम् समानं न प्रतिनाति धाम— All referring to the Mahas or Vijnana which is the same for all mortals. रेभैरनुमद्यमानः—Proof of रेभ in the sense of joyous or lords of joy. Page 502 Surya is the eye or vision of Mitra & Varuna—see 61.1. ... utterer, not the hearer of the prayer. शरदः. Ye filled the time-periods with the activity of the Will. क्रतु . Will. Action. Power of Action. Here it means the Will in the action of sacrifice Mahas described as प्र दिवः ऋष्वादृूहतः ऋष्व बृहद् द्यौः स्पशः éclaireurs. Mitra & Varuna place their powers of illumination who awake consciousness in the growths of earth & in its peoples. ...

... Mahachamasya made known a fourth to these, which is Mahas. It is Brahman, it is the Self, and the other gods are his members. Bhur, it is this world; Bhuvar, it is the sky; Suvar, it is the other world: but Mahas is the Sun. By the Sun all these worlds increase and prosper. Bhur, it is Fire; Bhuvar, it is Air; Suvar, it is the Sun; but Mahas is the Moon. By the Moon all these lights of heaven¹... Cadamba (Supramental Sun) Page 41 hymns of the Sama; Suvar, it is the hymns of the Yajur; but Mahas is the Eternal. By the Eternal all these Vedas increase and prosper. Bhur, it is the main breath; Bhuvar, it is the lower breath; Suvar, it is the breath pervasor; but Mahas is food. By food all these breaths increase and prosper. These are the four and they are fourfold; — four... Indra; yea, where the hair at its end whirls round like an eddy, there it divides the skull and pushes through it. As Bhur He is established in Agni, as Bhuvar in Vayu, as Suvar in the Sun, as Mahas in the Eternal. He attains to the kingdom Page 42 of Himself; He attains to the Lord of Mind; He becomes Lord of Speech, Lord of Sight, Lord of Hearing, Lord of the Knowledge. Thereafter ...

... originally the old Indian terms "vijnana" and "mahas" answered also to his Supermind. "Vijnana" occurs in the Taittiriya Upanishad as the level which is beyond the being of "manas" (mind) and precedes the being of "Ananda" (Bliss). The same Upanishad mentions "mahas" and informs us that Rishi Mahachamasya discovered this level. Both "vijnana" and "mahas" came, in Page 175 course of... highest stratum of the human intelligence; the pure reason as distinguished from the sense-mind which was labelled as "manas". Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan carried on this practice in our own day. Possibly "mahas" suffered the same degringolade. Now between the intellect and the Beyond there stood nothing, and the Beyond was identified with the silent Brahman or passive Atman. The concept of "Ishwara" or ...

... and the Upanishads—there are seven basic principles sustaining the seven principal worlds: bhuh, bhuvah, swah, mahas, janah, tapas and satya. In the material world, the sat of the satya world has become annam or Matter, cit of the world of tapas has become Life, and mahas has become Mind. Matter, which is derived from sat or the luminous substance of the transcendent existence, is... something intrinsically turbid and impure, but has so become on account of the same phenomenal cause. Mind, too, whatever its present deficiencies, its ignorance and limitations, has derived from the mahas or the infinite Truth-Conscious Supermind. These instruments of the Spirit are not, therefore, condemned to function for ever on an irretrievable basis of division, darkness and discord, but are meant ...

... as tisro devir mayobhuvah, the three goddesses born of delight or Ananda, and her companions being goddesses of knowledge, children of Mahas, she also must be a goddess of knowledge, not the earth; the word mahi also bears the sense of knowledge, intellect, and Mahas undoubtedly refers in many passages to the vijnana or supra-rational level of consciousness, the fourth Vyahriti of the Taittiriya Upanishad... the Sad Brahman. The far vision is the unlimited knowledge acquired in Mahas, in the wide supra-rational movement of our consciousness as opposed to the contracted rational or infrarational vision which works only on details or from & by details, the alpam; for that Mind has to ascend to the Sun in Heaven, the principle of Mahas on the higher levels of mind itself, not on the supra-rational level, not... mind, whether by drinking the material wine, the Karanajal of the Tantrics, or, as I hold, by feeding on the internal amrita, is raised to its highest exalted condition, before it is taken up into mahas or karanam, (whether in the state of Samadhi or in the waking state of the man who has realised his mahan atma, his ideal self), a state in which it is full of revealing thoughts & revealing visions ...

... of existence. Sat, Chit, Ananda, Vijnana, Manas, Prana and Anna. Now Vijnana, the central principle, the principle of Mahas, the great world, is the Truth of things, identical with the Vedic ritam which is the principle of brihat , the Vast, and while in the Puranic system Mahas is followed in the ascending order by Jana, the world of Ananda, of the divine Bliss, in the Veda also ritam , the Truth... brihat. And as the three worlds correspond the Vyahritis, so this fourth world of the Page 94 Vastness and the Truth seems to correspond to the fourth Vyahriti mentioned in the Upanishads, Mahas. In the Puranic formula the four are completed by three others, Jana, Tapas, and Satya, the three supreme worlds of the Hindu cosmology. In the Veda also we have three supreme worlds whose names are... the Vedic worlds with corresponding psychological planes of consciousness and the whole Vedic system became clear to my mind." (Ibid, pp. 42-3) Sri Aurobindo further elucidates how he identified Mahas with the Vedic concept of the infinity of the Truth (or the Vedic satyam, ritam brihat, the Truth, the Right and the Vast) as a "great passage" to the divine Bliss or Mayas. Sri Aurobindo states: ...

... forms of existence, Sat, Chit, Ananda, Vijnana, Manas, Prana and Anna. Now Vijnana, the central principle, the principle of Mahas, the great world, is the Truth of things, identical with the Vedic Ritam which is the principle of Brihat, the Vast, and while in the Puranic system Mahas is followed in the ascending order by Jana, the world of Ananda, of the divine Bliss, in the Veda also Ritam, the Truth... "Satyam Ritam Brihat". And as the three worlds correspond to the Vyahritis, so this fourth world of the Vastness and the Truth seems to correspond to the fourth Vyahriti mentioned in the Upanishads, Mahas. In the Puranic formula the four are completed by three others, Jana, Tapas and Satya, the three supreme worlds of the Hindu cosmology. In the Veda also we have three supreme worlds whose names are... and Life involved in it; Immortality is a state of infinite being, consciousness and bliss. Man rises beyond the two firmaments, Rodasi, Heaven and Earth, mind and body, to the infinity of the Truth, Mahas, Page 45 and so to the divine Bliss. This is the "great passage" discovered by the Ancestors, the ancient Rishis. The gods I found to be described as children of Light, sons of Aditi ...

... Philological Studies Mandala Ten SUKTA 54 Hymn of Brihaduktha Vamadevya to Indra, Master of Mental Force, when he exceeded Mind and entered Mahas, yet maintained the lower firmaments,—realising his unity with Sah, the supreme Purusha. (1) When thou hadst given wholly the fullness of the ideal to thy fame, O Maghavan of the fullness, when both ...

... prevails and divides, but even in the complexity of its movements always refers back to essential unity and its own integral totality. This world is therefore called Maharloka or world of large consciousness. The principle of Maharloka is Vijnana, the Idea. But this Vijnana is intuitional or rather gnostic Idea, 2 not intellectual Page 71 conception. The difference is that intellectual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... becomes clear. She is the current which comes from the Truth-principle, from the Ritam or Mahas, and we actually find this principle spoken of in the Veda,—in the closing passage of our third hymn for instance,—as the Great Water, maho arṇas ,—an expression which gives us at once the origin of the later term, Mahas—or sometimes mahān arṇavaḥ . We see in the third hymn the close connection between Saraswati... adding the three divine principles to the three mundane and interpolating a seventh or link-principle which is precisely that of the Truth-Consciousness, Ritam Bṛihat, afterwards known as Vijnana or Mahas. The latter term means the Large and is therefore an equivalent of Bṛihat. There are other classifications of five, eight, nine and ten and even, as it would seem, twelve; but these do not immediately ...

... three unified principles of the Divine, viz., the Existence principle (Sat), the Consciousness-Force principle (Chit-Shakti) and the Bliss principle (Ananda), and finally a fourth principle, Supermind (Mahas or Vijnana). These four supernal principles constitute the "Higher Hemisphere" of our being. Now the question is: can sight travel to this Higher Hemisphere, or, it has to stop at the upper border of ...

... worlds has the Maker, the Seer of harmony after harmony given being to thee; therefore Brihaspati knowing the right movement and following it is the slayer of all harms in him who holdeth the Truth of Mahas. (18) For thy force of movement (or glory) the mountain of being flyeth asunder when thou lettest loose the herd of the brilliant kine, O Angiras; with Indra for thy yokefellow thou hast forced forth... and to the place whence they came, they go up again till they enter in. (7) They have the Truth and their gaze discerns the untruths of the world and they depart back hence as seers to the path of Mahas; they verily in their arms have cast Agni blown up to greatness in this hill; for there is no other labourer in this work, but only he. (8) Brahmanaspati by his swift bow of which the string is the... (2) Even the gods, O Mighty One, O Brihaspati, who are conscious in thought, taste but thy share of the sacrificial enjoyment; as Surya gives being to his bright energies by the wide illumination of Mahas, so art thou the begetter even of all the gods of Soul. (3) Assailing and preventing all plunderers and all darknesses thou ascendest thy luminous car of the Truth, O Brihaspati, that terrible chariot ...

... Mahachamasya made known a fourth to these, which is Mahas. It is Brahman, it is the Self, and the other gods are his members. Bhûr, it is this world; Bhuvar, it is the sky; Suvar, it is the other world: but Mahas is the Sun. By the Sun all these worlds increase and prosper. Bhûr, it is Fire; Bhuvar, it is Air; Suvar, it is the Sun; but Mahas is the Moon. By the Moon all these lights of heaven... it is the hymns of the Rig-veda; Bhuvar, it is the hymns of the Sâma; Suvar, it is the hymns of the Yajur; but Mahas is the Eternal. By the Eternal all these Vedas increase and prosper. Bhûr, it is the main breath; Bhuvar, it is the lower breath; Suvar, it is the breath pervasor; but Mahas is food. By food all these breaths increase and prosper. These are the four and they are fourfold;—four Words... of Indra; yea, where the hair at its end whirls round like an eddy, there it divides the skull and pushes through it. As Bhûr He is established in Agni, as Bhuvar in Vayu, as Suvar in the Sun, as Mahas in the Eternal. He attains to the kingdom of Himself; He attains to the Lord of Mind; He becomes Lord of Speech, Lord of Sight, Lord of Hearing, Lord of the Knowledge. Thereafter this too He becometh ...

... मात्राभी .. देवेभिः Exceeded all measures, exceeded the gods & was unappalled. उरोर्महो अन्तरिक्षाद् . This seems to refer to something vaster than heaven & earth & may mean the Antariksha of Mahas. 4 जनुषा—either “from birth” or “जनुषा अभि” intense or forceful (cf ओजः) in his relations with the worlds. प्रदिवि S. पूर्वैष्वहःसु —either “in the morning”, “on a former day” or “in the for... मनोवाताः समंजन् worked out into perfection or brightened entirely; but S. says संगतामकार्षुः ममिरे = मात्राभिः = measured—cf also 7 & 8. मही. S. takes = Dyau & Prithivi—but probably Dyau & Mahas. 4 श्रियो Here seems to equal “splendour”. S. takes पर्यभूषन् = अलमकुर्वन् 5 शुरुधः S. आपः । शुचः पिपासाया रोधयित्र्यो । Rather “Currents” or “Motions” or “Divided streams” or “Forces” प्रदिव् ...

... Bankim took this piece of paper and handed it to him. The worker went back to the printing-room with that white sheet of paper containing a maha-mantra , the fire of Brahma. And so in this way through an apparently insignificant event the seed of this maha-mantra was sown in the life of the Indian people. After the composition and publication of Vande Mataram in 1875, this mantra became known... of the maha-mantra Vande Mataram he had laid his life at the feet of the Motherland in order to liberate her from servitude. Just two words: Vande Mataram — but the power within them is incalculable. And the life and character of every revolutionary merely exemplifies this. The revolutionaries were able to bear all that pain, persecution and torture because they kept repeating the maha-mantra Vande... room. They were now face to face with death. Benoy gave the order, cry out Vande Mataram one last time before dying. The three of them roared as one, Vande Mataram ! Look at the sheer power of this maha-mantra ! Dinesh was hanged on 7th July 1931. With firm, quiet steps he climbed up on the gallows and said simply: “I am ready”, and then like a clap of thunder, he cried out Vande Mataram ! And ...

... points out that that fourth world was revealed by Rishi Mahachamasya, a great teacher of that time, and the fourth world was named Mahas. Hence, the Upanishad proposes the study of four worlds, — the physical, vital, mental and the supramental. The discovery of Mahas or of the Supramental was also ascribed in the earlier Vedic period to a great Rishi named Ayasya. In the Rig Veda, in the seventh... and that Ayasya became vishvajanya, universal in his being. According to the Vedic system of knowledge, the discovery and experience of turiyam svid, the fourth plane, which has been termed as Mahas in the Taittiriya Upanishad, is indispensable for attaining one of the highest levels of universal consciousness or cosmic consciousness. It is interesting that in our own times, the experience of... the Śikṣāvalli of the Taittiriya Upanishad (5-10), details have been expounded which reiterate the account of the three worlds of matter, life and mind, and of the fourth world, the Supramental or Mahas, or the Vast, and reveal the knowledge of the presence of the golden Immortal who is seated within the cave or inner heart. There is also an exposition of the meaning of the sacred syllable "OM" and ...

... entirely in consonance with the context of this passage. The suggestion I shall advance will therefore be different. Mahas, as a neuter adjective, means great,maho arnas, the great water; but mahas may be equally a noun and then maho arnas will mean Mahas the sea. In some passages again, mahas is genitive singular or accusative plural of a noun mah; maho arnas may well be the flowing stream or flood of Mah... affirmed a fourth. The name of this doubtful fourth vyahriti is Mahas. Now the mystic vyahritis of the Veda are the shabdas or sacred words Page 130 expressing objectively the three worlds, subjectively mentalised material being, mentalised vital being & pure mental being, the three manifest states of our phenomenal consciousness. Mahas, therefore, must express a fourth state of being, which is... objects & creatures. The Self, standing in vijnanam or mahat, is called the Mahan Atma, the great Self; so that, if we apply the significance [of] these terms to the Vedic words mah, mahas, mahi, mahán, then, even accepting mahas as an adjective and maho arnas in the sense of the great Ocean, it may very well be the ocean of the ideal or pure ideative state of existence in true knowledge which is intended ...

... and its illimitable beatitude (Ananda). The creative action of Sachchidananda, of the Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute, has its centre in a fourth medial principle called Supermind (Mahas or Vijnana). Page 69 Thus supermind is between the Sachchidananda and the lower creation. It alone contains the self-determining Truth of the Divine Consciousness and is necessary ...

... universe of knowledge. It aims at the knowledge of the physical world (bhur), the vital world (bhuvar), and the mental world (swar). But it does not stop here. It speaks also of a fourth world, mahas, or the supramental. Amongst the contents of knowledge we find also the knowledge of the self, which is considered the culmination of the curriculum. In the Brahmānandavalli, the Taittiriya ...

... gaze" (709) (18)"Time's sunflowers gaze at gold Eternity" (279) (19)"And all earth look into the eyes of God" (450) So the journey ends. And we are infinitely grateful to Maha-Rishi Maha-Kavi Sri Aurobindo for affording us the favour of walking in his luminous footsteps and following the long march of the ascent of sight from the "sightless sight" of the Inconscient up to the "closed ...

... receptacle of luminous fulfilment. 9. Then the truth and riches of all the levels and worlds of consciousness make their appearance in the aspirant, the truth that comes from beyond the fourth world or Mahas - called in the Upanishad as the asau lokah - the truth that subsequently takes form in the pure mental world. 10. The process does not end here. The truth contained in the material earth which ...

... omnisciently and omnipotently as its extended self. Page 354 The soul in Ananda is pure delight and multiplies itself in universal self-creation and unmixed joy of being. The soul in Mahas is pure idea, perceives itself in order and arrangement of comprehensive unity in multiplicity, all things in their unity & each thing in its right place, time and circumstance. It is not subject to... the Spirit. What God sees, that exists; what He sees with order & harmony, becomes a world. There are seven worlds, Satya, of pure being, Tapas, of pure will or force, Jana, of pure delight, Mahas, of pure idea, Swar, of pure mentality, Bhuvah, of pure vitality, Bhuh, of pure matter. The soul in Sat is pure truth of being and perceives itself as one in the world's multiplicity. The soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... reforms, giving one or two seats. PURANI: Since the Hindu Maha Sabha's and the Liberals' defence policy is the same as that of the Congress, it is asked why the Government should take the minorities instead of the Congress majority with them and win the confidence of the masses. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but the minorities like the Maha Sabha and the Liberals merely advocate their policy and don't ...

... the lord of the immortalising nectar, he is the god of Ananda, the divine bliss which belongs to the Amrita or divine nature of Sacchidananda and is its foundation. The most high seat of the truth, Mahas, the pure ideal principle which links the kingdom of Immortality to our mortal worlds, is peopled with the children of Immortality—we recall at once the phrase of the Upanishad, visve amritasya putráh... brought out in the next, the fourth rik of the Sukta. The traveller is one who is journeying towards the Truth, the ritam. We have already hazarded the conception of the Ritam as the principle of Mahas, the spontaneous, self-existent, self-efficient nature of the infinite & divine consciousness, satyam ritam brihat, to which right action, right emotion, right knowledge, right enjoyment belong inalienably... rebukes me while he yet leads me to the godhead; through the things of peace alone may I establish you in all my being. Let a man fear the god even when he is giving him all the four states of being (Mahas, Swar, Bhuvah, Bhuh), until the perfect settling in the Truth: let him not yearn towards evil expression.” In other words, perfect adoration & submission to the gods who are leading us in the path, ...

... alternate 'Pralaya' and 'Srishti'. The Indian system speaks also of 'Maha-pralaya', utter dissolution or 'Yoga-nidra' of the Supreme. In other words, there are periods when the universe retires altogether into its origin and when it comes out it manifests itself in an entirely new way. In a given creation between two major dissolutions, 'Maha-pralaya', that is to say, in a major cycle, there are minor ...

... truth, the spontaneous law, the vast & unhampered being. Agni is now released into the Vast, mahas, satyam ritam brihat; in the wideness of the ideal self where there is no limit, hindrance or wall of enclosing consciousness, where the soul is vast, universal & free, Agni, mahán, wide & great in the nature of mahas increases yet farther; for the seven streams of being, now full & victorious, all in their... lies down with a controlled mind in the water of the self-moving sisters. Again, I pass from this rendering without comment; for comment is superfluous. उरु is the common word in the Rigveda for mahas, the realm of vijnana. यशसः I take in the sense of victorious, successful, who have attained their end. The word दमूना is a little difficult to fix. It is obviously connected with the दम्येभिरनीकैः... poured into many kinds of workings, and builds up throughout the whole range of our sevenfold conscious being powers which are vast as proceeding from the infinity of the ideal consciousness, that mahas which is satyam ritam brihat, and not like our human & mental powers subject at every step to defect, narrowness, insufficiency & limitation. Page 617 6) वव्राजा सीमनदतीरदब्धा दिवो ...

... more subsequent time, Vijnana got identified with Buddhi, the highest stratum of human intelligence, the pure reason as distinguished from the sense-mind which was labelled as Manas . Possibly Mahas suffered the same degringolade . Now between the intellect and the Beyond there stood nothing and the Beyond was identified with the silent Brahman or passive Atman. The concept of Ishwara remained... of breath at the moment with all this semi-Overmindish survey. So I'll hang up for the present.   On 17.10.79 Amal clarified this further:   ... did I actually say that vijnana and mahas were terms in the Vedas? In the Rigveda the descriptive name for them is satyam - ritam , with the additional brihat applied to one or the other as in ritam brihat (1.75.5). The full Aurobindonian... expression "a certain fourth", turiyam svid (X.67.1) whose discoverer is said to have been the Rishi Ayasya just as the Rishi Mahachamasya is said in the Taittiriya Upanishad to have discovered Mahas . The Rigveda's turiya , however, is not to be mixed with Page 234 the fourth state going by that name in the Mandukya Upanishad. The Rigvedic "fourth" is not the Mandukyan grand ...

... rise up again thither whence they came and enter into that world. Possessed of the truth, beholding the falsehoods they, seers, rise up again into the great path," mahas pathaḥ , the path of the Truth, or the great and wide realm, Mahas of the Upanishads. We begin now to unravel the knot of this Vedic imagery. Brihaspati is the seven-rayed Thinker, saptaguḥ, saptaraśmiḥ , he is the seven-faced... journey and reaches the goal, nakṣad-dābhaṁ taturim . This journey or march proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the path of the Truth, ṛtasya panthāḥ , the great path, mahas pathaḥ , which leads to the realms of the Truth. It is also the sacrificial journey; for its stages correspond to the Page 183 periods of the sacrifice of the Navagwas and it is effected ...

... ari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati—very few have heard of the Mother as "Maha-Examineri". And by this new name I do not mean her all-seeing, all-probing, all-evaluating, all-classifying consciousness in dealing with our Yoga from day to day. The four great aspects would sufficiently cover it. I mean "Maha-Examineri" in a very literal sense: one who, because of her great standing in Aurobindonian... fifty rupees?" She sharply Page 67 replied: "I don't care for them. Do you want them for yourself?" I rose to the occasion: "Not at all." There ended the world-manifestation of "Maha-Examineri". But the free, bold and compassionate spirit shown in it was at play elsewhere too in different forms. Once I came across a street-hawker who had baby fountain-pens in various colours, each ...

... regularly. Will not the Lord fulfil our prayer? We love the Mother. We have all felt Her, sometimes as Mother Aditi Herself, sometimes as Maheshwari, at other times as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi or as Maha-saraswati. Standing next to a fire, how can our body not be touched by its warmth? And in spite of our untransformed, ignorant condition the Mother’s Grace has so spontaneously blessed us in all Her... indeed!” The Mother sweetly smiled and said a little mysteriously: “Why, haven’t you ever seen the Feet of gods and goddesses?” I was flabbergasted. Sure! The Feet of Mother Durga, Mahalakshmi, Maha-saraswati resembled Hers. All those sculptors who have made images of gods and goddesses must have had a vision of the Mother in some subtle world. That is why they were inspired to carve these images ...

... basis is matter, its centre & instrument mind & its medium life. This is the condition of average or natural humanity. In every human being there is concealed (avyakta) the four higher principles. Mahas, pure ideality in vijnana, is not a vyahriti but the source of the vyahritis, the bank upon which Page 101 mental, vital and bodily action draw & turn its large & infinite wealth into small ...

... consciousness is not clear to many people, and also some of the Monists consider Ishwar to be a lower status than Brahman because it is dissolved in the Pralaya. But Krishna took side openly in Maha Bharata and Rama also. Rama they do not consider an Avatar – He was weeping because he was not self-conscious – why! An Avatar cannot weep!! Sri Aurobindo had sent the message to the Congress ...

... is from यज् then यज् means to get by effort, it governs सुम्न and cannot mean to sacrifice. (3) पीपाय धेनुरदितिर्ऋताय जनाय      धेनुः अदितिः ऋतं जनः Infinite Being (Parardha Sat) increased for Mahas & Ananda. (4) गाव आपश्च पीपयन्त देवीः ।      गावः आपश्च Cf. स्वर्वतीरपः सं गा धूनुहि I[.10.8] Lexic. नमः 1.      धाम 2.      अनक्ति 2.      विदथं 2.3.      मानुषो होता 3.      रातहव्यो 3.     ... सधस्थ उरूगायः सधस् = anything established, here perhaps foundation. उरूगायः is plainly widely-moving cf उरुक्रमः 5. Vishnu firmly established or supported as on pillars the higher seated world, ie Mahas, by striding variously in a triple stride of his wide movement ie in Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur. (2) प्र तद्विष्णुः स्तवते वीर्येण मृगो न भीमः कुचरो गिरिष्ठाः      स्तवते The only sense consistent with... process .. clear emergence, were all governed so as to be your law of action or else, were all directed towards your seated condition (establishment in your functions) or towards your seats, ie the mahas or ritam. अनक्ति यद्वा विदथेषु होता सुम्नं वां सूरिर्वृषणावियक्षन्      यज्, यक्ष् सुम्नं सुखं S. इयक्षन् यागं कर्तुमिच्छन् S. But may it not be अंकतु - मिच्छन् , wishing to effect or work out ...

... implication to confine the former also. When we are mortals content with our humanity, then we are confused in our functions; the manas or sense-mind attempts to do the work of Page 707 the mahas or idea-mind, to effect original knowledge, to move in Surya, in the powerful concrete image of the Veda. The idea also confuses itself with sense and moves in the sense-forces, the indriyas, instead... or applied to its work under these new conditions. Dakshina the discriminative intellect is the energy of Daksha, master of the viveka or unerring right discernment, but unerring in the ideality, in mahas or vijnána, his and her own home, not unerring in the intellect, but only straining towards the hidden truth & right out of the mental dualities of right & wrong, truth & falsehood. This deputy & messenger ...

... our evolutionary destiny and our struggle will not cease till we have arrived at the Goal, the Divine, the One Divine who is All. Please refer to Vana-Parua (canto on exile of Parndavas)' of 'Maha-Bharata-c-lverses 310 to 313 mainly 312 wherein Dharmarajya (God of Justice, Keeper of Righteousness and Death) put a number 'o f questions to Yudhisthir to test his knowledge and sense of Justice-this ...

... journey ends. And we are infinitely grateful to Maha-Rishi Maha-Kavi Sri Aurobindo for affording us the favour of walking in his luminous footsteps and following the long march of the ascent of sight from the "sightless sight" of the Inconscient up to the "closed eyes' sight" of the supreme Superconscient—surely not in living experience as in the case of Maha-Yogi Sri Aurobindo himself but as a meditative... (Shakti) and its illimitable beatitude (Ananda). The creative action of Sachchidananda, of the Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute, has its centre in a fourth principle called Supermind (Mahas or Vijnana). Thus Supermind is between the Sachchidananda and the lower creation. It alone contains the self-determining Truth of the Divine Consciousness and is necessary for a Truth-creation. ... unified principles of the Divine, viz., the Existence principle (Sat), the Consciousness-Force principle (Chit-Shakti) and the Bliss principle (Ananda), and finally a fourth principle Supermind (Mahas or Vijnana). These four supernal principles constitute the "Higher Hemisphere" of our being. Now the question is: Can sight travel to this Higher Hemisphere, or it has to stop at the upper border ...

... the human consciousness of the perfected divine knowledge in the comprehensive wideness, brihat, natural to the Mahas, the vijnána, takes place divaś chid, even in the heaven of pure mind, even without man rising in himself to the plane of consciousness above pure mind, brihad div, mahas, vijnána. For if man were once on that plane, then there could be no question of struggle. There intellect & its... not a real difference; the knowledge of the many is illumined always by the knowledge of the one. The Gods of Sat, Tapas & Jana know themselves as one, Agni there is Varuna & Varuna is Agni; even in Mahas or Brihat, the uru loka, the wide & vast world, the world of Vijnana, the devas know themselves as one even in their multitude. There, however, the first possibility of limitation in consciousness is ...

... straightway by violence the wheel of the Sun, O Moon-lord of delight. The infinite life that dwells on the mighty upper plateau (of our being) was uncovered from our vast foeman (or from the assailant of Mahas). 3) अभीके । संग्रामे । पुरा । पूर्वाह्वे तव पानालल्ब्धबलौ । याताम् । गच्छतामसुराणाम् । सर्वा । सर्वाणि । दुरोणे । दुरवने रक्षितुमशक्ये दुरवगाहे देशे क्रत्वा न कर्मणा स्वकीयं कार्यमुद्दिश्य... । सोमम् । यामनि । युद्धे । प्रसितस्य । कृशानोरस्त्रैर्बद्धस्य । वेः । गन्तु । पतत्रि । पतनशीलम् । अंतः । मध्ये स्थितं । Straight in flight the hawk bore him on the mighty upper plateau (of Mahas) as Bhujyu the enjoyer from the world of Indra, —deep in that winged passage flew of the bird now speeding forward in his course. बृहतो स्नोः सानुः प्रसितः 5) गोभिरक्तं । गव्येन पयसा सिक्तं ...

... the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself immediately, almost as a logical consequence of ...

... It should be expelled then, slowly only and not violently. For this very reason, the best of the wise men call it the Maha Mudra. This Maha Mudra has been propounded by great masters. Great evils and pains, like death, are destroyed by it, and for this reason wise men call it the Maha Mudra. The Saktichalana. Kutilangi (crooked-bodied), Kundalini, Bhujangi (a she serpent) Sakti, ...

... carries us across the ocean of bounded worldly existence. O thou the beautiful, the lotus in the garden of lotuses, thou art the mate of the Universal. Wherever I am, protect me, may the eternal Maha Mira protect me. Let there be adoration to thee, to the Goddess Sri Mira. ( Source unknown ) नित्या महामीरा नमोऽस्तु ते। महामीरा नमोऽस्तु ते॥ nityā mahāmīrā namo'stu te, mahāmīrā namo'stu ...

... it is a golden lid placed over the face of the Truth, the Sight, the divine Ideation, the Truth-Consciousness. When that is removed, sight replaces mental thought, the all-embracing truth-ideation, Mahas, Veda, Drishti, replaces the fragmentary mental activity. True Buddhi (Vijnana) emerges from the dissipated action of the Buddhi which is all that is possible on the basis of the sensemind, the Manas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... has to rise beyond them to God; with their consent & assistance he is helped to ascend and dwell in the divine being which they also dwell in & enjoy, the Vast, the Delightful, the True, the Light, — mahas, brihat, ratnam, ritam, satyam, jyotih, various epithets by which the seers expressed the manifestation in conscious being of the Page 362 inexpressible because unthinkable Parabrahman.... heavens, which correspond to the five principles and the three bodies of our complex existence,—the 5 principles, earth, matter or body, prana, midair or nervous vitality, manas, heaven or mentality, mahas or pure idea, and mayas or ananda, nthe divine state of bliss, & the three bodies, physical, subtle and typal (sthùla, sùkshma and kárana). This system, as can be established from a hundred indications... third páda of the rik and means “protect”. Divo cannot mean “from heaven”, since there is no verb of motion; it must, therefore, be connected with vimahasah. The Maruts are the diffused energies (vi-mahas) of Div, the mental world; they are the rays of the ideal knowledge-force, the Vijnana, pouring itself out in mind and diffusing itself in action of mental knowledge. The expression divo vimahasah gives ...

... × The worlds in which, respectively, Matter, Life-Energy, Mind, Truth and Beatitude are the essential energies. They are called respectively Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, Mahas and Jana or Mayas. × Divine Being, Consciousness, Bliss,—Sachchidananda. ...

... "Paris is about to be captured" or "Paris is destroyed"—something of the sort, anyway the Germans were advancing on Paris. And then, I saw the Mother—the Mother, that is to say... how does he call her? Maha... Mahashakti. Page 134 Huge!... You see, Kali had a human size, but she was huge, up to the ceiling. She came in behind Kali and stood there, and she said, "NO"—simply, just like that ...

... becomes ready to rise up out of the mind into the higher levels of consciousness and there lose itself in a much mightier movement which because of its greatness & perfection is called in the Rigveda mahas and in the Vedanta vijnana. This is what [is] meant in the Veda by Saraswati awakening the great ocean. Pavaka nah saraswati maho arnash chetayati. This is the justification of the demand in our own ...

... aparārdha: Higher and lower halves or hemispheres. A line is drawn between the higher half of the universe of consciousness and the lower half. The higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental) - the lower half of Mind, Life, Matter. This line is the intermediary Overmind. In certain contexts, the knot of the two, the higher and the lower hemispheres, is where Mind ...

... Between earth and heaven is the Antariksha, the vital worlds, literally "the intervening habitation". Between heaven and the world of bliss is another vast Antariksha or intervening habitation, Maharloka, the world of the superconscient Truth of things. 2 The force and the thought of man, the force that proceeds from Rudra the Mighty and the thought that proceeds from Page 348 ...

... dialects. Some of the great teachers of the Buddhist schools were known as Thera (senior) Bhikkhus. The name's of some of the early Thera Bhikkhus include Sariputta, Maha-Moggallana, Maha- Kachchana, Maha-Kotthita, Maha-Kappina, Maha-Chunda, Anuruddha, Revata, Upali, Ananda, and Rahula. These are described as travelling together through the country of Kashi. Another passage in Vinaya mentions the Theras ...

... × Ila, goddess of revelation; Saraswati, goddess of inspiration; Mahi, goddess of the Vast Truth, Mahas or ṛtaṁ bṛhat . × Or, O master of delight, ...

... A Few Words (About this edition) 'Mahasaraswati is perfection in details' - Sri Aurobindo. Sri Dilipkumar - one of the closest disciples of Sri Aurobindo followed this Maha Vakya in every act of his life which was illumined by spiritual sensitivity. His sadhana towards perfection permeates as a revealing light - rays of that transcending light can be felt in his inimitable ...

... ; a casual sketch of Tarini by the Mother is revealed as a silent message on how to meditate; and the information about Tara’s indexing 10,000 photographs of the Mother moves us to meditate on the Maha Meru Yantra . For who can exhaust the facets of the Divine Mother? That is why Tara reveals only lightning flashes of those days in Pondicherry when it was as if gods walked on earth while the Supreme ...

... on of its own rationality (which is failing abysmally), but evolution does not doubt, and the transition will take place—with or without us. In fact, we are right in the middle of the transition, mahas pathah, the great passage, and our scientific and rational materialism is probably the most antiquated thing there is after old Moses on his Sinai. That Sinai we will speak of again as the biggest... say the Upanishads, the golden "sieve" that fragments our whole mental world. They passed through the spiritual lid of the world, the rarefied layers of "spirit." They found "the great passage," mahas pathah (II.24.6): "The heaven [of consciousness] was made firm like a well-shaped pillar ... a god opened the human doors” (V.45). They entered "the dense consciousness,” chidghana, 16 they touched ...

... the principle of pure bliss ananda, corresponds to the world of creative slight of existence (Jnanaloka); the principle of knowledge or Truth, vijnana, corresponds to the world of vastness (Maharloka); the principle of mind, which was Dyau in the Vedas corresponds to the Puranic world of light (Swar); the principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the ...

... Chit, Ananda (existence, consciousness, delight). It is One which has four heads and three feet, it is One that is also septule, Bhur (matter) Bhuvah (life), Swar (mind and light in the mind), Mahas (or vijanana or supermind), Janah (creative bliss), Tapas (concentrated force of action), and Satyam (existent). It is He, the Bull, and it is She as the cow; it is He, the supreme existence ...

... Sri Aurobindo. This call with its "integral" earth-accepting Yoga conjured up as its background the age of the Rigveda when first what he has termed "Supermind, Truth-Consciousness, Gnosis, Vijnana, Mahas" was visioned and aspired after under the Mantric name of Satyam, Ritam, Brihat - "The True, the Right, the Vast". You and I may have been fellow-brahmacharis, with newly sprouting fluff on our chins ...

... consciousness of the sense-mind which is founded upon limitation. The one is described as bhūmā , the large, the other as alpa , the little. Another name for this supramental or truth consciousness is Mahas which also means the great, the vast. And as for the facts of sensation and appearance which are full of falsehoods ( anṛtam , not-truth or wrong application of the satyam in mental and bodily activity) ...

... me. Come to me, be my light and sun. 5 The fifth lesson gives an account of the three worlds of Matter, Life and Mind, and declares that Rishi Mahachamasya made known the fourth world, which is Mahas, the Vast. This account is again highly symbolic and would need a great deal of interpretation. 6. The sixth lesson reveals the presence of the golden Immortal, who is seated within the cave or ...

... in touch with his inner god­head. Every individual has what may be described as his line of spiritual descent and also ascent; for into each indi­vidual consciousness has come down from the supreme Maha Shakti an individual divine being, a particular god­head following a particular line of manifestation of divine power, vibhuti. To bear inwardly the touch of this divinity and found it securely within ...

... the mind and the highest Super- mind? We have to remember that in the obstructive context the Supermind is haracterised by "its four Maha Shaktis" and below it is put "the world of the Gods...behind the manifestation". No Gods are attributed to the plane of the Maha Shaktis. May we not conclude that "the true Gods" who are termed "the personalities of the Divine" and are placed "on the Supramental... (American Edition, 1949), p. 243. ². The Isha Upanishad (Arya Publishing House, Calcutta, 1924), pp. 95-96 Page 36 higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental) - the lower half of mind, life. Matter. This line is the intermediary overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light..."¹ About the... Sri Aurobindo is the all- creative as well as the all-transformative divinity to which he attaches several names besides Supermind - "Truth-Consciousness", "Gnosis", "Gnostic Being", "Vijnana", "Mahas" - and which he considers to have never before been directly manifested. It is by the descent of this power into the figure of humanity with the co-operation of the aspiring soul that man's entire complex ...

... vijndna was called the Vast in the Veda, because it is of the nature of an infinite cosmic Intelligence comprehensive of all particular activities. page - 111 Vijndna is the principle of Maharloka, which is in the Veda the world of large consciousness. But this vijndna is intuitional, not intellectual. It is one with the existence which throws out the form as a symbol of itself and it therefore ...

... ess in Matter. A line is therefore drawn between the higher half of the universe of consciousness, parārdha , and the lower half, aparārdha . The higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental)—the lower half of mind, life, Matter. This line is the intermediary Overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light, depends on it indeed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the goal. The journey proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the intuitive power that sees that path directly, the path of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking of the soma wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the Page 54 pervading figures of the ...

... Aurobindo and Mother: they punctured a hole there; they did not go disappear into the heights, they loosened the web in their own bodies. So it is loosened in all bodies. The passage is open, the famous mahas pathah of the Vedic Rishis, the "great passage." And the whole earth can go through it—it is going through it. If one looks at the dark side, then everything becomes dark, it is hopeless, there is ...

... perfectly. He is not only Force of Action but also Force of Knowledge, jatavedas. महान्. There is an evident reference to महस्, the ideal knowledge. It is because Agni is great with the wideness of Mahas or vijnana, ideal knowledge, that he is chitra, so rich & various in his perception in the prajnana, mental knowledge. 6) Thou art the Adhwaryu and the Hota also from of old, the controller & ...

... discovered that the Supermind was a lost secret of the Veda. He found, in the Rigveda, many clues to his own experiences, and came to understand how the Vedic Rishis had opened the great passage, mahas panthah. He himself has given brief indications of his discovery of the secret of the Veda, and they are so interesting that we may refer to some of them here: "My first contact with Vedic thought ...

... translated, some- what freely, from the eleventh chapter of the Gita in the following order: Couplets 19, i6, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31. Page 34. "Thou belongs!... to Me": translated from the Maha- bharata: Mamaiva tvam tavaivahamye madiyastavaiva te Yastvam dveshti sa mam dveshti yastvam anu sa mom anu Page 195 Page 35. "Renown nor wealth... love": translated ...

... Secret of the Veda, SABCL, Vol. 10, p. 268. 33 Ibid., p. 232. Page 117 and made safe for treading. On this path of sacrifice Savitri herself sees the supreme Reality as Maha Purusha or the Great Being standing behind this figure of Death, the dark Terrible. He abandoning his fourfold divinity, by making a sacrifice of his supremeness took on that shape in the Void. Only... body be built, the fires of the sacrifice were kindled and the chants raised and the oblations poured. The sacrificer by sacrificing himself created innumerable sacrifices. The five Yajnas bom of the Maha-Yajna maintain a fulfilling relationship, a mutually enriching harmony in different parts of this vast creation. If in Brahma-Yajna the supreme deity is invoked by chanting the Riks of the Vedas, by... she sees the sacrifice being performed, then it must certainly be some immediate or closest aspect of the Supreme himself who has become the Yajna-Purusha. Indeed, if not he who else can perform this Maha-Yajna in her heart which itself is the House of Flame? 42 To restate: the Yajna-Purusha is the transcendent Supreme himself, the Supreme in the poise of a great creative Action. In the language ...

... in which it descends, because for the Power it does not seem to matter if the Adhar breaks ? Sri Aurobindo : The best is to have the Maha Saraswati and Maheshwari aspects working. Formerly I used to work in that way. Many would not be able to bear Maha-kali – only a few can pull with impunity. All the four aspects have to be harmonised in us. The ideal condi­tion is to have in front any one... 24th Nov. 1926) There is the Supreme beyond description, who mani­fests himself as Sat, Chit, Ananda; in this Sat is the universal individuality of beings. Then comes the Supermind with its four Maha Shaktis, great powers. On the Supermind unity is the governing principle.     ? Then comes the world of the Gods, below the Supermind and behind the manifestation. The Gods of Hindu culture – Shiva ...

... march is aided by Sarama, who in the esoteric interpretation, represents the psychological power of intuition. It is Sarama who discovers the path of the " Truth, rtasya panthāh, the great path, mahas panthāh, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The journey is sacrificial in character, and its stages correspond to the periods of the sacrifice, and it is effected by the force of the soma-wine ...

... the goal. The journey proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the intuitive power that sees that path directly, the path of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking of the soma wine as the means of strength, victory and attainment is one of the pervading figures of the Veda. The soma wine is the ...

... World of infinite Will or conscious force (Tapoloka) 3) Pure Bliss—Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4) Knowledge or Truth—Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5) Mind World of light (Swar) 6) Life (nervous being) Worlds of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7) Matter The material world (Bhur) Now this system which in the ...

... transcendental planes of Sat (Being), Chit (Consciousness), Ananda (Bliss), the three cosmic planes of Swar (Mind), Bhuvar (Life), Bhur (Matter) and the intermediate plane of Vijnana or Mahas (Truth-Con-sciousness, Supermind, Gnosis) which links the higher triplicity to the lower and formulates in its own transcendence the archetypal cosmos. On every plane there is a sevenfold existence ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... have been afraid, from whatsoever robber or render seeketh to do hurt, protect us from him, O Varuna. May I never know, O Varuna, separation from that Lover & Beloved who is full of the greatness of Mahas and gives me of it bountifully; may I not deviate from felicity or from right control; may we, clear & open in being, speak in the knowledge of the Greatness. Page 413 ...

... but on the whole the most prominent description of the universe is that it is seven-fold. The Veda, therefore, speaks of Bhur (Earth plane), Bhuvar (world' of Life), Swar(world of Illumined Mind), Mahas (world of Supermind), Janah (world of Delight), Tapas (world of Consciousness-Force) and Satyam (world of Pure Existence). These worlds are connected among themselves, each one having its own influence ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... that the Supermind was the lost Secret, that of the Veda and of many seekers after perfection. The Vedic Rishis had called their discovery of the Supermind the discovery of the 'great passage', mahas panthah, the world of the 'unbroken light', Swar, at _______________________ ¹ . Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, Centenary Library, Vol. 26, pp. 423-4. Page 14 the bottom of the rock ...

... journey ends. And we are infinitely grateful to Maha-Rishi Maha-Kavi Sri Aurobindo for affording us the favour of walking in his luminous footsteps and following the long march of the ascent of sight from the "sightless sight" of the Inconscient up to the "closed eyes' sight" of the supreme Superconscient—surely not in living experience as in the case of Maha-Yogi Sri Aurobindo himself but as a meditative ...

... president of Akhil Bharatiya Banga Sanskriti Samelan, Chandigarh. Many saints and celebrities visited his Ashram, including Sri Sri Anandamayee Maa, Srimat Anirvan, Swami Brahmananda of Uttarkashi, Maha Mahopadhya Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj, the then President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and others and all experienced the great peace pervading the Ashram. 17 Nov. 1973 Mother leaves her ...

... poetic creation, a limited power of subtle sight (luminous patterns and figures etc.) mostly with the waking eye, I had a complete arrest and was at a loss." It was at this juncture that he met the Maha-rashtrian Yogi, Lele. About the faculty of vision, Sri Aurobindo said that it is difficult for mentally active people. "At one time I had great difficulty myself because of my mind, especially ...

... Sat (Being), Chit -Tapas (Consciousness-Force), Ananda ( Bliss ), the three cosmic planes of Swar ( Mind), Bh ū var (Life) Bh ū r { Matter ) and the intermediate plane of Vij ñā na or Mahas (Truth-Consciousness, Supermind, Gnosis) which links the higher triplicity to the lower and formulates in its own transcendence the archetypal cosmos. On every plane there is a sevenfold existence ...

... Valley. The dedication and skill of the civilian pilots who flew to Srinagar in October 1947 was no less than their counterparts in the RIAF. Very few know that a civilian washerman, Ram Chander, won a Maha Vir Chakra for rescuing an officer wounded during an ambush, shooting down several enemy troops in the process. It was this Indian spirit and valour that saved the Valley. India to the... long siege of Poonch was finally broken and the Page 72 Gurais & Dras areas were successfully recaptured against tremendous odds. The Army won five Param Vir Chakras (PVCs), 47 Maha Vir Chakras (MVCs) and not less than 284 Vir Chakras (VrCs), including three twin-awards of VrCs, during the J&K Operations of 1947-48. During the long campaign, the Indian Army lost 76 officers ...

... e that is the Divine Shakti, the creative Goddess-Power which is ever pure, the Virgin Mother of all beings and things. He says: "In the Buddhist legend the name of the mother of Buddha [Maya-Devi, Maha-Maya] makes the symbolism clear; in the Christian the symbol seems to have been attached by a familiar mythopoeic process to the actual human mother of Jesus of Nazareth" (Essays on the Gita, Centenary ...

... NOTES   1. Threefold Adherence: to the Truth, the Guru, and the Divine Family (Dharma, Buddha, Samgha). Eight Rooms = the seven planes of consciousness (Sat-chit­ananda-mahas-manas-prana-anna) and the Supreme. > 2. The Buddha consciousness: within, it is nothingness, outside it is compassion incarnate. 3. luminous beings = illumined senses ...

... Immortality   Page 4 is a state of infinite being, consciousness and Bliss. Man rises beyond the two firmaments, rodasī. Heaven and Earth, mind and body, to the infinity of the Truth, Mahas, and so to the divine Bliss. This is the "great passage" discovered by the Ancestors, the ancient Rishis. 7 Seer-poets like Vishwamitra, Vasistha, Vamadeva, Dirghatamas, Madhuchchandas, Bharadwaja ...

... or conscious force (Tapoloka) 3. Pure Bliss-Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4. Knowledge or Truth- Vijnana World of the vastness (Maharloka) 5. Mind World of light (Swar) 6. Life (nervous being) World of various becomings (Bhuvar) 7. Matter The material world (Bhur) Page ...

... destroyed it.      The coup de grace is administered with evidence from the undersea excavations at Dwaraka, where the submergence has been dated to about 1400 B.C., tallying with what the Maha- Page 334 bharata and the Harivamsa state regarding this event following Krishna's death. If the Kurukshetra war took place around this time, surely the period of ...

... infinite Will or conscious force (Tapoloka) 3 Pure Bliss -Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka ) 4 Knowledge or Truth Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) The Vedic' interpretation of life ...

... preaching has entered in, which does not permit the revelatory truth in its dynamics to emerge In any case, this is a much better presentation than Kamala Subramanian's hurried assessment in her digested Maha bharata wherein she depicts Savitri as someone "who was able to outwit Yama the god of death by her wise talk and her devotion to her husband". Poor Yama! Nor does this make Savitri great. But why indeed... the significance of the injunctive aspect of the tale better from what Sri Aurobindo has written in a larger context regarding the old Vedic tradition that was carried forward by the poets of the Maha bharata and Ramayana. "The poets... wrote with a sense of their function as architects and sculptors of life, creative exponents, fashioners of significant forms of the national thought and religion ...

... (Tapoloka) 3 Pure Bliss - Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4 Knowledge or Truth - Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) 6 Indeed ...

... sleep, Prajna; or else as the Self of supra-intellectual Knowledge which has the master discrimination of a multiform creativity, Vijnana; or, again/ simply as the dynamic Immense above mind, Mahas. There is inspired reference to it also in the vision of the threefold embodiment of the Divine Being: sthula sharira, the gross body of vitalised and mentalised matter that is the surface o reality ...

... begun to wriggle, crawl, or trot. Every transition has to pass through death, or a form of death. Every death emerges into a new form of life. The Vedic rishis spoke of the “great passage,” mahas patah . This may well be the first direction to search in. But not “search” with artificial means – microscopes, test-tubes, theories – rather, search in one's own body. Search for death? In ...

... us in touch with his inner godhead. Every individual has what may be described as his line of spiritual descent and also ascent, for into each individual consciousness has come down from the supreme Maha Shakti an individual divine being, a particular godhead following a particular line of manifestation of divine power, Vibhuti. To bear inwardly the touch of this divinity and found it securely within ...

... heaven is still a little obscure; because that of the second reveals itself more in relation to the third, than in relation to the super-conscient realms. For the ritam it is necessary that the Maharloka should also reveal itself. Page 597 The reduction of perceptions to their right values proceeds .. In its type & general application the change is now fixed & final, but it sometimes... Upanishad Veda IV. 33-40. 19. The siddhi is still under a cloud of obstruction owing to the division of the knowledge & the division of the power. All depends on the manifestation of the Maharloka. Page 615 2 September 1914 Karma Analysis of Upanishad Veda IV. 20. Samadhi— A return to old forms of Samadhi, ie continuously moving pictures of places, but more coherent... Sale of Review. Script. The effective activity of the seven forms of consciousness & the farther establishment of Ananda are predicted in the sortilege. The key is always the opening up of the Maharloka. The figure of the Cavalier & horse, seen by M R [Madame Richard], the latter hesitating to take the leap from the brink of the precipice to the summit of the mountain, indicate the Soul pushing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and one became a part of the other. At this time, that is around 1905, Sri Aurobindo visited the Ashram of Swami Brahmananda of Karnali on the banks of the river Narmada, had the darshan of the maha yogi and was greatly impressed. Usually when receiving pranams Swami Brahmananda sat with closed eyes but for Sri Aurobindo he made an exception and gazed at him with his eyes fully open as if some ...

... things to do; get up." Yes, the body had to be prepared for public view. News had already gone abroad. The Ashram photographers who had no chance to take photos of the Living would now take them of the Maha Samadhi. "In the morning twilight of the gods," the sadhaks came one by one and saw the Marvel and the Mystery, the body of the Golden Purusha in eternal sleep. And with tears of joy and grief they ...

... brūhi nastat, "declare to me" such was the explicit demand of Nachiketas, "even that which is in the great passage." It is well known that the Veda had spoken of the great passage of the Great Path, mahas panthāh, the path that leads to immortality Page 31 (amrtatvāya gātum). Nachiketas has evidently heard of the ageless Immortals of whom the Veda has spoken, — ajī ryātām amrtānām ...

... itself in the desert sands of dead formalism and enslaving superstitions. Sri Aurobindo thus traced the origins of the Puranic and Vedantic seven-fold cosmic scheme (satyaloka, tapoloka, janaloka, maharloka, svar, bhūvar, bhūr) corresponding to the seven psychological principles or states of existence (sat-chit-ānanda-vijñāna-manas-prāna-anna) to the Vedic threefold division, - Sat-chit-ananda above ...