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Mahavidyas : goddesses of the Tantra system; they are ten in number: Kali, Tara, Śodaśhi, Bhuvanesvari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalāmukhi, Mātangi & Kamalātmikā. Some Tantriks believe these goddesses manifested as the ten Avatāras.
... have the entire presence of the world-supporting maternal soul of the Divinity. The Devi with all her aspects, kalās , is there in the Woman; in the Woman we have to see Durga, Annapurna, Tara, the Mahavidyas, and therefore it is said in the Tantra, in the line quoted by Mr. Avalon in his preface, "Wherever one sees the feet of Woman, one should give worship in one's soul even as to one's guru." Thus ...
... stotram 8/dashamahavidya slokah Om. Kali, who has a complexion as dark as the rain-bearing cloud, whose hair is spread out and beautiful, and who wields asword and a human head in Her hands, Tara Mahavidya, Sodasi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Vidya Dhumavati, VagalaSiddhavidya, Matangi and Kamalatmika, these ten great manifes-tations of the Goddess Durga are known as the perfect manifestations ...
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