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Mahavira : (c.599-527 BC) born as Vardhamana he founded Jainism, & became known as Mahāvira, the last of the 24 Tirthankaras of that spiritual system.

29 result/s found for Mahavira

... The vani strongly anandamaya, first of the vijnanamaya ananda, then of the others, reappears full of the Vishnu or Pradyumna personality, taking into it Rudra (Balarama), Page 72 Shiva (Mahavira) and Aniruddha (Kama). The definite personality of the Master in his personal relations to this Yoga and the Jiva in the Yoga has to develop out of the laya; for Vishnu is the Ishwara who incarnates... the Aniruddha element in the Jiva, so far as the Yoga is concerned, by the revelation of the scientific means & steady progress used in the siddhi, but the Balarama element awaits satisfaction. The Mahavira element has also been satisfied by the floods of knowledge that are being poured down, but the Pradyumna element awaits satisfaction. In the Adeshasiddhi there has as yet been no perfect satisfaction ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... further out in a fourfold valency of the dynamic truth consciousness, creating and leading the cosmic evolution. The Four Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusa line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major ... those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the triple bonds and shows us the winding way into the embrace of the infinite Mother ...

... Buddha also said the same thing but the religion said, "I can take refuge in Buddha." PURANI: There is some similarity between Buddhism and Jainism. Buddha and Mahavira were contemporaries, though they don't seem to have met. Mahavira was born in Vaisali. DR. MANILAL: In Jainism each soul is bound by ignorance and there are four Lokas represented by the Swastika. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler got ...


... valency of the dynamic truth consciousness, creating and leading the cosmic evolution. The Four Page 74 Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusha line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes... those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is Page 75 pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the triple bonds and shows us the winding way into the embrace ...

... statesmen and rulers. The Rishi in ancient India was the outstanding figure with the hero just behind, while in later times the most striking feature is the long uninterrupted chain from Buddha and Mahavira to Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak, Ramdas and Tukaram and beyond them to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and Dayananda. But there have been also the remarkable achievements of statesmen and rulers, from the ...


... being more than a spiritual master along with being a philosopher in the deep sense of the word. You make him out to be another Shankara, another Plotinus, but you wouldn't put him with Buddha or Mahavira or perhaps even Mohammed and certainly you wouldn't speak of him in the same breath with Jesus. I would agree with you wholly in this sweeping discrimination but from the opposite pole. To me who ...

... relationship between dedication and heroism. Works of labour and community service with an inner motive of dedication. Study of great personalities. (A detailed study of the life of Mahavira.) Why and how to study? (A topic for study and reflection). Exercises to be recommended: Remember and practise in daily life: Work, not to come first, but to do your very best ...

... relationship between dedication and heroism. 4. Works of labour and community service with an inner motive of dedication. 5. Study of great personalities (A detailed study of the life of Mahavira) 6. Why and how to study? (A topic for study and reflection). III. Exercises to be recommended: 1. Remember and practise in daily life: Page 99 (a) Work, not to come first ...

... Divine. Here are the highest gods, the direct formations of the Divine himself. Here are the Four Powers and Personalities of iswara whom Sri Aurobindo has named after the Vaishnava terminology: (i) Mahavira, embodying the Brahmin quality of Knowledge and Light and wide Consciousness, (ii) Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (iii) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of ...

... Manilal says is true, then there is some influence emanating from the Tirthankara. SRI AUROBINDO: That is due to his aura. PURANI (addressing Dr. Manilal ) : Are there no instances in the life of Mahavira explaining this? DR. MANILAL: I don't know. I have to make a research. (To Sri Aurobindo) You also have an aura, Sir—all around Pondicherry, it is said. SRI AUROBINDO: You mean to say that ...


... Sakama (with desire) and Akama (without desire). Sakama is that which one imposes on oneself and Akama is what comes uninvited to one. PURANI: Fasting has a great place in Jainism. DR. MANILAL: Mahavira used to fast for more than six months at a time. But I cannot fast at all. When not hungry, I can live on very little milk. SRI AUROBINDO: Americans fast for forty days. Goethe used to take only ...


... becomes past and what is future becomes present. SRI AUROBINDO: So there is past and present. DR. MANILAL: How, Sir? What we call "just now" has already become past. So there is no present. Mahavira and Buddha were at one time present but they no longer exist. SRI AUROBINDO: If time were indivisible, they should exist now. You speak of from moment to moment. DR. MANILAL: Relatively, Sir ...


... cast in the physical, vital and mental moulds of beauty and strength, valour and endurance, intellectual subtlety and moral grandeur. The avatars and prophets of old - Rama, Sita. Krishna, Moses, Mahavira, Siddhartha, Christ, Muhammad, Sankara, Ramanuja, Nanak - punctuated the march of the human consciousness by precept and example. There were also heroic figures like Arjuna and Achilles and Alexander ...


... seminal mystical or "The spiritual experience, some revelation from "what one could call a Divine Being ... bringing down with him from a higher plane a certain Knowledge and Truth for the earth". 47 Mahavira, the Buddha, the Christ, the Prophet Mahomet, Guru Nanak were all historical personalities, and were also divine-human persons who originated the several religions that still claim millions of ...


... have found airy, wandering in their thought. I found another error in his book which is common to all European thinkers : it is about the Indian Spirit. He traces the influence from Buddha and Mahavira to Gandhi; and for the Europeans that is the whole of the Indian Spirit ! Disciple : I believe Tagore is partly responsible -for that, as it is he who many times has insisted on the gospel ...

... scientists, polymaths, rulers, statesmen, conquerors, administrators. Asoka, Chanakya, Chandragupta, Akbar, Shivaji, Guru Govind Singh, these are in the golden roll-call as much as Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Sankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak: All this mass of action was not accomplished by men without mind and will and vital force, by pale shadows of humanity in whom the vigorous manhood ...

... has to be determined in terms of Asoka's accession and not the other way about. Thus, with the latter being fixed in 950 B.C., the nirvana is 218 years before that in 168 B.C. and the death of Mahavira would be in 1165 B.C. The argument of Ceylon being referred to in Asoka's inscriptions is demolished by Sethna who points out that this identification flouts all the literary and epigraphic ...


... somehow. At times he used to take Sri Aurobindo's railleries and cross-questioning very seriously. Looking far towards some horizon, with eyes slightly narrowed as if he had gone into the times of Mahavira and surveyed the history of jainism, he would begin, in one of his characteristic manners, "Jainism says, Sir—" But before he had time to indulge his eloquent fervour, we would sometimes shout, "There ...


... proper levels of development. There are, for example, accounts of the great adventures of the Vedic rishis and the Upanishadic rishis; the search of the Buddha and his attainment of Nirvana; tapasya of Mahavira and his state of liberation; the question of Arjuna and the message he received from Sri Krishna to fight in the battle as an instrument of the Divine Will; search of Plato and his conclusion that ...


... p between dedication and heroism. 4. Works of labour and community service with an inner motive of dedication. 5. Study of great personalities (A detailed study of life of Mahavira) 6. Why and how to study? (A topic for study and reflection.) III. Exercises to be recommended: 1. Remember and practise in daily life: (a) Work, not to come first ...

... Mohenjodaro and Harappa Page 195 (iii) Upanishad; Ramayana and Mahabharata (iv) Vasistha, Vishwamtira, Lopamudra, Yajnavalkya, Maitreyi Part II (i) Buddha and Mahavira (ii) Buddhism and Jainism (iii) Invasion of Alexander the Great (iv) Chandragupta Maurya (v) Ashoka III (i) Kushans and Kanishka (ii) Chandragupta, Sa ...

... Divine. Here are the highest gods, the direct formations of the Divine himself. Here are the Four Powers and Personalities of iswara whom Sri Aurobindo has named after the Vaishnava terminology: (z) Mahavira, embodying the Brahmin quality of Knowledge and Light and wide Consciousness, (n) Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (w) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of love ...

... Here are the highest gods, the direct formations of the Divine himself. Here are the Four Powers and Personalities of Ishwara whom Sri Aurobindo has named after the Vaishnava terminology: (i) Mahavira, embodying the Brahmin quality of Knowledge and Light and wide Consciousness, (ii) Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (iii) Pradyumna, embodying the quality ...

... 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. – Paradise Lost ...

... Sikhism. Along with these religions, there should be a detailed study of the lives of great personalities associated with these religions, or various systems of yoga such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha Mahavira, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. What is called psychology of religion and spirituality could also be studied ...

... that, according to the ancient Indian wisdom, the harmony between the individual and the collectivity can be created and perfected. Examples of great Rishis and personalities like Rama and Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha and a number of Siddhas illustrate what profundities of knowledge are required if we are not only to repeat what was achieved in the past but also if we are to recreate, with new knowledge ...


... that, according to the ancient Indian wisdom, the harmony between the individual and the collectivity can be created and perfected. Examples of great Rishis and personalities like Rama and Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha and a number of Siddhas illustrate what profundities of knowledge are required if we are not only to repeat what was achieved in the past but also if we are to Page 47 recreate ...

... Plato, Zoroaster and Christ and Mohammed, Leonardo, Galileo and Newton, Mirabeau, Danton, Robespierre and Napoleon, Mazzini and Garibaldi, Marx and Lenin etc., in the West, and Rama, Sri Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha, Shankaracharya and Chaitanya, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda etc., in India, all have been, in their different spheres of work, such prophets and pioneers, or executors and realisers ...

... Falsehood, The (The Lord of Nations) see in The Mother - (3) Madanlal Himatsingka 816 Madhav P. Pandit 257, 321, 596, 691, 707-8, 815-6 Magre, Maurice 63, 369-70 Mahabharata 389, 577 Mahavira 180, 317 Maitland, Miss 255, 296-7 Maitra, Somnath 534 Mali (Rafael Corona) 778 Manilal, Dr 398-401 Manoj Das Gupta 677 Manubhai Patel 496 Mao Tse-tung 459, 463, 772 Marx, Karl 762 McPheeters ...
