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Mahdi Mehdi : (mä’dē Arabic for “rightly guided one”). In Islamic eschatology, he is a messianic deliverer of Islam who will arise before the end of the world – before yawm al-qiyamah (the Day of Judgment or Resurrection) – as Imam, the leader of the faithful, & will rid the earth of evil, restore true religion, fill the world with justice & equity, & usher in a golden age lasting five, seven, eight, nine or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations). There is no reference to the Mahdi in the Quran, only in the Hadith, the reports & traditions of Muhammad’s teachings collected after his death. In most traditions, the Mahdi will arrive with Jesus (Isa in Islam) to defeat Masih ad-Dajjal (false Messiah). Although the concept of a Mahdi is not an essential doctrine in Sunni Islam, he is popular among both Sunni & Shia Muslims. Both agree that he will rule over the Muslims & establish justice; however, they differ extensively on his attributes & status. Throughout history, various individuals have claimed to be the Mahdi. Among those who arose in Persia & Egypt claiming to be the Mahdi, the only one who gained historic importance was Mohammad Ahmed who established the Mahdist State in Sudan in the late 19th century. [Encyclopaedia Britannica, Columbia Encyclopedia, Internet]

14 result/s found for Mahdi Mehdi

... finally settled here. Other members of the family too came here — around 1927 — Dara’s step-mother Tazdar Begum (a very beautiful woman), sisters Mehdi Begum and Zahara Begum and brothers Aga Sayed Ishaque and Aga Syed Yaqoob. Only Dara and one sister Mehdi Begum lived here, and served the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, till they breathed their last. They were all given “Ashram names” by Sri Aurobindo... the Gita and the Vedas into Persian. Dara Shukoh was, in a much earlier birth, in the 5th century B.C., Darius Hystaspes of Persia. He was the greatest of his dynasty. Tazdar Begum remained Tazdar, Mehdi Begum became Chinmayee and Zahara Begum was changed to Sudhira. The brothers Ishaque and Yaqoob were named Prashanto and René. When Sri Aurobindo first saw Dara, He addressed him as “Dara”, the latter ...

... the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi. Love alone as preached by Christ failed to transform man. Force alone as preached by Mahomed did not transform man, far from it. That is why the consciousness which is at work to transform ...

... dedicated spirit behind All India Books and VAK: The Spiritual Bookshop for it. Doubtless several books on Savitri have appeared during the last two decades, notably by M.P. Pandit, Rohit Mehta, Syed Mehdi Imam, and Rameshwar Gupta; but I have also been receiving all these years repeated queries regarding the reissue of my work. I therefore venture to think that it has, perhaps, a place of its own in ...

... Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Introduction This portrait of Champaklal was done in the 1930s by Chinmayee (Mehdi Begum), as a member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It was further worked upon and finished by the Mother, who taught painting to Chinmayee. Champaklal was not only a respected member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, but almost ...

... should be, for the safety of the British possessions in India; it has discovered that Lord Kitchener is Page 342 not a good general and is capable of nothing more heroic than digging up dead Mahdis, so it clamours for a better general who will defend the British Empire more efficiently and spend less over it. Poor Mr. Morley! Even the Indu has found him out at last. We cannot expect our co ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... should not leave it, — and you are sending him this word so that he may not come to take you and go b disappointed, although you will always be glad to see him if at any time comes here. 1) Chinmayi (Mehdi Begum) was born on 4 October 1906 at Hyderabad. She arrived in the Ashram on 23 October 1927. Do not despond or be discouraged; if you persevere, there can be doubt that the permanent change will ...

... Just as Philippe Barbier de St.-Hilaire became "Pavitra", K. D. Sethna "Amal Kiran", Miss Hodgson "Datta", J. A. Chadwick "Arjava", Jenny Dobson "Chidanandini", Madame Yvonne Gaebele "Suvrata", Mehdi Begum "Chinmayi", Janet McPheeters "Shantimayi", and Miss Margaret Wilson "Nishtha", even so the flowers also - almost without exception - received , nāmakaranam at the Mother's hands. For example ...

... experience at the time: "Not that they knew it was the Supramental Manifestation." They nevertheless felt that something of supreme relevance to the Sadhana of Supramental Yoga had occurred. Syed Mehdi Imam has recalled his ineffable experience at the time and how he had also compared notes with the Mother herself. According to his testimony, he had been invaded and possessed in his room in Golconde ...

... 551, 651, 679, 691, 700-1, 817, 819ff Chandradip Tripathi 691 Chandrasekharam, V. 226, 231, 235, 255 Chandulal Shah 255, 265-6, 280, 328-9 Cheddi Lal 821 Chidanandam, V. 231, 765 Chinmayi (Mehdi Begum) 321, 325, 674 Churchill, Winston 410, 416, 423, 425 Coleridge, S.T. 61 Counouma, P. 691, 816 Cripps, Sir Stafford 425ff, 447, 571 Page 900 Dahyabhai Patel 683 Daladier, Edouard... 681, 700, 718, 734-5 Surendra Mohan Ghose 251, 450, 534, 571-2, 595, 686 Surendra Nath Jauhar 165, 288, 417, 507, 538, 624, 689, 709, 733, 747, 797, 817 Suvrata (Mme Yvonne Gaebele) 321, 418 Syed Mehdi Imam 617 Page 923 Tagore, Rabindranath 5, 175, 183, 262, 582 Tan Yun-shan, Prof 532 Tandon, Purushottamdas 226 Tara Jauhar 691, 710 Tea Ceremony 194-5, 287-8, 319, 321 ...

... the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi. 172) Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity & the Shastra of the Brahmins is corrupt Page 444 & dying. Law released into Freedom is the liberator ...

... mind is indeed still incurably prone to the older type of imagination which took and still takes so many inspiring forms, second coming of Christ, City of God, the Divine Family, advent of Messiah, Mahdi or Avatar,—but whatever the variety of the form, the essence is the same, a religious or spiritual idealisation of a possible future humanity. The European temperament—and we are all trying to become ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... motif, 64 1ff; role of the divinities, 642H; the women actors, 643; the intended conclusion, 643-4; similes, 644H; its metre, 645; the "unwomanly" woman, 646; Herbert Read on, 690 Imam, Syed Mehdi, 579 'Indian Majlis', 34, 37,183, 281 Indian Patriot, The, 244, 340 Indu Prakash, 55, 57, 59, 184ff, 188, 194, 206, 217, 218, 220, 228, 268. 277, 281, 338, 514 In ...

... sadhana in the Ashram, and he was there for several years. Distinguished in appearance, he wore the air of a man with a divine appointment to keep and was in readiness always. Another lawyer, Syed Mehdi Imam of Patna, educated almost wholly in England like Sri Aurobindo, was also drawn to him and the Mother, lived in the Ashram for years, and has written perceptively on Shakespeare's plays and on ...

... Page 413 Prof. D. L. Sharma Rector Jawaharlal Nehru University New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110067 Shri Syed Shahid Mahdi Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 Dr. Dilip K. Sinha Vice-Chancellor Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan Dist. Birbhum Dr. Vijay ...