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Malaviya, Madan Mohan : (1861-1946), prominent educationist & social reformer, thrice president of the Hindu Mahāsabhā. He also presided over two annual sessions of the Congress, in 1909 at Lahore & in 1918 at Delhi. His greatest achievement was the founding in 1915 of the Hindu University at Benares by raising the necessary funds from the princes & the people of India. The next year the university was joined by the Benares Central Hindu College (q.v.). Unfortunately for him & the Hindus, Malaviya was his sucked into the disastrous Poona Pact between Gandhi & Ambedkar (see Dr Ambedkar).
... 103 , 127 , 135, 136, 141 exaggerated importance of, 51,52, 71, 79 ,81 of the State, 104 , 177 Mahabharata, 46, 98(fn), 1oo(fn), 238, 240 Mahomed, 190 Mahomedans, see under Muslims Malaviya, Madan Mohan, Pandit, 166 man/mankind, 44.45,65,67,94, 112, 115,118,119,120,125,127,128,129, 134,135, 136 , 196 ,201 ,216,218 his destiny, 136,235,251 in Europe, 78,79 an infant, 193 his intellect ...
... Mahatmas: Kuthumi, 169, 173 Maid in the Mill, The, 119, 120,152, 153 Maitra, S. K., 20 Majumdar, R. C., 235 Majumdar, Ramachandra, 366,367 Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 227 Mandukya Upanishad, 169 Manikkavasagar, 497 Manicktolla (Gardens and bomb factory), 201, 288ff, 298fn, 306, 307, 309; mantra, 611,612,628ft, 635 Marlowe ...
... certain sanguine gentlemen in Bengal seem to have expected. Failing Sir Pherozshah and Mr. Gokhale, who for obvious reasons cannot be put forward so soon after the Benares Presidentship, Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya was evidently the man, and we find accordingly that he has been designated for the succession by the obedient coterie at Bombay. We await with interest the upshot of this very attractive en... Reforms. The elections for the United Provinces give a fair sample of the results which are sure to obtain all over India. With the exception of two or three gentlemen of the type of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, there is none on the Council to represent the educated wealthy, much Page 352 less the people at large; all the rest are Europeans, Mahomedans and grandees. It is a Council of Notables... of England. The Lahore Convention The prospects of the Lahore Convention seem to be exceedingly clouded. In the matter of the Presidentship the fiat has gone forth from Bombay that Pandit Madan Mohan shall be President and, unless the dissatisfaction with the Mehta leadership has extended itself to the subservient Congress Committees, it is likely that the Bombay nomination will give the lead ...
... condition is equally disregarded. So long as it is sought to suppress the new spirit by autocratic methods or dishonest manoeuvres, there can be no talk of peace or unity. The conduct of Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya and his caucus at Allahabad has been both autocratic and dishonest. The delegates elected at the Railway Theatre were elected according to methods that have always been held valid by the Congress... resistance. The old party is agreed upon nothing except the sacred right of petitioning. Sir Pherozshah Mehta and the Bombay Moderates would confine our politics within those holy limits. Pundit Madan Mohan and the United Provinces Moderates are willing to add a moderate and inoffensive spice of self-help, Babu Surendranath and the Bengal Moderates will even admit passive resistance within narrow limits... first to exclude the elected of the people on the ridiculous plea that Mayo Hall would only hold a certain number and therefore—mark the logic of Moderatism!—this certain number must be composed of Malaviya Moderates and the Railway Theatre Forwards excluded; but they found that this trick would not serve. They then bolstered up their autocracy by the excuse that Allahabad must not be over-represented ...
... The difference is merely in personal temperament and manner of expression. "The State? I am the State!" cried Louis XIV. "The country? I am the country!" cries Sir Pherozshah Mehta or Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya or Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar, as the case may be. Only, as his personality is more robust, so is Sir Pherozshah's dictatorial arrogance more public, open and contemptuous than that of his compeers ...
... studied the Hindu scriptures, but they also studied modern science. It took 3 years to raise the money for the CHC. Most of the money came from Indian princes. In April 1911, Annie and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya met and decided to unite their forces and work for a common Hindu University at Varanasi. Annie and fellow trustees of the Central Hindu College also agreed to Government of India's precondition ...
... credit them with honesty of motive and frankness of action. Convention Voyagers We understand that some seven or eight faithful hearts are meditating the journey to Lahore to assist Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya in carrying out Sir Pherozshah's orders. We wish them a good voyage and a speedy repentance. One wonders, by the way, where the delegates of the Convention are going to start up from at the ...
... any settled convictions or intelligent policy. The personalities of Mr. Gokhale and Sir Pherozshah Mehta in Bombay, of Sj. Surendranath Banerji and Sj. Bhupendranath Bose in Bengal, of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya in the United Provinces, of Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar in Madras constitute Moderatism in their respective provinces. What these old and respected leaders decide in their close and secret deliberations ...
... abstention of a disgusted nation has passed sentence of death on this parody of the Indian National Congress. The Convention President's Address The most remarkable feature of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya's address is not what he said, but what he omitted to Page 378 say. If the accounts telegraphed can be trusted, he said nothing about self-government, nothing about Swadeshi,—the ...
... of opinion, I also had the opportunity to be present. Mr. Tilak, Aswini Babu and myself were the three representatives for our side. The opposite side was represented by Mr. Gokhale and Mr. Madan Mohan Malaviya. After a discussion among us five it was settled to add the words "even at some sacrifice". We could never believe that these words, which had been purposely put in, were omitted inadvertently ...
... students at Rammohan Library in Calcutta. 24 Jan. 1924 Two days after his 27th birthday, Dilip met Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry. 1925 Got an offer from Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya to hold the chair of music at the Banaras Hindu University, and an invitation to become the director of All India Radio. Declined both offers. 1927 Received an invitation from ...
... Amritsar and Multan, now in Pakistan, and were going to recur with increasing frequency till the Partition—and after.) Page 165 (A disciple:) Did you read [Pandit Madan Mohan] Malaviya's speech about the Multan riots and also what C. Rajagopalachari has said? (Sri Aurobindo:) I am sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use ignoring facts; ...
... Discovery of India " and " Glimpses of World History " give his vision of India and the world in modern context. He is a peculiar amalgam of the East and the West. To those like the late Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya or even, perhaps to Rajendra Babu, it would sound strange that an Indian has to ' discover ' India. His acquaintance with and understanding of spirituality Page 40 is limited ...
... Nationalists should press for adoption of independence, swadeshi, boycott and national education - As expected, they met with opposition from Moderate leaders like Pherozeshah Mehta, Gokhale, Madan Mohan Malaviya and Surendranath, and at one stage the Extremists seem to have staged even a "walk out". A new development was that the Moderates themselves put a little more heat into their speeches than ...
... Naoroji, and, besides, they did not want to take the extreme step of an open cleavage. After some tussle, all the resolutions proposed by the Nationalists were accepted with some minor clippings. Madan Mohan Malaviya, opposing Bepin Pal's eloquent advocacy of the Boycott of all British goods to be adopted on an all-India basis, exhorted the Congress to keep it confined to Bengal only. The spirit of Swadeshi... and con- temporary evidence, as to who was the personality that can be called the prophet and pioneer of it. The renaissance can, of course, be traced back to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, as we have already said above. Ram Mohan's contribution to religious, social and political reconstruction of India was immense and magnificent. Dayananda Saraswati sought to give a new orientation to the religious... new spirit must be considered to be the chief result of the partition." The Partition was, in fact, the focal point and accelerating force of the renaissance in India, which had begun with Ram Mohan Roy as its foremost herald and pioneer. It gave a vision and a direction of the path, and a glimpse of the glorious destiny towards which the nation was marching. An outburst of the creative urge ...
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