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Malsure, Tanaji : Shivaji’s boyhood friend, who had a duel with Udaya Bhān of Kondāna Fort in which both were killed. Tānāji’s brother Suryāji took over the command of the fort & defeated the Rajputs. Kondāna was renamed Simhagadh.

2 result/s found for Malsure, Tanaji

... brows who rode behind the Chief, Tanaji Malsure, that living sword: "Not for this little purpose was there need To call the Prabhou from his toil. Enough, Give me five hundred men; I hold the pass Till thy return." But Shivaji kept still His great and tranquil look upon the face Of Baji Prabhou. Then, all black with wrath, Wrinkling his fierce hard eyes, the Malsure: "What ponders then the hero... Cabool From rise to set." And Baji answered him: Page 297 "Tanaji Malsure, not in this living net Of flesh and nerve, nor in the flickering mind Is a man's manhood seated. God within Rules us, who in the Brahmin and the dog Can, if He will, show equal godhead. Not By men is mightiness achieved; Baji Or Malsure is but a name, a robe, And covers One alone. We but employ Bhavani's... pursued, Suryaji first Shouting aloud and singing to the hills A song of Ramdas as he smote and slew. But Shivaji by Baji's empty frame Stood silent and his gaze was motionless Upon the dead. Tanaji Malsure Stood by him and observed the breathless corpse, Then slowly said, "Thirty and three the gates By which thou enterest heaven, thou fortunate soul, Thou valiant heart. So when my hour arrives ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Sought an escape from that wide trance of heat.... "Tanaji Malsure, not in this living net Of flesh and nerve, nor in the flickering mind Is a man's manhood seated. God within Rules us, who in the Brahmin and the dog Can, if He will, show equal godhead. Not By men is mightiness achieved; Baji Or Malsure is but a name, a robe, And covers One alone. We but employ ...