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Mamata : wife of the Rishi Uchathya & the mother of Dīrghatamas.
... 17 Kutsa 8 L Lalan the Fakir 84 Laocoon 18 London 10 Lombards 50 M Macbeth 19 Madhuchchanda 8 Madhyama 13 Mahabharata 103, 104 Mamata 9 Manmohan Ghose, Prof. 92,102 Mantra 25 Manu 5 Marcellus 23, 24 Matthew Arnold 102 Medhatithi Kanwa 8 Michael Angelo 19 Milton 9, 16 Mitra 1, 4, 5, 31 ...
... Initiates." Page 162 in darkness, engulfed in obscurity. The legend says that he was in his mother's womb long past the due time and it seems it was of his own will. His mother's name was Mamata and his father was U chathya. When he came out of the darkness and saw the light, it was a light strangely glimmering with all the vibrations of the long obscurity to which he had been accustomed ...
... Fire! ये पायवो मामतेयं ते अग्ने पश्यन्तो अन्धं दुरितादरक्षन् । ररक्ष तान्त्सुकृतो विश्ववेदा दिप्सन्त इद् रिपवो नाह देभुः ॥१३॥ 13) Thy guardian powers, O Fire, which protected the son of Mamata from evil, for they saw and he was blind, omniscient guarded them in their good work; the foe who would have hurt them could not hurt. त्वया वयं सधन्यस्त्वोतास्तव प्रणीत्यश्याम वाजान् । उभा ...
... man's fires, Priest of the call who comest with thy light, Priest of the many flame-armies, hearken to the anthem our thoughts strain out pure to the godhead like pure clarified butter, 10 even as Mamata chanted to him her paean. Page 71 पीपाय स श्रवसा मर्त्येषु यो अग्नये ददाश विप्र उक्थैः । चित्राभिस्तमूतिभिश्चित्रशोचिर्व्रजस्य साता गोमतो दधाति ॥३॥ 3) He among mortals is fed on ...
... 52, 70, 101 -De Rerum Natura, 52 Luther, 273 HUCHCHANDA, 162 Mahabharata, the, 73, 235 Maitreyi, 105 Malebranche, 286 Mallarme, 66, 88, 152 -"Les Fleurs", 66n Mamata, 163 Manchester Guardian, 239n Manu, 159 Miira, 5 Marcellus, 173-5 Margaret, 138 Marut, 22, 28-9 Marx, 126 Mayavada,278 Mazumdar, Dipak, 213 -"Baritone", 212 ...
... this that he passed a long time in darkness, engulfed in obscurity. The legend says that he was in his mother's womb long past the due time and it seems it was of his own will. His mother's name was Mamata and his father was Uchathya. When he came out of the darkness and saw the light, it was a light strangely glimmering with all the vibrations of the long obscurity to which he had been accustomed ...
... [ST] Lalita (Beauty of refinement and harmony. This is the idea underlying the word. It is also the name of one of the companions of Radha.) [ST] Napta (Grandchild or protector) Mamata's grandchild 1.11.60 The Mother [ST] Navajāta (The new born) 12.9.54 The Mother [ST] Nirata (Dévouement sincère) 4.6.51-4.6.61 The Mother [ST] Nishtha (The name means o ...
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