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Manicktala Maniktala Manicktolla : a locality in eastern Calcutta, formerly considered a suburb of the city. The property of Sri Aurobindo, the ‘garden’ in which Barindra trained his group of revolutionaries, was situated there at 32, Murari Pukur Lane. Writes Abinash Bhattacharya: “March 1906. Our Yugāntar appeared. A few days later, after settling all his affairs in Baroda, Aurobindo-babu joined us. Our work was steadily developing into something serious & so for reasons of security & convenience Aurobindo-babu divided it up. Barin was to look after the bombs & so forth in the Muraripukur Garden…. Needless to say, this Muraripukur garden-house property – seven bighās [one hectare] of land – belonged to Aurobindo-babu’s family. It had a nice pond with steps leading down to the water, & a smaller pool. It was covered with mango, jack-fruit, coconut, betel, & bamboo trees. The one-storied house had three rooms & a verandah.” [“Sri Aurobindo” Mother India, July 2012, pp.528-39]

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... people for assassination but for revolutionary preparation of the country. The idea was soon dropped as far as Sri Aurobindo was concerned, but something of the kind was attempted by Barin in the Maniktala Garden and it is to this evidently that Hemchandra refers. [An attempt was made to find a site where the Bhawani Mandir idea could be put into operation; later the plan was dropped.] Sri... institution. The idea of Bhawani Mandir simply lapsed of itself. Sri Aurobindo thought no more about it, but Barin who clung to the idea tried to establish something like it on a small scale in the Maniktala Garden. ...

... the eve of the search he brought two bombs to my house. I told him, "Take them away. Don't you know that the house is going to be searched? And remove the things from Maniktala." He took the bombs away but didn't do anything at Maniktala. SATYENDRA: He has written about it in his book. Just as he was removing things the police came, he said. He seemed to be a man on whom responsibility was sitting... Good Lord! I don't remember having any argument and saying that. SATYENDRA: But he remembers, Sir. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Though the scheme was given up, Barin and Upen were going ahead in Maniktala training boys in Yoga, Oh yes, when I told him that yesterday he said that you were at Calcutta, so how could you meet him at Bombay? He said it might have been in one of your comings and goings ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Muraripukur - II Now. I come to the last phase of our life at Manicktolla Gardens, that is when we turned towards terroristic activities like the manufacture of bombs, collecting pistols and rifles and making good use of them. The first chapter had already begun with the Yugantar newspaper... fire for nearly a couple of years. It was only after the Yugantar group had decided that the time had now come for action and not propaganda alone that there came to be established the centre at Manicktolla Gardens in Muraripukur. The section entrusted with real work and the people concerned with propaganda were to form two distinct groups; one was to work in secret, the other out in the open. Hence... Hence the work of Yugantar was entrusted to the propaganda group. The gentleman who took charge was named Taranath Roy. Those who had hitherto been on the staff of the paper left it and joined the Manicktolla Gardens for intensive training and work. It was however agreed that here too there would be two groups, one for regular work and the other for propaganda. Only, the propaganda here would be of a ...

... General Assembly's Institution. Page 1 Nandi, a son of Colonel Nandi of the Indian Medical Service. Let me recount some of his exploits. He had been a colleague of Barin Ghose of Manicktolla Gardens fame, and also a member of the Atmopnati Samiti, an "Association for Self-improvement". This Samiti was really a centre for the recruitment and training of revolutionaries. I too had been... and had made good use of it as goon as he got a chance.... The life-story of this Ullaskar is a real drama, although its last stage is rather tragic. Soon after this incident he joined the Manicktolla Gardens with Barin Ghose and gave all his thought and energy to the making of a bomb. He did not know even the a b c of bombs. He read up by himself books on Chemistry, pieced out information ...

... Reminiscences IlI MURARIPUKUR (2) Now I come to the last phase of our life at Manicktolla Gardens, that is when we turned towards terroristic activities like the manufacture of bombs, collecting pistols and rifles and making good use of them. The first chapter had already begun with the Yugantar newspaper. As we took up these revolutionary... for nearly a couple of years. It was only after the Yugantar group had decided that the time had now come for action and not propaganda alone that there came to be established the centre at Manicktolla Gardens in Muraripukur. The section entrusted with real work and the people concerned with propaganda were to form two distinct groups; one was to work in secret, the other out in the open. Hence... the work of Yugantar was entrusted to the propaganda group. The gentleman who took charge was named Taranath Roy. Those who had hitherto been on the staff of the paper left it and joined the Manicktolla Gardens for intensive training and work. It was however agreed that here too there would be two groups, one for regular work and the other for propaganda. Only, the propaganda here would be of ...

... by Khudiram Basu and Prafulla Chaki. Midnight, May 2: Police raided Maniktala Garden, arrested a number of revolutionaries including Barindra. The same morning Sri Aurobindo was arrested in Calcutta. 1908-09 An under-trial with 35 others in Alipur Jail in the Maniktala Bomb Case. During trial Sri Aurobindo remained indrawn, unconcerned. ... and had some of the fundamentals of the Nationalist programme adopted by it. 1907 Early this year Sri Aurobindo directed Barindra to organise a revolutionary centre in their Maniktala Garden. April: Contributed a series of articles to the Bande Mataram entitled 'The Doctrine of Passive Resistance'. August I6: Arrested for reproducing ...

... the "good" boys. Among the "bad" ones was Indranath Nandi, a son of Colonel Nandi of the Indian Medical Service. Let me recount some of his exploits. He had been a colleague of Barin Ghose of Manicktolla Gardens fame, and also a member of the Atmonnati Samiti, an "Association for Self-improvement". This Samiti was really a centre for the recruitment and training of revolutionaries. I too had been... sheet and had made good use of it as soon as he got a chance. The life-story of this Ullaskar is a real drama, although its last stage is rather tragic. Soon after this incident he joined the Manicktolla Gardens with Barin Ghose and gave all his thought and energy to the making of a bomb. He did not know even the ABC's of bombs. He read up by himself books on Chemistry, pieced out information from ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Muraripukur - I AT last I made up my mind finally to take the plunge, that I must now join the Manicktolla Gardens in Muraripukur. That meant good-bye to College, good-bye to the ordinary life. A little while ago, Prafulla Chakravarti had come and joined. Both of us belonged to Rungpore, both were of nearly... tyrants in the official ranks. Governor Andrew Fraser, the District Magistrates Allen and Kingsford, Mayor Tardivel of Chandernagore, these became the targets of the terrorists. The members of the Manicktolla Garden group were directly connected with these activities. But there is one thing to be noticed about these attempts that at least in the earlier stages almost all of them failed, with only one... Gardens that I had my first meeting and interview with Sri Aurobindo. Barin had asked me to go and see him, saying that Sri Aurobindo would be coming to see the Gardens and that I should fetch him. Manicktolla was in those days at the far end of North Calcutta and Sri Aurobindo lived with Raja Subodh Mullick near Wellington Square to the South. I went by tram and it was about four in the afternoon when ...

... Reminiscences MURARIPUKUR — (1) At last I made up my mind finally to take the plunge, that I must now join the Manicktolla Gardens in Muraripukur. That meant goodbye to College, goodbye to the ordinary life. A little while ago, Prafulla Chakravarti had come and joined. Both of us belonged to Rungpore, both were of nearly the same age, and intimate... tyrants in the official ranks. Governor Andrew Fraser, the District Magistrates Allen and Kingsford, Mayor Tardivel of Chandernagore, these became the targets of the terrorists. The members of the Manicktolla Garden group were directly connected with these activities. But there is one thing to be noticed about these attempts that at least in the earlier stages almost all of them failed, with only one... Gardens that I had my first meeting and interview with Sri Aurobindo. Barin had asked me to go and see him, saying that Sri Aurobindo would be coming to see the Gardens and that I should fetch him. Manicktolla was in those days at the far end of North Calcutta and Sri Aurobindo lived with Raja Subodh Mullick near Wellington Square in the South Calcutta area. I went by tram and it was about four in the ...

... to Barin that a miniature Bhavani Mandir should be started in Calcutta to translate into action the vitriolic policies propagated by the Yugantar. There was a piece of family property, the Manicktolla Gardens, in Murari Pukur Bagan in north Calcutta, and Barin decided to move there and start operations. It was a wild place, about two and a half acres in extent, and "anybody could enter the ... having been used as a target. After the Surat Congress and Sri Aurobindo's experience of Nirvana under Yogi Lele's guidance, it came as a brain-wave to Barin that Lele might be useful at the Manicktolla Gardens also and he might be able to put some new Yogic strength into the members of the revolutionary group. But when Lee came to Calcutta and found out that the young men had accepted the... field of battle. Our first soldier has given up his body in the battlefield, this is our first casualty." 11 The body was left where it was, and the four survivors returned to Calcutta. The Manicktolla group were one less, but there was no diminution in their determination to push on with their dangerous programme of spasmodic terrorism. But the police too were not altogether asleep. It is true ...

... may be fixed orally or on paper, the difficulty is to realise what has been fixed. He says also there is Rs. 500 awaiting me, my share of the garden money [Sri Aurobindo's share of the sale of the Manicktolla Garden]. He wants it for his 'commerce,' but when I have no money to live on, I can hardly comply. He does not tell me what I am to do to get the money, but only that I can get it whenever I want ...

... days - in connection with the Muzzaferpore outrage, the bomb-factory at Manicktolla Gardens, and the supposed wide-spread revolutionary conspiracy of which these were apparently but the startling first symptoms. The next day (Sunday) was spent by Sri Aurobindo in the lock-up - some of the boys arrested at the Manicktolla Gardens had been brought there too. On being presented on Monday before... balance and sense of measure, and started arresting persons right and left. The police, of course, fastened their suspicion at once on the young men (whom they had shadowed before) camping at the Manicktolla Gardens.* Khudiram and Prafulla both belonged to this group, and the other members also must have known how things had turned out at Muzzaferpore. Sri Aurobindo too presumably sent word to his... by the police and driven to confess any secrets; he pushed the revolver muzzle into his mouth, pressed the trigger with his fingers, and heroically ended his life. Among those arrested at the Manicktolla Gardens was Sushil Sen, whom Kingsford had earlier ordered to be flogged in the open court. The prosecution against Sri Aurobindo in 1907 had led to a procession and a protest: this had provoked ...

... Mother: Yes, yes, Nolini told me the story. I know everything. Mona: You know, Mother, my father had the good fortune to stay in Sri Aurobindo’s house for more than a year. The others worked at Manicktala Garden making bombs. And they came to meet Sri Aurobindo only occasionally. But my father stayed with Him. Barin-da, Sarojini Devi, and Mrinalini Devi were living there and the five of them shared ...

... Ghose "should be proclaimed an absconder Page 171 and that his property should be attached." Thereupon, the government seized the Dharma's press and appropriated one fourth of Manicktolla garden, the other three parts belonged to the other three brothers. Following which an application was filed in August for an appeal. The appeal was finally heard by Justices Holm wood and Fletcher ...

... Sunday was passed in the Lock-up. There was a staircase in front of my room. In the morning I found a few young lads coming down the stairs…. Later I came to know that these were the lads from the Manicktala gardens. After a month in jail I came to know them. * I greatly enjoyed the laughter and the pleasantries of the accused lads, else the time spent at the court appeared wholly annoying. * ...

... It, “whatever I say will be twisted into law ." The whole court-room roared with laughter. Upenda occupied the position of both leader and teacher. It was he who taught us the Gita at the Manicktolla Gardens. Here in Jail, by living In his company, I learned a lot of things Page 374 from him, he gave me much courage and energy and enthusiasm and some very good advice. I ...

... didn't come about, but something remotely resembling it was organised by his brother, Barindra, in the Manicktolla Gardens at Calcutta in 1907-08. Being mixed up with revolutionary activity, the enterprise was vitiated from the beginning, and after the Muzzaferpore bomb incident, the Manicktolla group was rounded up and rendered innocuous. Barin and some of his co-workers were sent to the Andamans ...

... time. I pondered over something which I could offer as an excuse in order to acquit myself. Nothing ever perturbed Him Our bomb factory was located in a garden house belonging to K. D. Ghose in Manicktala. In those days cheap pistols could be bought from Chandannagore. The armoury of the bomb factory was kept in a small underground room beneath the garden. No one was staying in the garden at that ...

... 579, 706 Aiyar, V. Krishnaswami, 221 Aiyar, Nagaswami, 378 Aiyar, V. V. S., 266, 378, 391,405,525 Akbar, Emperor, 8, 11, 293 Ali, Muhammad, 527 Alt, Shaukat, 527 Alipur Case (Manicktolla Bomb Case), 310ff, 359. 367 Alipur Jail, 202, 307, 310, 330, 388, 444, 490,525 Ambedkar, B. R., 496-497 Ambirajan, S., 13fn. Amrita (Aravamudachari), 405, 525, 536, 540 Amrita... Maitra, S. K., 20 Majumdar, R. C., 235 Majumdar, Ramachandra, 366,367 Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 227 Mandukya Upanishad, 169 Manikkavasagar, 497 Manicktolla (Gardens and bomb factory), 201, 288ff, 298fn, 306, 307, 309; mantra, 611,612,628ft, 635 Marlowe, Christopher, 655, 690 Marx, Karl, 447 Marxism, 446,447 Masters ...

... confess I cannot in the least understand your hope that we shall not get a conviction against him!... he is the most dangerous man we now have to reckon with, he was one of the instigators in the Manicktolla murders and has an unfortunate influence on the student class, and Indians who know him well have told me he is quite beyond redemption. Surely you cannot hope that such a man should remain at large ...

... left for Chandernagore in French India. Of this period, again, a whole year (May 1908 to May 1909) was spent in jail at Alipur when Sri Aurobindo was an under-trial prisoner in connection with the Manicktolla bomb case. Barely thirty months of active politics, yet Sri Aurobindo was destined to change the whole character of political activity in India and set the freedom movement firmly towards the goal ...

... public speeches made him the pace-maker and tone-setter of the movement for India's freedom. May 1908-May 1909: Sri Aurobindo's arrest in connection with the Muzzaferpore outrage and the Manicktolla bomb factory, his imprisonment in the Alipur jail, the second great Yogic realisation, the prolonged trial, and the honourable acquittal. May 1909-February 1910: Sri Aurobindo emerged from ...

... newspaper, in Calcutta. There he met Barindra K. Ghose, the younger brother of Sri Aurobindo, who assigned him work on the newspaper. Later he was chosen by Barin to train in revolutionary warfare at Manicktala Garden. He thus became one of a select few in an intrepid group moulded by the laws and rites of Ma Bhavani. Sudhir was initiated into the group only after he had pledged himself with a solemn Oath: ...

... continued, "The idea of Bhawani Mandir simply lapsed of itself. Sri Aurobindo thought no more about it, but Barin who clung to the idea tried to establish something like it on a small scale in the Manicktala Garden." The present text has been checked against a copy of the original pamphlet. Ethics East and West . Editorial title. Circa 1902 - 6. There is no positive evidence by which this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... writer and a dauntless, resourceful political fighter. Nolini Kanta Gupta writes about him in his Reminiscences : "Upenda was like a leader and teacher to us. It was he who taught us the Gita in the Maniktala Gardens. Living in his company in the jail I learnt many things and received considerable enthusiasm, stimulus and wholesome advice from him. I am grateful to him for it.... Upenda also showed me ...