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Maruts : the storm-gods, who hold a very prominent place in the Vedas & are represented as friends & allies of Indra. The Maruts are Life-Powers & Thought-Powers. Their numbers vary according to the forms in which they manifest.

102 result/s found for Maruts

... the bodies of your chariots, O Maruts, that is like lightning and like a might that has vision. (10) Omniscient are the Strong Ones and dwellers with the riches, inseparably joined to strengths and overflowing in might, shooters who hold the javelin in their two hands of light, infinite strengths with daggers of puissance. (11) Increasing the waters the Maruts with their blazing lances grind... straight force crossing the middle world. (13) Soon that mortal whom ye have cherished, O Maruts, takes his place in might above all men. He gets with his war-horses and his strong ones wealth and plenty and dwells in a wise will that meets the question and increases. (14) Put in the masters of riches, O ye Maruts, a luminous strength active in works and hard to wound in the battles and may we increase... of our assailants to whom we call in the mellays, May that Indra with his retinue of Maruts be with us for our increase. (2) The Slayer of the Coverer whose march is intangible like the course of the Sun, in his greatest strength with his own rushing comrades, May that Indra with his retinue of Maruts be with us for our increase. (3) He whose paths go as if milking the streams of heaven ...


... puissantly prepared. Now he offers the sacrifice again to the Maruts, but couples with that brilliant Name the more puissant godhead of Indra. Let the Maruts then bear no wrath for the interrupted sacrifice but accept this new and more justly guided action. Agastya turns, in the two closing verses, from the Maruts to Indra. The Maruts represent the progressive illumination of human mentality, until... perfect Word I seek right mentality from the swift in the passage. Take delight, O Maruts, in the things of knowledge, lay aside your wrath, unyoke your steeds. एष वः स्तोमो मरुतो नमस्वान्हृदा तष्टो मनसा धायि देवाः । उपेमा यात मनसा जुषाणा यूयं हि ष्ठा नमस इद्वृधासः ॥२॥ 2) Lo, the hymn of your affirmation, O Maruts; it is fraught with my obeisance, it was framed by the heart, it was established... मृळयन्तूत स्तुतो मधवा शम्भविष्ठः । ऊर्ध्वा नः सन्तु कोम्या वनान्यहानि विश्वा मरुतो जिगीषा ॥३॥ 3) Affirmed let the Maruts be benign to us, affirmed the lord of plenitude has become wholly creative of felicity. Upward Page 266 may our desirable delights 2 be uplifted, O Maruts, upward all our days by the will towards victory. अस्मादहं तविषादीषमाण इन्द्राद्भिया मरुतो रेजमानः । युष्मभ्यं ...


... Page 385 [8] [RV I.86.1-3] I.86. The eighty fifth & eighty sixth hymns of the first Mandala, hymns of the Rishi Gotama to the Maruts, are of especial importance, because they fix the subjective character & functions of the Maruts with a greater clearness than most of the suktas addressed to these deities; for in these others the material symbol is so prominent as to veil for modern... it must, therefore, be connected with vimahasah. The Maruts are the diffused energies (vi-mahas) of Div, the mental world; they are the rays of the ideal knowledge-force, the Vijnana, pouring itself out in mind and diffusing itself in action of mental knowledge. The expression divo vimahasah gives the justification of sugopátamo; because the Maruts are these diffused energies of the Truth, Right, Wideness... Wideness above, therefore their protection is perfectly effective for the Sacrificer. “O Maruts, verily, in whosoever’s dwellings ye protect, the spreading energies of Heaven, he is the most safely guarded of men.” Yajnair vá yajnaváhaso viprasya vá     matìnám, Marutah srinutá havam. The Maruts bear the action of the sacrifice, says Gotama, yajnair. We have here the fundamental sense ...


... transform that mental faculty and make it naturally participate in the Ultimate. In verse 2 Agastya appeals: "Why dost thou seek to smite us, O Indra? The Maruts are thy brothers. By them accomplish perfection; slay us not in our struggle." The Maruts are thought-energies assisting Indra but Agastya seems to have called and enlisted them to his help without submitting himself to Indra for a passage beyond... effort effective to experience the Immortal Reality. Verse 5 finds Agastya submissive, praying: "Do thou, O Indra, agree with the Maruts, then enjoy the offerings in the ordered method of the Truth." In the next hymn, 1,171, verses 1 and 2 tell us that now it is the Maruts who obstruct Agastya. They have left him because the sacrifice he had prepared for them was taken up by the mighty angry Indra... offerings prepared for them. To Indra also his prayer goes. In verses 5 and 6 he implores the potent Lord to let the Maruts' energies be part of his own Force and to grant Agastya a continuity of spiritual Light. By Indra's wrath being appeased and by the "right perceptions" of the Maruts upheld in that god's own forcefulness, may there be "the strong impulsion that shall break swiftly through". 391 ...


... the law of thy working the Maruts with their shining spears were born, seers who do the work by the knowledge." Clearly, then, in the conception of Agni Angiras there are two ideas, knowledge and action; the Page 165 luminous Agni and the luminous Maruts are by their light seers of the knowledge, ṛṣi, kavi ; and by the light of knowledge the forceful Maruts do the work because they are... which he sees by the "eye of the sun", the divine Mind master of all the illuminations of knowledge. Indra in becoming the Angiras, becomes Marutwan, possessed of or companioned by the Maruts, and these Maruts, luminous and violent gods of the storm and the lightning, uniting in themselves the vehement power of Vayu, the Wind, the Breath, the Lord of Life and the force of Agni, the Seer-Will, are... the earth, they are thy horses galloping in all directions. Then thy roaming shines widely vast directing their journey to the higher level of the Various-coloured (the cow, Prishni, mother of the Maruts). Then doubly (in earth and heaven?) thy tongue leaps forward like the lightning loosed of the Bull that wars for the cows." Sayana tries to avoid the obvious identification of the Rishis with the ...


... The theme of this sukta is to awaken the power of Indra with the help of his followers, the Maruts. Who are the Maruts? We find in the Puranas that Vayu (the Wind-God) in the womb of Diti (the consciousness of duality) had been divided into forty-nine parts by the Lord Indra. As a result, the Maruts, sub-divisions or various forms of Wind, came into existence. We also know that Vayu is the l... infinite consciousness. When the wave of life-energy rises into the mind and expresses itself as multiple thoughts, it turns into Maruts. In the Rigveda the God Marut has always been invoked and worshipped along with Indra. That is to say, without Indra, the mental being, the Maruts, the mental faculties, have no separate existence. 1. The seat of pure mind is a chariot. The chariot signi­fies movement... once free and vast. Division and littleness are not to be found there. It is fully illumined by the light of knowledge. The purified mind is replete with thought-powers, in other words, the Maruts. And it is the Maruts who help the mind in its march towards the Goal. 2. Spiritual progress takes place by the conjoint force of two powers. They are nothing but the twin horses that carry farther the power ...

... power of light? 3 (9) They who have given wide extension to all mortal things and to the luminous spaces of heaven,—the Maruts to the Soma-drinking,— (10) I call for you from heaven those pure-discerning Maruts for the drinking of this Soma wine. (11) They, the Maruts, who have made firm the two firmaments, them I call to the drinking of this Soma wine. (12) Yea, that Marut host who are... of Page 315 the Maruts, lords of fullness, who seeks the inspired knowledge; she is under the yoke and a bearer of the chariots. (2) This is she in whose lap the gods have established the laws of their activity and the sun and moon also for vision. (3) Therefore do all of us who aspire and do the works of sacrifice declare ever in themselves the Maruts for the drinking of the Soma... Soma wine. (4) This is the Soma that has been distilled; of this the Maruts drink and they who are the self-ruling lords and the two Aswins. (5) Mitra and Aryaman drink and Varuna of this Soma that is purified by the extension in matter and established in the three seats of our being and has with it the daughter 2 of the worlds. (6) According to his acceptance, verily, of this Soma rich in ...


... no longer helps but resists him; there is a divorce between his mental energies presided over by the Maruts & their great presiding and fulfilling devata; confusion, failure of thought, error, backsliding is the result. “Why wouldst thou slay me,” he cries, “I am but moving towards my goal; the Maruts are thy brothers, why art thou in disagreement Page 21 with them? Rather with them as thy... approached, it disappears.” To this allocution which might have come straight out of the deepest passages of the Upanishads Agastya replies by a complaint, “Why, O Indra, wouldst thou slay us; the Maruts are thy brothers,—with them do thou work for our perfection; smite us not in our struggle.” Indra defends himself, justifies the blows he has struck: “Wherefore, O my brother Agastya, dost thou, though... extend thy sacrifice.” Agastya yields & consents: “Thou art the master, O lord of substance among the Vasus, thou utterly disposest, O lord of love among theMitras. Indra, do thou hold talk with the Maruts, taste in the truth the offerings.” It seems to me that the sense of this little hymn, so beautiful, simple & profound in its expression & substance, is perfectly straightforward, perfectly lucid & ...


... seeking and tapasya right up to the end. In answer to the aspiration kindled by agni, Indra arrives with his shining hosts, the Maruts, and it is by the aid of Indra and the Maruts that the initial conversion is effected. In the psychological sense of the Vedic symbol, the Maruts take our animal consciousness consisting of the impulses of the nervous mentality and drives them up with their illuminations... you entirely, to you with Indra companioned by the Maruts and with the Kings, the sons of Aditi". To understand this statement it may be said that among the conditions of immortality, the following are repeatedly mentioned in Rig Veda: The attainment of the Divine mind represented by Indra, attainment of shining Thought-forces, represented by Maruts, attainment of purity resulting in the flow of Soma... that stage that the thoughts and the mind are yoked to Surya-Savitri. The ordinary human mind is besieged by the wild impulses or animal troops, paśus; mind evolves when these impulses are aided by Maruts, shining forces that belong to the power of Indra, the cosmic being who represents the Illumined Mind. As one rises and as the truths of Indra convert our animal consciousness, our impulses become ...

... Brihaspati conquered the treasures ( vasūni ), great pens this god won full of the kine." The Maruts also, singers of the Rik like Brihaspati, are associated, though less directly in this divine action. "He whom ye foster, O Maruts, shall break open the pen" (VI.66.8), and elsewhere we hear of the cows of the Maruts (I.38.2). Pushan, the Increaser, a form of the sun-god is also invoked for the pursuit and... connected symbols and images. They are recovered by the sacrifice and the fiery god Agni is the flame, the power and the priest of the sacrifice;—by the Word, and Brihaspati is the father of the Word, the Maruts its singers or Brahmas, brahmāṇo marutaḥ , Saraswati its inspiration;—by the Wine, and Soma is the god of the Wine and the Ashwins its seekers, finders, givers, drinkers. The herds are the herds of... Mighty Ones of heaven (the seven rivers) knew the truth and knew the doors of bliss; Sarama found the strong wideness of the cows and by that the human creature enjoys"; I.100.18, of Indra and the Maruts, "He with his shining companions won the field, won the Sun, won the waters"; V.14.4, of Agni, "Agni, born, shone out slaying the Dasyus, by the Light the Darkness; he found the cows, the waters and ...


... अक्तुरपां 2 सिनं = strength cf सेना army सि, सिन् = to cut 2 “धुनयो” rivers—धु = to rush, sweep, not tremble. Therefore the Maruts are rushers, धुनयः, धूतयः, sweepers on of things. “अर्थं” goal of movement—यंत्यर्थं, 3 मिहं—rain or mist cf मिहं वपंति (Maruts) VIII.7.4 4 अश्रा (तपुषा) stone = वज्र—(5) दिवो अश्मानं “असुरस्य” for Vritra, but may here mean Strong one— 4-5 “शत्रुं” to... 2 Vritra, Aditi, the Waters. 3 Indra, Vritra. 4 Brihaspati, Indra, Vritra. 5 Indra 6 Indra, Soma 7 Indra 8 Saraswati Marutvati, Indra 9 Brihaspati or Indra & Brihaspati. 10 Brihaspati. 11 Maruts. Page 473 II.31. 1 Image of the birds around the nest with double meaning वयः—“birds” and “births in the being, souls” वस्मनः = home, dwelling-place, the nest of the birds, the... and the divine power has to take possession of it as the horse that attains to the goal सप्तिर्न रथ्यो अह धीतिमश्याः (1) Mitra, Varuna, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus. (2) Visve Devah. (3) Indra and the Maruts. (4) Twashtri, the “Gna”s, Bhaga, Brihaddiva, Rodasi, Pusha, Purandhi (Suryâ), A¸cwins. (5) Day & Night, Earth & Heaven. (6) Ahir Budhnya, Aja Ekapad, Trita, Ribhuksha, Savitri, Apam Napat. (7) ...


... whom alone the Vedic Rishis have any real fear. Agni, the Kumara, prototype of the Puranic Skanda, is on earth the child of this force of Rudra. The Maruts, vital powers which make light for themselves by violence, are Rudra's children. Agni and the Maruts are the leaders of the fierce struggle upward from Rudra's first earthly, obscure creation to the heavens of thought, the luminous worlds. But this... of formidable violence,—"like a terrible lion ranging in evil and difficult places",—which is spoken of in terms more ordinarily appropriate to Rudra. Rudra is the father of the vehemently-battling Maruts; Vishnu is hymned in the last Sukta of the fifth Mandala under the name of Evaya Marut as the source from which they sprang, that which they become and himself identical with the unity and totality... in the internal and external world were the most active, dominant and directly effective for the psychological discipline of the ancient Mystics; this alone is the reason of their predominance. The Maruts, children of Rudra, are not divinities superior to their fierce and mighty Father; but they have many hymns addressed to them and are far more constantly mentioned in connection with other gods, because ...


... पृत्सु पशुपुत्रादिभिरस्मानस्मत्पालनेन च दिवमवर्धयः ।। Sy. Let those (Maruts) by whose help thou becomest Page 402 intoxicated, swiftly eat the Soma (or, let the Somas with which you get intoxicated quickly go to you); O Indra, making yourself firm drink the satisfying Soma. Thou with the big worshippable Maruts, O hurter of enemies, increasedst us & heaven in the battles. येषु seems... first line of this rik is a parenthesis developing the idea of the expressions which increase Indra, the second returns to the idea of the ऊर्जः, the महीः. रुद्रियेषु—either of Rudra, or of the Maruts who are Rudras & sons of Rudra. The sense is affirmations of the God-mind apt for the Rudra-creation, the struggle of the Pranic powers in the triple world. Hence the waters or energies flow forward... Habitation; Indra gives fresh fields of the spirit to dwell in or widens those we have. मित्रं । Mitra; the godhead of agreement & harmony in the Truth; not “a friend.” It is the godheads, Mitra, the Maruts, Vayu for whose increase he is asking. अग्रणीतिं । This epithet carries on the idea of the Ananda as a force of conquest & progress. Thou enrichest our habitation, thou enrichest in us the harmonious ...


... his second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates. Page 28 The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lights -perhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Maruts-this seems to be the inner heart,... The forms here have not, however, the concrete rigidity of Matter, but are pliant and variable and fluid – in fact, they are more in the nature of possibilities, rather than actualities. The Vedic Maruts are thought-gods, and lndra (the Luminous Mind), their king, is called the Fashioner of perfect forms. Ether or Space is the infinitude of the Spirit, the limitless Presence that dwells in and... creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma-with their emanations and instrumental personalities-the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elswhere of the five sheaths ...

... second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates. Page 361 The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lights —perhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Maruts—this seems to be the inner heart... . The forms here have not, however, the concrete rigidity of Matter, but are pliant and variable and fluid—in fact, they are more in the nature of possibilities, rather than actualities. The Vedic Maruts are thought-gods, and Indra (the Luminous Mind), their king, is called the Fashioner of perfect forms. Ether or Space is the infinitude of the Spirit, the limitless Presence that dwells in and... creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods— Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma—with their emanations and instrumental personalities—the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elswhere of the five sheaths ...

... अंतजर्योतिः is increasing. Agni is massing strength(कृणुष्व पाजः) in order to create a wide & swift movement (पृथ्वीं प्रसितिं & त्रुष्वीं प्रसितिं). But the principal action still needed is that of the Maruts रक्षसो नि यात. 21 January 1917 The lipi is still developing though hampered by the mental eagerness of the environment which seeks to anticipate and reproduce its own ideas in the lipi. The lipi... इन्मदे ब्रह्मा चकार वर्धनं । शविष्ठ वज्रित्तोजसा पृथिव्या [निः शशा अहिं] 9 अचरत्तनु स्वराज्यं । This indicates the possession of the knowledge by the Ananda and the summing up of the work of the Maruts in the revelation of the Indra godhead, divine Mind of vijnana destroying the obstacles summed up in the one Vritra-force The पाजः of Agni is attempting to become universal and ideal. No... (jyotirmaya) rupadrishya in swapna of sushupti. Page 957 × In the manuscript, "Thought-gods" is written above "Maruts", which is not cancelled.—Ed. × The word "karta" was added between the lines, apparently when this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... “reservoir”, “well” 5 त्वाया त्वत्कामतया अध्वर्यवः S. अध्वरं यजमानायेच्छंतः— III. 47. 1 रणाय .. मदाय. Sense of delight for रण—object of सोमपान 3 Maruts अनु त्वा अहन् वृत्रं ..यानभजः (असोवथाः — for युद्ध. S.). Relation of Indra & Maruts. 4 विप्राः Marutah etc. S. takes in 3. अनु अभजंत & अहन् = thou slayedst. 5 अकवारि with शासं shows कव = काव्य दिव्यं शासं S. शासितारं (हितो... the night or else “dweller”. पृष्ट. P.P. पृष्टः. Probably corrupt for पृष्ठे. S. सर्वत्र वर्तमानः III. 50. 1 स्वाहा. S. स्वाहाकृतं सोमं तुम्रः. S. हिंसकः the smiter? मरुत्वान् The Maruts are the conscious energies of man’s mind & the word means sometimes generally a god. आ ऋध्याः S. सर्वतः पूरयतु Page 488 2 सपर्यू S. परिचारकौ. It is clear from this passage that सपर्या ...


... ce into which we have to convert our obscure material mentality in order to become capable of the divine consciousness, is our chief helper. It is by the aid of Indra and the Maruts that the conversion is effected. The Maruts take our animal consciousness made up of the impulses of the nervous mentality, possess these impulses with their illuminations and drive them up the hill of being towards the... God, by thy movings; and thou illuminest utterly all this world of becomings. Shyavashwa has attained to the affirmation of thee, O Savitri. 1 Commentary Indra with his shining hosts, the Maruts, Agni, the divine force, fulfiller of the Aryan sacrifice, are the most important deities of the Vedic system. Agni is the beginning and the end. This Will that is knowledge is the initiator of the ...


... It vanishes. kim na indra jighamsasi bhrataro marutastava, tebhih kalpasva sadhuya ma nah samarane vadhih. 2. Agastya 2. Why dost thou seek to smite us, O Indra? The Maruts are thy brothers. By them accomplish perfection; slay us not in our struggle. . kim no bhrataragastya sakha sannati manyase, vidma hi teyatha manosmabhyaminna ditsasi. 3. Page 25... O Lord of substance over all substances of being, thou art the master in force! O Lord of Love over the powers of love, thou art the strongest to hold in status! Do thou, O Indra, agree with the Maruts, then enjoy the offerings in the ordered method of the Truth. Commentary The governing idea of the hymn belongs to a stage of spiritual progress when the human soul wishes by the sheer force... and is as if It were not. Agastya still does not understand why he is so violently opposed in a pursuit which is the eventual aim of all being and which all his thoughts and feelings demand. The Maruts are the powers of Thought which by the strong and apparently destructive motion of their progress break down that which is established and help to the attainment of new formations. Indra, the Power ...


... ন অথবা পূর্ব্ব সংগৃহিত काशिना—মুষ্ঠি Eighth Book: Ideas 76 1 Indra the Mayin with the Maruts. 2.3 Indra, the Maruts, Vritra. Breaking head, cleaving Vritra asunder, loosing the waters. Hundred-limbed Vajra समुद्रिया अपः Waters of the Ocean. 4 Winning of Swar by Indra & Maruts for Soma-drinking. 5 Indra Rijishin, Ojaswin, Marutwan. 6 The Ancient Thought 8 हृदा हुयंत ...


... depend on the birth and growth in us of all the gods, the children of Aditi, the All-Gods ( Viśve Devāḥ ) and especially of the four great luminous Kings, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga, Aryaman. Indra and the Maruts and the Ribhus, Vayu, Agni, Soma and the Ashwins are indeed the principal agents; Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the future mighty Triad, preside over the indispensable conditions,—for the one paces... impulsion, the path of the happy goal. O Indra and Vishnu, affirmed, extend to us perfectly the peace in which are the Powers, the mighty protection. I embrace the increasings of Parvata and of the Maruts and of Bhaga, our divine deliverer. May the master of things protect us from the sin of the world and Mitra keep us far from the sin against Mitra. Now shall one affirm the goddesses Earth and Heaven... the worlds, he knows the hidden names of these shining ones and the thoughts of the seers go beyond like cows to the pastures desiring the wide-visioned. It is said of him too that he guards for the Maruts, greatened in knowledge, the thoughts of men like the cows of a herd. That is the side of thought; there are parallel descriptions for the side of action. Great Varuna is the continent and nodus ...


... is approached by the thought, It vanishes. किं न इन्द्र जिघांससि भ्रातरो मरुतस्तव । तेभिः कल्पस्व साधुया मा नः समरणे वधीः ॥२॥ Agastya 2) Why dost thou seek to smite us, O Indra? The Maruts are thy brothers. By them accomplish perfection; slay us not in our struggle. किं नो भ्रातरगस्त्य सखा सन्नति मन्यसे । विद्या हि ते यथा मनोऽस्मभ्यमिन्न दित्ससि ॥३॥ अरं कृण्वन्तु वेदिं समग्... 5) O Lord of substance over all substances of being, thou art the master in force! O Lord of Love over the powers of love, thou art the strongest to hold in status! Do thou, O Indra, agree with the Maruts, then enjoy the offerings in the ordered method of the Truth. Commentary The governing idea of the hymn belongs to a stage of spiritual progress when the human soul wishes by the sheer force... and is as if It were not. Agastya still does not understand why he is so violently opposed in a pursuit which is the eventual aim of all being and which all his thoughts and feelings demand. The Maruts are the powers of Thought which by the strong and apparently destructive motion of their progress break down that which is established and help to the attainment of new formations. Indra, the Power ...


... along with pipiśe hiranyaih (R.-V.II. 33.9) might suggest pripeśas as 'having the form of men'. Dr. Bollenson discovered a reference to images of Maruts in R.-V.V. 52.15: nu manvāna esham devān achchha- 'to the gods of these (images) (Maruts)'. Eshām in the passage seems to refer to something concrete which could be pointed to on the spot. Again in R.-V.IV. 24 we have reference to an image... violence, - 'like a terrible lion ranging in evil and difficult places' [I. 154.2], - which is spoken of in terms more ordinarily appropriate to Rudra. Rudra is the father of the vehemently-battling Maruts; Vishnu is hymned in the last Sukta of the fifth Mandala under the name of Evaya Marut as the source from which they sprang, that which they become, and himself identical with the unity and totality ...


... more overriding. And in the Puranas these functions came to be emphasised with overarching prominence. The Maruts have been declared in the Vedas as children of Rudra, and they are not divinities superior to their fierce and Mighty father. But the number of hymns addressed to Maruts is much larger, and they are more Instantly eminent in connection with other gods; but this is because the functions... Agni is On the earth the child of this force of Rudra and Vishwamitra describes Agni in one hymn¹ as the One who becomes the child, Kumara, which is the prototype of the Puranic Skanda. The Maruts are vital forces which make light for themselves by violence, are Rudra's ____________________ ¹Rigveda, III.1.9.10 Page 84 children. But we also learn that this violent and ...


... your mentalisings. Page 336 सं वो मदासो अग्मतेन्द्रेण च मरुत्वता । आदित्येभिश्च राजभिः ॥५॥ 5) The raptures of the wine come to you entirely, to you with Indra companioned by the Maruts and with the Kings, the sons of Aditi. उत त्यं चमसं नवं त्वष्टुर्देवस्य निष्कृतम् । अकर्त चतुरः पुनः ॥६॥ 6) And this bowl of Twashtri new and perfected you made again into four. ते... immortal essence. 9 It is the wine of that immortal essence with its ecstasies which they win by their works and bring with them to man in his sacrifice. And with them come and sit Indra and the Maruts, the divine Mind and its Thought-forces, and the four great Kings, sons of Aditi, children of the Infinite, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, the purity and vastness of the Truth-consciousness, its law ...


... virilities, cf नृ, नृम्नं, वीर, वीर्यं, etc, or perhaps from the sense of striking, hurting, cf बलं strength, Greek belos, weapon, ballo, I strike. वृषा I take then = strong, as वृषंतम in v. 2. The Maruts themselves are probably the strengths वृष्ण्यानि of Indra; they are in their personality his नरः or वीराः, therefore in their force his नृम्णानि, वीर्याणि, वृष्ण्यानि. Indra dwells with his strengths... forceful, strong. If not, then blazing, brilliant like the sun. वृषंतमः सखिभिः स्वेभिरेवैः Mightiest with his own rushing friends. S. वृषंतमः कामानां वर्षिता. The सखिभिः are Indra’s friends, the Maruts. 80.6. इंद्रः सखिभ्यो गातुमिच्छति—in verse [4] the सखिभिः and गातुभिः seem to refer to the Angiras Rishis. [8] [RV I.152 – 54] Vedic Notes I.152.1. ऋतं and Mitravaruna.      ऋतं ...


... fire in the water of the clouds or the submarine fire in the ocean. × Vīrāḥ , the Heroes, here the Maruts as storm-gods. × Maya, with a strong sense of its root-significance, to measure, form, build or plan... The milk of the Cow Aditi, the infinite consciousness. × The Maruts as life-powers attaining to full thought-knowledge; they help Indra to break the cloud or coverer, Vritra, and pour out the waters of Truth and also to bring the light hidden by Vala, that of the hidden ...


... Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability in the telepathy is not of thought, but of the delight of others (not of the universal Anandamaya; for that is known) ... is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas, shadows that are about to be absorbed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... round this institution and were understood by the vulgar as ritual chants in praise of the Nature-gods, Indra, Agni, Surya Savitri, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and other forms of wealth of a pastoral people, victory over enemies, safety in travel... had a psychological as well as a physical function. I go farther and say that this double function can everywhere be traced in the Veda with regard to other gods, as for instance, Agni and even the Maruts. Why not then pursue the inquiry on these lines and see how far it will go? There is at least a prima facie ground for consideration, and to begin with, I demand no more. An examination of the actual ...


... or psychological. Speech or utterance is the epitomised or concretised expression of the sense of life movement. This region of the Marut can be linked to that where the Vedic Maruts rule and govern. The Maruts are called thought gods – thought-gods riding on the movements of life. They represent the aerial spirits or energies that lift, the human spirit from its purely vital and material coils ...

... baseless superstition and the idea that the modern Indian religions are Vedic in their substance is convicted of egregious error. For the Vedas Sayana gives us are the mythology of the Adityas, Rudras,Maruts, Vasus,—but these gods of the Veda have long ceased to be worshipped,—or they are a collection of ritual & sacrificial hymns, but the ritual is dead & the sacrifices are no longer offered. Are we... swasaráni. Viśve devásah asridha ehimáyáso adruhah     Medham jushanta vahnayah. We are accustomed to speak of the Visvadevas as if they were a separate class of deities, like the Adityas, Maruts or Rudras; but the Veda uses the expression Viśve devásah, which in the absence of any other meaning for viśva, we must render simply “All gods”. We shall suppose for the present that when the expression ...


... abroad to destroy the ignorance. At first the Sun, the body of the Truth, is concealed in the very storm of its outpourings and only the sweetness of their streaming into the life is felt; but the Maruts as Life-Powers and Thought-Powers range abroad seeking in all the worlds of our being for the brilliant rays of the concealed knowledge to be gathered as a shining wealth; the voice of the Rain is... Samrāṭ , having perfect kingship over the subjective and objective existence. × The Maruts, Life-Powers and Thought-Powers who find out the light of truth for all our activities. The word may also mean formers or builders. × ...


... soul of poetry. The Agastyan Mantra In the Rig Veda there is the following verse which reveals the process of receiving the Mantra. It is by Rishi Agastya and is addressed to Maruts: Lo, the hymn of affirmation, O Maruts; it is fraught with my obeisance, it was framed by the heart, it was established by the mind, O ye gods. Approach these my words and embrace them with the mind; for of submission ...


... psychological. Speech or utterance is the epitomised or concretised expression of the sense of life movement.         This region of the Marut can be linked to that where the Vedic Maruts rule and govern. The Maruts are called thought-gods—thought-gods riding on the movements of life. They represent the aerial spirits or energies that lift the human spirit from its purely vital and material coils ...

... Arya , he had published a different translation of V.81 and a translation of V.82 , to Bhaga Savitri, with commentaries. A paraphrase rather than a translation of V.52 – 61, addressed to the Maruts, was published under the title “A Hymn of the Thought- Gods” in the issue of February 1916. In all, Mandala Five contains eighty-seven hymns. Sri Aurobindo published translations of more than half ...


... by the mind Indra's horses, the Ashwins' chariot, the weapons of the Gods, all the means of the journey and the battle. But as giver of the Light of truth and as Vritra-slayer Indra is aided by the Maruts, who are powers of will and nervous or vital Force that have attained to the light of thought and the voice of self-expression. They are behind all thought and speech as its impellers and they battle ...


... shine with the radiances (the cows, gobhiḥ ) as Mitra well-established when Page 353 thou makest of one mind the Lord of the house and his consort. For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the Maruts brighten by their pressure that which is the brilliant and varied birth of thee. That which is the highest seat of Vishnu, by that thou protectest the secret Name of the radiances (the cows, gonām ...


... content to leave the radiant herds of the Sun for ever imprisoned Page 368 in the darkling cave of the Lords of the sense-life or whether they await in their luminous world the hour when the Maruts shall again drive abroad and the Hound of Heaven shall once again speed down to us from beyond the rivers of Paradise and the seals of the heavenly waters shall be broken and the caverns shall be rent ...


... 3) O friend, turn thy friend hither for us, O creative actor, even as two impetuous coursers speed forward a swift wheel. Agni, thou in company with Varuna win (for us) a gracious mood in the Maruts, they who are the play of light in all existences; O burning pure for the protection of that which we create, do thou make for us peace, O maker, do thou make for us peace. Text. Sakhe sakháyam ...


... the gods, Prahlada among the Titans, Brihaspati the chief of the high priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the serpent Ananta among the Nagas, Agni among the Vasus, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, Kandarpa the love-God among the progenitors, Varuna ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... swiftness of thought. There has to be a greater Mind to see a greater truth. Only rarely does intuition bring to us superior knowledge, the higher gnosis. Sometimes Life-Thoughts come like shining Maruts, or else the pure Thought-Mind brings bodiless ideas in our midst. II: 11 The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind But these wonderful powers of Mind are not of ...


... Maharashtra, 24 Mahāvailastha, 131, 132, 133 Maho arnas,89 Maikop, 6, 7 Majumdar, Tarapada, iii, v Makran, 105 Manusmriti, 115 Marshall, Sir John, 38 Maruts, 41, 45, 66 Maruttash, 66 Page 147 Marya, 32 Maryanni, 2, 32, 67, 85-7, 88, 89 Mattiwaza, 31, 86, 87, 88 Meadow, Richard ...


... priest; Kashyapa. मारीची      mother of Buddha मारीचम्      collection of pepper-shrubs मारूण्डः      serpent’s egg; cowdung; way, road; a place covered with cowdung. मारूत      of the Maruts .. aerial, windy. मारूतः      wind; Vayu; breath; trunk of elephant. मारूती      N.W. मारूतम्      Svati. मारूतिः      Hanuman; Bhima. मार्कण्डः      Name of ancient sage मार्कण्डः ...


... intellectual sympathy, but wavers between the two authorities. More important is the element of naturalistic interpretation. Not only are there the obvious or the traditional identifications, Indra, the Maruts, the triple Agni, Surya, Usha, but we find that Mitra was identified with the Day, Varuna with the Night, Aryaman and Bhaga with the Sun, the Ribhus with its rays. We have here the seeds of that n ...


... bliss (or gives so the bliss that he may travel to it). Page 433 (5) सदताम् Sit on the seat at dawn & in the night! Cleave in love, O Agni, to this our sacrifice; in Indra, in the Maruts make us victorious; let the Night & the Dawn sit on the seat of fullness; sacrifice here to Mitra & Varuna & let them have joy of their desire. यशसं नः Sing. plur. (6) Thus has Vasistha desiring ...


... and in that energy performs the same functions. Devouring and Page 277 enjoying, purifying, preparing, assimilating, forming, he rises upwards always and transfigures his powers into the Maruts, the energies of Mind. Our passions and obscure emotions are the smoke of Agni's burning. All our nervous forces are assured of their action only by his support. If he is the Will in our nervous ...


... mortal peoples. अर्यमणं वरुणं मित्रमेषामिन्द्राविष्णू मरुतो अश्विनोत । स्वश्वो अग्ने सुरथः सुराघा एदु वह सुहविषे जनाय ॥४॥ 4) Aryaman for them and Mitra and Varuna, Indra, Vishnu and the Maruts and the Ashwins do thou well-horsed, well-charioted, great in the joy of achievement, bring now, O Fire, for the giver of good offerings. गोमाँ अग्नेऽविमाँ अश्वी यज्ञो नृवत्सखा सदमिदप्रमृष्यः ...


... × Varuna. × The Maruts, nervous or vital forces of our being which attain to conscious expression in the thought, singers of the hymn to Indra, the God-Mind. ...


... beheld and that eye I now give to thee. Thou shalt see, he says, my hundreds and thousands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou willest to behold. This then is the keynote ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... 55—Be wide in me, O Varuna; be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life ...


... you are the foremost of those proficient in the use of missiles, mighty and full of courage?" (41) (Turning to Hanūmān ) "Neither Nagas nor Gandharvas (celestial musicians), nor gods nor the Maruts (the forty nine wind gods) are able to resist the onrush of Śrī Rāma in combat. (42) If there still exists, any regard for me in the heart of that powerful prince, wherefore does he not destroy the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... brother he wants to help him in achieving his goal, namely, the realisation of the Eternal. He points out to Agastya that he mistakenly believes that he can attain his goal only by thought powers (Maruts), but the object of his attainment can be facilitated only by the powers of the illumined mind, which is the special domain of Indra. He, therefore, invites Agastya to receive his help for the attainment ...


... restored to me." (5) Knowing the intention of Śrī Rāma, all the great gods, came for the oath-taking of Sītā. (6) Having Brahma at their head, the Ādityas, Vasus, Rudras, Viśvadevas, the hosts of Maruts, all the Sadhya gods, all great sages, the Nāgas, Suparnas and the Siddhas, all came joyfully. (7-8) Seeing all the gods and sages, who had come for the oath-taking, the scion of Raghu again said: ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... (the god of retribution), Soma (the moon god), Varuna (the ruler of the waters), the Pitrs (manes), the (eight) Vasus, the (twelve) Sadhyas, the (two) Aśwīs (the physicians of gods), the (forty nine) Maruts (wind gods); Manu (a progenitor of the human race), Vāyu (the wind god) and the god of fire. He constitutes (all) created beings, he is the life breath (of the universe), the source of the seasons ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 Marx, 128 -Dos Kapital, 118 Marxism, 326 Mathura, 91 Maupassant, 145 Maxwell, 308 Maya, 50, 55, 67, 280, 284, 361, 381 Mayavada ...

... secret name of the Virgins. They make thee to shine with the radiances as Mitra well-established when thou makest of one mind the Lord of the house and his consort. For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the Maruts brighten by the pressure that which is the brilliant and very birth of thee. That which is the highest seat of Vishnu, by that thou protectest secret Name of the radiances. By thy glory, O Deva, the ...

... intensities. This psychological knowledge was expanded by the cultivation of inner or subliminal states of consciousness, resulting in the knowledge which is evident in the descriptions of Vayu and Maruts etc. and of the workings of Indra and other gods such as Agni. It can also be seen that this vast store of psychological knowledge included not only awareness but mastery over superconscious states ...

... have the following: 'Brihaspati who is the hill- breaker, the first born, the Angirasa. . .. Brihaspati conquered the treasure (vanuni), great pens this god won full of the kine.' Sometimes the Maruts also are associated in this action. Pushan also (the Increaser, a form of the Sun-god) is invoked for the pursuit and recovery of the stolen cattle. 'Let Pushan follow after our kine, let him protect ...


... with life and imagined spirits behind the forces Nature. Therefore he prayed to Indra and Varuna for rain, to the Sun for its rays of light. Frightened by the hurricane and storm he would implore the Maruts for safety, and harmed by the soothing beauty of Dawn he would sing her eulogy. The gods and demons imagined by the naive and simple mind possessed miraculous powers — prompted by such notions ...

... revision. If I had not written it under the pressure of the Arya I would not have written it at all. I had to work much through my intuition and it was not easy to make it work." 12 June. Talk on the Maruts, the storm-gods of the Veda, and on Agni, the divine Flame. Sri Aurobindo read some riks. 13 June. Talk on the Duttatreya Yoga, a system current in Maharashtra, and on Mahatma Gandhi. 18 and ...


... undertaking". 22 Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first, even Indra only following ...

... the revealing vision of His universal form: "Thou shalt see my hundreds and thou- sands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou wiliest to behold."¹ Sri Krishna then makes ...

... throughout the Veda we have confirmatory hymns and expressions: Agni or Indra or another is expressly hymned as one with all the other gods. Agni contains all other divine powers within himself, the Maruts are described as all the gods, one deity is addressed by the names of others as well as his own, or, most commonly, he is given as Lord and King of the universe attributes only appropriate to the Supreme ...


... the substance of the Truth put into active movement, ṛtasya preṣā . Then after the invocation of Indra and Agni by the "words of perfect speech that are loved of the gods",—for by those words the Maruts 1 perform the sacrifices as seers who by their seer-knowledge do well the sacrificial work, ukthebhir hi ṣmā kavayaḥ suyajñā ... maruto yajanti ,—the Rishi next puts into the mouth of men an e ...


... the opposition of Arya and Dasyu is not at all a national or tribal or merely human distinction, but has a deeper significance. The fighters are certainly the seven Angirases; for they and not the Maruts, which is Sayana's interpretation of satvabhiḥ , are Indra's helpers in the release of the Cows. But the three persons whom Indra finds or comes to know by entering among the bright cows, by possessing ...


... with Agni one of the two chief gods of the Vedic Pantheon and if his character and functions can be properly established, we shall have the general type of the Aryan gods fixed firmly. Secondly, the Maruts, his companions, singers of the sacred chant, are the strongest point of the naturalistic theory of Vedic worship; they are undoubtedly storm-gods and no other of the greater Vedic deities, Agni or ...


... confirmatory hymns and Page 116 expressions: Agni or Indra or another is expressly hymned as one with all the other gods. Agni contains all other divine powers within himself, the Maruts are described as all the gods, one deity is addressed by the names of others as well as his own, or, most commonly, he is given as Lord and King of the universe attributes only appropriate to the Supreme ...


... O Varuna; Be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; Page 376 Be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; Be strong and bold, O Aryama; Be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; Be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. ...


... Truth which is confirmed in the second and third Suktas invoking Indra in company with other gods. In the remaining eight hymns with Indra as the sole deity, except for one which he shares with the Maruts, Page 60 we find the symbols of the Soma and the Cow, the obstructor Vritra and the great role played by Indra in leading man to the Light and overthrowing the barriers to his progress ...


... enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 physical, vital, mental & ideative activities. Agni has stood up in the dawning illumination high uplifted in the pure mentality, úrdhwa, with a perfected ...


... lit. Movement or Force, the Energy of Vishnu. 8) कथा शर्धाय मरुतामृताय कथा सूरे बृहते पृच्छ्यमानः । प्रति ब्रवो अदितये तुराय साधा दिवो जातवेदश्चिकित्वान् ॥ How to the strength of the Maruts that is true in its paths, how to Surya vast when he questioned thee? or what didst thou reply to Aditi & Tura? Know & perfect the heavens in us, O world-Knower. 9) ऋतेन ऋतं नियतमीळ आ गोर् ...


... मरूत्सदृशः पक्षिणः । प्र सु अस्तु । बलेन प्रकृष्टो भवतु । श्येनेभ्यः । शंसनीयगमनेभ्यः स्वसमानजातिभ्यः पक्षिभ्यः । अचक्रया स्वध्या । चक्रवर्जितया स्वधया रथेन । स्वधाशब्दो रथवाची । May that bird, O ye Maruts, be first of all the birds and a hawk swift-winging above all hawks since, perfectly winging over, he brought to man by actionless self-calm the offering loved of the gods. विः । श्येनः ।। This ...


... hymn has almost always about it an air bizarre, artificial, incoherent, almost purposeless, frequently illogical and self-contradictory—as in Max Muller’s translation of the 39th hymn, Kanwa’s to the Maruts,—never straightforward, self-assured & easy. One would expect in these primitive writers,—if they are primitive,—crudeness of belief perhaps, but still plainness of expression and a simple development ...


... in the Veda the sacrificial fire is only a physical birth, temporary body or manifestation of the god of Fire, Agni. The gods of the Air and other godheads in the Indian tradition have no wings, the Maruts or storm-gods ride through the skies in their galloping chariots with their flashing golden lances, the beings of the middle world in the Ajanta frescoes are seen moving through the air not with wings ...


... ना ज्ञातकर्माणो वा. Rather, whose works are governed by knowledge. O Fire, thou becamest the first of the sages, a flame seer, a god and benignant comrade of the gods; in thy act and motion the Maruts with their blazing lances were born, seers whose works are by knowledge. Page 554 2) त्वमग्ने प्रथमो अङ्गिरस्तमः कविर्देवानां परि भृषसि व्रतं । विभुर्विश्वस्मै भुवनाय मेधिरो द्विमाता ...


... calls down the divine Will from the Truth-consciousness into the realm of mind and body to prepare here, in Life, its own manifestation. Agni, enjoying and devouring the things of Life, generates the Maruts, nervous forces of Life that become forces of thought; they, upheld by Agni, prepare the action of Indra, the luminous Mind, who is for our life-powers their Rishi or finder of the Truth and Right ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... never been composed or penned. If this description should be thought too violent I would only ask the objector to read for himself Max Muller’s translation of the hymn by Kanwa son of Ghora to the Maruts, the 39th of the 1st Mandala and ask himself honestly what sense worth having he can make out of it—even leaving aside the language & images, looking beyond them to the thing the poet is trying to ...


... of the latter which is the important aspect of Vayu. Therefore we find Indra, Master of Mind, and Vayu, Master of Life, coupled together and the latter always somewhat dependent on the former; the Maruts, the thought-forces, although in their origin they seem to be as much powers of Vayu as of Indra, are more important to the Rishis than Vayu himself and even in their dynamic aspect are more closely ...


... the journeying" to the luminous world of the Truth, or, "for the eating" of the oblations. × The Maruts. × The twin Ashwins. × ...


... the chariot of the Ashwins, the weapons of the Gods, all the means of the journey and the battle. But as giver Page 27 of the Light of Truth and as Vritra-slayer Indra is aided by the Maruts, who are powers of will and nervous or vital Force that have attained to the light of thought and the voice of self-expression. They are behind all thought and speech as its impellers and they battle ...


... was published in the Arya in August 1915. A Hymn of the Thought-Gods . Published in the Arya in February 1916. This is not a translation but a paraphrase of the hymns to the Maruts by the Rishi Shyavashwa of the Atri clan; it is based on Rig Veda V.52 and, in the last three paragraphs, on scattered verses from V.53 - 61. It appeared in the Arya while Hymns of the Atris was ...


... faculty? 56) Be wide in me, O Varuna; be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life ...


... ) 55—Be wide in me, O Varuna; be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life ...


... the Veda the sacrificial fire is only a physical birth, temporary body or manifestation of the god of Fire, Agni. The gods of the Air and other godheads in the Indian tradition have no wings, the Maruts or storm-gods ride through the skies in their galloping chariots with their flashing golden lances, the beings of the middle world in the Ajanta frescoes are seen moving through the air not with ...

... Manusmriti, 236 Margiana, 206, 210, 211, 228, 305-7, 310, 312, 320 Margos (= modern Murghab), 206, 229 Marshal, Sir John, 245 marta, 364-5 martya , 364 Maruts, 289, 304, 326, 360, 361, 386-7, 394, 399, 405, 417 Massagetai, 321 Mausala Parva (of MahaBhārata), 200 maya, 195, 369, 370, 371, 383-91, 396, 408 ...


... world of our becoming, O Mitra and Varuna, in the getting of knowledge you are seers of the realm of Light; we desire from you the rain, the felicitous wealth, the immortality, and Lo! The Thundereres (Maruts, who symbolize Life-powers and Thought-powers who find out the light of truth for all our activities) range abroad through earth and heaven. 3.O Samrats, O Mitra and Varuna, O strong Bulls of ...

... eye that Sri Krishna was to give to him. Sri Krishna told Arjuna that he was to see hundreds and thousands of divine forms of Sri Krishna, the Avatar, that he was to see the Adityas, the Rudras, the Maruts, and the Ashwins, — all the great symbolic figures of the Veda, — and that he was to see Page 104 many wonders and the whole world related and unified in the body of Sri Krishna. Indeed ...

... as the priests including Vasistha, wellversed in sacred formulas, conjointly consecrate you (as the king of Ayodhyā) on this very spot, 0 knower of sacred texts! (26) Consecrated by us as Indra by Maruts (the wind-gods) and having conquered the worlds by dint of your might march you (back) to Ayodhyā in order to rule over it. (27) Discharging the three obligations (you owe to gods, Rsis and manes severally ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... science and what we have been equating with ether may be termed the field —the gravitational field, for example, of our days. The last two may, however, be represented somewhat differently. The Maruts may symbolise the region of the subder or supra-electromagnetic forces—what are now called cosmic rays: they are waves or particles of such infinitesimal magnitude that some of them at least have only ...

... Indra who became later on the king of the gods. And Zeus too occupies the same place in Greek Pantheon. Indra is, as has been pointed out by Sri Aurobindo, the Divine Mind, the leader of thought-gods (Maruts), the creator of perfect forms, in which to clothe our truth-realisations in life. The later traditional Indra in India and the Greek Zeus seem to be formulations on a lower level of the original ...

... science and what we have been equating with ether may be termed the field – the gravitational field, for example, of our days. The last two may, however, be represented somewhat differently. The Maruts may symbolise the region of the subtler or supra-electromagnetic forces – what are now called cosmic rays: they are waves or particles of such infinitesimal magnitude that some of them at least have ...

... 206-7, 350 228, 297, LAKSHMI, 249 Lear, 391 Leo X, 196 Lindberg, 316 MAETERLINCK, 71 – The Blue Bird, 71 Mahalakshmi, 206, 228, 297 Maheshwari, 206 Marlowe, 399n Maruts, the, 279-80, 331-2 Mayavada,182 Milton, 371 Minerva, 328 Mitra, 189 Mohammed, 379 Mother, the, 29n., 205-6, 208, 224, 229, 231-6, 247, 249, 253-7, 260, 263, 269, 281-2, 293, 317 ...

... Be wide in me, O Varuna; be mighty in me, O Indra; O Sun, be very bright and luminous; O Moon, be full of charm and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life ...

... gods rallied round her in her moment of distress. Sarama, the Intuition, the Hound of Heaven was there. So was Agni, the Seer-Will. Indra, dark as the rain-clouds, came armed with his thunderbolt; the Maruts, his forty-nine brothers, closed ranks with him. The Ash wins, the Riders of the Steed, were not late in coming; they are physicians, they bring back youth to the old, health to the sick, wholeness ...

... arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् । आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥ 3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host. प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः । द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥ 4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous and maddening, dripping sweetness, into their vessel they ...

... मारुतं न शर्धः ॥ दुवसनासः परीचरणीयाः     श्येनासः अश्वाः S. Those rays of thine, O Agni, overcoming, moving, bright, to be served, go like horses to their goal; they are great-sounding like the Marut host. Page 675 Tr. Those illuminings of thee,OFlame, they overpower, they travel, they are keen in brightness, they are active, they move like eagles to the goal, they are many-voiced like ...

... world-life, its settled orbit round a distant and sovereign Light. He expresses in the idea of Fate his living and constant sense of the energy which has cast him down here whether to break like some Vedic Marut the world's firm and established things or to cut through mountains a path down which new rivers of human destiny can pour. Like Indra or Bhagirath he precedes; the throng of the divine waters follow ...

... comes sleep And sleep is the music of God. Here we have the poet of the 1930s to whom we may extend Sri Aurobindo's assessment of his early promising youth: he is some "Vedic Marut with golden weapons, golden ornaments, car of gold, throwing in front of him continual lightnings of thought". There are great after-musics of birds and deeper and deeper as they grow they suddenly... respect Nishikanta moves with another vision through his symbols of the vital world and identifies himself more closely with them. Page 158 If Harindranath was a Vedic Marut we could perhaps say that Nishikanta was the Vedic Varuna with a powerful breath of life blowing through his person. He hardly wrote any poetry in English - he always wrote in Bengali — but we ...

... by labour within themselves and a difficult alchemy to turn them into pure gold. Mr. Chattopadhyay is not of these; he is rather overburdened with the favours of the goddess, comes like some Vedic Marut with golden weapons, golden ornaments, car of gold, throwing in front of him continual lightnings of thought in the midst of a shining rain of fancies, and a greater government and a more careful and ...

... Maitreyi, 105 Malebranche, 286 Mallarme, 66, 88, 152 -"Les Fleurs", 66n Mamata, 163 Manchester Guardian, 239n Manu, 159 Miira, 5 Marcellus, 173-5 Margaret, 138 Marut, 22, 28-9 Marx, 126 Mayavada,278 Mazumdar, Dipak, 213 -"Baritone", 212 Mazzini, 253 Mephistopheles, 250 Metaphysicals, the, 57, 71,286 Michael Angelo, 170 Milton, 52-3 ...

... mortality that is content to leave the radiant herds of the Sun for ever imprisoned in the darkling cave of the Lords of the sense-life or whether they await in their luminous world the hour when the Marut shall again drive abroad and the Hound of Heaven shall once again speed down to us from beyond the rivers or Paradise and the seals of the heavenly waters be broken and the cavern shall be rent and ...

... pūryamāṇāḥ cannot be rendered by its literal rendering "filled" and anila , one of the many beautiful & significant Sanscrit words for wind,— vāyu, anila, pavana, samīra, samīraṇa, vāta, prabhañjana, marut, sadāgati ,—suggests powerfully the breath and flowing of wind & is in the Upanishad used as equivalent to prana, the breath or emotional soul; to render adequately the word "inspired" has been preferred ...