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Matsya : King Virāṭa’s capital Mahābhārata, its people were called Matsyas, & he himself was styled Matsya.

11 result/s found for Matsya

... termination. The earlier of these stages is the period following the downfall of the Āndhras and the local kingdoms that survived them a while. The Matsya account ends here with the mere mention of the Kilakila kings and no MS of the Matsya contains anything later.... The Vāyu. Brahmānda, Visnu and Bhagavata all carry the narrative on to the rise of the Guptas, which is the later stage." But... the Āndhras' termination? The impression which the chronological statements on the Sapta Rishi strongly convey is that the Matsya-stage lies within the Maghā-century. This century not only includes the Āndhras' termination but also extends beyond it: the Matsya-pundits stand after the Āndhras and still within this century: so this century allows them to refer to what is'post-Āndhra. There... reference. By being within the Maghā's 100 years the chronological statements on the Sapta Rishi can qualify to cover the Matsya-stage. If we ask how it is that no dynasty after the Āndhras is mentioned by these statements, the explanation is the same as for the different way the Matsya treats post-Āndhra history: the lack of importance in the pundits' eyes. Importance was judged by a single double-aspected ...


... hardly any dialectal tendency of its own to change the intervocal k to g. A thing like pasopagani is not in the least characteristic of it. So its "Maga", when neither Kālsī nor 1. E.g., Matsya, XXIV. 2.The Markandeya Purāna mentions a north-western tribe with the terminal sound exactly echoing this Yona king's at Girnār: "Kālatoyaka" (Barua, Aśoka and His Inscriptions, Part I, p... And several Indian or Persian or Perso-Indian names can accidentally echo Greek ones. We have dwelt sufficiently on such counterparts to Magas: we may list a few more. The name "Puloma" which the Matsya Purāna twice gives in its series of the Āndhra kings 1 corresponds closely to "Polemo", the name of a Greek writer subsequent to Megasthenes. 2 Puliśa, an astronomer mentioned in Indian books, has... As we have ended the Āndhras in 390 B.C. after commencing them in 802 B.C., Gautamīputra's reign should close in (390+90==) 480 B.C. With a reign of 24 years, a number given by one version of the Matsya Purāna and accepted by modern scholars, he came to the throne in 504 B.C. Ruling in 504-480 B.C., he must be a contemporary of Nāhapāna whose last inscription was in 505 B.C. Gautamīputra's 18th ...


... Unity, p. 14. 5. Ibid. 6. Op. cit., p. 75, with fn. 11. Page 106 himself Ekarāt, sole monarch, and he is designated by the Matsya as "a portion of Kali". Perhaps it is these words of the Matsya that clinched the misreading of "Nanda" for "Chanda" in the Vishnu's and Bhāghavata's phrase ending with: "....Kali age will attain its magnitude." And possibly the... which alone have come down to us are not unlikely. Perhaps their ancient presence may be suspected in the blanks to which Pargiter points in the Matsya Purāna whose version, he 1 tells us, is the earliest. Pargiter 2 says the Matsya omits all reference to the reign-periods of Chandragupta Maurya and Bindusāra as well as to that of Aśoka's successor Kunāla. The blanks for the first two... Earliest Time to the Accession of Parīkshit", The Vedic Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalkir (George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1952), p. 271. 2. E.g.. Vayu 11.22-26, 39, 41; Matsya XI. Page 70 father of our Manu as the start: Vivasvata or, as Pargiter' designates him, "Vivasvant, 'the sun' ": 93. Vivasvata or Vivasvant 97. Prāchīnabarhisha ...


... "Nouveaux Aspects de l'histoire des Scythes", Revue de l'Universitaire de Bruxelles, 42 (1937) Purānas, Agni, Bhāgwata, Brahmā, Brāhmanda, Harivamśa, Kurma, Linga, Mārkandeya, Matsya, Śiva, Vāyu, Vishnu Puri, Bali Nath, India in the Time of Patahjali (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1958) Page 615 Pusalker, A. D., "Aryan Settlements in... etae, 455, 466, 599 Mastaku/Mazdaku, 333 Māthariputra Śakasena, 585 Mathurā (Madurā, Methora, Modura)94, 95, 188, 189, 241, 242, 396 Mātrivishnu, 511, 512 Matsya Purāna, 7, 10, 107, 470, 530 Maues (Moa, Moga), 429, 458, 460 Maukharis, 485, 487, 489 Mauryas, iii, 2, 9, 202, 478-9, 489, 553-4 mayura, 262 Mazdean religion and practice ...


... BrahmavaivartaPurānaa 18,000 Linga Purāna 11,000 Varāha Purāna 24,000 Skanda Purāna 81,000 Vāmana Purāna 10,000 Kūrma Purāna 17,000 Matsya Purāna 14,000 Garuda Purāna 19,000 Brahmānda Purāna 12,000 There are also a number of Upapurānas, such as Narasimha, Nandi, Bhārgava, etc. Purānas have ...


... had done Sadhana. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, he seems to have done Sadhana with Ghora Rishi. But the Varaha incarnation does not seem to have done any Sadhana. [Laughter) Disciple : Nor the Matsya – the Fish-Avatar ! Sri Aurobindo : And what do you mean by the Purna Avatar ? Disciple : I mean complete .embodiment of the Truth. Page 147 Sri Aurobindo : Of ...

... not a unilateral progress from below. There has to be the descent of the higher force too. It is the combination of both that brings in a higher rung in evolution. All the previous Avatars, like Matsya or Varaha or Buddha or Sri Krishna came at a point of time when the evolution was ready for assimilating their Truth. So, in a way we can also say that there is an evolution of Avatar from the earth ...

... and then Sri Chaitanya revealed His identity as the Supreme Lord. We give below an extract from the Chaitanya Bhagavata: Sri Chaitanya said: " I am Krsna, I am Rama, and I am Nārāyana. I am Matsya, I am Kurma, I am Varāha and Vāmana. I am Buddha, Kalki, Hamsa, and Haladhara. I am Prśnigarbha, I am Hayagrīva, and I am Maheśvara. I am Nilacala-candra, I am Kapila, and I am Nrsimha. All ...


... elephant, and taking him up from the ground and holding him up from the ground and holding him aloft, began to whirl him round, to the great astonishment of the assembled athletes and the people of Matsya. And having whirled him round, and round a hundred times till he was insensible, the strong-armed Vrikodara dashed him to death on the g found." Of all the arts of war, archery was certainly ...

... formerly Siva had performed penance and became dispirited by the pangs of separation. 34. Crying aloud "Alas 0 Siva", she, the daughter of the mountain, * It is a sacred place celebrated in the Matsya and Vayu Puranas where the river Ganga emerges from the Bindu Sarovara through visible outlets and subterranean channels. * The reader will note with dismay that fifty years after independence ...


... the different nations between Duryodhana and Yudhisthere. Personal relations like the matrimonial connections of Dhritarashtra's family with the Sindhus and Gandharas and of the Pandavas with the Matsyas, Panchalas & Yadavas doubtless counted for much, but there must have been something more; personal enmities [counted] for something as in the feud cherished by the Trigartas against Arjouna. The Madras... but think that had it been a question purely between Kuru & Kuru, this is the course they would have adopted. But Bhishma & Drona must have perceived that behind the Pandavas were the Panchalas & Matsyas. They must have suspected that these nations were supporting Yudhisthere not out of purely disinterested motives but with certain definite political objects. Neither Drupada nor Virata would have been ...