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... misery, because without human misery it would lose its raison d'être!" And you know, that great philanthropist... what was his name? In the time of Mazarin, the one who founded the "Little Sisters of Charity"? Vincent de Paul. That's it. Mazarin once told him, "There have never been so many poor as since you started looking after them!" 3 ( Mother laughs ) A little later: I am ...
... more reason to exist!... And you know the great philanthropist, what was his name?—during Mazarin's time; he founded the "Little Sisters of Charity"... Vincent de Paul? That's it. Mazarin once told him: There have never been so many poor people as since you started taking care of them! (Mother laughs). 10.4.1968 * (A donor to Auroville wrote, "I want my money to ...
... to exist!" And you know that great philanthropist - what was his name?... during Mazarin's time, the one who founded the Little Sisters of Charity? Vincent de Paul. That's it. Mazarin once told him, "There have never been so many poor as since you started taking care of them !"(Mother laughs ) (A little later) I've been rethinking what I said about money: that's ...
... reason to exist!... And you know the great philanthropist, what was his name?―during Mazarin's time; he founded the Little Sisters of Charity.... Vincent de Paul? Page 271 That's it. Mazarin once told him: There have never been so many poor people as since you started taking care of them! ( Mother laughs. ) Later. I have been rethinking what I said about money. That is how life in ...
... more of the true importance of his reign than anything else he said or wrote. Louis XIV set out early in his reign to personify the concept of sovereignty. He dramatized this aim immediately after Mazarin's death by ordering his ministers thereafter to report to him in person, not to a "first minister." To be the real head of a large and complicated government required long, hard work, and Louis ...
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