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Mecca : birthplace of Prophet Mahomed & currently capital of Makkah province in Saudi Arabia, it is located 45 miles inland from the Red Sea port of Jidda.

16 result/s found for Mecca

... Muhammad returned to Medina he felt that he was now strong enough to return definitely to Mecca. The ten-year truce still had eight years to run, but due to an attack on a muslim tribe, Muhammad declared the truce void in AD 630. He gathered 10.000 men and marched to Mecca. Abu Sufyan, then the head man in Mecca, perceiving the strength of Muhammad's forces, allowed him to enter unopposed. Muhammad... Arabs made a pilgrimage to the religious centre of Mecca; in Mecca, was the Kaaba, an ancient building full of images, including one of Christ. Here almost every god known to the Arabs could be worshipped. Here, too, was the most venerated object in the Arab world, the sacred Black Stone that had come from heaven. This habit of worshipping together at Mecca was the strongest unifying force in Arabia and... intense that they had to flee Mecca. The date was 16 July, AD 622. This flight is a very important event for all Muslims, since later Kaliph Omar designated the first day of the Hegira (hijra — flight) as the offical beginning of the Muhammadan era. He went to a place named Yathrib that later took the name Medinat al-Nabi or "City of the Prophet". Compared with Mecca it was a climatic Eden, with ...


... Islam, was born of the esteemed Qoreish tribes in Mecca on the Apr. 20, 570 A.D. The chief occupation of his tribe was trade. When Mohammed was twenty-five years old, he married Khadija, a rich widow of Mecca, then forty years of age. She was a gentle woman of spotless character. Mohammed frequently went to a cave in the desert three miles from Mecca, where he spent months in prayer and meditation.... laid upon man of submission to the will of his Creator. These were the truths to which he claimed their allegiance. However, he faced a lot of resistance from the Arab tribes in Mecca. Mohammed fled from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D. when he learned that the Qoreish tribe planned to take his life. The Muslim calendar begins on the day of this flight, known as the Hijra. But in pure self-defence... him as their Prophet, Mohammed bade his followers turn their faces in prayer towards the Kabah in Mecca. The change of direction during the prayer has a deeper significance than might appear at first sight. It was really the beginning of the National life of Islam. It established the Kabah at Mecca as a religious centre for all the Muslim people, just as from time immemorial it had been a place ...

... DOONYA Wait, wait! You must not Walk off the stage before your part is done. The situation now with open eyes And lifted hands and chidings. You'll be whipped, Anice, and Nureddene packed off to Mecca On penitential legs; I shall be married. ( opening the door ) Page 51 Oh, our fell Ethiopian snoozing here? Snore, noble ogre, snore louder than nature To excuse your gloomy skin from... Cafoor crept down and heard The clamorous creditors; and they all left. Ghaneem's dear mother's sick; for my sweet love Only he came, leaving her sad bedside; Friend Ayoob's uncle leaves today for Mecca: In Cafoor's house there is a burial toward; Zeb's father, Omar's brother, Hussan's wife Are piteously struck down. There never was So sudden an epidemic witnessed yet In Bassora, and all with ...


... of the Sufi saints of Turkestan. When he returned to the court, Mahmud of Ghazna took one look at him and said: "He may care to come back after a further year." Haidar Ali made the pilgrimage to Mecca in that year. He travelled to India; and in Persia he consulted rare books and never missed an opportunity of seeking out and paying his respects to the great dervishes of the time. When he returned... asked to become his disciple. The teacher said: "You are not yet ready." Since the young man was insistent, the sage said: "Very well, I will teach you something. I am going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. Come with me." Page 164 The disciple was overjoyed. "Since we are travelling companions," said the teacher, "one must lead, and the other obey. Choose your role. " "I will follow ...

... companion of desire,  Lone Bedouin riding through life's desert plain A camel of red fire.   Most splendid traveller of eternity In whose first footfall the wide world began, A holy Mecca in the heart of me Awaits your caravan.   The poetic quality here is striking, but it is possible to overlook the implications which certain phrases have and which make that quality singularly... eternity to eternity through the immortal Spirit's self-separation and self-pursuit, a long cyclic pilgrimage each individual can hasten in himself if he directs life's pain to a sacred end, "a holy Mecca" of prayer — that is, if he invites it to perform a mystic worship through his inner consciousness.   Another remarkable poem tinged by the same mood is "Challenge"; it has, besides, a more personal ...


... 'A sufi fakir would always be absorbed in the contemplation of Allah. And tears would flow uninterrupted from his eyes. He did not speak except to utter the name of Allah. A fakir from Mecca came to see him. He told him: 'Do you think by remembering Allah with your tears you will find Allah?' Page 125 'Then how else can one find Allah?' he asked him. 'You must do... least some work for Him. It is through work that you should call Him. Then Allah will reveal Himself to you,' the fakir replied. 'Fine, then tell me what work should I do?' 'Come with me to Mecca. I will tell you.' 'I won't go anywhere, the sufi replied, I will stay here. I will call him with my tears. And as he has sent you to me one day. He Himself will come to me. He will Himself come ...

... where a sect is founded may dictate the sect's name: e.g., "Plymouth Brethren". But nobody, for instance, dreams of identifying Mohammedans by designating them "Meccans" from Mohammed's birth-place Mecca.   Outside of the Gospels, only a fifth-century Jewish love-poem yields for the first time the name "Nazareth" for a city. Most probably the word "Nazarene" derives from the Hebrew "nazar" ...

... It may have, but it is not polite or poetic to talk about it—gives the idea that she is corpulent. [Chand's telegram:] "Embarkment enquiry 13th July protection." Guru, is he embarking for Mecca? Looks like embankment which, he said, he demolished, of a tenant. It is the telegraph office here that is embarking him—otherwise there would be no enquiry. He must be in trouble over his arbitrary ...

... them on the roadside. We gave some money to the mechanic and went to thank the owner. Very courteously he made us sit and began to talk to us about various things. He had just returned from Mecca from the Haj pilgrimage. He showed me his five-year-old grandson and said: "You know, Sir, my grandson can't stand studies." I recited a Hindi couplet I knew: "Padhe tota padhe maina ...


... prevent me from publishing Mother’s Agenda unabridged. They claim to be the “owners” of Auroville, the “owners” of the Ashram, the “owners” of Mother, the “owners” of Sri Aurobindo — as in Rome or Mecca. (...) Auroville is the place of a difficult evolutionary experience that needs to be protected against the rapacity of the old species. Do you want to help us? We are all alone against people who ...

... and to Kandahar. I looked. He was not on the heights or in the lowlands. Resolutely, I went to the summit of the mountain of Kaf. There was only the dwelling of the Anqa bird. I went to the Kaaba of Mecca. He was not there. I asked about him from Avicenna the philosopher. He was beyond the range of Avicenna … I looked into my own heart. In that place, I saw him. He was in no other place.” 30 (Jalal ...


... gathering ever, numbered seventy million; tens of thousands have marched on the White House in Washington for one Christian cause or another; and tens of thousands perform the haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca year after year. In France one talks about “the Buddhist wave” 5 , for in the country of Descartes ( Descartes , c’est la France!) there are now 600,000 Buddhists, half of them Asiatics, the other ...

... It looks like it! What a museum! But this kind of collectioning has been my luck and not my intention. NB: Chand's telegram: "Embarkment enquiry 13th July protection." Guru, is he embarking for Mecca? Looks like embankment which, he said, he demolished, of a tenant. Sri Aurobindo: It is the telegraph office here which is embarking him - otherwise there would be no enquiry. He must be in trouble ...

... A Vision of United India Chapter 3 The Islamic Invasion of India As stated earlier, Islam, soon after its birth in Mecca and Medina, began to conquer the nations in Africa and the Western part of Asia; and quite inevitably, it was then the turn of India and the invasions began in the eighth century. In the eighth century A.D., there began a series ...

... they would then realise who is closer to them—the Hindus or their co-religionists in other lands. Turkey and Egypt do not care for these Indian Muslims. Azad realised from his bitter experience in Mecca that his religious brothers there were eager to exploit him. SRI AUROBINDO (after a lull) : Kant's idea of freedom is said to be that one is free if one's actions are determined by oneself and not ...


... that pure cry of being. A formidable white devastation. Then I prostrated myself in the sand. And I no longer knew where I was, whether it was the east or the west, the north or the south: it was Mecca everywhere. I went into the river. A bird flew away with a shrill cry—blue, green—the air was like a golden powder. And I felt there was something to be done, a gesture to be made. The Sannyasi came ...