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Medusa : most famous of the three Gorgon sisters. When a most beautiful woman, she offended Athena who changed her hair into snakes & made her face so hideous that all who looked at her were turned to stone. She was slain by Perseus.

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... There Danaë was received and honoured by the King. When Perseus had grown to manhood the King, wishing to marry Danaë, decided to send him to his death and to that end ordered him to slay the Gorgon Medusa in the wild, unknown and snowy North and bring to him her head the sight of which turned men to stone. Perseus, aided by Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom, who gave him the divine sword Herpe, winged shoes... rigid whiteness; I have entered caverns dim where death was born: And I have taken from the dim-dwelling Graiae Their wondrous eye that sees the past and future: And I have slain the Gorgon, dire Medusa, Her head that turns the living man to stone Locking into my wallet: last, today, In Syria by the loud Aegean surges I have done this deed that men shall ever speak of. Ascending with winged feet ...


... says Aeschilus, "dwell monsters abhorred by mortals, with locks of serpents whom none looked upon without perishing." They were the Gorgons, three sisters out of whom Medusa alone was mortal. Perseus, in his quest, had to kill Medusa which he did with the help of Athene. Later on, Athene fixed the Gorgon's head at the center of her breast-plate, the Aegis. Grace: Goddess of the beauty, brightness... darter". She and Helios together witnessed the abduction of Persephone by Hades. Hecate was powerful both in the sky and on earth. She gave men richness, victory and wisdom. She was also Medusa head Page 116 Hector and Achilles face to face (6th century BC) known as the goddess of enchantments and magic. It was especially at crossroads that her ...


... diviner than justice. When man or beast turns irremediably evil or stupendously futile, it must become extinct even as the mammoths of old have so become; and this is, perhaps, the inner meaning of the Medusa stare. Power in the person of Perseus and Pity in Andromeda's (or Power and Grace) make the ideal combination which alone can realise, here and now, a "young uplifted race" that is human, humane ...

... fiery showers of falling meteors —the Perseids — which appear from the constellation Perseus. Like Jupiter penetrating Danaë's brazen tower in a shower of gold, for the birth of Perseus. The slayer of Medusa. The deliverer of Andromeda. Page 36 Calcutta. Twenty-four minutes before sunrise. 1 A new dawn. From many homes hymns were rising to the Lord ...

... out by the decrees of any ism pushed to its perfection: deprived of its heaven, our earth is a poor whirling machine; deprived of its matter, our heaven is a pale nebula filled with the silent medusas of the disembodied spirit; deprived of the individual, our societies are dreadful anthills; and deprived even of his “sins,” the individual loses a focus of tension that helped him to grow. The fact ...