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Menes : first ruler of the first dynasty of unified Egypt; he joined Upper & Lower Egypt in a centralized monarchy. Tradition attributes to him also the founding of the capital, Memphis.
... period of a Manu, an extremely long period. of time, one-fourteenth of a day of Brahmā, mātrā — measure, the quantitative action of Nature. Maya — illusion; the power of self-illusion in Brahman. Menes —(fl. c. 3100 BC) first historic ruler of the first dynasty of unified Egypt. mind — "mind" and "mental" connote specially that part of the nature which has to do with cognition and in ...
... who first harmonised and perfected its traditionary ideals and routine of life and expressed the consciousness of the race in their political or ethico-legal systems. Such were Lycurgus, Confucius, Menes, Manu. For in those days individual greatness and perfection commanded a sacred reverence from the individual consciousness, because in each man it was to this greatness and perfection that individuality ...
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