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Minerva : Roman goddess of handicrafts, the professions, the arts, & later, of war; commonly identified with the Greek Athena.

15 result/s found for Minerva

... long and important and requires his mature consideration, and he cannot therefore have it discussed in the Parliament. It has been prepared in secret, will be matured in secret, and then the official Minerva will see the light of the day in panoply. It will be born a settled fact. Rejoice, ye Moderates! The millennium is drawing nigh. The heart of Mr. Gokhale must be beating a little faster in anxious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... sacrifice were still familiar to us and the names of the Vedic gods still carried their old psychological significance,—as the Greek or Latin names of classical deities, Aphrodite or Ares, Venus or Minerva, still bear their sense for a cultured European,—the device of an interpretative translation could have been avoided. But India followed another curve of literary and religious development than the ...


... Mazzini, 59, 91 Mephistopheles, 83 Michelson-Morley experiment, 315 Middle Age(s), 69, 145, 150, 152, 155, 213, 221, 346 Mill, 140 Milton, 194, 251 Minerva, 222 Mitra, 9 Modem Age, 145, 152 Moghuls, 58, 239 Mohammed, 208,215 Mohenjo-daro, 238, 243 Moliere, 197 Moloch, 220 Montesquieu,212 ...

... peaceful idyll. More often it is a bitter battle with things, with one's surroundings, and above all with oneself. A great discovery does not leap completely achieved from the brain of the scientist, as Minerva sprang, all panoplied, from the head of Jupiter; it is the fruit of accumulated preliminary work. Between the days of fecund productivity are inserted days of uncertainty when nothing seems to succeed ...


... , 250 Metaphysicals, the, 57, 71,286 Michael Angelo, 170 Milton, 52-3, 85, 93, 125, 147, 163, 168,245 --Camus, 245n Page 373 -Paradise Lost, 163, 168n Minerva, 284 Mitra, 45, 157, 159-60, 180, 294 Modern Review, the, 229n Mohammedanism, 276 Montaigne, 108 Montevideo, 198 Moses, 9-10, 108 Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n -Prieres ...

... as it were, a golden ball, rounded and fully formed, the golden egg, hira ṇ yagarbha, out of which the new physical creation will emerge — something in the manner of the legendary Greek goddess Minerva, whole and entire, complete in arms and panoply out of the head of Father Jupiter. Page 31 ...

... own list of 353 articles they believe 8 The principal works consulted are: Mookerjee, Amalendu Prasad. 1974. Social and Political Ideals of Bipin Chandra Pal . Calcutta: Minerva Associates. — . 1975. Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives. Mukherjee, Haridas, and Uma Mukherjee. 1957. "Bande Mataram" and Indian Nationalism . Calcutta: Firma ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... have been originally a Dawn-Goddess springing in flames from the head of Zeus, the Sky-God, Dyaus of the Veda, has in classical Greece a higher function and was identified by the Romans with their Minerva, the Goddess of learning and wisdom; similarly, Saraswati, a river Goddess, becomes in India the goddess of wisdom, learning and the arts and crafts: all the Greek deities have undergone a change in ...


... considered necessary to complete the course. Those who were interested in human culture and wished to specialise in belles lettres had to cultivate more or less an intimate acquaintance with the Gallic Minerva. English has since risen to eminence, due to the far-flung political and commercial net that the nation has spread; it has become almost an indispensable instrument for communication between races ...

... more rational, sense-bound, external, pragmatic. The legend of Athena being born straight out of the head of Zeus is a pointer as to the nature and character of the gods. The Roman name for Athena, Minerva, is significantly derived by scholars from Latin mens, which means, as we all know, mind. The Greek Mind, as I said, is the bridge thrown across the gulf existing between the spiritual, the ...

... DR. MANILAL: That is what is given in children's books, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: That may be for children. What I know is that Jupiter had a severe pain in his head. Suddenly his head burst open and Minerva came out of it. DR. MANILAL: What about Nirod's receptivity question, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: You have to become quiet, become wide and open or become open and wide. NIRODBARAN: Is not wideness ...


... hold, as it were, a golden ball, rounded and fully formed, the golden egg, hiranyagarbha, out of which the new physical creation will emerge – something in the manner of the legendary Greek goddess Minerva, whole and entire, complete in arms and panoply, out of the head of Father Jupiter. Page 328 ...

... Lindberg, 316 MAETERLINCK, 71 – The Blue Bird, 71 Mahalakshmi, 206, 228, 297 Maheshwari, 206 Marlowe, 399n Maruts, the, 279-80, 331-2 Mayavada,182 Milton, 371 Minerva, 328 Mitra, 189 Mohammed, 379 Mother, the, 29n., 205-6, 208, 224, 229, 231-6, 247, 249, 253-7, 260, 263, 269, 281-2, 293, 317, 333, 339, 341, 343, 360 – Prayers and Meditations, 224 ...

... Patagonia's Lost World' (National Geographic, December 1997). 2 National Geographic (February 1998). 3 Quoted in Dead Sea Scrolls and the Crisis of Christianity by N. S. Rajaram (Minerva Press, London). My account is based mainly on this book, with additional facts and figures taken from the National Geographic. Page 131 picture. "And the Christians," wrote Las ...

... emerge out of the dust and debris of the old and effete. The best way to read her would be to read to the last without pre-conception and pre-judgement. For most, comprehension is an end-product; Minerva's owl flies out at dusk. The editor is responsible for the title—a mystic hieroglyph, the call to a luminous future. —MM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Collected Works of the Mother ...