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Mirabai : was born in Chittodgadh (see Chitore); her integral surrender to Lord Krishna was epitomized by her final disappearance in His temple in Dwārkā. Maganbhai: “I always go to bed with the Mother’s name on my lips,” reminisced a disciple of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother. “One night the Mother came. She took my hand & we started to climb a dark & very high mountain. On the way we met many Rishis & bhaktas at different heights. The Mother simply looked at them & went up very rapidly. Halfway we met a young woman clad in white, standing with folded hands. For the first time Mother spoke the word ‘Mira’, the name of the 14th century saint….” [“The Grace of the Mother” in Breath of Grace, 1972]

45 result/s found for Mirabai

... which she was not used to write and it was under the influence of Mirabai that would be a fairly strong evidence of the reality of Mirabai’s presence and influence on her. If Mirabai was actually present her choosing the song presents no difficulty and Indira’s not knowing about it would not prevent that happening. If Mirabai was merely an image in Indira’s mind of trance, then it will be different;... over there her health will be finally reestablished and all physical weakness will disappear. Our love and blessings * May 7, 1950 There would be nothing impossible in Mirabai manifesting in this way through the agency of Indira’s trance, provided she is still sufficiently in touch with this world to accompany Krishna where he manifests and in that case there would be... as a distinct person intervening in her experiences and speaking to her and inspiring her, also intervening in your action and the experiences of others. Ordinarily I would take it that she is Mirabai, the Rajput queen liberated by a sort of salokya mukti and living with Krishna in Goloka or a divine Brindavan and able to accompany in any manifestation he chose to make of himself through ...

... impossible to escape, to leave the work, till God wishes you to. Now the talk of Purusha and Prakriti reminds me of a great story. Some of you might know it. I'm talking of the story of Mirabai. 247 You know that she left her palace, her husband, her friends, the world, for the love of her Lord, and made a pilgrimage to Brindavan. I'm not quite sure which place this incident occurred at... priest would not allow her entry into the temple. When he'd heard that it was Prakriti or a woman who had come to have the Darshan of the Lord, he'd said, "No! No Prakriti is allowed here." Then Mirabai sent back the answer, "I thought that there is only one Purusha [God] and all the rest of us are Prakritis" When the priest heard that answer from the mouth of this girl, he was completely stunned... saint who worshipped only Lord Krishna. Her famous, inimitably passionate bhajans (devotional songs) are being sung all over India even today, after 400 years or more. 248Film on the life of Mirabai, shown in the Playground. Page 190 much," and I smiled. Why did I smile? Because that reminded me of a story - I'm becoming a grand old storyteller in the footsteps of our Charu Dutt ...


... literary creativity never ceased. 7 Oct. 1946 Met Janak Kumari (later known as Smt. Indira Devi) at Jabbalpur. Also met M. S. Subbulakshmi and taught her Mira bhajans for the film Mirabai. (Later, in 1971, M. S. came to Hari Krishna Mandir to learn songs, mainly Indira Devi's Mira bhajans and Dilip's Bengali songs.) 22 Jan. 1947 Bengal celebrated Dilip's 50th birthday... Samadhi was of savikalpa type and she was ready for the yoga. Ultimately with Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's blessings, Dilip gave her initiation. She started hearing in trance Hindi songs sung by Mirabai, and the songs were documented. This phenomenon was authenticated by Sri Aurobindo and continued as long as Indira Devi was alive. 5 Dec. 1950 Sri Aurobindo's passing away ...

... darshan. SRI AUROBINDO: How does one get it? SATYENDRA: I don't know. SRI AUROBINDO: By intensity of devotion, isn't that so? SATYENDRA: She may be holding Mirabai before her as an example. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Mirabai had the intensity of love. CHAMPAKLAL: Is there anything like Goloka? Is it real? SRI AUROBINDO: It is real but it depends on how one sees it. PURANI ( showing ...


... This had never happened before. I sang all right but it was by no means singing. Then, when Dilip sang, it was not bad, though it was not in his usual style. At the end, we sang a duet, a song by Mirabai “Keep me as thy servant.” Now we could sing a little better and more freely. How strange! I asked the Mother, “What can be the reason, Mother? I have never become nervous wherever I have sung before... came to my room, having already given previous notice of it. I had kept for her a chair beautifully arranged, in which she sat. I bowed at her feet. She asked me to sing. I sang a devotional song of Mirabai: “Lord, keep me as thy servant.” She wanted to hear a second song and I sang about four of Mirabai’s “bhajans”. Before the Mother departed, I again did pranam. She told me very affectionately that ...

... in the least disdain it. In the realm of spirituality there is not only Buddha as a type: There is also Mirabai. And the two types are not strictly distributed between the sexes. Tagore himself of the Gitanjali - lyrics has the bhakta's disposition. As ardent a bhakta as the woman Mirabai was the man Chaitanya, and Buddhism had nuns as well as monks. Incline as it frequently may in one or ...


... not in the least disdain it. In the realm of spirituality there is not only Buddha as a type: there is also Mirabai. And the two types are not strictly distributed between the sexes. Tagore himself of the Gitanjali-lyrics has the bhakta's disposition. As ardent a bhakta as the woman Mirabai was the man Chaitanya, and Buddhism had nuns as well as monks. Incline as it frequently may in one or the other ...

... fulfilment of what I have termed one's divine destiny. That destiny is met only when one moves towards the realisation of God by the via mystica. All may not have it in them to be a Saint Teresa or a Mirabai, a Meister Eckhart or a Ramana Maharshi — much less to come anywhere near the Mother or Sri Aurobindo. But all can make a beginning in the inner life. By the inner life I do not mean merely the practice ...


... or fall by pariahdom. In other words, one would be satisfied even if there were no such spiritual inspiration in the country as breathed and lived in a Vasishtha or a Yajnavalkya, a Chaitanya or a Mirabai, a Tukaram or a Tulsidas, a Ramakrishna or a Vivekananda - provided there were no scheduled classes! One may inquire what sort of life would there be on earth without the rishis, the saints, the mystics ...

... music, not for personal gains but for the good of humanity. She gave innumerable concerts in India and abroad. In the forties she performed in four films, one being “Meera, “ based on the life of Mirabai. She learned Hindi bhajans from Dilipda. 12 . Annadashankar Roy (1904-2002) was a celebrated novelist, poet and essayist of Bengal. He was awarded Padma-bhushan, Rabindra Puraskar and ...

... the thing could not happen as it does in actual fact. Such things do happen on the occult plane, they are not new and unprecedented." (2.6.50) "In any case," he went on to stress, "the poems Mirabai has conveyed through Indira — for that much seems to be clear — are beautiful and the whole phenomenon of Indira dictating in a language she does not know well... is truly remarkable and very ...


... unambiguous Avataric appearance in history. Far more doubtful would be such an appearance in any other woman prominently connected with God's work in the world. The Mother is supposed to have been Mirabai as well as Joan of Arc, but neither of these, for all their wonderful achievements, can count as Avatars. Much less, though still glorious, the births attributed to her as Hatshepsut of ancient ...


... praise of Suryamukhi qua poetry—please note. I am very glad of it. Yes, it is very welcome. But what a change in India. Once religious or spiritual poetry held the first place (Tukaram, Mirabai, Tulsidas, Surdas, the Tamil Alvars and Shaiva poets and a number of others) 6 3 and now spiritual poetry is not poetry, altogether achal [static]! But luckily things are sachal [mobile] ...

... 1933? I send you back your father's poem in the translation with a closer rendering of the cloud and grove lines to replace my sublimation of Fried Das. Khitish Sen's renderings of Mirabai are very good and I have only made a few verbal alterations. You have made a very fine and true rendering of the "Vedantin's Prayer". 1 Perhaps so high and rocky a person as ____________________ ...

... them in genius, yet left behind a great mass of this kind of poetry always beautiful in form and often deep and moving in substance. Another type is created in the perfect lyrics of the Rajput queen Mirabai, in which the images of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression preferred ...


... Repeated study and contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X Science and Values Our knowledge regarding man: Man in evolution Has man made progress ...

... -Repeated study and contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita -Vow of the Buddha -Selected Psalms -Islamic prayers -Selected portions from Tulsidas -Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints -Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X I. Sciences and Values 1. Our knowledge regarding man: (a) Man in evolution (b) ...

... himself. NIRODBARAN: A has just written that five days back he was taking a bath in the afternoon and, when he had nearly finished, feeling cool and comfortable, he started singing a bhajan of Mirabai. Towards the end the word Mira occurred and he played on it, repeating it over and over again. He says his mind suddenly became very indrawn and he felt a descent of peace. He writes that he had to ...


... beginning, for having taken the plunge one has to learn to live in the Divine. 20 This sort of definitive call can come with irresistible force, even as it came to the Gopis, to Sri Chaitanya, or to Mirabai. There can indeed be no mistaking the authenticity of the call. First comes the awakening of the consciousness by a touch of the psychic being from behind. This is like the taste of a drop from the ...


... the Page 426 Supreme, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, becomes, under the direct influence of the psychic, a flaming, absorbing passion, a passion like that of a Chaitanya or a Mirabai, which devours all egoistic ties and attachments. "This approach through adoration can get its- full power and impetus only when the mind goes beyond impersonality to the awareness of a supreme Personal ...

... equality and selflessness which nothing else in life can inspire and induce to an equal extent No materialist creed can ever hope to make out of common clay a St. Paul or a St. Francis, a Tulsidas, a Mirabai, or a Suso. The power that produces this miracle is no illusion or fiction; rather it is a pitiable self-delusion in modern man, enclosed in the dim cell of his reason, to deny the eternal Fount above ...


... them in genius, yet left behind a great mass of this kind of poetry always beautiful in form and often deep and moving in substance. Another type is created in the perfect lyrics of the Rajput queen Mirabai, in which the images of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression preferred ...


... poetry and romance, the Dhammapada and the Jatakas, the Panchatantra, Tulsidas, Vidyapati and Chandidas and Ramprasad, Ramdas and Tukaram, Tiruvalluvar and Kamban and the songs of Nanak and Kabir and Mirabai and the southern Shaiva saints and the Alwars,—to name only the best-known writers and most characteristic productions, though there is a very large body of other work in the different tongues of both ...


... appears to be called for. But oh how watery gets the inner life, the spiritual aspiration, the mystical state, if a compromise is accepted! Can we ever have a lascivious Christ or a lustful Buddha? Can Mirabai sleep with mortals or any earthly kiss echo on the lips of Teresa the name of the Lord? One cannot have the Spirit's height side by side with a mounting fever of the libido. One cannot have the Go ...


... the essence of sensuous rapture. Where in the whole literature of love is there a description more electric with concrete personal sensation than those of the mystical ecstasies of St. Teresa and Mirabai? Where in Nature-poetry is a stronger sense of substantial being invading all our powers of perception and meeting us everywhere and infinitely and in a million forms than in the spiritual intensities ...


... she in turn would be of great help to Dadaji in his own sadhana— a prophecy that was fulfilled beyond all expectations. Indira Devi developed supernormal consciousness. She had visions of Sant Mirabai and dictated songs heard in her samadhi. Gurudev Sri Aurobindo authenticated these spiritual experiences (vide letters of 7 May, 2 June and 11 June 1950). Some of these heard songs were published by ...

... a poetical metre in Sanskrit. Tukaram: famous poet and saint of Maharashtra. He was a senior contemporary of Shivaji I on whom his poems and teaching had a great influence. Mirabai (1498-1547) was the daughter of Raja Ratan Singh, married to Bhoj Raj Rana, ruler of Mewar. She became a mendicant in the name of Lord Krishna and went to Vrind- avan to her Guru. She left her body ...

... occult, mystic, spiritual purpose. 5 February 1932 Page 100 Spiritual Poetry in India But what a change in India. Once religious or spiritual poetry held the first place (Tukaram, Mirabai, Tulsidas, Surdas, the Tamil Alwars and Shaiva poets, and a number of others)—and now spiritual poetry is not poetry, altogether অচল But luckily things are সচল and the movability may bring back an ...


... cathedrals in Mediaeval Europe had no other conception of art. In India all her architecture, her sculpture, her painting have proceeded from this source and were inspired by this ideal. The songs of Mirabai and the music of Thyagaraja, the poetic literature built up by her devotees, saints and Rishis rank among the world's greatest artistic possessions. But does the work of an artist improve if he ...


... cathedrals in Mediaeval Europe had no other conception of art. In India all her architecture, her sculpture, her painting have proceeded from this source and were inspired by this ideal. The songs of Mirabai and the music of Thyagaraja, the poetic Page 101 literature built up by her devotees, saints and Rishis rank among the world's greatest artistic possessions. But does the ...


... story that he used to go out of the roof of his room—yes, physically—and move about in all kinds of places. It is even written down in a book. He told me about it himself. Some books say that Mirabai disappeared physically into Page 375 the idol of Krishna and was never seen again. Don't other books tell other stories? It is also reported that you never write with a pen. The ...


... conduct by means of will-power and fellow-feeling. The moral life in itself can be a fine thing, but it cannot be compared in greatness to the mystical life - the life of a Krishna, a Chaitanya, a Mirabai, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda. Nor can we deny that it is the mystical life, the Yogic spirituality, that is the aim and ideal of the Upanishads and the Gita, the vibrant luminous essence of India's ...

... But we're intent upon that form And countless Brahmas no more prize Than a tiny plum, that lies Unseen within the palm — O friend of Shyam! Page 198 Mirabai Sister, the Lord of the Poor Came to wed me in a dream. Fifty-six crores of deities formed the bridal procession. And the bridegroom was the Lord of Braj. In my ...


... only on war and action. Can Tagore say that he is a greater poet than Homer? Sappho wrote only on love: is she not a great poet? Milton also has no variety and yet he is one of the greatest poets. Mirabai has no variety either and she is still great. PURANI: What about the Upanishads themselves? They have only one strain. SRI AUROBINDO: Shakespeare too has his limitations. PURANI: All these ...


... only on war and action. Can Tagore say that he is a greater poet than Homer? Sappho wrote only on love: is she not a great poet? Milton also has no variety and yet he is one of the greatest poets. Mirabai has no variety either and she is still great… Shakespeare too has his limitations… But why should a great poet write on everything—even on matters in which he is not interested? People who are leading ...

... phenomena are the same in ages and countries far apart from each other and even though systems were practised quite independently from each other. The experiences of Saint Teresa, those of Andal or of Mirabai are precisely the same in substance, however, differing in names, forms, or cultural colouring. It is a fact that they were not corresponding with one another or aware of each other's experiences and ...

... since Krishna hides Himself and does not uncover Himself until you uncover yourself totally before Him!' Mira blushed. She looked marvellously beautiful. Then she said : "I now understand why Mirabai had declared that she was wedded to Sri Krishna. Will you believe if I tell you that I have discovered that I am born to become a bride of Sri Krishna? But this is a secret between you and me. Don't ...

... firmness of the divine Force, and she has been labouring since, in serene silence and endless patience, for the spiritual freedom and perfection of mankind. Among the historical mystics of India Mirabai stands apart as an exceptional example of the most passionate, the most consuming love for the Divine. With a matchless lyrical intensity she gave all herself to her beloved Master and turned her ...


... has written on war and action. Can one say that those who write on many subjects are greater than r? Sappho wrote only on one subject : therefore can we say she is not great? What about Milton and Mirabai? Disciple : What Tagore wants to say is that to be a perfect poet one must have variety. Sri Aurobindo : In that case we have to conclude that no poet is perfect. Even Shakespeare has ...

... Dilip Kumar Roy's Correspondence Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother 27 April 1939 Dilip The translation of Mirabai's song is good. The "with" is possible but perhaps "for" would be better. Blessings are given for the two objects for which you ask them. "It is strange" will do very well for the title. You can, of course, come tomorrow after ...

... us the living and continuing reality of Sri Krishna's consciousness. The poems of Surdas have been taken from J.S. Hawley's translations, of Nan-dadas from the translations by R.S. McGregor, and Mirabai's songs from A.J. Alston. The rest of the poems are translations by Page 18 Sri Aurobindo, the magic of which will undoubtedly be felt by the hearts and souls of sensitive readers. ...

... April 2, 1939 The Rs. 10 are quite welcomed... Glad that your work is going on nicely. Our love and blessings are with you. * April 27, 1939 The translation of Mirabai’s song is good. The “with” is possible but perhaps “for” would be better. Blessings are given for the two objects for which you ask them. “It is strange” will do very well for the ...

... Without a regular, canalised flow of the divine Love, the "fire-passion of Grace", life cannot become a perennial torrent of Light, and man a manifesting medium of the unveiled Eternal. ¹ Cf. Mirabai's first experience of the overwhelming invasion of" Love. Page 331 "Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity: it finds its supreme expression in the bliss of union. Between ...

... or imagination or to his deliberately limiting himself to certain experiences or emotions that are dear to him. To readers who feel these things it does not appear monotonous. Those who listen to Mirabai's songs, don't get tired of them, nor do I get tired of reading the Upanishads. The Greeks did not tire of reading Anacreon's poems though he always wrote of wine and beautiful boys (an example of sameness ...

... or imagination or to his deliberately limiting himself to certain experiences or emotions that are clear to him. To readers who feel these things it does not appear monotonous. Those who listen to Mirabai's songs, don't get tired of them, nor do I get tired of reading the Upanishads. The Greeks did not tire of reading Anacreon's poems though he always wrote of wine and beautiful boys (one example of ...